{ Malachite }
Malachite is a layered, green, opaque stone. It is a copper carbonate, hence its intense green color. Malachite
corresponds to the solar plexus and heart chakras. This stone helps you take
the initial step in uprooting fear by assisting in understanding its source. It
helps you break free from limitations, increases courage and determination as it dissolves fear and anxiety.
{ Moonstone }
Moonstone is a protecting, nurturing stone that
inspires tender love. It is good for the piturity gland and is good for getting
in touch with your feminine side.
{ Moldavite }
Moldavite is a green glassy tektite material found only in Czechoslovakia. It is associated with the third-eye and
heart chakras. Moldavite is a mysterious stone, about which debates have been
raging for years. People debate whether it is stone which fell to the earth or
is it a result of a meteorite hitting the earth. In any event, it is clear that
moldavites energies have much to do with space and extraterrestrial. Moldavite
opens the heart chakra and will often be a catalyst for sudden and important
changes in your life, particularly on an emotional level. Moldavite also opens
the third-eye and helps deeping insight during meditation. An excellent stone
to use for facilitating astral travels and communicating with spirit guides.
{ Morganite }
Morganite is a pink member of the bery family that corresponds to the heart chakra. Morganite has a soft,
soothing energy to ease emotional pain, trauma and depression. It is an
excellent stone to heal the pain of seperation in relationships. Morganite
soften angers and calm an over-emotional state such as hysteria. It transmutes
fear and anger into positive, healing energy. It helps remember past trauma and
assists in releasing buried memories and pain. Morganite had a feminine energy
which nurturing, stabalising and caring.
{ Obsidian }
Obsidian is a natural glass, a volcanic melt suddenly exposed to air and cooled to rapidly form crystals. It is a powerful stone, not one to be toyed with but it good for protection, promoting awareness
and breaking unwanted habits.
{ Opal }
Opals are water stones that like to be kept seperated from the rest of your crystals and
jewellry. They aid psychic awareness, prophecy and divination. They make lovely rings and are also very relaxing.
{ Peridot }
Also known as Olivine, Peridot's
colors range from yellow-green to olive-green. Peridot corresponds to the
solar plexus and the heart chakras. It enhances a feeling of inner joy and
lightness, and opens you to giving and receiving and expressing this joy.
Peridot builds confidence and a feeling of oneness with the world. It
accelerates personal growth and resonates well with the heart and also aids in reducing stress.
{ Prase }
Prase is a green member of the quartz family, found often with brown markings from its matrix rock. Prase corresponds with the heart chakra and links the root and navel chakras to the heart. It is especially useful for resolving issues of sexuality and easing sexual guilt, it is also beneficial to the reproductive and sexual organs. Australian prase enhances the dream state and provides a sense of oneness with the universe.
Prase is a very loving and caring stone.
{ Pyrite }
Pyrite is a brassy, silver to gold colored iron mineral which occurs in clusters, chunks, cubes and more rare as
flat, circular plates, often called "suns" or "sand dollars". Pyrite corresponds with all the chakras and assists with concentration and memory. It is an excellent stone for students and others who need to remember new
information. It is also excellent for developing spiritual vision and psychic ability, and is a good companion for amethyst in this regard as it will help ground spiritual/psychic understanding and imprint it on your cellular memory.
Pyrite resonates with the energies of the sun and is joyous and uplifting. Use
at the solar plexus dor the development of enhancing personal and psychic power
and to transmit thought-form to another or to the universe. Pyrite can be used
at the base and crown chakras, simultaneously to open the chakras to channel
and to ground the information received.
{ Rhodochrosite }
Rhodochrosite is a red/pink with white striped stone that corresponds with the heart chakra. Use rhodochrosite
when healing emotional wounds and soothing trauma. It is an excellent companion to Rose quartz and pink kunzite at the heart chakra. Rhodochrosite resonates with subtle bodies and is a very powerful healing stone.
{ Rhodonite }
Rhodonite is a red or pink stone,with black inclusions of manganese oxides that corresponds to the heart chakra.
Rhodonite is a very calming and soothing stone. It is beneficial to the nervous system, thyroid, pituitary gland and pancreas. Rhodonite can be used for improving your reflexes, and strengthening immunity and memory. Good to use for both physical and emotional trauma, it builds confidence and self-esteem, it
also increases energy levels. Meditate with rhodonite when you feel you need time out from a hectic and stressful life.
{ Rose Quartz }
Rose quartz is a feminine love stone.It increases fertility, friendships and brings contemptment to the aged. It is
a very comforting stone that promotes tenderness and sweet things, it is very joyful and promotes peace. It also soothes heartpain.
{ Ruby }
The ruby is a powerful king of the pressure stone. It is very protecting and can help stop
nightmares. The ruby can stimulate the intuition of ideas and can balance mind,
body, spirit and feelings. It is a very spiritual stone that can energise any part of the body. It promotes lasting love and a good memory.