About us on the danish player team

Here is some fact about us


The cool Mages from DLR (its me lol )who likes to kill baby and red dragons for lunch ( Befor they closed the churse ) His real name is Kenneth Thorhauge he is 16 years old and he is the creater of this homepages. Other Characters: SirThorīs Miner


The brave mage from WMH ho like to kill hill giants all the day becourse they are ugly. Hes real name is Rudi Halberg Kristensen he is almost 16 years old. Other Characters: Kakaoman

Harry Pothead

The good smither and miner who likes to mine and smith all the day becourse he want his own guild house and he also likes to kill dragons. His realname is Marco Jensen he is 18 years old and he is the most weed smoking man i have ever seen. Other Characters: Sir Smoke Alot! and Ganja Farmer