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One Missed Call (2008) - Review # 893 / Reviewed By: "The Writer"

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Details . . .


A chain of people receive terrifying cell phone messages of their own final fatal moments. Though the messages can be deleted, their number is up.


Suspense/Horror, Thriller and Remake

Running Time:

1 hr. 26 min.

Release Date:

January 4th, 2008 (wide)

MPAA Rating:

PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and terror, frightening images, some sexual material and thematic elements.


Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

Production Co.:

Alcon Entertainment, Equity Pictures Medienfonds GMBH & Co KG, Nippon Herald Films, Inc, Intermedia Films

U.S. Box Office:


Filming Locations:

Atlanta, Georgia - USA
One Missed Call (2008) Poster
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Review . . .

'One Missed Call' begins with a burning inferno, as a young girl is seperated from her mother. As the film moves forward -

"Yes! I finally caught up with you again!"


"Thought you could get off so easy, huh?"


"Well, Write-ah, I've got a proposition for yuz. Since ya like tah 'review' movies so much, why don'tcha narrate 'JHoff.Net's very first feature film ; One Missed Erection! The plot is simple - These guys keep getting calls on their phones. Everytime they answer, they hear themselves in the middle of blowin' their load... when all of a sudden, their dick shrivels up to the size of a raisin!!!

... That's got to be the lamest excuse for a "movie" ... ever.

"But - "


"Awww... well, how about this'n. There's this deli, see, and this radioactive goop falls on one of the wheels ah cheese... giving birth to an abnormal BEAST of a monst-ah! I call it ; Cheddarfield!!!!!

... Even lamer, if that's even possible...

"Ok, ok, I've got one last idea. There's these two old priests. They find this list that one of them made when before they became men of God, listing all the things they want to do before they die... which includes things like 'get high', 'kill an old biddy', 'get more high', 'have sex with a random stranger', 'get even more high', and 'eat human meat'. They're about to die, so they decide, 'Aw, the hell with it'. I call it "The Fuck-It List." Now you GOTTA admit that's some good crap.

... It's crap alright. Good? No. Crap? Definitely.

"Dammit! You suck! What would you rate my planned movies, altogether?"

The same rating I give each of your promos - two thumbs, way, waaaay down. Now, I'm ending this review, since your rollie-pollie ass has barged in...

"Wait! I have one more idea! I'd get Martin Lawrence cuz, let's face it, the dude's not doin' jack shit nowadays anyway, and I'd have him dress up like a woman, and I'd have him be in this flick with Eddie Murphy cuz, let's face it, he'll be in just about anything, and he'd ALSO be dressed up like a chick, and then I'd throw in Eddie Monroe, because let's face it, after the Hoff kicks his ass up and down, from pillar to post, and boots him from the tournament, he'll be so embarrased he'll need SOMETHING to fall back on... and I'll have him dress up like a broad. The dude's probably intah that kinda shit, anyway. Then, I'll have them be buddy cops. It'll be the first ever buddy cop movie starring three cross-dressers!"

"And the best thing about it? Lawrence, Murphy, and Monroe all have one thing in common. None of them will have shit to do after this Monday! Monroe... you'd be perfect for my movie. Think about it, won't you?"

Ok, well, I'd love to stay here and listen to your crappy attempts at 'humor', but I've got much more important things to do. Like picking the food out of my teeth...

"FINE! See if I care! Who needs ya?! ... Cuz I sure as hell don't!!! ... YA DAMN, DIRTY, BASTARD!"


"UGH... back to the search for a replacement narrator... I wonder if the guy that does all the TNA ppv promos is available... Gotta love ya some James Earl Jones sound-a-likes..."


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