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Colleen and Chris D. at the Prep's Homecoming last year!

Name: Indiana Colleen (sorta like Indiana Jones), Hickey Girl, Gooey Bagel, Number 2 (the Shit), "Really Hot" (I didn't just make that up... someone actually gave me that name!)

Numero de Loco Ocho: Uno

Color de Loco Ocho: Verde (Green)

E-Mail address:,

Date of Birth: 03-11-82

Place of Residence (when not at the shore): Fort Wayne, Indiana

Favorite Food: Pasta, pickled eggs (ewww, just kidding... gross)

Favorite Drink: Water, pink lemonade, chocolate milk, Daquiris, Cosmos from Mont Serat, Everclear (ewww, gross again!)

Favorite Color: Orange (and it's pronounced AH-Range... not OH-range... people here in indiana say OH-range, but they're wrong)

How do you eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup: I peel off all the chocolate and eat all that first, and then I have this big lump of peanut butter... and sometimes I just eat the peanut butter in one big piece... sometimes i crumble it up... depends on what sort of mood i'm in.

Dating Status: Currently unavailable due to the fact that I have a cool boyfriend

What Irks you: When my butt falls asleep, or when any body parts fall asleep independently of the rest of my body, Fort Wayne (which ironically rhymes with Mundane), people who pick their noses in the car and think that you don't see them, when people fart or moan in their sleep, grease stains, when someone puts an empty box of cookies back in the pantry, most people, most things, the list goes on.

What Pleases you: Fuzzy leopard print slippers, milkshakes, the beach, the ocean, the internet (i'm a nerd), male abercrombie and fitch models (who doesn't enjoy them?), toy stores, cartoons, WaWa, thin-crust pizza, soft pretzels, tastykakes, running around naked... j/k, military uniforms, tuxedos,
"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
Brown paper packages tied up with strings,
These are a few of my favorite things." (sorry about that... i just broke into a verse from the sound of music)

Why do you think pink lemonade is pink?: Even though I read the back of a minute maid carton, and it said that they use grapefruits, i still firmly believe that there must be pink lemons somewhere... but, now that I think of it, pink lemonade is such a weird, unnatural occurence... i'm dumbfounded.

Hobbies: Stealing menus to give to sara, frolicking through the countryside, eating lots of fattening foods, skiing, running, boogying down, partying on occasion, playing the little bit of guitar that i know, Mud Wrestling, Vandalization

Special Skills: Break dancing (specifically, I can do "the worm"), Raving, Back flips off of colleen's diving board, uhhh... i can jump hurdles, spending money

Summer Job: I was offered a job at Cafe Beach Club as a hostess, near 12th St. and the Boardwalk, but I'm hoping to get a waittressing job instead, possibly, because I need more money, so that I can spend it...

Additional Comments: The funniest country music song is "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney, and that's the best thing I've learned since I moved to indiana... and also, I found out that there are several holes of a golf course in the middle of the indianapolis speedway, and that is also quite interesting to me... and today, I passed by benjamin harrison's house, and james dean's house (both of which are in indiana), also, Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, John Cougar Mellencamp, Dan Quayle, and Kurt Vonnegut are from here... and in conclusion, I'm not a hick.  I'm originally from Philadelphia, except I moved to the Fort about 9 and a half months ago... and I'm coming back east for college to go to Loyola College in Maryland in the fall!

Live Long and Prosper... that is the vulcan way!

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