I had my first real website for over a year. Some of you may remember it, 'dream'. I decided to park myself at envy.nu, since they had no banner ads or anything stupid like that. And for awhile, everything was good. But then envy.nu shut down. Without giving its hostees any warning. I decided to start from scratch and make a new site.

And then STARBURST was born. It took forever to get everything up and running. I couldn't decide what layout I wanted to use, what kind of content I wanted on the site, if I wanted to just keep my journal here, etc. Not to mention, my HTML skills aren't that great. I have a horrible memory, so I've forgotten almost everything. I'm still brushing up and 're-learning' everything. And I'm trying to learn some new stuff while I'm at it.

The real reason why STARBURST is here though, is because I needed something to do in my spare time. I also thought that maybe if I put up a journal and a new site, people could see how my life is going. It's easier for me to write, rather than come right out and see "Hello! I need attention! I'm having issues!". It's a good way to vent, and at the same time people can see what I'm going through and how I'm feeling. Without having to listen to my screaming at them. Trust me, the writing is much easier to deal with.

I hope you enjoy the site. If not, than too bad. I'm doing it for me, and not for you. So deal with it. :P