Chapter Two

The next few days were like complete torture. I would sit in class at school and daydream about Dan all day. I failed 3 tests because my mind was so zoned out. I couldn't believe that I would probably win. Actually, by now I had been worrying. t first I had been so confident that I would win I hadn't doubted anything. Now, I think that there are probably a lot of other people out there who could've done something else. And also, would Dan think I was too obbesseive?????? I was worried and daydreaming and failing test. My life was perfect! The morning of the third I went online and saw a newsflash on Keyword Harry Potter. It said that a tape of Dan would put online for viewers to see. Dan would say who won and why he picked them. It would be first aired at 1:30. 'I'm at school then though!' I thought silently to myslef.'O well. I will just have to wiat.' That day was probably the slowest day of my life. Ity seemed like everything was in slwo motion. My hand seemed to go lsowly over papers I was writing on and I seemed to mess up and have to redo evberything. the bells eemed to not be owkring and the clocks stoppped. My mind was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then......the last and final bell rang. I was about to find out my fate. I raced home as fast as I could. I ran into the house and through the kitchen. "Where are you going? Don't I get a hello?" my mom siad to me as I raced through the living room to the stairs. "Uh Hello." I said as I bounded up the stairs. "Kids these days," I heard my dad mumble. I didnt care though. I wnated to meet Dan. I clicked ont eh computer and shouted at for being too slow. Finally I got online. "Keyword...Harry Potter....." I said outloud. And there it was. It was there in brihgt yellow letters. The word Dan picks Winner. I clicked. I wiated for it load and then...... "Hello. I'm Daniel Radcliffe and I'm here announcing the lucky person who gets to meet me. She comes from Boston..." Right here my heart jumped into my throat. But, I had to remember that a lot fo other people form Boston probably entered. "...and has an amazing voice. Her name is Emma Stone. I picked her because of her amazing talent and she seemed like a very fun person. Here is her video that she sent in. And, yes, thats her realy voice." As they proceced to play my video I jumped up and down and screamed.My parents came ruching up the stairs at this. "Whats wrong...?" "Are you hurt?" "I WON! I AM MEETING DANIEL RADCLIFFE!!!!! aHH!" I then started to cry. yes, cry. I coudln't believe it even though I had known this whole time it was probably me. I was pyched and I couldnt stop jumping up and down. *** The next day, after I hnad kinda gotten over it, well atleast the hysterical part, I recieved an envelope in the mail that was form Warner Brothers. It siad that I was going to meet Dan at teh premiere on the 14th and I was going to be tkaen to NYC in a limo! I was going to meet Dan at the hotle he was staying at then I would be taken to a little room wheer I coudl interview him and he and I could just hang out for about an hour. Then, we would be off to the premiere.