May 21, 2007
Matt Peddycord

WCW Power Hour
January 19, 1991

The current WCW Champs were as follows:
World Champion: Ric Flair (1/11/1991)
U.S. Champion: Lex Luger (12/16/1990)
World Tag Team Champions: Doom (5/19/1990)
U.S. Tag Team Champions: Rick & Scott Steiner (8/24/1990)
World Television Champion: Tom Zenk (12/4/1990)

On today’s episode, Sid Vicious stops by to beat up some more jobbers. Tom Zenk defends his TV title against “Wild” Bill Irwin. Plus, we receive a word from the newly-crowned seven-time World Champion Ric Flair! It’s all next on the Power Hour!

Your hosts are JR & Paul E. Dangerously!

Motor City Madman & Big Cat vs. Greg Sawyer & Iron Eagle

Let’s start off with some explanations here. Motor City Madman is nothing more than a big guy who wears black. Big Cat is better known Mr. Hughes or Curtis Hughes. I was never really sure why he was called “Big Cat” Was he some kind of a jazz lover or what? I don’t know. The 19-year old Allen Iron Eagle is doing the Indian gimmick and also wears face paint like your Stings and your Warriors. He’s basically a JTTS and nothing more. Oh yeah, and Greg Sawyer is just a no-name jobber. We don’t even see Sawyer wrestle as Iron Eagle gets choked and booted around. Paul E says Big Cat should’ve been noticed as rookie of the year in 1990 instead of Iron Eagle, which is a totally ridiculous statement. MCM delivers a side slam and follows up with a fist drop to put Eagle away. (2:16) The Motor City Madman would be gone REAL soon.

JR & Paul E hype Paul E’s upcoming workout video as he trains to arm wrestle Missy Hyatt at the Clash.

The Freebirds cut a promo about a US tag titles shot against the Steiners. Interestingly enough, they earn a negative world tag titles reign instead.

The Freebirds vs. Reno Riggins & Italian Stallion

The Freebirds are in between managers right now, as they are post-Little Richard and pre-DDP. Italian Stallion gets in some harmless offense on the Freebirds, but then he tags in Riggins who gets beat around and takes a DDT from Garvin to finish. (4:19) Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It’s time for some WNN: The Wrestling News Network with Gordon Solie. He announces Ric Flair has defeated Sting for the WCW World Title from Sting and afterwards, got into a fight with Scott Steiner. The stage is set for the Clash on January 30th. Paul E is standing by with Flair. He mentions now that Flair is the champ, all the wrestlers should be paying homage to him. Flair’s says he’s a winner, and that’s all that matters. He also calls Scott the possible new Ric Flair. Wow. Flair wants Scott Steiner to walk that aisle and try and beat him for the title. WOO.

Next up, we see the Anderson/Windham basic training video as they continue their quest for the WCW World tag titles. It’s a pretty cool little video as its shown in black and white, which is a great effect. They hang out and beat up cars in a junkyard with sledgehammers while they talk about how the Horsemen in ’91 will tell no more lies. Bottom line is, don’t friggin’ mess with the Horsemen. It ends with a little bit of symbolism, as Arn crushes a Cadillac emblem showing they’re not about the flashy stuff anymore. They are all about the GANG VIOLENCE~!

JR & Paul E recap the Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood) from the previous week challenging Arn Anderson & Barry Windham, which led to a big brawl.

Renegade Warriors vs. Magnum Force

LOOK! MORE INDIANS! Magnum Force are a couple of no-name mullet-wearing jobbers. Mullet Force would probably be a better tag-team name. Mark & Chris Youngblood make some quick tags to start while dominating one of the Mullets. Mullet #1 escapes out of a headlock with a back suplex and tags his partner for a double-team back elbow. Big powerslam gets two. Mark gets stuck in the Mullet corner, but ends with a little heel miscommunication. One of the Mullets takes a chop off an atomic drop by Mark. The Warriors deliver a double-backdrop and finish with a top-rope butt splash. (4:45) Spoiler alert: the Horsemen squash these Indians at the Clash.

JR builds a Flair/Sid/Anderson/Windham vs. Sting/Pillman/Steiners Brothers match for the pre-empted edition of Saturday Night. That sounds really awesome.

Konan vs. Chuck Coats

Yeah, it’s the same Konan, but with a mask and fifteen years younger. Chuck Coats looks like a more plump Lance Storm with the buzz-cut and red/white tights. JR puts El Gigante over as a legit threat to anyone in WCW while Paul E scoffs and Konan is owning Coats in the ring with an Indian deathlock. Crowd really has no idea what to think as Konan delivers a nice torso-flip into an armdrag. Konan finishes with a reverse suplex out of the corner. (3:30) Konan wisely heads back to Mexico where he’s appreciated for the next four years.

The WCW Wrestling Hotline is COOL!

Sid Vicious vs. Mountain Man Bailey

Bailey looks like Isaac Yankem. It doesn’t matter though because Sid rules the world. Bailey turns his back on Sid to start and pays for it dearly. Sid stomps and tosses Bailey to the floor and follows him out for some guardrail action. Back in, Sid hits the corner splash and the POWERBOMB for the win. (3:22) Paul E ~ ”Sid’s not a man, he’s a monster!”

WCW World TV Champion Tom Zenk vs. “Wild” Bill Irwin

Irwin is also known as the Goon from the WWF, in case you don’t recognize him here. Zenk out-quicks Irwin to start and grabs a headlock. Irwin eventually punches out and trades hiptoss attempts until he ends up in a corner. Irwin goes to the eyes and chokes Zenk on the ropes. Irwin whips Zenk into the corner, but he eats a boot instead. Meanwhile, JR & Paul E talk about the upcoming Clash. That gets two for Zenk. Irwin comes back with a running boot and goes for the SUPERPLEX, but Zenk hooks the top rope and falls on top of Irwin for the 1-2-3. (4:32) Not too bad for a Power Hour main event. ½*

We close with a WrestleWar promo video. Michael Hayes is dressed up in what appears to be the same outfit you see Torrie Wilson wearing in the Great American Bash ’04 ads.

Final Thoughts: What was with all the stereotypical Indian gimmicks on this show? Anyways, the Clash of the Champions was only eleven days away, so the hard-sell for that was inevitable. We’ll see more of what transpired between Flair and Steiner on the next episode, which was pretty interesting.