Chapter Three

The days apssed slowly by. Even more slowly then they did when I was waiting for them to announce that they had picked me! Thankfully, I didn't fail anymore test and I stayed a lot more focused. At lunch on the 13th I sat down right next to my best friend Avril. "Hey Emma. Whats up?" Avril said as I put my lunch tray down. "You know whats up! My god, I can't wiat til tomorrow!!!" I said. "I cannot believe you won." She replied. "Hey, have a little confidence in me." We both laughed. "So what are you going to say to him?" She asked. "O, just like some normal stuff and then once we get really tlkaing I will think up some other stuff. Maybe, more personal, ya know?" "Oo La La. I wish I was you." "So does the other 2000 girls that entered that contests. Well, I geuss some boys too." "I think a girl should've won.If it hadn't been you i mean." We talked about what I would do and say the rest of the time. It was a very interesting conversation. *** The next day, I got to skip school. I woke up at 7:00 (I usually have to get up at 5:30 so I got to have a bit of a lie in) and took a shower, did my hair and makeup, and then went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Now, I am not going to be with you today so I wnat you to be careful and don't loose your guide..." "Mom, I know. You tell me this every time I go somewhere without you." I replied to her. She was always bugging me aboutt his kind of stuff. Like I was going to run away in NYC and then live on my own. "I just want to make sure my baby is ok.." "MOM!" The doorbell rang. It was 10:00 A.M. and they were here! I was going to love this day! I ran to the door. Before I opened it I ran my fingers through my hair (I had waved it a little) and then opened the door. Imdiately someone took my picture and it kind of freaked me out. "Er..hello." I said. "Hi. I am Peter Grews from Warner Brothers. I am going to escort you today." "OK. Thanx." I said back. He was dressed in a nice black suit and tie. I was in a denim skirt with a red and gold pheasant top with sleeves that hung down right below my knees when Ihad my arms striaght (don't worry. If you can't picture this, just make up your own little outfit. but, it did look good). "If you would just follow me into the limo. I brought some things for you to do in teh car since it is a three hour drive. I also have the Harry Potter movie if you would like to watch it on teh way there." He said as he 'escorted' me to the limo. "Yes please!" I siad as I climbed in the car. It-was-huge! I was leather interier with a little gold trimming on the dpoor handles and around the door and some other places. It had a litle fridge, a tv, and a coudple cup holders (already holding my favorite drink, Coca Cola). "You can just plop the DVD into the player if you want," Peter Grews said to me form teh front seat."And I'll just roll up the screen here to give you privacy." "Thanks Mr. Grews,"I replied. "Oh please, call me Peter." "Ok, Peter." I smiled and he rolled the screen up. I did as he said and plopped in the DVD. It turned out to be a specail addition DVD just fro me to tkae home! what made it so special was that Dan introduced the movie and had something special he had to say just to me. Before the movie started he said, "Hey Emma. You are about to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I hope you enjoy it this time as much as the other times you have seen it. I hope you like going to see the premiere with me and I also hope you have a great time all day as well. Well, I will see later!" How sweet! As Prof. Dumbledore started to take out his Puter-Outer I thought about what this day was going to be like. Amazing, exciting, nervous, hands trembling, talking to Dan......this was oign to be the best day of my life!