Poems About Dan

Hey girls! I need you to send in any poems you have written about Dan! Send them into the email at the bottom of the screen! Thanx!

Blue eyes, brown hair, Hes so cute, we all sigh, 'I wish he was mine Hes truly divine the boy who plays Harry Potter.' He acts , he plays, he watches. hes nice, hes sweet. Hes Daniel radcliffe.

I wrote this one. I know its not that great, but it was the frist one I wrote.

Here is another one that I wrote for Dan. It came to me while I was thinking about Dan. Ahh....o sry! Anyway, heres the poem:

Love is the soul for everything. Without Love, Life would be pointless. Kindess is the strength in everything. Without Kindness, Life would be pointless. Dan R. is the guy in my heart. Without Dan, my life would be pointless.

CampyGirl's Poem: One minute I'm laughing, The next I cry It's all because of this guy You know I think he's cute You know I am obsessed But you'll never know What it's like for your soul mate to be a continent away I wish I could meet him Just an impossible wish for me I will love him always That is the truth We are soul mates And it's meant to be

Kims Poem:Harry Potter Theres a young boy named Harry, Who has a secret unknown. A secret that might be scary, To those who do not know. To those that do know that wizards are not all dark, But there are some wizards, Like Harry, Who only have that mark. A lightning bolt is its shape, And on his forhead is where its placed. For he got that mark when Voldemort's curse was misplaced. The scar haunts him now, Of his parents death. And chills him to the bone to learn that Voldemort took their breath. Now Harry learns his magic, Within the walls of Hogwarts. His bravery and loyalty, Definently sets him apart.

Meg:why i luv dan dan is cute dan is caring and he seems so sweet i think hes hot who would not i hope sumday we meet

Liqiya: If your looking for someone who's really cute, Daniel Radcliffe's got your loot! He's got all the looks from A to Z, and looks nothing like a bumble bee! He plays a dude named Harry Potter, and day by day, hes getting hotter and hotter...and hotter...

Sanniz_84: They said...that an angel was send to earth but the angel was no where to be found.. I saw you sitting by the lake.... you sat there so peacefull and still... You turned around and smiled You glowed with such a warmness and happiness... The heart of mine beated You walked to me, a warm, wonderful feeling, went through my body You took my hand...Without a word...... Your eyes magical blue, your hair shiny brown, your skin so soft, I wanted to go up in the sky. I held an angel in my hand, Because who said that angels had wings

Email: DARhpGurl@aol.com