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Welcome to the first official fan club for Occty! His full name is Octavious Bravemuffin of Bubbleland the III - Son of Hollbrandyin Lillyrat the VIII. Some of his admirers like to call him Edgar. His big hit came in 2001 in Lord Of The Rings-The Fellowship Of The Rings. Peter Jackson noticed his talents immediatly and cast him as soon as he saw Occty despite the thousands of moths who came to audition. Ever since the release of the film in December 2001 fans have been going wild! Both Females and males alike.

Occty begin his acting career while he was very young. He was only a larva when he got into his first play. Here he is, staring in his elementary school play.

Unfortunetly, his acting career was put on hold while he went through puberty. Not much is known about him from this time as he spent much time by himself refusing to be seen by the public untill he was fully developed. Here is a picture of the puppa he stayed in during his hard times.

At last he broke free and he has become the moth we all know and love today. The first thing he did was to continue on his path to the silver screen. He started right off by getting a new agent. Here is a photo of Occty from when he first joined this new agency. Ain't he lovely?

Occty finally found a role he thought he could really sink his "teeth" into. It was all the way in New Zealand, but Occty dared the trip. Gathering all his money and leaving his mother, father, and 42 brothers and sisters, Occty made that trecherous flight to the way down under. His hopes were nearly smashed when he found that the role had gathered moths from around the world. But luckily he hadn't given up all hope. His turn came and he stepped into the audition room and there stood Ian Mckellen! Occty worked up all his nerves and gave a marvelous performance. Peter Jackson knew right away that he had found his moth. Preperations began right there and Occty was sent into make-up. He spent the next 18 months of his life down in New Zealand filming various shots (many of which he is only an extra.)

After the premiere of the movie questions arose about this new talent.

Fan clubs sprang up across the internet! People had a new respect for moths everywhere. Occty spent months traveling around the world to be seen at premieres and important gatherings. He was even selfless enough to do interviews with all the little people. Everybody wanted Occty!

Occty is a king among moths and his name shall live forever in the minds of those who have learned to love and respect him. So, let us pay homage to him.

Thank You Occty!

Here is an exquisite poem made by our very own Neytari Took-Baggins.
Barely There
Beauty profound, though barely there
Subtle magic holds our gaze
The silent grace of your decent
Eloquent as a phrase.

Soft, minute and barely there
But what presence in your flight!
As you flutter down from in the sky
The hero of tonight.

They say that small ones, barely there
Are nothing beside the strong
They say the little ones do naught -
But you have proved them wrong.

They say the small ones, barely there
The seeming insignificant and few
Can sometimes make all the difference
And you have proved them true.

For it was a pretty little moth
Tipping the balance against despair
And we know the Wizard gray was glad that night
That you were barely there.

And a new Haiku by Neytari:
It was snow magic
The vision that passed my eyes
Quickly here and gone

May she never lose the gift of words for through them we can glimpse the wonders of the true beauties in life....

Here is another fantastic poem done by Miranthridel Bloom:

Metal clangs
Hammers bang
Trees creak and fall
And the wings beat the path of the saviour

Leaders lie
Heroes die
Tears, crystals fall
As the wings beat the path of the saviour

Legs leap
Lives seep
Away into the dawn
As the wings beat the path of the saviour

Eagles fly
Free men cry
In the new world’s morn,
Because the wings beat the path of the

And here is a more poorly written poem by yours can laugh if you want! =)

He takes us
On angelic wings
to lands of long ago
to places far above the plain
To Isenguard we'll go.

His beauty
beten on the wings
is far beyond compare
and with each flight
is new-found grace
which all can see is fair.

Off into
the grim moonlit sky
we see him take his leave.
Into the lands
of Mordor where
Gandalf he'll recieve.

But fear not!
My dear brave moth;
for none shall do you harm.
They see you not
and fear you less;
no need for an alarm!

A Hiaku done by a newer member, Albion. Thanx!

Octavius Moth
To Gandalf atop Orthanc:
"Eagle is here: Jump!"

A Hiaku by Elyrka.

Sweet, little Occty,
You are one of heroes,
You are forever loved.

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Occty's Fan Club Members:
(Member names are those used on MT. No real names will be used for protection.)
Faithwise Gamgee
The Tenth Nazgul
Gandalf Greyhame
Lady Sandrilene fa Toren
Neytari Took-Baggins
Radagast the Onyx
Tinwë, the evil
Eöl Númenessë
Elyrka Redsmith
Miranthridel Bloom
Estel Lomëwen
Pharaz Kiwiw
Elentari The Mystical
Legolas TW.
Rosemary Took
Anoren i Edhel
Faramir Took
Iluvaniel Ithmil Erethna
The Ring of Barahir
