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William G 'Smitty' Smith, Sr.


Born Oct 16, 1914, in Cleveland, Ohio, he has been a Masicon resident since 1986. Prior to that, he had lived in Mentor-on-the-Lake.

He served in the U.S. Army 37th Divison from 1930 to 1937, the during World War II served in the 82nd Division, 98th Division and 63rd Division. He was a member of VFW Post #7754, Fairport Harbor, and also was a member of the 63rd Infantry Division Association. He was responsible of keeping the 253rd "Fox" Company together for more thatn 50 years throught correspondence and yearly "mini" reunions. He was an avid golder.

Smitty worked at Erie Shores and Powder Horn Golf Courses. Prior to that, he was a self-employed ceramic title subcontractor.