Chapter One

It was a nice fall day in Massachusetts. The leaves colors were just changing to red and yellow and it was just geting chilly. I was, like always, surfing the internet. Everytime I go online I always do HP* stuff or Daniel Radcliffe stuff. I am literally obbessed. My parents and friends always nag me about talking about Dan and HP all the time. But, unfortuneately, all this does is provoke me. Anyway, LIke I said I was surfing the net and decided to go onto keyword Harry Potter (I have AOL 8.0). In big bright letters on the screen it said: "NEW CONTEST! MEET THE STAR OF HARRY POTTER!" By entering this contest you will get a chance to go to the premiere of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects. Also, you will meet teh boy playing Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, and get to site near him during the premiere of the movie. The rules are as following: 1.Get out your video recorder and put on a snazzy outfit! Not too dressy but something nicer then usual. 2. Put on your best english accent (if you are talking) 3. Make up something that you think would impress Dan. Make a short speech about him or something of the sort. 4. Put the tape into a enevelope and send it to the address below. Hope to see you there! (The winner will be announced on the 3rd of November and you should have tapes sent in by the 25th of Oct. Dan will personally be picking the winner). I was wicked excited adn could hardly breathe. I had to think up something...and fast. It was already the 20th. 'C'mon..think...think....think..' I thought to myself. came to me. I was good at singing. And my mom worked in a recording studio. I was going to make up a song about Dan, record, put it to some wicked music, then make a dance to it. I was sure to win. That night I got out a notebook and started writing. I only stoppped when I was finally done and satisfied with my work. The song turned out like this: (verse 1) This is me, this is how I feel. My only wish, is to make my dream real. I sit and stare at the stars thinking about him And how he loves Mars Bars. I have to let him know the feelings that I have and now I must say so... (chorus) hes too good, too good for me. but, please, just let me if it will work out between him and me. hes a big star, I'm just little 'ol me. but, how can these feelings not be true? When I knwo I love you? (Verse 2) I wonder if, he feels the smae way too? and once we've met he'll say I love you? This might be emmbarrassing, but I have to let it all out. If I didn't, I'm afriad I just migth shout shout from the rooftops to the whole wide world, how Dan, I wnat to be your girl. (chorus again) And Dan, I wnat to be your girl I wnat to be... yor girl....... I re-read it again and thought it was perfect. I was bound to win. *** The next morning I woke up around 11:00 to find my mom eating her breakfast in teh kitchen. "Hey Mom, do you have anyone recording anything in the studio today?" "No. Unfortunately for us." "Oh. Well, I was wondering if I could maybe record a little something for a contest I am entering." "What contest?" "Its a contest to meet Daniel Radcliffe and you know how much I absolutely LOVE him! Please mom....." "It cost a lot of money though. I don't know..." "Oh please...I will only have one song and only one copy." "Oh. Alright. But, you dont get any allowance for 5 months." "Fine. Meeting Dan will be worth it." So at 12:30 my mom and i left fro the studio. It took about an hour to record and get a tune to go with it and then we had to edit some parts so my voice flowed. In the end though it turned out awesome. My mom also helped me make a dance for it. Actually, one of the cheographers for some famous person happened to be there so she helped us too. It was awesome. Now, all I needed was a spot to record it. Luckily, that spot was right under my nose. We walked outside and I saw a big sign outside of a theater for Harry Potter. "Mom! Its perfect! Right here!" "Maybe we shoudl make it somewhere nicer.." "No mom this is perfect!" "Fine.Fine." I got changed into my staright jean pants, they were baggy though, and my nice pheashnat top in the back of my car. I picked this outfit because my friend had told me once that I looked 'marvelous darling marvelous' in it. "OK I'm ready." I started to dance and my mom was playing the music just to were I could hear it (we would put int he actaul song later). People were looking at me wierdly but I don't care. I might be meeting Dan!!! When we were done I felt really good about it. I mena, I really thougth I could make it. I immediately put it in an envelope adn sent it to NYC. I coudnt wait til the 3rd!!!!