Emma's Acting Reviews

Do you think Emma is a great actress or a horrible one? Here are people's opinions about Emma's acting. submit your opinion/comments:

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"Emma Watson's Hermione is a little more stuck up than I had thought, but it fit, so I didn't pay it too much mind." by Jon Bjorling

"Harry Potter, for example, has not been ableto become Emma Watson's boyfriend eventhough she was the only girl that he has beenhanging around with for the last four yearsbesides Hermione. He apparently does not likethe way she acts. She seems to be too dumb for him." from sebisworld.com

"Emma Watson's hair has . . . matured. I'm not saying I don't like it; the style is just very different and more hair salonish than anything else. It's not exactly natural looking, that's all" from Gypsy's Angry Nitpicks

"Emma Watson's Hermione has mellowed a little from Catholicvoice.com"

"Hermione (Emma Watson) provide able support, though Watson's performance tends to get a little mannered — rather too many acting lessons, I suspect. " from TheMediadrome.com

"When I first saw her in that picture of Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint and herself when they were first cast,I saw a cute,pretty,innocent girl who I assumed,could act. Now I see everything but those things. " from ginny

"No particular feeling towards Emma, don’t care, don’t care, BAM! Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! Dan, great, improved a lot, Rupert, god that kid is great, Tom, perfect, Jason Isaacs, wonderful… Emma… one of the most critically acclaimed (and by critically I mean judged by 12 year old boys in puberty) scenes is the one directly after Tom Felton’s character Draco calls Hermione a “filthy little mudblood”. Ok so big crying scene, the start of our tolerance theme. Yes she had tears, but anyone can put drops in their eye. In fact the performance that was behind the tears was dry and unemotional. There wasn’t a shred of sorrow, anguish, hurt, rage… nothing. Now I’m an advanced theatre student at this stage, so maybe I make some people confused by talking about method acting, but anyway, maybe someone should have punched Emma in the face and told her the truth, then she may have had some emotion to draw on because that scene was dead!" from lilangel

"But as for her acting, she sucks!!!" from Anonymous

"she doesn´t know how to act she looks soooo idiotic in the film, she opens her mouth and speaks and moves like if she was somebody important" from Anonymous

"There were so many other girls who could actually act and who were a lot nicer who could've played Hermione, but instead they hired Emma. BIG mistake. She can't act for @#%$!, from Anonymous

"I didn't like Emma because she can't act. Why she got the part as Hermione is beyond me but I think it involved crack and some heavy persuasion. I don't like Hermione because her character is way too annoying for my taste " from Anonymous

"OK, on to her acting. Yes, she is not the best actress in the world." from Gretchen

"she acted better in the first movie than she did in the second movie" from tama

"she just doesn't have the feel for acting, its not nearly as good as some other girl actors "from cordelia

"can't act to save a potato," from kelly

"she can so not act, at all! She has no clue what she's doing and the only reason she's "1 take watson" is because the camera peeps don't wanna see anymore of her and know thats the best they're gonna get." from Erika

"The meatloaf I ate could act better! " from Kailey

"Can she act? My goldfish can act better than that! " from Kailey

" I think she can act for a kid " from delilah

"O well. She Cant act. Puts me to sleep" from Anonymous


"She is an ok actress but like I said, I think I would have done a better job and I wouldn't have let fame go to my head (which I think Emma did) " from Brooke

"she could use more of her time on acting classes than snobbing herself infront of the world.... " from Hazel Santiago

"She sucks at acting!!! I mean I could play hermione soooooooooo much better! It aint even funny! and I am not british!!!! So there." from dansgirl

"she can't act worth @#%$!, and I mean worth @#%$! it's quite sad " from Sondra

"Why she can't act: She is still a little kid. I mean, she thinks she is all 'kewl' because she was in a huge hit movie. Well let me tell you! She is not a good actress in my book! She can't act her way out of a paper bag! Much less in!" from lynn

"She cannot act for the life of her" from Hermione

"She's a terrible, horrific actress. Need I say more? " from Lioness

"I think Emma was ok but she speaks like a typical child actor, they always stress pronouns which gets very annoying (I'M going home, are YOU??)and there were far too many dramatic pauses (The harp.....................it's stopped playing!). I know that the director probably wanted it that way but it just didn't sound very good. The film was not nearly as good as I thought it would be and I only watched it because my best friend adores Hp and forced me to watch it with her!!!I think many actresses could do just as good a job if not better. " from glitterstar

"I didn't like Emma Watson's acting at all. I thought she was terrible. She needs to brush up on her acting skills." from Anonymous

"I think all of us could do a much better job" from dream maker

"Emma Watson. Definitely cannot act." from k mrytle m

"I thought Emma couldn't act to save her life "from lila

"I personally think Emma Watson is an okay actress but needs to work on her "look at me!" personality from Sandy

"she ruined the movie with her overacting" from I hate emma wartson

"i don't care what anyone says, she's a stupid, snobby b!otch who can't act from Emma hater"

"Her acting is okay but she does tend to be a bit snobby sometimes. " from Marielle

"o.k. like some people said,she kinda is a good actress but in the first movie she sucked a#s, i was so disapointed,in the second movie she did aight" from Mg

"Emma cannot act. Honestly. Back in the first movie, the reason she got nice reviews was because movie critics looked at her and said "oh, a cute little ten-year-old, not bad for a first-timer in the movie industry". And you know how movie critics exaggerate everything. If it's slightly good, it's excellent, if it's a little bad, it's awful. Not at all surprising that Emma Watson got pretty reviews after the first HP movie. You'll notice, however, that she got very few compliments from the critics, and even less recognition, after the second." from Amanda

"SHE CANT ACT!" from antiemma

"I completely agree with all those Emma haters she can't f@#$%$#@ sh&t she's an all time snobby stuck-up asian-wannabe prep who can't act to save America." From Cynergy (The Princess of Hogwarts)

"Emma's acting is completely sh&ty she can't act for sh&t, I don't agree with her that she improved in acting she completely sux in my opinion. " From Princess Serenity
PS I'm not an innocent princess (don't let the name fool you)

"she can't act for scones! ha ha ha ha ha!" from emma must die

"I dont think emma deserves the role of hermione. she cant act and has no respect for anyone. The casting office should lay off the crack and drugs and should have really thought about it when they were paid to choose emma they all must suck!" from raye

Well,okay...enough with the complimments,Izzy and S.W...When I go to england,I promise I'll find a way to get Emma out of the screen and replace her,if it makes you two happy...But,anyways...I can't think of anyone to play Hermione,but EW DOES SUCK! KILL HER!!!!!! from Aggie

Okay,time to tell you guys the truth...Hermione is one of my favourite characters ever,I have much of her inside of me,but honestly,Emma Watson?They must've been too tired when they casted her! come on! WHY would they pick her?I mean...coem on...only if I was british...I've played Juliet,it's not something too hard to understand when the director says: "With Feelings",or when you know you have to pretend you're crying or something and you know HOW to do it,too.Emma Watson cannot act,and that's the truth.the only thing she's got brains to do is shopping,stuffing ,polishing her nails (with awful colors) and supposedly trying to look as a Drag Queen with that odd make up on her face.emma fans,get a grip of yourself! from Aggie

Emma Watson can't act for diddly-squat, much less for oodles and oodles of money from Nerina

"Emma is a great person, and you shouldn't judge her if you don't know her. I do, I went to school with her. Her acting isn't the best, but her personality is." from I love Emma

"Emma cant act for jack sh*t. I still can amuse myself wondering how she got the part of hermione. I sometimes throwup due to the fact in HP message boards some twisted sicko is perverted enough to say that thing is pretty and that they want her kids. Sick and perverted." from Raye666

"Yes, I agree Raye, those people are perverted" from Hpan1f

"Emma is so unproffesional. She doesn't deserve to be an actress! She must do whatever the script calls for her to do. She must hug, kiss or whatever daniel if the script tells her to do it, for Pete's sake! You know, when I first heard of emma, I thought she was gonna be sweet and innocent like any child actress should be. In fact, I liked her soo much in the first movie, I wrote an essay about emma entitled, " My Favorite Actress". One year after, my friend opened up my eyes to the truth. She showed me pictures and boy, I thought, emma is a stinkin' cheater. Many people idolize her, they think she's perfect: sweet, innocent, smart, beautiful, sophisticated, a proffesional actress. Gosh! My my emma, you should really change your ways. Hi to nerina!" from Idania

"Infinitely exciting and infinitely scary. Harry's hugging Hermione AGAIN!!! The he^l? But this is more protective "Whomping Willow's gonna whomp us!" hugging. Still, this sort of thing really doesn't happen in the books until book 5...more a stick your arm out and hope she doesn't run for it approach. She's wearing low-riding jeans and a rainbow belt. Would Hermione wear that? The set looks amazing. Hermione looks too fashionable. Too Emma Watson. " from Greenqueen

"Oh--one other comment. Is anyone else annoyed by the way Hermione has been portrayed in the movies? I'm thinking specifically of the movie scene where she wept over Malfoy's "mudblood" comment (IIRC, in the book she was very matter of fact about it, and would never dream of letting Malfoy's comments hurt her--she did cry over Ron's comment in TSS, but that's because she liked Ron, whereas she doesn't give a hoot about the opinion of a jerk like Malfoy), but there are others....she's so much more the stereotypical weak female in the movies, whereas in the book she's a pretty tough cookie." from jen

"Hm...I never thought Hermione would wear low-rise jeans and a rainbow belt ... o_O" applesauce

"emma watson has her usual acting face on almost a frown almost a smile" from Anonymous

"An interesting pic, though I too am of the opinion that Hermione is turning a little too acutely into Emma Watson..."
-Lord Fishcake

"The movie Hermione is so different from the book Hermione that it's frustrating. The book Hermione would never, ever wear something remotely similar to what Emma Watson is wearing." from maryanne

"Agreed, Maryanne. The trio aren't... well, they aren't supposed to be cool. They look hip and trendy in that shot. Meh.

And WHAT is with Hermione's hair?!? For crying out loud, that's not bushy. That's *limp*. And trust me when I say (as a curlytop) that bushy hair is not what's on Emma's head. Certainly not the British definition of bushy, anyway." from titsy totsy

"Yeah, I agree - she's too 'girly'. Hermione, I'm sorry, does not wear 'cool clothes'. This is HERMIONE!! This is the girl who liked the book more than the perfume!! Nuts. I kind of agree that she looks more like "Emma Watson" that Hermione Granger. Which is sad - because I thought she was spot on in PS. " from titsy totsy

"She can act but not very well, yes she is young and hasn't had enough experience but if that was the best of the bunch, how bad were all the other girls? Maybe she has grown up with a lot of money around her and thinks that she'll be set for life and she doesn't need a lot of talent because she can buy her way in. But I'm not one for stereo types, that was just a theory. But I think though, this I am certain of, that the casting directors made a mistake, they needed to have chosen someone with better acting skills, and the look of Hermione. She needs to be a bit rougher round the edges and have buck teeth, not all brains and perfection. Yes - she needs the brains but because it's a salvation that she finds in books and learning so she is so clever, not that she wants to be the best and most cleverest person ever. " from What people call me

"She's snobby, is acting older then she is, has a spastic throat and is giving Hermione the bad reputation of beeing a frilly trutty @#%$!... " from Lanka

"I think emma is amazing. She plays the part of Hermione so well. I think she is beautiful..... " from Melanie

"She is an amazing actress. It must suck to make an anti site and have most guests pro emma." from Emma Fan

"I think emma is a great actress, and seems to get along with her costars." from Sam

"all she does is priss about and act like she's so pretty! She complained once about food at the studio, heck, she's lucky she gets hired with that kind of attitude!" from H5 Cartoonist Fame

her life depended on it. Give me reason why? "Well, first thing, she's just a BAD actress. Did I say BAD?? And she really is full of herself- she mentioned in an interview that she would like to play an American high-school girl after she's finished with HP. Is she so full of herself to realise that there are enough people in the U.S. to play that part? I predict that she'll finish the Harry Potter films and then find herself out of work." from Cece

"Well in that case, if that happened we would have to close the site down" from Hpan1f

"i think she could act fine if she would just get her head out of her arse " from Lisa Haley

"Ok, I am an Emma fan but looking at these anti emma sites have really made me think.She has rich parents, she does seem kinda rude, so maybe shes not all peachy keen like I thought. Shes a great actress, but she makes hermione to pretty.Im really starting to think that shes just another stuck up rich girl. " from Jewelz

"i'm not some drooling fan who admirs Emma but i don't hate her either.me i think the backlash thing is a really great idea.but you should make your comments more sarcastic and funny i know you don't care for my opinion on how you do things but i find i really don't care what people think or care....hmm back to Emma I think shes a perfect hermione and a great actress I my self would like her better if she was or is snobby rude and arrogant.yes i probably realize i'm about the only person that would say that but i like arrogant snobbish people being one my self and i doubt Emma would change her personality just because there are some people like you who don't like her and yes i know your just saying your opinion i accept that as i believe everyone ahould have an opinion.but i know thats one of the things you get for being famous having to listen to people complain about you.no i don't think your jealous of her because you seem to point out some of her good points to and not just her bad ones.be as truthful and sarcastic in answering this letter as you can.because it does amuse me when you answer letters. " from Elizabeth

"Emma is stuck up, acts and dresses way to old for her age, stuffs, and she's a terrible actress!" from MAri

"I think she is a horrible actress, and she is TOTALLY stuck up...your site ROCKS!" from Tory

"first i have to say does it have to be long?the review i'm talking about. well anyways here's the plain point: I THINK EMMA'S ACTING IS HORRIBLY HORRIBLE AND SHE'S HORRIBLE" from Anna

"Nope it doesn't have to be long or short" from Hpan1f

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