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Welcome To My Site Howls of Welcome to you and
yours! This page will tell you all who
is and what it is all about. Enjoy the
Eye Candy

Awarded The Spring of 1998

I have been on the internet no for about 10 years now. I started out on a WebTv (Which I highly recommend for the first timer) Due to my experience with Webtv I gained a lot of HTML experience. All of my pages I write the codes to. :-)

My name is Wendy. I came up with "WOLFPAGE" because I onced lived in a place called Page and I had a Wolf or two. :-) Thus "Wolfpage". It just seemed like the right Handle. Since then I am known for my EDUCATION on the Wolf, and the eye candy I create while doing it.. My main wolf site is here at It is titled "What is a Wolf" I take PRIDE in my cause being the "Wolf". I feel that they are as we are. SURVIVORS! (If you ever have a something to add please let me know facts, notes, or just a comment. I have meet so many GREAT people due to this cause. I know that it is right !!!!!!! This site will lead you to many other great sites. Let me tell you! :-)

Wolfpage ©1998

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I am a mom, partner, teacher, a cook and just someone who is trying to make it. I live in Idaho, 22 miles from the nearest pavement. Just turned 44. Home school my 12 year old.
I am in the Idaho K12 program. Which means he is Home Schooled and goes to school on the internet. This is Idaho's third year in this program.( Idaho's education level ranks right up there around 46TH :( ) I have two Wolfs. They are both related to Moon Shadow. Son to her is "Four Socks and his Nephew
Little Bear". We all work hard and play the same. "S".

In the ten years that I have been on line, I have received many awards, which you will see thought my site. A member offor five Years. And have recentaly rejoined. The Site Fight's is a place where you get votes for the creativity, originality, and massage of your site. My message is about the Wolf.. You also can win cool stuff!! It is a lot of very hard work and very rewarding !! Pulse there are a lot of really interesting people and sites covering a lot of different topics. It really is worth a click or two.

You will find that most of my links lead to interesting sites on the net. At least I hope that they are interesting to you. :) I am a FAMILY orientated site. I do have children TOO. Please teach your children about the net. It is a safe place if one is thought the ways of Self privation We must Teach our children to protect them self in the time's that we live in right NOW. As I was once told ignorance is no excuse ! Parents MUST teach their Children. Remember ! Our children are only browed form the one above.

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Since my Webtv I have developed a new hobby. Creating, designing, and publishing pages to the web. I also do Indian bead work. This is where Wolfpage Design has come from. I have also started a new direction on the net and have taken over a couple of webrings that I have been a member for some time now. I just did not want them to end. It has been really fun so far. I am in the process of getting them back up and running. A webring is a place on a site that acts as a portal to a subject. A lot of information can be acquired in these rings. We also love our Play Station. We play everything from role play, demotion, arcade, and yes even golf. LOL
There are many things that you will find on each of my sites. I like to call my site Eye Candy meaning sweet to look at. Thro out my site you will see the button to the left. If you click it, it will take you to the voting page for my site.. You will see this button all over my pages. Please give it a click and support my education about the Wolf..
I really hope that you enjoy my site and return to visit again. Also please do not forget to visit "What is a Wolf" one can learn so much about these beautiful critters.

Above you will find links to places on the net. Also some of the very important group that I belong to. Please give them a click and check them out. If you have a link you would like to see on my site, or just a page that you fancy. Please click on the add a link logo. Don't forget to sign the guest book. That way I know that you stopped in and what you thought. Thank You So Much For Stopping in, hope to see you again real soon. Howls to you and yours.... Wolfpage

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This site was created Sept. 2002
This site was lasted updated Feburary 13, 2006

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