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Welcome to the Main Aerie

You stare down into a huge, tiered bowl of rock. It is impossible to tell if it is a crater, if it was once a quarry or if it was shaped out of the solid stone in some other way. What is possible to tell is that it is a very unusual place in more then just its basic shape. The rock here has three bands of color, deep red for the highest band, pale grayish-blue for the center band and black for the lowest band that makes up the base of the bowl. Towering spires and jagged ridges of rock randomly jut into the air, forming perfect perches for drahkahns. A catacomb of caves is evident because of all the small and large cave openings visible. Far to your left is a small waterfall that appears to be an offshoot of the one in the cove. There is a little stream that meanders its way from the base of the first fall, across a section of tier, down another fall and so on, even flowing around some of the towers and ridges. It pours into a medium sized lake that has collected in a deep depression in the base of the Aerie that has no visible outlet for the water in it. You correctly guess that the many caves and passages in the rock provides an exit for the water and that it eventually joins the ocean through them.

Suddenly you realize just how ‘awfully low on people’ this place really is. In surprise you blurt out, “I don’t see any one!”

Efella’s soft laugh makes you blush as you realize how tactless that was. “NOH, AHND oo OHN’d uhn’LEHTH oo NOH’ehr thoo LOO’k. Ah’fr AHL, thehr ehs OHN’leh ahth oov ehs; MAH’sehlf, SOO’lehn, Shuh’LAHN’ehth, Mehr’NEE, PAHN’ehv, FEEL’mehr, Leh'SEE'thuh ahnd AH’may’AHN.”

As you listen to her speak you realize how beautiful this slow, lilting language is. The stresses, held so long, make the language sound more like singing then speaking with the lightly rolled R’s, S’s that sound more like Z’s and barely pronounced consonants making it seem rounded and soft. You also realize you are starting to get the hang of understanding this tongue. In your head, without a lot of trouble you translate her words, “No, and you won’t unless you know where to look. After all, there is only eight of us; myself, Solin, Shalaneth, Mernee, Panev, Feelmer, Leseetha and Amaon.”

Efella gestures with her hand, a wide motion that encompasses the whole Aerie, and says to you, “Frahm EER oo KAHN koh AHN’ee’ehr ehn THEES EH’ree.”
“From here you can go anywhere in this Aerie.”

She looks at you as her hand falls to her side again. “AH'may'AHN SEES ehn oo theh PAH’seh’BEHL’eh’DEE thoo beh’KOOM ah DRAH’kahn REH’dehr. Fohr OO'r sahk ahnd AHRS, PLEES doo soh!”

“Amaon sees in you the possibility to become a Drahkahn Rider. For your sake and ours, please do so.”

++Note from the webmistress of this site—To understand that statement better go to the library and check out the questions page++

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All content is copyright Keen Efella unless otherwise stated.