A list of the phobias that I have...Yeah, I'm crazy, I know.

Merinthobia - Being bound or tied up.
Taphophobia - Being buried alive
Pnigophobia - Choking or being smothered
Necrophobia - Necrophobia -- I'm not really afraid of them, but just uncomfortable around them.
Herpetophobia - Creepy crawly things
Thanatophobia - Death or dying
Panthophobia - Disease or suffering
Athazagoraphobia - Being forgotten or ignored
Trypanophobia - Injections
Eremophobia - Lonliness
Philophobia - Falling in love
Gerascophobia - Growing old
Socialphobia - Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations
Claustrophobia - Confined spaces
Obesophobia - Gaining weight
Helminthophobia - Being infested with worms