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Colleen after MSJA's Junior Prom!

Name:  Colleen Hornymonkeys

Numero de Loco Ocho: tres

Color de Loco Ocho: purple

E-Mail address:

Date of Birth:  3-19-'82

Place of Residence (when not at the shore): southampton, pa

Favorite Food: everything, i dont discriminate

Favorite Drink: pepsi, fountain coke, any alcohol in OJ

Favorite Color:  blue

How do you eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup:  i dont (i dont like peanuts, unlike other elephants)

Dating Status:  eternally single

What Irks you:  most other girls, sops, and accidently closing IMs before you can read the message.

What Pleases you: dressing up like lasalle football players and waterskiing on the schuykill river with spray paint and boulders and those little disguises with the mustache and furry eyebrows... and completing a top secret mission.

Why do you think pink lemonade is pink?:  it just is, why question it.

Hobbies:  exercising hahaha.... umm going online.... eating and sleeping... partying on occasion

Special Skills:  juggling, flips, and climbing up doorways

Summer Job:  hmmm good question... i want to be an independent distributor of herbalife.

Additional Comments:  n/a

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