
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is officially out int theatres. I dont know about you, but I went opening day and dressed up. If you hvaen't seen it alreayd you absolutely have to! It is better then the first and has better special effects. Dan, Rupert, and Emm are absolutely superb in the movie and it is deffinately funnier then the first. Go and see it today1 HPCOS is at a theatre near you.

Daniel Radcliffe was on Oparh yesterday (the 29th). This one girl asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said no! yea! Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were there also and had some interesting things to say. If I can find it, I will get a script of what they all said and put it on here or another page!

Dan is said to be on TRL again on Oct. 22nd! Hope I can catch it! (If anyone can find the tiems that it aires please email them to me because I couldn't find that out!).

Be a red carpet VIP! If you are an AOL member you can enter to be a red carpet VIP and meet the stars of HP at teh premiere! Of course, I have entered and I hope the rest fo yuo AOL members have! Just sned in a vidoetape (find rules at keyword Harry Potter then find Be a Red Carpet VIP). Hope you enter!

The New trailor for the COS is now out! You can see it at! Its in the Daily Prophet section and has even more cute shots of Dan! I have watched it 5 times already!

I have heard reporst that confirm that Dan has NOT grown 6 inches. He was 5'3 for the first movie and is now 5'6 or 5'7. That would make it only 3 or 4 inches. And, if they re-cast for the future movies, all those boys would be growing at the same rate at him. So...they shoudl just keep Dan.

The trailor for COS first aired on TV on September 12 right before the premiere of Family Affair. Sadly, I didn't see it, but I don't know if you guys did.

Chris Columbus will be giving his job as director of the Harry POtter movies to Alfonso Cuarón. This won't affect the movies the movies at all. Atleast I hope.......

Harry Potter is now turning into Wax! Lol. Actually, Dan will become a wax figure (of course the wax firgure will be called "Harry" and its not meant to be Dan) and will be put into a wax mesuem. Now, about Emma Watson and Rupert Grint? I have no idea.

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