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Mentor Headlands, Ohio -- May 27, 2000

The night belong to the Dogg!


The night started like any other night, I walked into the Mentor Headlands Community Center and walked into the locker room. As I walked into the dressing room OCW Commissioner Eddie Edwards walked up to me and told me not to do anything stupid. I thought to myself, why the hell is he telling me this? Then I realized that in the dressing room with me was none other then the “Atomic Dogg” Kidd Quick! My archenemy! So as I walked up to Kidd Quick, I was stopped by OCW Officials and made sure I did not clean his clock. So OCW Commissioner Eddie Edwards decided to sign a match of myself verse “Atomic Dogg” Kidd Quick. I knew I was the so-called under dog of the match because the Dogg was from the Headlands, born and raised there. So I agreed and the match was signed.

“Big Badd Biker” Blackhammer vs. “Atomic Dogg” Kidd Quick

So the match is a pond us and we were in the ring. We locked up, and I do not know why Quick locks up with me, I always throw his body around like it was nothing. So after two lock ups and throwing him to the mat, I decided to really made the Dogg look like a chump. So it was time for a test of strength, we locked up and Atomic Dogg used his quickness and kicked one of my hands away and ran to the turnbuckle and jumped up and nailed me with a spinning head scissors. As I got up Quick nailed the Hammer with top dropkicks and that sent me to the outside. As I was recovering from the dropkicks Quick leaped off the apron with a flying bodypress, but I caught his ass and ran across the ring and posted him like there was no tomorrow. I ran so fast and we hit so hard the ring moved 3 inches from were it was. After that I got Quick back into the ring and as I was getting in the crowd got my attention for a split second and at the moment Quick snuck in two kicks to get the Hammer into the turnbuckle and then he pulled the Hammer out of the corner and nailed me with a massive Rocker Dropper. I got up and Quick got the Hammer back into the corner and started to pound the Hammer down with punches and then a massive spinning sidekick to get Blackhammer to the mat and then a baseball slide to the groin. That just got the Hammer mad, as Quick got me up in the corner he tried to Irish Whip Blackhammer into the other corner but Hammer revered it and as the Dogg was in the corner Hammer came in with a big Hammer-Splash. Then the Biker Irished Whipped Atomic into the opposite corner but was to slow for the shoulder ram and Atomic got up and embarrassed Hammer with a slap on the ass and doing it doggy style. As Atomic was breaking a move from what he did, Hammer came with a leaping closeline and took off the head of the Atomic Dogg. As the Dogg was down the Hammer came up with a Big Leg Drop.

The Hammer thought he had it under control and decided to go to the second rope and as he launched off for a legdrop the Dogg moved and the Hammer hit nothing but mat. As Blackhammer got up Quick nailed me with a bodyslam and nailed the Hammer with two running Swanton bombs. After only a two count Hammer low bridge him and was setting up for a closeline and Quick ducked and the ref got nailed full force with a Hammer Closeline. Then the Hammer turns back to Quick and caught him with a standing spinebuster and leveled the Kidd. Blackhammer then went to the outside and grabbed a chair to finish off the Atomic Dogg. As Hammer got back in and swung the chair Dogg ducked and came back with a spinning sidekick to the jaw of the Hammer and Atomic got the chair. As the Biker got up he was meet with a steel chair between the eyes, but before the Dogg could do it again, the Hammer got a boot up and then punched the chair right into the face of the Atomic Dogg. The Hammer had it in under control. It was time to DROP THE HAMMER!! Blackhammer picked up Atomic for DROPPING THE HAMMER, as he was up the Dogg wiggled out into a reversal and nailed Hammer with inverted DDT. Atomic Dogg picked up the stunned Hammer and nailed him the ATOMIC BULLDOG!! The Atomic Dogg made the cover and got the three count. The Dog made one mistake and that was staying in the ring and showboating. The Hammer got up and grabbed Atomic Dogg and threw his out and that left his Atomic Puppies in the ring. As pissed as the Hammer was he grabbed her by the neck and was setting up for a chokeslam. Then from behind the Dogg nailed Hammer with the Kendo Stick to the back and one more thunderous hit to the head to wipe out the Hammer.

The winner: “Atomic Dogg” Kidd Quick with the Atomic Puppies.

But that was not it for me for the night. Mojo, the OCW United States Champion picked me to be one of his lumberjacks. As I was out there I was watching by friends back, Mojo got thrown out and we made sure none of those baby faces got a hold of him. Then Billy Meyers was thrown out and we all ganged up on him. Then Atomic Dogg and Sam Sledge came over to help. Atomic nailed the Hammer once again with the Kendo Stick. After he turned way I lowed bridge him again. Then Sam Sledge came and started to nail me in the head with big fist until one half of the Dark Rider's, who was King, him with my stop sign and then I dug my spiked wrist gauntlet into his eyes. But the most action for the Hammer came at the end when Stick Figure Jones nailed Mojo with a chair and then Stick Figure was in a verbal fight with JT Rodgers. So I decide to grab Stick Figure by the neck and pick him up for a double-handed chokehold. After that Atomic Dogg tried to help but I just pushed his ass out of my way and Sam “The Hammer” Sledge got in my face. Wrong thing to do brother, because I will not forget that.

Buckeye Brawl Battle Royal:

Then came the battle royal, I was the last man in. As I got in I first grabbed "Wildman" Chris Leary and threw him out. Then Stick Figure Jones was the next to go out. So within 30 seconds I threw out two men and it was Blackhammer and Sam Sledge left. Now the Buckeye Brawl Battle Royal turned into a falls count anywhere match. I took over on Sledge and was nailing him with massive fists. Then I got him to the outside and rammed him into the pole. Both were back into the ring and Sam Sledge went down with a massive fist. Hammer went to the second rope and launched off with a leg drop but Sledge moved. But that did not stop Blackhammer, Hammer got up and whipped Sam into the ropes and nailed him with a massive leaping closeline. As I was nailing him with massive fist, The Blackhammer went for a spinning fist but Sam ducked and nailed Hammer with a massive reverse jaw breaker and got the three count on Blackhammer.

Winner: Sam “The Hammer” Sledge.


Mr. Rebel pinned Prince Juggalo...Kidd Quick pinned Blackhammer...Stick Figure Jones defeated Don Da Bomb Smith for the OCW Lightweight title...Lumberjack Weapons Match U.S champ Mojo battled TV champ Billy Meyers to a no contest after both men failed to answer the standing 10 count...Sam the Hammer Sledge defeated Eric Xtasy & JT Rodgers in a handicap match...The Bouncer w/ Ash defeated Wildman Chris Leary for the vacant OCW heavyweight title...Sam Sledge won the BUCKEYE BRAWL BATTLE ROYALE...The RENEGADES ( Mojo & Meyers) defeated The Dark Riders (King & Scarz) for the OCW Tag title.

Results Courtesy of Ohio Championship Wrestling

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