Chapter Five

The limo came to a stop right on teh edge of the red carpet. It cam to a slow stop. The door was opened by someone wearing a black jacket and black pants. I assumed it was some sort of bodygaurd. When Dan and I gto out of car everything was normal (well normal for a premiere), but then as a reported shouted, "Daniel! Daniel! Over here!" a whisper ran through ther crowds and then it sounded like a bomb had gone off. Gitrl where screaming everywhere for Dan to sign books and photos fro them. It was crazy. Dan was being pushed over to a reprted and being asked questions when all of a sudden the reporter says, "And whose this young lady your with tonight?" "This is Emma. Shes my...." He paused for a moment here," date." I was shocked and pleased at teh same time. Then I realized what he had actually said. I blushed fomr head to foot. I had a feeling I looked like I was on fire. "Do you have any comments on the premiere so far?" the reporter ask me. ME! A reporter was asking me questions like I was famous! "Its...very different form just watching something on the television. Its a lot mroe real. A lot more cool too." I said. I hoped I didn't sound too iwerd, but I looked over at Dan, who was now standing besides-behind the reporter, and he gave me the thuimbs up. I smiled a very big smile. The reporter asked a few more questions to Dan and then we went to another reporter. And another. And then another. It seemed to go forever until we came to teh main person who was interviewing people just for the premiere. The whole crowd could hear what Dan said over her microphone. Then she said the exact same thing the reporter asked, "And who is this you are with tonight?" "This is my date." he replied. He seemed more confident saying this now that he had told over a dozen reporters (well I dont think that many, but it was alot). "O. I didn't think you had a girlfriend." the reporter proclaimed. "Well, we aren't really girlfriend-boyfriend. Yet." He smiled really wide. "So, whats your name?" The reporter asked me. "Emma." "How do you like all this excitment? How do you like being with Daniel Radcliffe?" "The premiere has been great, so far. Its a lot of fun." "And what about coming with Daniel Radcliffe?" "Hes a great guy and I really like him." And Daniel, how do you feel towards Emma?"The reporter now turned to Dan. "I like her a lot too. I hope it turns into more." At this the crwod let out a scream. A handful of girls even started to cry hysterically. Ha ha ha......sorry. thats mean. No I cant resist myslef. hahahahahaha! "Well thanx for tlkaing with us Dan....and Emma." We walked off into the building where they were going to show the movie. Here Emma (not me, Emma Watson), Rupert, and Dan took some photos. Then we were escorted into the actaul theatre. WE watched the movie and I was actaully scraed at some parts. The special affects were great on the movie, way better then the first. My favorite part though had to be when Dan killed the balisk. He looked so brave...... After the movie we drove back to his hotel and now mine. I had decided with my mom that I would stay over night here. we stepped out of the limo and walked up to the doors and went inside. Then, as I was about to get nto the elevator (he had some buisness to tkae care of with his agent), Dan called me back to where he was satnding. "Emma! Wait up!" I turned around............