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 Mr. Bone's Sims

For those who lost their lives on 9/11 you will never be forgotten!!! United We Stand!

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Welcome to Mr. Bone's Sims! This site was created to share my creations that I have made for that game we all love The Sims. For you that have been to Mr.. Bone's Sims you will see there have been some changes. This is due to the the space I  left and the problem with bandwidth. The site is plain and simple. I offer great downloads from walls to objects. I hope you enjoy your visit, there is so much coming to Mr. Bone's Sims. I will be a donation free site and will not charge anyone for any of our downloads. Feel free and take and post what you want, like if you have a site with homes feel free to add our stuff to your downloads. All I ask is that you give credit where do.  Have fun and enjoy the game. If you have any question please feel free to email me. I hope, I can provide the best service possible for you, growing and expand into one of the best Sim sites around. Mr. Bones Sims will be high quality Sim site and free service for everyone. I hope Mr. Bone's Sims becomes one of your favorite Sim Sites to visit.

Please sign our guest book and share your comments with other visitors.

  Guest Book


Added another house this morning. It is a beautiful 4 bedroom Victorian home for lot 1. Remember you can find all the siding here under exterior siding.


I have decided to share some of my homes. Today I have added a nice country cottage for lot 50. All my homes are made with all the expansions. I have decided to manly post walls, floors and floors till I find a new home with more space. Objects just take up to much space.


Small update today 10 new interior walls. Kitchen Sets are down do to space on server. If you have these files please share them with others who would like them.

   What's ready for download now!

22 Floor Files

150 Interior Wall Files

139 Exterior Wall Files

25 Blueprint Walls

2 Houses

14 Paintings