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: born somewhere between the birth of the cosmos and its final destruction, Rick Super, a rock and roll satiric vampyre who lives in a forest on a small island called Gabriola somewhere in spatial time and plays and records his own music and songs under the name of BROOMSTICK WITCHES. The cultivation of many varieties of tomatoes has been a longtime passion with him and hanging out at his favorite beach serenading seagulls and mermaids with his guitar and songs occupies the summer side of his mind when he’s not in his studio jamming with demons and ghouls on the wintry side of lunar life.


As a child, Vena Cava enjoyed making up her own bedtime stories to put herself to sleep. In her favorite, she slept surrounded by wolves, her head pillowed on their furry ribs, lulled to Dreamland by the ticking of their hearts. She is a lifelong Goth and was featured in Nancy Kilpatrick’s The Goth Bible, published by St. Martin’s Press. She writes (horror of course!) under the pseudonym Noctavia Poe, and is currently working on a book of short stories and several novels. She enjoys doodling, playing with her “pack” of four dogs, and visiting the spirits in historic Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis.