You KNow Your Obbessed When.......

Hye! JUst one thing before I start with the list........see this pic above? This is my ultime favorite picture of Dan. I think he looks so cute and hot. Ahh.....NOw for the list......

You KNow Your Obbessed When.......

1. You have a ton of pictures of him everywhere (desktop, room,binders for school, ect.)

2. You think about him constantly

3. You think about what it would be like to date him

4. You think about what it would be like to kiss him.........(I know you do!)

5. You wish you could move to London just so you could possibly get a chance to see his face

6. You would go to drastic measures just to make sure everyone you know knows that you love him

7. You would go to drastic measure to let him know you love him

8. You dream about him coming to meet you and then wnating to go out with you and only you and then you fall in love and are together until teh day you both die.......(sorry got a litle carried away)

9. You say he is yours and no one else can like him even the tiniest bit

10.You have a website about him and devoted to him (hee hee. had to put it...)

11. You write poems about him

12. You wirte fan fictions about him (check out my dan fan fiction: not yet completeed)

And thats all I have so far. You can email me what you think should be next on this list! See yas Dan fans!
