Chapter Four

The rest of the drive was not bad at all. It was like sitting on my couch at home watching TV. After I finished hte movie (we still had an hour left) I picked up the fourth Harry Potter book and read. And read. It was my 13th time rading this book, but it still proved to be entertaining. "Here we are Miss Stone. This si where Daniel is staying. We just have to wait inside for a little bit. Hes not ready yet." Peter said. "Ok. Thats fine." I replied. I didn't care as long as I got to meet Dan! As we waited I go tsomething to drink and eat. A Coca Cola to drink and, of course, my fav. candy, a Mars Bar. I ended up wiating about half an hour but I didn't mind. After those long, dreadful 30 minutes, I saw him. As cute as nothing I had ever seen before. As he wlaked down the wide, carpeted stairs he looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Hi. I'm Dan." He said as he wlaked towards me. "HI. Emma." I replied. He shook my hand and then sat down. "How do you like being the winner of this contest?" He asked me almost right away. "Its really cool. Your,like, my favorite actor." I answered. I wonderedhow I sounded to him.... "Cool. You know, I picked you because you have amazing talent. And also, your was by far the most original." "Why thank you." He smiled a big smil ehtat made my heart melt. How could someone not look into those big,blue eyes and not fall in love? "So.....what made you start watching the Harry potter movie?" He asked. "O, the books of course. I have loved them ever since they came out. Whats your favorite book? Mines the third." "Yeah, mines the third too. I hadn't really read the books until I got the part in the movie. Now i love them though." "I bet." We bothed gavea ligth laugh and continues tlkaing. We tlkaed for about an hour about anything and everything. Books, movies, pets, whats next in the HP books, etc. It was great, but luckily this was only one hour out of the whole day. "Dan. Emma. Its about 12o. Do you guys wnat to find some place to eat?" Peter had come over to the table we were sitting at and interupted our interesting conversation on some things girls had done to get his autograph or meet him. "Sure. I'm pretty hungry. What about you?" I asked Dan. "I'm starved." So we hurried off to a little cafe down the street. I ordered a cheeseburger and Dan did too. "OK. Wierd question. What do you normally order at a restuarant?" I asked. I was always like this around my friends and fetl it was ok to be like this towards Dan too. It seemed like we had been friends for awhile already. "Ok. Uh...... I would ahve to say Hamburgers. What about you?" He asked back. "Sphagetti with just butter. Its,like, my fav meal of all times." I said. "O. I've never tried it before." "Its good. trust me." "Ok. I will." This conversation some how ened up turning to bad waiters we have had serve us before, bad cooks, and bad restuarant all together. it was a funny lunch and Dan kept making me laugh. He was the perfect guy fro me. He was my dream guy. Right after lunch we were hurried off in the limo to a place to get outfits fro the premiere. "I didn't know we would be shopping. I didn't bring any money." I said with a sad look on my face. I realized then that this outfit I was wearing wasn't quite suitable for a premiere. "Its ok. I'll cover it. I woudl've anyways, even if you had brought money." he was so sweet! We dropped off at a little boutique and we both got an outfit. He got a a nice shirta dn a jacket (what esle?) and I got a nice light blue, knee length dress the was sphagetti strapped and kind of wrinkled at the top to where it folded over a little. "You look beautiful." Dan said to me as we stepped out of the shop. We had klept our outifts because the premiere was only two hours away now. We spent the enxt two hours just wlaking around NYC and looking at the sights. It was amazing. Then we dorve off to the premiere............