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Welcome to my Kinky Fiction

It will take a while for me to get all of my writings transferred to a computer, and then to html format. In the meantime, I'd love to hear from anyone who stumbles across my site and likes what they read. The site is still very much under construction, so please bear with me. Comments are appreciated, flames will probably be ignored.

Sherlock Holmes

Basil Rathbone has always personified Holmes for me. Sardonic, emotionally distant and yet strangely vulnerable. Lots of potential yummies in Rathbone's work. Who can forget the sight of him lying on that table, being slowly and deliberately drained of blood at the hands of his arch-enemy, Moriarty? He's been bound, gagged and rendered unconscious, locked in a trunk, drugged, almost hynotized and hunted by a great dog with flaming eyes and mouth. Ooooh, it makes my toes curl...

One of the greatest hurdles I have found to writing Holmesian erotica is that the possibilities for pairings are limited, unless you want M&Ms, or you are prepared to invent your own heroine. Now, I have nothing against M&Ms but they just don't ring my bells the way I like 'em rung.

There is, of course, Irene Adler, and there is some positively wicked Holmes/Adler(Norton?) out there, but she just won't do for what I'm after. She's a nineteenth century woman and I'm a 20th century grrl; being in her head just doesn't satisfy me and I consider it cheating to make her into something she's not.

My first posted vignette is an X-treme hurt/comfort, which I call, simply, Escape from Hell. If anyone can come up with a cleverer name I'm open to it. Titles are not my forte.

It is an absolutely shameless bit of self indulgence involving my own particular variation on the Woman In Black, as I have dubbed a particular type of female often appearing in Holmesian fanfic. She is often a thief, usually lives outside of conventional Society, doesn't consider herself subject to its rules, is always physically formidable and anachronistic in her mannerisms.

It sets my teeth on edge when a writer invents a WIB without a believable explanation as to how such a woman could come to be found in Victorian England, and why Holmes, who, though he may break the rules in a good cause, would never approve of, nor accept, one who chooses to break them for her own profit. Certainly not for mere convenience's sake, or because he has developed some sort of instant romantic interest in her. Gahh.

Still, when done all is said and done, for real enjoyment of my particular fantasy, what is necessary is a POV character who is both modern enough in her attitude to enjoy a bit of kink without guilt, and competent enough that she is completely in control of the situation.

Perhaps someday I'll take the time to write in a few chapters of buildup history, but for now I will just post up the "good stuff". If you like what you read, but you want more, please send me feedback.

WARNING: the writing is somewhat explicit, with implied past violence (torture, imprisonment), drugs and a pinch of bondage.

Without further ado, I give you Escape from Hell, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3


One day as I was surfing for Holmesian fanfic, I happened to stumble across a site that led me to an x-files slash site created by Xanthe. I started reading and was immediately seduced over to the Dark Side by her excellent writing, mwahaha.

Especially when it has Krycek in it. I'm a sucker for a redeemable villain. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite fairy tale. Alex Krycek, everybody's favorite rat-bastard, is a perfect subject for h/c, and he works equally well on both sides. In all possible senses of the word :)

I have one finished piece so far, called Waiting For the Rain, which is a story inspired by Xanthe's Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot. I think this was the story that first made me realize how sexy a villain Krycek was. I loved the story, but the ending was just too unsatisfying, so I sat up all night on the bathroom floor with a Caffeine-free Dr. Pepper and lots of chocolate, and wrote my own idea of what happened afterward.

I currently have two pieces in beta; a K/M piece with a very strong h/c element, and a K/Sk piece, also with strong h/c. Can you guess what my favorite kink is?

I've also started compiling a list of all my favorite fics (with links, of course), and sites with fanfic, as well as a couple of other cool x-files sites. The list grew to be so large that I've had to move it here. I am still in the process of actively building the page, so expect it to grow over time, and if anyone knows of a great link that I don't have, please let me know about it.


    I was not really into the BDSM scene or M&Ms before I came across this site, but this grrl is such an incredibly talented writer that I cannot recommend her site highly enough, especially if you are into BDSM or X-files. Slash and h/c warning. Yum!
Yahoo Groups
    My very favorite place on the web! The Yahoo groups are unbelievable. I entered "x-files fanfic" into the search window and came up with over 4,000 groups. My God! I was practically salivating. They have groups for eveything! Whatever you love, you can probably find a group to worship it in. For heavens sake, if you've never been here before give it a try!
    Can't say as I've been terribly impressed with the quality of the fanfic I've found here, but I get the impression that the writers aren't taking it particularly seriously.

I love to hear feedback, or any discussion about my favorite things. If you're a hurt/comfort fan, even if not specifically x-files, drop me a line. I'm always ready to expand my horizons for h/c. Write me at