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2601 SSE Loop 323 Apt. 104

Tyler, TX. 75701 (for now)

903-593-8508 Hm. 601-362-5541



Gerald J. Russell


Verbal- Visual qualifications for genetically superior offspring.

This is the ability to read, comprehend and recall written information and has a strong dependence on genetics- it is inherited like height or skin color. I.E.- not equally distributed amongst the offspring of a certain set of parents, but having tall parents increases the chance for tall offspring, no doubt. Since the parents have not had an opportunity to express their Verbal –Visual genetic potential, due to socioeconomic constraints, then you must look at the offspring or myself to determine just how “tall” the genetic potential is in Visual-Verbal if I became a parent and produced offspring.


Born 1962 in Oakland, CA Oldest of Four Children. Raised from the age of 5 years old by Paternal grandparents Jackson ,MS


Parents –Father

*   §         High School Diploma (Clinton, MS.)

*   §         Assembly line worker-Carrier corp.




*   §         High School Diploma. (Clinton, MS)

*   §         SSI-Disability Child Abuse-age 23 when she scalded baby sister/daughter (Reganda with hot water at age 6 mos.) Custody was removed from the mother and the children were placed in foster care in an orphanage in LA for 9 months until the Paternal Grandparents (father’s mother and stepfather) agreed to become the legal guardians in Jackson, MS. My age was 4 years old at this time.



    Miranda Russell-Paster- 10 months younger, reading in first grade, did not attend St. Andrew’s Episcopal, attended Westside elementary and Jr. High until part of 10th grade then attended Freemont High school in South Central LA after grandmother died of a stroke. Was on the honor roll at Westside and Freemont High school, became a LVN (Vocational nurse) at Freemont High in a special training program for high school students, decided that this was not the right career move, did not like nursing and did well enough on the ACT to receive or qualify for a full scholarship to a private all-female Catholic college in west LA, Mt. St. Mary’s College. Here she majored in business and graduated with honors and later returned to get her MBA at Cal State Dominguez Hills in Carson, CA. during night school. She is employed with the city of Los Angeles, CA.


    Tony Russell Jr.- 36 years old. Mild dyslexic. Graduated from Forest Hill high school in Jackson, MS. Majored in criminal justice at Jackson State Univ. but dropped out and joined the Navy after 3 years. He is a certified Diesel mechanic in the Navy. His measured IQ as evaluated by the Jackson Mental Health Clinic is the same as mine, 125, genetically superior, with 10-15 pts. to be added for low socioeconomic background the IQ = 135-140, very superior. This is why IQ is not a measure of Verbal-Visual, Period. He has one child, a daughter 8, who is not dyslexic and is on the Principal’s list at a 95% white elementary public school in Suffolk, VA. She was not early to read, however.


   Reganda Russell, the youngest of the four at 35 years old. The mother, Prince-Ella Ransom-Russell-Davis, scalded her severely at the age of 6mos. She was also abused prior to this time, as I am an eyewitness to this abuse and the scalding. Reganda was hospitalized for several months while the other 3 siblings were in the care of an orphanage for nine months until custody was taken over by the paternal grandparents in Jackson, MS. Reganda has undergone several skin grafting procedures in early childhood, and has 100% function with no skin breakdown, but strangers find it difficult not to stare at her bare legs, while the family takes it for granted and this takes a toll on her ability to date.  She read at the normal time, 1st grade, and also had honors throughout elementary. When the grandmother died of a stroke, Reganda was in Junior High and attended Chatsworth Jr. High school in the San Fernando Valley in LA. She was bused out here from south central LA. She later attended Freemont High school and was an honors grad also. She received a scholarship to Cal State Long Beach in nursing and graduated with a BSN (bachelor’s degree of science in Nursing) this is a 4-year RN degree in Nursing, as opposed to a two-year degree RN. She/we all worked during college, any extra money was sorely needed.  Reganda is an ICU RN with certifications in Burn Unit ICU, Neuro ICU, Coronary Care Unit (CCU), and Medical-Surgical ICU nursing. In fact, she is one of the few African-American ICU nurses in the US certified to work in Burn Unit ICU and is highly motivated indeed, her patients cannot complain.



*   §         Reading at age four years in head start in South Central LA. The only member of my family to achieve this developmental milestone at such an early age.

*      Only 1st grader at Westside Elementary and Jr. High School (Jackson, MS.) to enter reading. (1968-age five years) 100% Segregated until 1970, then 98% African-American.  The community was low-income like North Tyler or South Dallas (Texas). Median income was blue collar as Grandfather had 6th grade education and was employed as a feed mill worker; the Grandmother had a 10th grade education and was a homemaker; she worked as a housekeeper on some Saturdays.


    4th Grade (9 years old)- Grades slumped at Westside Elementary and Jr. High School due to not paying attention in class. A psychological evaluation was recommended by the school counselor and a referral was made to the Jackson (MS) Mental Health Center. Here the evaluation included an IQ test =125 measured in the superior range, adjusting for low socioeconomic background, the actual IQ was estimated to be 10-15 pts. higher. (Est. IQ= 135-140) This would place the IQ in the very superior range.The reading ability (Verbal-Visual; not directly measured by the IQ test i.e. not a good measure of visual-verbal as a dyslexic could achieve these testing scores i.e. Younger brother Tony Russell Jr., a mild dyslexic, achieved the same IQ scores IQ=125 pts. also evaluated later due to poor academic performance) was evaluated as the history of reading at age 4 years was given by the family. During this part of the evaluation various reading materials were presented for the purpose of determining if indeed the history of this precocious developmental milestone was true. The reading materials started from those appropriate for 4th grade ability level. As there was no apparent difficulty noted, the difficulty level increased to adult-level reading materials such as magazines and newspapers until finally the examiners, in a state of amazement, astonishment, and disbelief, started using their own professional journals in psychology just to see where the limits of the reading ability extended to. Even at this level, it was noted by the examiner “Had Gerald read a paragraph out of one of my psychology books to see for myself how well he can read. He read easily and smoothly- pronounced words I never expected a 9 year old to know”. “ Is exceptionally bright.” References are available from this psychological evaluation upon request. Upon seeing this, it was recommended that I be enrolled in St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, the best educational facility in the state of Mississippi. It can be inferred/deduced from this professional psychological evaluation, that even in the eyes of professional judgment, I was a gifted and exceptional child, far advanced beyond my chronological age in Verbal-Visual ability. The college level vocabulary in this Psychology textbook at the age of 9 yrs./4th grade indicates a V-V IQ=of an college age adult, but I was only 4th grade. The estimate is mind bogglingly high. 

      The estimated V-V IQ range can be safely judged using these two criteria 1) precocious developmental milestone of early to read at age 4 years. 2) Professional evaluation as gifted/exceptional in Verbal-Visual with recommendation for enrollment in the best educational facility that existed in the entire state of Miss. as being past very superior all the way into the exceptional range and quite possibly near genius. V-V IQ=170-180 (exceptional range) V-V IQ=near 200 (near genius range).

   There were no scholarships available until my 8th grade year.


   7th Grade- (age 12 years) Entrance examination for St. Andrew’s Episcopal. They were recruiting for scholarships for enrollment in the 8th grade. This examination contained a Vocabulary test where the score results indicated 12th grade level scores, as the test did not go any higher than this, this was the maximum score. This is the most direct objective test of Verbal-Visual ability ever administered to my person, which did not indicate where the true limits were. These were the limits of the testing instrument so no one really knows the real V-V IQ at this time. I had not spent one day at St. Andrew’s Episcopal, remember. These 12th grade vocabulary scores (maximum scores) added to the early to read at age 4 years, and the psychological evaluation at age 9 years (4th grade) reliably places the estimated V-V IQ in the exceptional range (V-V IQ=170-180) to near genius range (V-V IQ=near 200).


   Mental Age           X100 = V-V IQ    12th Grade   X 100 = 171 V-V IQ           Chronological Age                              7th Grade


     The test did not measure beyond 12th grade so college level scores, if they could have been measured, would place the V-V IQ at near 200. (genius range).  14/7 X100= 200 V-V IQ.

With my socioeconomic background (98% African-American public school, two years in segregation [100% then]; grandparents with 6th and 10th grade educations serving as the parents since age 5 years; not knowing what the real significance was of a child with this precocious developmental milestone; remember, there was no computer-aided instruction or any special developmental techniques in use at this time i.e. “Hooked on phonics” or it’s equivalent. As there were 3 other younger siblings at the time- the next closest was 10 mos. younger, there was little time for dedicated special attention; this milestone was achieved in a Head Start program in South Central LA in 1966.) This speaks volumes about the true genetic Verbal-Visual potential, as even white-collar subjects could not achieve such scores with educated parents or guardians matched year for year. Other scores showed superior results, except for spelling errors, which did not agree with the vocabulary results. This was due to early sub clinical chronic metallic mercury poisoning, the source being dental fillings installed in the sixth grade in the previous year. It seemed to spare visual-verbal ability however, and was not a factor at this time.


   11th grade- 16 years old. ACT testing scores old format 28; new enhanced version 29. overall, (95th percentile); English=21(66th pct.); Math=26 (86th pct.); Natural Sciences=31 (93rd pct.); Social Sciences=33 (99pct.) The ACT is not a great test of Visual-Verbal, however an estimate can be made from the sections which are highly dependent on reading skills i.e. verbal-visual. The Natural Science score is 93rd percentile while the Soc. Sci (History) score is 99th percentile rank. The test was not studied for either nor did I engage in much study at St. Andrew’s. enrolled here the family did not drive me to excel, I just sort of existed. I also participated in several sports, Soccer 8th-11th grade; basketball, 8th grade; track, 11th grade; Football 11th grade; Baseball 12th grade. I also worked part-time for my uncle’s janitorial service during the school year and summers. From the 10th grade onward, I was the only African-American Student in my class and I was popular enough to be elected as the Junior class treasurer.


College- Jackson State University (Historically Black College/University)Honor Student with full scholarship, Major in Biology, Minor in Chemistry.  Undergraduate research scholarship student in Biomedical Sciences. Math and Science Tutor in Academic Skills Center. Member of Beta Beta Beta biological honor society.  General Chemistry/ American Chemical Society national Standardized Final Exam score after one year (two semester course) = 97th Percentile Rank nationwide test required of all 4 year accredited colleges and universities in the US.  Organic Chemistry/American Chemical Society Standardized Final Exam Score after one year (two semester course) =93rd percentile. Both are record scores in the entire history of JSU, never equaled. No severe competition was present here; there was more in General chemistry due to the presence of foreign students whom were not in the Organic chemistry class.

     MCAT (Medical college admissions test) scores-73 in 1987, Avg.  scores 12-13; 14 in Physics no higher scores were recorded in Physics that year in the entire US. THIS TEST MUST BE STUDIED FOR, OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT REFLECT YOUR TRUE ABILITY.  I studied for this test. Did not take the Stanley Kaplan course, could not afford it. Still no severe competition. i.e. majority universities like Duke, SMU, RICE, UT-Austin, OLE MISS, U.C. Berkeley, etc…

      These MCAT scores(12-13; 14 Physics) were the highest ever recorded at JSU and remarked upon by Dr. Charles Spann, the medical school coordinator at JSU. Dr. Spann also indicated that these MCAT scores were the highest ever recorded by any African-American medical school applicant via communication with minority medical admission officers at all the medical schools to which I applied, including Baylor (Houston) [avg. MCAT scores =10-11], Washington U. at St. Louis [avg. MCAT=11.5], U. of Iowa, [avg. MCAT=10] U. of Illinois at Chicago [avg. MCAT=10], U. of Calf. at San Francisco [avg. MCAT=12-13 and the #1 ranked MCAT/GPA’s of all the medical schools in the US including John Hopkins, Stanford and even the Harvard School of Medicine at the time. This was the most competitive medical school class in the US, period.] He remarked that they were in competition to get me enrolled in their respective programs.


    Accepted at all medical schools to which I interviewed-Baylor, U. of Ill at Chicago, Washington Univ. at St. Louis, UC San Francisco. Offered a full scholarship and a furnished apartment in the Houston area worth $29,000/yr. The ophthalmologist who interviewed me at Baylor stated that he had never seen a higher score on the Physics section of the MCAT, before, a 14, the highest scores on this section, this year in the entire testing group (300 people achieved this out of the entire MCAT testing group for 1987- over several thousand people.

       The minority admissions director at U. of ILL. , Chicago took a brief 5 min. glance at the application folder and did not interview, he was so impressed. He just said there would be no problem, and introduced me to the African-American student lounge where I was given a tour and an orientation.

        At Washington U. in St. Louis, I was offered a partial scholarship of $14,000, but there was still $14,000 left to borrow in student loans, so I declined.

         I accepted at UC San Francisco, no scholarship, but it had $5000 out-of-state tuition, which dropped down to $1000 the next year when one becomes a CA state resident. This was the #1 ranked medical school in the US, #1 in GPA’s/MCAT scores at the time, even above Harvard, John’s Hopkins, and Stanford schools of medicine. I was familiar with the SF Bay area as I had relatives here, Great Uncle and Aunt and cousins. I had also spent 8 mos. at UC Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory as a Jackson State Univ. co-op student in 1985, where I took a class in Biochemistry at UC Berkeley. It was just a natural move. I lived with my great uncle and aunt.


    1988-UCSF School of Medicine: Signs and Symptoms of mercury poisoning (Dental fillings) developed in the winter of 1989. This is a neurological poison, which affects the CNS causing decreased global CNS function including the areas of memory, attention, concentration, coordination, balance (Stags and sways), hearing, vision, speech, depression, and intention tremors. Still, I achieved a 91% in gross anatomy during this time. (92%=honors; 100% max, graded on a bell curve, this means that out of 144 UCSF medical students, the test score represents one’s percent ranking against your classmates, not the actual test score. This percent ranking was achieved against the most competitive medical school class in the US (1# GPA’s’/MCAT scores). This means the most severe competition that I could have ever faced in any medical school in the US, and the most severe competition that I have faced in my entire life. The problem is that now I am facing this severe competition with the stags and sways and the other signs and symptoms of mild chronic mercury poisoning. Also, I have a premed education from a minority 4-year university, Jackson State Univ., with the corresponding low/ disadvantaged/blue collar socioeconomic background, unlike the vast majority of my competition, white collar and far superior educational backgrounds, UC schools mostly. Even the majority of the African-American students had either white-collar backgrounds or superior pre-med educations. 2 of these students had parents who were medical doctors (Joy Gathe-Germay-father general practice-Houston, TX.  Lisa Benton-Bennett, Stanford U. father- general surgeon from Oakland, CA. now married in Atlanta, GA.). This is equivalent to an inside track to how the medical school game is played. They, of course were no competition and they regarded me with awe as they observed that I could go head to toe with the best and brightest medical students that UCSF had to offer, in fact I was considered the ringer, the big gun that represented African-American medical students as equal or better than the majority (White, Asian, East Indian).


   I threatened to quit medical school between 1st and 2nd  year, because of these signs and symptoms, but I returned in the Fall of 1989 (2nd Year) and despite the stags and sways, I resumed my rightful place amongst the severe competition that UCSF had to offer.


   Honors in Medical Pharmacology, 2nd year- UCSF school of medicine, Anthony Trevor Ph. D. professor. This was done with the stags and sways, i.e. mild chronic metallic mercury poisoning, low socioeconomic background, blue-collar, African –American pre-medical education, even with the additional time the entire UCSF 2nd year class (#1 GPA’s/MCAT scores in US) had to adjust to this system to make their attempts on Honors. No one else in the entire class or any medical school in the US would ever be expected to achieve honors in any medical school class with the stags and sways of mercury poisoning, much less with a disadvantaged socioeconomic background, and much less against the #1 ranked medical school class GPA’s/MCAT’s in the US at the time. This feat has no equal, and is in fact quite a testimony to the absolute strength of the Verbal-Visual capability, Period. Noticeable stags and sways and slurred speech indicate that the entire CNS was “knocked down” an entire standard deviation as compared to normal. In fact, the measured IQ at this time was IQ=103 (Michael Shore Ph.D -Neuropyschologist) at age 9 it was IQ=125. [one standard deviation for general IQ is 15 pts. this drop was 22 pts-exactly 1 ½ standard deviations]. It would not be expected that even a medical student with the finest educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, including the those who would have Visual-Verbal ability/genetics to become chief attending physician such as Paul Volberding M.D., the clinical director of HIV/AIDS programs at UCSF/ San Francisco General Hospital and Merle Sande M.D., Chief of Internal Medicine, UCSF/ SFGH could achieve honors against severe competition with the stags and sways, much less disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds. (They study HIV/AIDS and control the majority of NIH research dollars in the most intensively studied infectious disease epidemic in the history of mankind as they have the #1 ranked HIV/AIDS medical research and treatment center in the entire US. Yet they have not reported a single case of a clinically innapparent viral encephalitis even 14 years later. They publish textbooks on the subject on a regular basis, and are world-class experts.)

      There are hundreds of reports of persons poisoned by their dental fillings in the scientific literature, even the AMA held this same position in the early to mid 90’s based on these real-life reports. There are no corresponding warnings for blood products ever, but this is where a virus that is transmissible in bodily fluids would eventually end up causing a reportable illness like HIV and Hepatitis-B, but still Zero reports yet 14 years later.


   3rd Year- Clinical.  There was no clinical rotation at UCSF where any medical student could ever exceed my clinical/medical knowledge; I was never outgunned in Visual-Verbal in other words, even with the stags and sways from mercury poisoning. The method used for teaching medical students is the Socratic method. This is where the teaching superior, Attending, Resident or Intern, asks a group of medical students questions pertaining to medical knowledge starting with low difficulty level and increases the difficulty level until the knowledge level of the group of medical students is exceeded. This is a very direct and competitive measure of the clinical/medical knowledge of any medical student on a clinical rotation. In fact, this is started in the 1st year in ICM (Intro to clinical medicine) classes and even in basic science classes in small group format. This is how it was known by the African-American medical students early on in 1st year that I could go head to toe with the best and brightest that UCSF had to offer.  The last medical student left standing during these “pimping” sessions is considered to be superior in medical knowledge for that session and I was never gunned down by another medical student, all of whom did not have the stags and sways, there are a lot of sessions like this in 3rd year.


   Surgery rotation- Gunned down every thing here inc. Tammy a 3rd Year early decision from UC Berkeley, this means that she was admitted as a junior from undergraduate, this is very rare in any medical school and higher standards are used for early admission, UCSF has the highest standards for admission. Puskal Garg- East Indian student from Dallas, TX. Father has Ph. D. in Nutritional biochemistry at SW Dallas Medical school and he is one of the leading proponents of the high-carbohydrate diet in the US. Puskal Garg is now an Nuclear medicine physician at SW Dallas Medical center, to match here in this medical specialty requires vastly superior Verbal-Visual, due to the fact that it is a very limited resource and therefore very competitive, only 110 residency training slots/year. The medical students matching here must have near perfect National Medical Board Part I scores to match, which is no small feat, you can study for it like hell or you can take your chances on what you remember from your first two years of medical school, but your competition won’t be leaving much to chance, I guarantee you. This is the way it is with every highly competitive medical specialty with limited residency positions. This is done by the AMA to prevent a doctor glut and to keep supply and demand in balance. Puskal Garg was also prejudiced against African-American medical students.  These two medical students represent my most severe competition in surgery rotation/verbal-visual at UCSF.

     Puskal Garg was gunned down for the first time direct head-to head early in surgery rotation when we both were shown a Upper GI series X-ray, called a Barium swallow, in fact we were both shown several of these with various disease findings which were of low-difficulty, (Ulcers, reflux, bowel obstructions, tumors, etc.) the one in question contained a outline of a clear long thin cylinder in the small intestine surrounded by the chalk (Barium) in the person’s GI tract. In fact, it looked like a whole snap bean or an unshelled pea in outline form. Puskal was asked what it was and was stumped. With the stags and sways, I then proceeded to give the correct answer, this was a parasitic roundworm infection, the roundworm being Ascaris the scientific name of this worm, it is the most frequent parasitic roundworm infection in the US and the entire world.  I gave all this info to the radiology attending and Puskal Garg’s head went down like a baseball pitcher whom has just given up a home run. He saw fear for the first time in his eyes, and learned to respect the academic talent of an African-American medical student.

We both had the same parasitology course at UCSF in 2nd year, except I had the stags and sways, he didn’t. He had a white-collar background with a Ph. D in biochemistry for his father; my granddad had a 6th grade education, the grandmother, 10th grade…hmmm. I went to Jackson State Univ.; Puskal went to a majority school…. Hmmm.  They were impressed that day in surgery rotation at UCSF, Puskal Garg hated my guts from then on in, and I guess he was jealous, but he knew I owned him, I was his pimp What could he do?

      Later, Puskal was presenting his ICU patient in surgery and all the medical students on the rotation were there, including Tammy, the early decision from UC Berkeley. The attending physician asked him what was the meaning of an increasing BUN (Blood urea nitrogen concentration-a marker of kidney function and protein metabolism in the body) with a normal creatine- (marker of kidney function) in a patient in an ICU setting (High stress). He tried to guess, but didn’t know, then Tammy tried to guess, got closer than Puskal, and then I gave the correct answer. In a ICU setting, a patient under great stress would be likely to be making a lot of Corticosteriods (Stress hormones) which would increase the acid secretion by the GI tract and increase the likelihood of GI ulceration with GI bleeding, this extra protein load in the GI tract would be seen as an increasing BUN due to increased protein metabolism.  The skinny is the ICU patient has developed a GI bleeding episode due to stress ulcers, Period. Tammy, however was not prejudiced, and was well liked but the competition was not subdued.

      In another radiology conference in Surgery rotation, Tammy, the early decision from UC Berkeley and the rest of the medical students on the rotation were being shown a series of OB/GYN MRI scans of the female reproductive anatomy. The only medical student in the group that knew the correct radiological diagnosis was me, every single time. No other medical student had a clue. The correct diagnosis was benign fibroid tumors(s) of the uterus every time. The type of MRI scan was varied from T1 weighted images to T2 weighted images, which show a somewhat different grayscale for soft tissue and bone, but they were still all various fibroid tumors of the uterus. This was designed by the radiology attending to throw off the scent, but it did not throw me off the scent. The other medical students had no clue yet again. Even when the MRI scans were changed over to invasive cervical cancer, I was the only medical student to give the correct Dx. Tammy was asked about the correct medical term for a fibroid tumor, which I knew, but she gave the correct answer several MRI’s later, leiomyoma-this means smooth muscle tumor. However, she could not identify one on MRI scans, I elected to use the most frequently used name so as to not confuse the medical students. The rest of them just sat back while I was the “ radiologist” of the day and the rotation.


   Medicine rotation/3rd year SFGH- No severe competition here, During a GI Medicine (Gastrointestinal Medicine) conference during the first week of this rotation for medical students, interns and residents at SFGH/UCSF, I was the last medical student left standing and gave the most dazzling differential diagnosis and displayed massive clinical knowledge in this area of Internal Medicine which even outshined some interns. One of the interns happened to be on my medical team, a white male who is described by the Tyler PD announcers as “The Starling Mechanism Intern” This “Starling Mechanism Intern was so impressed/bedazzled by my clinical knowledge in GI medicine that later after this conference, he took me aside in the hallway and started a conversation about Cardiovascular physiology (A 1st year basic science course) called the Starling mechanism. He then proceeded to draw a graph on a sheet of paper which described this basic scientific principle of how the force of ejection (blood flow) increased as the stroke volume of the heart increases like a balloon or rubber band stretching effect. Then upon seeing that I had mastered this area of medical knowledge as well, he proceeded  to describe his life’s goal/ambition to become a Chief of Internal Medicine in an academic medical center one day like Merle Sande M.D.. Next, The “Starling Mechanism” intern also recommended that I read the book “As The Band Played On” by Randy Shilts. This book was about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, a hot topic at UCSF/SFGH. He stated that I would not put this book down, but did not give away the plot.

    Only medical student to know at beginning during tour of clinical labs with the director of laboratory medicine, the most antibiotics and their proper use (coverage) including the biggest gun available at the time, Imipenem-Cilastin, the director stated that we only use the big guns for difficult to treat infections, otherwise the big guns would no longer be potent, due to the development of bacterial drug resistance. The medical students looked on in awe. The director also asked what was the proper antidote for mercury poisoning. A.J. Smith an African-American student had the correct answer, BAL (British Anti-Lewsiwhite). But it was a trick question; the Attending physician then asked what were the drawbacks of using BAL as an antidote for mercury poisoning. I was the only student to know this one, IT TAKES MERCURY STRAIGHT INTO THE BRAIN. A better antidote would be D-penicilliame, it does not have this side effect. Of course, the attending and I were left standing alone for the rest of the tour and pimping session.

        During the medicine rotation at SFGH, I rotated through the AIDS ward, as it is the #1 ranked HIV/AIDS treatment/research center in the US. All the medical students did, this is routine at SFGH. Paul Volberding M.D. a world class expert in HIV/AIDS medicine, editor-in-chief of the journal AIDS and the co-author along with Merle Sande M.D. of the most widely used textbook in HIV medicine The Medical Management of AIDS, was my medical Attending for 11 days of this medicine rotation at SFGH. We did so on medical teams consisting of one 3rd year, one 4th year, two interns, one resident and one attending. We were split up unless there was a meeting or a joint session, weekly to bi-weekly there were teaching sessions for 3rd year students only so that the 10-15 students would meet with an attending in a certain medical specialty and learn essential elements of the major medical specialties of Internal medicine. Also there were morbidity and mortality conferences where Merle Sande, the chief of Internal medicine, SFGH/UCSF, whose specialty is infectious diseases, would attend.  All the students saw and met him. In fact Merle Sande gave me tickets to an Oakland A’s baseball game once, they were donated to the medical school, they were mostly for the residents and interns, but he knew I was a rabid fan and gave me a couple.

       In these small group sessions for the 3rd year students only, I was the only medical student with the most clinical knowledge in these groups and knowledge from basic science as well. I did this with the stags and sways of mercury poisoning with low socioeconomic background and from Jackson State Univ.; a very unlevel playing field.  I was never gunned down no matter what division of internal medicine was being discussed. In fact the Hematology attending teaching the coagulation pathways (blood clotting) stated that I was the most knowledgeable 3rd year student he ever encountered. The ER attending asked what was the major toxicities of tricyclic antidepressant overdose in one of these small groups and of course I knew every angle here and I was the only medical student to know why sodium bicarbonate was administered for such overdoses, because it helped the acidosis and the heart at the same time, because this is the major life threatening toxicity, cardiac arrhythmias.  No other student knew why. All with the stags and sways. Of course in renal (kidney) I knew all the diuretics (water pills) and their mechanisms of action.


▪ Pediatrics 3rd year- At San Francisco Children’s Hospital. 

 Here I faced William (Will) Wong, A.J. Smith, and another student as there were only 4 students doing pediatrics at this campus. Will Wong is Asian and attended UC Berkeley. He eventually matched in an ultra-competitive medical specialty with only 90 residency training slots available each year. This specialty is Radiation Oncology and it is not a dime a dozen or run of the mill and requires near perfect board scores and great recommendations to match here. Plus Will Wong is Asian, meaning that in Asian culture academics have a very high priority even if the family is poor, middle class or well off. They are the typical overachievers in academics and are over represented in such professions. He was my most severe competition that I have ever faced head-to-head in life in Visual- Verbal and at UCSF.

     Right at the beginning of the rotation all of the medical students (four) met with the director/chief of Pediatrics at SF Children’s' Hospital who is also a Neonatology attending, an anal retentive, and is now an real-life neonatology attending at UCSF Moffit-Long Hospital.  He asked us various questions about pediatrics and eventually he asked us questions about diabetic pregnancies and their complications as we all previously rotated the rotation before from OB-GYN, this was a fair question. Will Wong did his OB-GYN at SFGH, while I did mine at Moffit-Long the Tertiary care campus.  We all read the same OB-GYN textbook, issued in the 2nd year ICM course of OB-GYN. We all had access to the same information. We all knew the standard complications of diabetic pregnancies, and eventually he kept on “pimping” us about rarer complications. I was the only student that knew the not too well known complication of several-fold increased incidence of birth defects in the offspring of such mothers. Here I struck a chord with the director of pediatrics at SF Children’s, because his wife was a juvenile diabetic just like Mary Tyler Moore and they had children and he stated that he was extremely nervous during her pregnancies because of this several-fold increased chance of birth defects. In fact he gave me one of the best reviews of all Attendings at UCSF. This was done with the stags and sways, low socioeconomic background and a Jackson State Univ. pre-med education. In fact, when I bought this textbook in 2nd year, I already had the stags and sways. This is a Hat trick in Visual-Verbal without equal against the most severe competition I could ever face, Period.

      Will Wong was outclassed or gunned down in Verbal-Visual all over the pediatrics rotation at SF Children’s’. He had a patient, a young African-American female with Sickle Cell disease, not the trait, who was admitted with a bone infection (osteomyelitis) of her right thighbone (femur). Of course I knew everything about Sickle Cell and antibiotics appropriate for this type of bone infection. I knew how to diagnose this in the lab, i.e. the sickling test or Hemoglobin electrophoresis; I knew the major complications , why it conferred a survival advantage in populations constantly exposed to malaria, i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa and the latest experimental treatment at the time, which was the use of Hydroxyurea, a cancer chemotherapy drug which acted on the bone marrow to increase the production of fetal hemoglobin, the red pigment in blood cells, but a form made by the body before birth, which does not sickle in low oxygen concentrations. This experimental treatment was not known by Will Wong or the Filipino pediatric attending, who was also outclassed here as well. Will Wong knew very little about sickle cell by the way, other than the standard basic info.

      Will Wong was also assigned to an African-American female who had a rather severe case of chickenpox. She was about 9 years old and of course,  I knew it all about this viral infection; the proper drug; the type of rash; the duration of infectivity; the major complications; the differential diagnosis, and the very info which gunned down Will Wong here was that he did not know the attack rate in unexposed adults ( extremely contagious) nor did he know the major complication rate in adults or the complication(s), which was a fatal bronchopneumonia (10-15% death rate). 


    3rd year Neurology/Neurosurgery rotation.  Here no medical student ever exceeded my clinical/medical knowledge here either. I walked off this rotation in 1991 and quit UCSF/medical school, due to these stags and sways with less than two weeks left on this rotation and about six weeks left to finish third year.

      There were about 7 medical students on this rotation of which the major competition was a Iraqi-American medical student, he was very friendly and not prejudiced, in fact, he was the first medical student that I really met when I showed up at UCSF in 1988 during the second class period. He joked that “we didn’t think you were going to show up, you must be that medical student that we kept seeing in the picture book, but didn’t show up for the introductory week, but welcome to UCSF.”  He is now an orthopedic surgeon, also a very competitive medical specialty, but not quite as competitive as Nuclear Medicine or Radiation Oncology, but it is more mainstream.

      Here I first distinguished myself by knowing how to read MRI’s/CT scans of the CNS with no peer amongst the group of medical students. This ability is known in psychology as Visual-Spatial (the ability to distinguish objects in 2-D/3-D space). It usually occurs in close association/correlation with Visual-Verbal. Even when these scans are T1 or T2 weighted. I also knew what a T1 or T1 weighted MRI image scan meant in color density and the technical meaning of T1= means the relaxation time of the Hydrogen nuclei as they are returning to a certain orientation in 3-D space after a radio frequency pulse, this orientation is different from the T2 relaxation time which is a different orientation in 3-D space. One is the X-Y orientation; the second is the Y-Z orientation. They are measured by radio frequency receiver coils like radio antennas in a very strong magnetic field provided by the surrounding cylindrical structure of the MRI scanner using electromagnets. When the attending asked what complications would be expected when operating on the central brain area (hypothalamic area) I was the only medical student that knew that this would shut down the master gland of the body, the pituitary gland, because this is controlled by the hypothalamus. This would in turn result in the patient’s death or severe morbidity if the products of the pituitary gland were not replaced with their man-made synthetic equivalents. The medical term for this is called panhypopituitarism, and I was the only medical student who knew this term.  When on Neurosurgical rounds with Charles Wilson M.D. one day (not often), the world’s best neurosurgeon in removal of pituitary tumors and one of the world’s best general neurosurgeons, also part Cherokee Indian and from a disadvantaged background himself, he showed us patients from all over the US and he asked the group about pituitary tumors and what would be one of the drugs used in a patient with a sex-hormone dependent tumor. I was, even with the stags and sways, the only medical student who could name the drugs (Naferellin and Synerel-GnRH agonists) and their major side effects. (They interrupt the pulsatile secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus causing decreased release of FSH and LH from the pituitary, which in turn stimulate the gonads to produce sperm/eggs and testosterone/estrogen. The end result is hot flashes, temporary chemical menopause/sterility and osteoporosis-bone thinning, the side effects limit the use to only six months for certain medical conditions-endometriosis, hormone dependent breast/prostate cancers.)

      In summary, these are the qualifications of the Verbal-Visual genetics, and the “height” or “tallness” of this tree. Since my current position/status in life does not reflect this vastly superior genetic potential, unless you knew me or my entire detailed life/academic history, as gathered and reconstructed by law enforcement, just like a FBI-type background check, one would never know what an apparent blue collar person with the stags and sways of mercury poisoning could contribute to the genetic potential of any offspring. The rules of mathematical averages and statistical probability would apply to the expected Verbal-Visual IQ of any offspring. That is if the parents had 100 offspring, one of whose Visual-Verbal IQ is 100, the second parent had a Verbal-Visual IQ of 200, the average V-V IQ in the offspring would be a mathematical average of 100+200/2 or 300/2=V-V IQ=150 average.


                 Mother’s V-V IQ + Father’s V-V IQ  = avg. V-V IQ for child                                                                                 



 Of course, this would follow a bell-shaped curve; there would be some offspring with V-V IQ’s above and below the expected V-V IQ of 150. The chance or probability that a particular offspring’s V-V IQ would fall above or below that expected 150 average would be represented by a bell curve graph, the farther away from the 150 or the average, the less likely this would occur.   This contribution would be in the exceptional range (Verbal-Visual- IQ=170-180)or genius range (Verbal-Visual-IQ=near 200) and could take average Verbal-Visual genetics (Verbal-Visual-IQ=100) into the superior range easily. This could take superior Verbal-Visual genetics (Verbal-Visual-IQ=115-130) (i.e. college-bound or professional educated) into the very superior range easily. Of course, very superior Verbal-Visual genetics (Verbal-Visual-IQ=135-150) (advanced professional degrees) could be taken into the exceptional range easily and could prevent the watering down effect of genetic combinations with average genetics. That is, the next level up is easily achieved. With an exceptionally favorable combination the next two levels higher could be achieved, a mindboggling thought.

Even the measured general IQ (125) is genetically superior, and with adjustments for low socioeconomic background, the estimated IQ (135-140) which does not correlate to Verbal-Visual (remember Tony Jr. and mild dyslexia; IQ=125 meas.; IQ=135-140 est.)  is reason enough. In other words, one could not lose, one could only gain, and it is a win-win situation.  

     This is a model of inheritance of Verbal-Visual Genetics and is approximate. The relationship of dyslexia to this relationship is not known for sure, but the best educated guess is that vastly superior Verbal-Visual genetics as occurring in this family tree and dyslexia can result in genetic combinations which exceed those of even the parents V-V IQ’s. The offspring of the dyslexic (Tony Jr.) is not dyslexic and can be assumed to be at least genetically superior to her classmates, being on the Principal’s list in a 95% white elementary public school in Hampton Roads (Suffolk, VA).


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