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Hearld Armania is a large kingdom with a long and turbulent history. The kingdom lies on a fertile temperate land, and is geographically located along the southwest coast of Midland. Its territories range from the serpanttail keys in the southwest, to the southern tip of the roan fields in the north. The Alt River marks much of its eastern boarders. Once covered with deciduous forests, it now has mostly scattered woods with heavy populations and organized farmlands.

Over the last 1500 years the Armanian people have gone from an oppressed and concurred people to a free nation. Then aggressively expanding north and east and finally being forced back to its current boarders.

Armania is the most populated and ‘civilized’ of the countries of Midland. It is possibly the most influential as well. Its language has become the ‘common’ language, understood and used to some degree in almost all countries of the continent

The Uranian Empire once controlled the two nations that now make up Armania, Aramai (air-a-may) and Cormyr (core-me-yer). As the arians (people of Aramai) defeated the Uranian empire and drove them north from their lands. They continued to route the Uranians through what was once Cormyr ‘freeing’ that nation as well. However the aramai people quickly established their king as the ruler of the Cormyr lands. The Uranian Empire was defeated and this once great empire crumbled and became extinct. However Armania continued to expand, north into Kellsor and east into what is now Lyone. This kingdom fluctuated in size then were finally pushed south from Kellsor. The tensions between Lyone and Armania continued for many years to follow, but eventually Lyone drove the Armanians mostly from their lands. Although Armania was eventually driven back from the countries it occupied during it’s expansion, Cormyr is still part of Armania and has little to no rebellion within this former country.

Armania is a feudalistic state. There is one high king over the entire kingdom but lands have been granted to lords in recognition of service to the king. These lords govern the land but have sworn loyalty to the king. The granted land (fife) can be inherited by heirs of the lord but must in turn swear loyalty to the king. This law has been brutally enforced. When heirs have not shown loyalty after inheriting lands, the king’s army (as well as armies loyal to the king) have been seized the Fiefdom, and the family and heirs of the rough lord are killed or imprisoned.
Armania is the most populated and ‘civilized’ of the countries of Midland. It is possibly the most influential as well. Its language has become the ‘common’ language, understood and used to some degree in almost all countries of the continent. It is a seagoing nation and boasts the largest and strongest navy of the continent, both military and merchant. Armania is active in trade for the whole western area of Midland. Many variety of goods are produced within the Kingdome but it is probably best know for its shipbuilding and militia.

The people of Armania are proud, believing they are the strongest nation on the continent and the most self-sufficient. It’s turbulent history and importance in the Shadow Wars has contributed to this pride. Music and history are important to these people and some famous bards have come from this land.

The City of Boreamorr

Area Map around the City of Boreamorr

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