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Get a Refund From UPS and/or FedEX!

When I found out about this, I thought to myself "Why doesn't UPS or FedEX state this more clearly to their Customer's?!?"

So I did some Research, and what I found amazed me. Did you know that...

  1. Last year ALONE $2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Dollars) was owed by FedEx and UPS in refunds on late packages.

  2. A package is considered late if it is even 60 seconds late. Late is late. A full refund is owed to the sender on all late packages.

  3. FedEx and UPS' policies state that senders have only 15 days from the day a package was sent to request a refund. If a refund is not requested within those 15 days the FedEx and UPS owe nothing. FedEx and UPS kept TWO Billion dollars last year that could have been collected as refunds.

  4. Most companies are not aware of how much money is owed to them. They are surprised to find such a high number of their packages are delivered late.

  5. Over 2,000,000 (Two Million) companies ship over 300+ overnight packages per week.

  6. 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) companies ship 1,000+ overnight packages per week.

"So why not file for the Refund yourself?"

If you did it for yourself you would have to do it manually. On the Fed Ex or UPS websites, you can only process 5 air bills at a time on the, then you automatically get logged off.

If you had to verify 300 air bills it would take a tremendous amount of time, which costs money.

That's why last year 2 Billion Dollars in refunds went uncollected!

Time is Money!!! This service is worth much more! Why wait? Order Now To Lock In These Low-Low Price And To Receive All Of The money you are owed! Click Here to order safely and easily with our secure online order form. You won't be sorry!"

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