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The Liberal Super Filthy RICH 'Fat cats'

Who do not pay their "fair share"

But expects and insists you and everyone else do pay theirs and then some.

Now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wealth I mean really who wants to be poor? Not me, but Liberals are always criticizing the Republican party for being the "party of the rich" and Liberals are always bashing capitalism which by the way is how they made their millions and billions and literally "rolling in it". They always call on forcing tax payers (or you and me) to "help the poor" at the same time they escape through hidden loopholes they created paying next to nothing in taxes (or their "fair share") themselves.

Below is a list of just 149 well known out of thousands of liberals who are so filthy rich that if they were to put their own money together they could support and feed the world's poor just with the interest they make. But instead they force the hard working tax payers (otherwise known as "government") to do it. As most of them skate by with paying little or no taxes themselves at all with very little known loopholes entitled to "the rich". Living glamorous insanely "rich" lifestyles at the same time millions suffer and starve to death in the world. I say to these liberal 'fat cats'...If you want to feed the "poor" so it with your own money! It makes me very suspicious why filthy rich liberals always demand that government take care of the "poor" when they themselves have so much and could do it themselves....very easily. Instead they choose to be "compassionate" with YOUR money and not theirs and still have the nerve to believe and say they are the ones who are 'compassionate'.

(1. JOHN F. KERRY Sen. (D-Mass) worth over $1 Billion

(2. TED KENNEDY Sen. (D-Mass) Harvard cheat and trust fund baby inherited his wealth from ol' Joe P Kennedy, a known Nazi sympathizer and prohabition boot legger and suspected 1929 stock market crash conspirator who got out just in time before the great crash and made hefty gains after the dust settled. Teddy's net worth approx $44 million

(3. JAY ROCKEFELLER Sen.(D-WV)The ultimate trust fund baby in the Senate, sports the name most identified around the world as the richest man of all time with robber baron predatory capitalism who made his billions in oil mostly before income taxes and was the first and last definition of 'Big Oil.' Jay is a plutocrat elected from West Virginia origionally from Ney York worth approx $420 million family net worth approx net worth 9.5 billion

(4. HERB KOHL (D-)from Wisconsin, with a retailing fortune of his own, building up family-owned grocery stores, and starting Kohl's Department Stores, only to sell it in 1979, and seeing it become a major retailing success story. A wealthy investor since then, he owns the Milwaukee Bucs basketball team. he's worth approx $300 million

(5. LINCOLN CHAFEE (R-RI) LIBERAL REPUBLICAN worth approx $50 million

(6. JOSEPH BIDEN - Sen.(D) millionaire

(7. PETER FITZGERALD - (R-IL) LIBERAL REPUBLICAN worth approx $40 million

(8. JON CORZINE (D-NJ)formerly of Goldman Sachs, used his immense Wall Street fortune to finance his Senate seat election campaign worth approx $400 million

(9. MARK DAYTON - Sen. (D-MN) another trust fund baby of Minnesota, whose grandfather built a department store fortune which has morphed into today's Target Corporation worth approx $26 million

(10. JOHN EDWARDS - Sen. (D-NC)Made his millions exploiting our court system and junk science(D-NC)worth approx $22 million




(14. HILLARY R CLINTON - (D) SENATOR (NY) a long-time board member of that so-called 'evil corporation' anti union Wal Mart a fact ignored by liberals/Multi Millionaire

(15. ALBERT GORE - ex-Dem Vice President and former Tennesee Senator/LOOSER/Multi Millionaire

(16. LARRY FLYNT...OWNER HUSTLER MAGAZINE/PERVERT/Multi Millionaire...maybe even billionaire


(18. CHRISTOPHER DODD - DEMOCRAT /Multi Millionaire


(20. ROBERT C BYRD - DEMOCRAT SENATOR (WV)/Multi Millionaire


(22. LARRY KING - CNN TALKING HEAD/Multi Millionaire

(23. KATIE CURIC - NBC TALKING HEAD/Multi Millionaire

(24. ALEC BALDWIN - Liberal activist HOLLYWOOD ACTOR/Multi Millionaire Democratic party suporter



(27. BARBARA STREISAND - LIBERAL SINGER/ACTOR/FUNDRAISER/ACTIVIST/Multi Millionaire, Democratic party suporter


(29. PATRICK LEAHY - (D) SENATOR/multi millionaire



(32. DANNY GLOVER - Actor who does violent gun movies/communist/Multi Millionaire

(33. ED ASNER - Actor/Liberal Activist/Multi Millionaire

(34. PETER JENNINGS - ABC Liberal correspondent/Poser American/Canadian/Multi Millionaire

(35. DAN RATHER - Former CBS Liberal correspondent/Liberal /Multi Millionaire

(36. BARNEY FRANK - Alias AKA Barney FAG/Dem Congressman/Multi Millionaire

(37. GRAY DAVIS - Former Democrat Gov California/Liberal/Multi Millionaire

(38. DAVID BONIOR - X Dem Michigan Congressman/Millionaire

(39. RICHARD DREYFUS - Actor/Liberal Democrat activist/Multi Millionaire

(40. ALLEN COMBS - Liberal Fox News Talking Head/ Millionaire

(41. OPERA WINFREY - Liberal talking head/Multi Millionaire

(42. TOM CRUISE - Liberal actor/Scientoligist Multi Millionaire Democrat party financial supporter

(43. MARIA CANTWELL - Sen.(D-WA) worth approx $10 million

(44. NORM SISISKY - Rep(D-VA) Net worth approx $30 million

(45. DIANNE FEINSTEIN - Sen.(D-CA) family wealth derived from husbands who engage in the very behavior often condemned by liberals: venture capital and LBO financing.worth approx $50 million

(46. BILL NELSON - Sen.(D-Fl) Multi Millionaire

(47. MARTHA STEWART / Large Democratic party supporter/ Multi Millionaire

(48.WARREN BUFFET - Large benefactor of Capitalism /Multi, Multi billionaire/ Democratic supporter

(49. BONO - Singer from U2...multi millionaire, Democratic party suporter

(50. JIMMY CARTER - Peanut farmer/X one term president /Multi Millionaire

(51. WOODY HARALSON - Liberal Actor/Activist/Multi millionaire, Democratic party suporter

(52. SUSAN SARANDON - Liberal Actor/Activist/Multi millionaire, Democratic party suporter

(53. TOM BROWKAW - Liberal media talking head for NBC/Multi millionaire

(54. ROBERT TORRICELLI - Sen.(D-NJ) Multi Millionaire

(55. FRANK LAUTENBURG - Sen.(D-NJ)the other New Jersey Senator, is also loaded. He was the founder of ADP, which - gasp! – has been outsourcing data processing jobs from corporations for decades now. Multi Millionaire

(56. WALTER MONDALE - (D-MN) Multi Millionaire-Ran for Sen. In 2002

(57. FRITZ HOLLINGS - Sen.(D) Multi Millionaire

(58. ELTON JOHN - Liberal Singer/Activist/Multi millionaire, Democratic party suporter

(59. WOODY ALLEN - Liberal So-called actor/Activist/Multi millionaire, Democratic party suporter

(60. NANCY PELOSI - (D) Speaker of the House - Multi Millionaire approx net worth 20 million

(61. LINCOLN DAVIS - Rep(D) Multi millionaire

(62. JIM COOPER - Rep (D- Tenn.) Multi millionaire worth about 3.8 million

(63. Rep RAHM EMANUEL -(D-Illinois) Multi millionaire worth about 4.5 million

(64. CHUCK ROBB - Sen.(D-VA) Approx Net Worth- 20 Million

(65. ELLEN TAUSCHER - Rep(D-CALIF) approx net worth 30 million

(66. JANE HARMON -(D-Calif) Approx net worth 15 million

(67. CHARLES RANGEL - (D) millionaire also on house ways and banking committee

(68. JANE FONDA - Otherwise known as "Hanoi Jane" Hardcore liberal activist/Communist sympathiser/Multi millionaire, Democratic party supporter

(69. GEORGE SOROS - New York billionaire - a internationally prominent financier and huge Democrat Party donor

(70. ARIANNA HUFFINGTON - Multi millionaire- Owner of the web site The Huffington Post - She paid no income tax to the state of California and only $771 in federal taxes during the last two years of 2002-2003.

(71. PAUL NEWMAN - Liberal Activist and actor, Democratic party supporter

(72. HOWARD DEAN - Multi millionaire he is the Park Avenue raised, private-school-educated beneficiary of the Dean Witter fortune. Liberal Activist Vermont Governor Democratic party chairman - worth approx 11 million

(73. MARTIN SHEEN - Liberal activist/Actor/anti war protestor-multi millionaire, Democratic party supporter

(74. Sen. Carl Levin (D)-Liberal multi millionaire worth approx 6 million

(75. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D)- multi millionaire worth approx 7.5 million

(76. Al Franken So-called funny man-multi millionaire and liberal activist, Democratic party supporter

(77.Jeff Bingaman (D)New Mexico -multi millionaire Approx worth 8 Million

(78.Harry Reid -multi millionaire Approx worth 3.5 million

(79. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) CA-multi millionaire Approx worth 3.5 Million

(80. Thomas Carper (D) Delaware -multi millionaire Approx worth 2.6 Million

(81. Maria Cantwell (D)- multi millionaire Approx worth 2.5 Million

(82. Sen. Bob Graham -(D)- FL-multi millionaire Approx worth 8.2 Million

(83. Ben Cohen - Founder of Ben & Jerry's Ice cream millionaire liberal activist & Large Democrat financial supporter

(84. Steve Bing - Movie producer millionaire liberal activist & Large Democrat financial supporter - gave 14 million in 2004

(85. Peter Lewis - Cleveland millionaire liberal Businessman activist & Large Democrat financial supporter

(86. Richard foos - Los Angles multi-millionaire Businessman liberal activist & Large Democrat finacial supporter

(87. Lewis Cullman - New York millionaire Businessman liberal activist & Large Democrat finacial supporter

(88. George Carlin - Comedian/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(89. Martin Scorsese - Millionaire Hollywood movie director/producer/liberal activist & Democrat party finacial supporter

(90. Jack Valenti - Multi millionaire/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter Former LBJ aide and advisor

(91. Richard Medley - Multi millionaire New York Money Manager/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(92. Blair Effron - Multi millionaire Financier/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(93. Gregg Hymowitz - Multi millionaire money manager/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(94. John Tishman Real - Multi millionaire real estate magnate/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(95. Harvey Weinstein - Multi millionaire/liberal activist & Democrat finacial supporter

(96. Mel Weiss - a plaintiffs lawyer/Huge liberal Democrat finacial supporter

(97. Daniel Parisi - Multi millionaire Porn peddler and liberal Democrat Supporter

(98. S. Daniel Abraham - Florida Slim-Fast Foods tycoon/liberal Democrat activist & large finacial supporter

(99. Ken Ziffren - California attorney/liberal Democrat activist & large finacial supporter

(100. Kevin Costner - Wealthy Big Hollywood Actor/liberal Democrat activist & finacial supporter

(101. Leonardo DiCaprio -Wealthy Big Hollywood Actor/liberal Democrat & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(102. Meg Ryan -Wealthy Big Hollywood Actor/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(103. Jennifer Aniston - Wealthy Big Hollywood Actor/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(104. James Taylor - Wealthy singer and song writer/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(105. Larry David- producer of "Seinfeld" and star of the HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."/liberal Democrat & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(106. Ron Burkle - super rich supermarket tycoon/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(107. Warren Beatty -Hollywood actor/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(108. Ben Affleck - Hollywood actor/liberal Democrat & finacial activist supporter

(109. Jamie Lee Curtis - Hollywood actor /liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(110. Michael Eisner - former Walt Disney CEO/liberal Democrat & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(111. Rob Reiner (otherwise known as Meathead)- Film director/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(112. Joel Hyatt - Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(113. Chevy Chase - Hollywood actor-Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(114. Lorne Michaels - Hollywood movie producer-Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(115. Paul Simon - singer-Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat activist & finacial supporter

(116. Richard Gere - Hollywood actor-Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(117. Art Garfunkel-singer-Multi millionaire/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(118. Peter Job - Chief executive of Reuters/liberal Democrat activist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(119. James D Wolfensohn - President of the World Bank/liberal & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(120. David Rockefeller - Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank/liberal & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(121. Michael Moore - Multi Millionaire / liberal Conspiracy Propaganda 'Joseph Gerbels' Type Theorist & Democrat Party finacial supporter

(122. Demi Moore - Liberal Activist and actor and Democratic party finacial supporter

(123. Tim Robbins - Liberal Activist and actor and Democratic party finacial supporter

(124. Steven Spielberg - Movie producer - Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(125. Oliver Stone - Movie Producer Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(126. Steve Jobes - Apple Computer CEO and co-founder - Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(127. Spike Lee - Movie Producer Liberal activist and Democratic party finacial supporter

(128. Richard "Dickie" Scruggs - Huge successful trial lawyer. He made a billion dollars from tobacco lawsuits alone And is a large Democratic party finacial supporter

(129. Alida Rockefeller Messinge - Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(130. Susie Tompkins Buell - Liberal activist and Democratic party finacial supporter

(131. Anne Getty Earhart - Granddaughter of J. Paul Getty, she inherited $400 million when Texaco bought Getty Oil, in 1986. Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(132. Andrew Rappaport - Venture capitalist, director of tech companies such as Silicon Image, former Boston-based management consultant, and founder of the Massachusetts Center for Technology Growth - Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(133. Peter Lewis - pot-smoking billionaire Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(134. Agnes Varis - Multi Millionaire, Liberal activist and Democratic party finacial supporter

(135. Linda Pritzker - daughter of Robert Pritzker is heir to a good portion of the Hyatt hotel fortune, estimated at $15 billion total Multi Millionaire Liberal and Democratic party finacial supporter

(136. Alida R. Messinger - The 'R' stands for Rockefeller - Trustee, Rockefeller Family Fund, New York - Liberal and large Democratic party finacial supporter

(137. John A. Harris IV - retired investment banker and an heir to the Standard Oil fortune - Liberal and large Democratic party finacial supporter

(138. Marcia L. Carsey - Co-owner, Carsey-Warner Productions, Los Angeles- Liberal and large Democratic party large finacial supporter

(139. Danny Devito - Hollywood actor Liberal and large Democratic party large finacial supporter

(140. Herbert and Marion Sandler- banking executives - large Democratic party large finacial supporter gave at least 9.5 million in 2004

(141. Peter Buttenwieser- multi millionaire Democratic party large finacial supporter

(142. Gena Davis- Actress, a liberal Democrat political activist

(143. Bette Midler- Actress, and liberal Democrat political activist and financial supporter

(144. Phil Donahue- show host, and liberal Democrat political activist and financial supporter

(145. Donald Sutherland - Hollywood actor ,liberal Democrat political activist and financial supporter

(146. Ned Lament- worth over 100 million dollars Democrat Conneticut Senator primary winner but election loser to Joe Lieberman

(147. Jamie S Gorelick- Very wealthy Democrat Senator responsible for putting up the wall that prevents the FBI and CIA from communicating thus discovering terrorists and their plots against the U.S. also was on the 9-11 commision where her name was convienently left out of any blame for the 9-11 attacks

(148. Jack Black- Hollywood comedic actor and liberal Democratic financial supporter and activist

(149. Barack H Obama - Liberal Democrat Senator Illinois born into privledge multi millionaire

(150. - Liberal Democrat Senator Illinois born into privledge multi millionaire

Again I have nothing against wealth but these liberal hypocrites do... but they themselves are super wealthy and pay very little

in taxes (or thier 'fair share')and always insist on the hard working tax payer to dish out all of the time to "feed the poor" and they all tool around in their Limos and/or SUV's and fuel guzzling Jets and live their lavish 'filthy rich' lifestyles.

