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Bell Time: 6:00PM

Date: 05-17-2009

Admission is Free but donations are welcome!

In a 4 man elimination match for the FPW Title, it will be Scott Structure(Champion) vs Trailer Trash vs C-Dog vs Swink the Shocker.

There will be women's mud battle royal with the following participants: Miss Jennifer, Miss Chata, Mary Sommer, Nurse Betty, Twin 1, Twin 2 and many more to come. The winner will be declared Queen of FPW!

SuperSolider vs Tibetan Monk in a "Bombs over Baghdad Match" with special guest referee Kurt Zamora

-There will be a four team tournament to decide the first ever FPW Tag Team Champions-

The Red Screamers w/ Lynus vs Payro Pomarentes and Super Nintendo Chaumers

One Man Chain Gang and Pyro vs El Chupocavre and a Mystery Partner!