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Above is the main interface and to the right is the result of pushing the Sweep settings Button. Just enter your start frequency end frequency then the step size between ie 2 would cause the program to sweep in 2 Hz steps. The duration is in seconds. ie 10 is 10 seconds for each step.

This is the Generate Multiple Frequency's form. Just fill it in and hit the Generate Frequencies Button.

The offset value will adjust your programmed frequencies by that amount ie 10 would lift all the frequencies by 10 Hz, this gives the ability to plug in frequencies from a treamentfile and offset them all to kill mutant strains.

This is the dos Window where freqgen.exe does it's work.

To generate a custom treatment file Just fill in the frequencies and durations then select a suitable name at the bottom. Press SAVE and presto you have a new treatment file in the data directory of freqgen.exe


This is used to get the name of the treatment file to run, select the treatment from the data directory with your mouse, then hit Generate Treatment File button. You will notice that I am using version 1.06 here....version 1.13 is the latest.