
  • Name: Krystal

  • Nicknames: Krys

  • Birthday: January 4th, 1984

  • Age: 18

  • Family: Mom, Michelle, Emmie, & Glenn

  • Location: New Jersey

  • Eyes: Blue

  • Hair: Brown/auburn

  • Height: 5'1

  • Weight: 111

  • Pets: 2 cats & a bird

  • Friends: Jen, Candice Jan, Matt, & Marie.



Random Facts:

  • I'm an aunt

  • I was anorexic

  • I suffer from depression

  • I'm named after singers

  • I have two middle names

  • I lived in Upstate NY for 14 years, and then moved back to NJ when I was 16

  • I met Russell Crowe, Debelah Morgan, & Tonya Mitchell

  • I have their autographs

  • I also have autographs from the following people: Faith Hill, Reba McEntire, Richard Greico, & Linda Davis (My father met them)

  • My first name is really spelled with a 'C', but I prefer to use a 'K'

  • I still haven't decided what I want to do with my life

  • I don't have my driver's license yet

  • I live with my mom

  • I love getting flowers

  • If I could meet any person dead or alive, I'd pick Michael Jackson

  • I know the dance moves to "Beat It"

  • I don't care if you think I'm a freak for thinking Michael Jackson's cool  :P

  • I love to read

  • My background's are Italian, Polish, and German

  • I have a lisp (and I hate it)

  • I've never had a retainer or braces (so what the hell is the lisp from?)

  • I like Hanson  :P






  • Color: Blue

  • Season: Spring

  • Holiday: Halloween

  • Day of the week: Friday

  • TV Shows: Felicity, Crossing Jordan, Angel, and Charmed

  • Movies: The Mothman Prophecies, Harry Potter

  • Actors: Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, and John Cusack

  • Actresses: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock

  • Comedians: Jimmy Fallon, Dennis Leary

  • Bands: Savage Garden

  • Solo Artists: Geri Halliwell, Cher, Michael Jackson

  • CDs: Affirmation (Savage Garden), Escape (Enrique Iglesias), Schizophonic (Geri Halliwell)

  • Songs: Affirmation (Savage Garden), Hero (Enrique Iglesias), Now We Are Free (Gladiator Theme), & anything by Michael Jackson

  • Hobbies: Singing, the internet, shopping, going to the movies.

  • Restaurant: Villagio's

  • Food: Spinach con Queso

  • Junk Food: Chocolate

  • Drink: Shirley Temple's

  • Mall: Moorestown

  • S tores: Aeropostale, American Eagle, & Target

  • Outfit: American Eagle jeans & Aero 3/4 sleeve gingham shirt

  • Animals: Horses, lions, and dogs.

  • Car: Ford Mustang convertible

  • Vacation Spot: Niagara Falls (it's the only place I've been to)