[The scene opens in the sold out Robert F Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington DC. Thousdands of screaming fans are on their feet, preparing for the NWO's biggest PPV to date. Joey Styles and Joel Gertner are standing in the ring.]

Joey Styles: Washington DC.... Are you ready to get POLITICALLY INCORRECT!?!?!?! [The fans anwser in a thundereous pop] You people must be, becuase tonight, the Net World Order has set a modern-day attendance record, with the official attendance being calculated at 71,678 people! [The fans continue their uproar] Lets get ready to start things off tonight, I'm Joey Styles......

[Joel Gertner snatches the mic away from Joey Styles. Styles goes off in Gertner's face as Joel grows a smirk.]

Joel Gertner: Well...... Well...... Well.... The Net World Order has finally made it into Washington DC! For all of you diplomatic women in the audience who may not know me, let me introduce myself. My Name is Joel ........ [Styles plugs his ears, not wanting to listen] "My Name Aint Clinton, I Dont Like BJ's From Fat Chicks" Gertner... [71,000 fams begin laughing thier asses off. Styles begins to bitch at Gertner as Suddenly, The NWOtron begins flashing on and off. The entire arena directs their attention toward it. The NWOtron opens up along a dark ditch line on the road. A black hummer is crushed and twisted up and blood runs through the creek near the hummer. A voice is heard saying something.~]

"What the hell happened? Where am I? I'm bleeding... I have a match against Austin... I have to get to the arena... The darkness... I feel it inside of my soul...."

[~The Baltimore Assassin stands up and he grabs his head in pain and he feels long locks of hair. He looks at his shirt and it is stained in blood. The Baltimore Assassin starts walking up towards the road. The Baltimore Assassin relizes he is in the middle of no where with a match probably an hour away. The Baltimore Assassin begins walking towards the arena.~]

The Baltimore Assassin:"All I feel is hate, darkness, and evil... for Steve Austin. The one that many fear but only the worthy look down on... Austin I am the worthy. You think that I have no skill or talent... but I can beat you on shire balls. Steve Austin your nothing to me, not even a threat... But what just came over me you are no match for... When I wrecked my hummer I felt the reality of death and pain. Austin you to will see this reality... but it won't take a hummer or weird images it will only take me! As I rattle your bones as I cross the floor, the bones in your grave will rattle no more Austin. I feel no more pain, all I can feel is a tingling in my body... I feel as if I am dead... But here I walk along this blood stained road with a dark, cold emotion burning in my heart. A rattlesnake can't stop me, let alone a bald old man... Austin you talk alot of junk but none of it is worth a damn when it comes down to the final judgement in the ! ring... if I even make it there at this pace. I don't know what has come over me but I do know that it is not of the ordinary... My flesh is cold and my heart is colder but you still don't scare me. You call yourself Stone Cold... and when I am done with you... your merely a cold body laying beneath a tombstone."

"I see through you Austin... behind all the big words and all the tough redneck bullshit your just a small child crying for attention... Well Austin this is your chance at big time... can you take it? I don't think so... Your just like The Rock... a washed up WWF star that can't just the mustard! You run your mouth because McMahon screwed you and now your pissed at because I take away everything you hold dear to you..."

[~The Baltimore Assassin stops and he begins to pull a large peice of glass out of his stomach. The Baltimore Assassin drops to his knees and he laughs as the blood runs through his fingers like a water fall. The Baltimore Assassin begins laughing and he takes a handfull of blood and he wets his face with it. The Baltimore Assassin begins walking again.~]

The Baltimore Assassin:"Austin fear dominion is my way of battle can you take that? I don't think so... We're an hour away from discovering our destiny... What hand of fate do you fall on?"

[~The Baltimore Assassin continues to walk as the scene fades back to the Pay Per View. Gertner and Styles are now at ringside.~]

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! The Assassin looks to have been in a terrible auto accident! Will he get here on time for his shot at glory, The NWO World Title??

Joel Gertner: Ahhhhh, dont forget about him defending his tag team titles also! That match is scheduled as one of the first ones!

Joey Styles: Fans, we now head to the ring for our opening bout, Chris Jericho puts his TV title on the line VS Nick Patton!

NWO Television Title Match
Chris Jericho (Champion) VS Nick Patton

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is for the T.V. title, first the challenger coming in at 6'3 weighing 195 pounds Nick Patton.

~ AC/DC blasts over the P.A. system as Nick Patton comes out, some fans cheer while others boo him. He walks up on the stairs and hops in the ring.

Lillian Garcia: His opponent, from Canada, the current TV champion, Chris Jericho.

~ Jerichos music blasts over the P.A. sytem as the fans erupt in cheers as he turns around and walks up the ramp. He runs in the ring and they get it on. Jericho gives Patton right hands over and over again until Patton falls. Patton gets up fast and gets knocked down again. Patton hurries to his feet, Jericho goes for the whip, its reversed, Jericho runs off the ropes and dives and knocks Patton down again with an elbow block.

Joey Styles: Wow, Jericho is looking awfully impressive here in the beginning.

~ Both men are up, Jericho runs at Patton, he drops down and hits the toe hold on Jericho, he gets up holding his mouth as Patton hammers away on the TV champ. Patton slams Jericho hard into the mat. 1..2. Jericho kicks out. Jericho comes back with a low-blow, Jericho runs in the ropes and delivers the bulldog, 1......2...... kickout.

Joel Gertner: There was a close fall, I cant believe he kicked out.

Patton gets up and runs at Jericho. Spinebuster, Patton is down and Jericho is going for the walls of Jericho. Patton kicks Jericho low to prevent the hold. Patton gets up, delivers a huge piledriver on Jericho as both men are down. 1..2..3..4..5..6.., Jericho and Patton are crawling, tryin to get to the ropes to help them up. They both stumble to their feet, Patton goes for a blow, Jericho blocks it and hammers away, Jericho building a bunch of momentum connects with the spinning backbreaker. Jericho jumps up to the top as Patton stands up, Missle Dropkick off the top rope. 1..2... Patton just kicks out in the knick of time.

Joey Styles: This is a very close match, anyone could win the war for this TV title.

~ The men lock up as Jericho applies the arm lock, Patton reverses. Then Jericho throws elbows that connect, which breaks the hold, put Jericho takes down Patton and has "The walls of Jericho" locked in. Patton screams out in pains. He tries to get to the ropes.

Joel Gertner: Hes going to tap out, he cant go through all this pain, it'll snap his back in half.

~ Patton continues to yell, he crawls closer and closer to the ropes. Jericho cant believe it. Patton hits the ropes. The ref pulls off Jericho as Jericho is yelling at the ref. Patton comes up from behing, BACKLASH! He covers him. The ref slides into position. 1.....2.......3.!!!!!!!!

Joel Gertner: He did it, we have a new TV champ!

Lillian Garcia: The winner of this match, and new NWO Televsion Champion, Nick Patton!

Rage In A Cage Grudge Match
Maxx Payne VS The Rock

[While the cell looms overhead above the ring, the fans come to realize what match is coming up next. Once Lilian Garcia announces the Rage in the Cage match, Maxx Payne’s music begins to blare through the loudspeakers in the sounds of “Bad Blood” by The Ministry. While “Bad Blood” plays through its loop, the lights shut off, and four white pyrotechnics explode from the stage. The fans jump in excitement, but end it off in sheer hatred with boos as the eye of Maxx Payne appears on the screen. Showing their disgust for the fellow Ass Kickers Incorporated member, the fans clearly do not like the United States Champion in Washington DC.

The screen zooms into the displayed eye, surrounding the view in nothing but a black sight. The camera gradually heads downwards, and sights Maxx Payne sitting in an undisclosed shaded area. Calmly staring forward, yet not into the camera, Maxx Payne tranquilly explains his situation with The Rock to the Washington DC crowd.]

Maxx Payne: “Rock, can you feel the excitement? Just a few minutes away, blood will shed in that very ring before everyone in the MCI Center. Just minutes from now, you and I will be locked in a cell, forced to settle our differences with one another. While you busy yourself with peeling your agent from throwing himself at the feet of women, you have more important matters to deal with. First and foremost, you have a date with destiny that just cannot be delayed. Rock, you have been running your mouth for weeks about how you believe that you defeated Maxx Payne in a steel cage by disqualification. Rock, I had better awaken you to the real world before things get messy tonight. Let me just clear up a few things for you to understand.

Firstly, Rock, you have no undefeated streak. Your nine straight victories without a single loss is a complete charade, since you know fully well that you have fallen at least twice in the past to the driving force that is Maxx Payne. Still don’t remember? Allow me to refresh your memory.

In my debut in the Net World Order, a match between Maxx Payne and The rock was scheduled. You truly believed that Maxx Payne, being a rookie in the company was going to fall to you. Sadly for you, you were mistaken. Taking blow after blow, you finally found yourself on the receiving end of a Payne Killer. With the count to three, your career had been tarnished. However, it only took a few months for you to come back running your mouth off again, insisting that I had defeated a Rock ‘imposter’. Though your distress over your tarnished undefeated streak was blatantly obvious, I allowed your blather to slide as I conquered you a second time in a steel cage. As the bell rings, and Maxx Payne’s name is announced as the winner, you still lead people to believe that you hold a victory over the savage that is Maxx Payne. Let me remind you, Rock, there is no disqualification in a steel cage. Everything is entirely legal, and tonight I will take full advantage of that fact.

Now The Rock wants to convince people that he has faced Maxx Payne in the WCWF. Well, Rock, not only do I not even know what the WCWF is, I do not care. The fact of the matter, Rock, is that you cannot stand watching me exceed you in any possible way. You cannot stand that I have already surpassed your success, and that is what causes you to deliver these stories to everybody. You are an insult to the Net World Order, Rock, and an insult to my intelligence. That is why I deem it as my responsibility to rid the Net World Order of you once and for all.

Of all of the mistakes that you have made, Rock, claiming Maxx Payne to be an easy victory tonight is undoubtedly your biggest one. Nothing enrages me more than an overrated egomaniac that claims false superiority over me. When I am angered, Rock, I intend to do something about it. Rock, tonight, the end of your career will be marked, and the Net World Order will never have to deal with the likes of you ever again.

Once the cell lowers, Rock, the savagery begins. Once the match has started, there will be nobody around to help you. Once the match has started, I will take great joy in having the world listen to me force you to scream in anguish. I will grow joyful by delivering a Payne Killer for each and every name that you have for yourself. Rock, when the cage lowers above our heads tonight, there will not be a catch phrase in the world that can save you from the punishment that you will go through.”

[In saying that, the screen zooms closely into his eye. Soon, the screen is filled entirely by the view of Maxx Payne’s eye, filling everyone’s view with bulging red veins, a darkened iris, and an even blacker iris. With the arena pitch black, it grows even darker once the main source of light: the NWO-tron shuts off. The fans scurry in confusion, attempting to know what is going on. “Bad Blood” shoots up from where it last left off, only to turn back off again once the lights turn on, revealing Maxx Payne standing in the center of the ring, waiting for a fight from The Rock.]

Lilian Garcia - Our next match is a HELL IN A CELL match! Introducing, from Miami, Florida. He is the “Peoples Champ,” THE ROCKKKKKKKKK!

[The fans cheer even before “Know Your Role” plays. Once it plays, the fans cheer even louder! The Rock walks out from the backstage area and stands on the entrance ramp. Over the Rock’s left shoulder is the NWO Intercontinental Title. The Rock looks around then begins to walk to the ring.]

Joel Gertner - Hey, Lilian Garcia didn’t say the Intercontinental Title was on the line!

Joey Styles - It isn’t. This match is “Rage In The Cage” and is non-title.

Joel Gertner - Oh, well... I knew that!

Joey Styles - Sure you did.

Joel Gertner - Shut up Joey.

Joel Gertner - Hey, is the United States title on the line?

Joey Styles - No, it is not. This match has no title.

Joel Gertner - I know that. I was just making sure you knew!

Joey Styles - Here we do baby!

[The Rock and Payne stare each other down, eye to eye... across the ring. They walk towards each other. Payne says something that flips the Rock off. The Rock hits Payne with a right hand, sending Maxx Payne backwards. The Rock follows up with another. The Rock then grabs Payne and whips him into the ropes. Payne bounces off and the Rock hits him face first with a right, knocking him on his ass. The Rock lifts his foot and stomps three times in Payne’s mid-section.]

Joey Styles - What action!

[The Rock stops stomping Payne. He slides out of the ring and looks under it. He hauls out a steal chair and slides it back into the ring. The Rock climbs onto the apron and enters the ring. Picking the chair up, the Rock waits for Maxx Payne to stand back up. Payne gets up and turns towards the Rock. As he does he is met with a steal chair. The chair hits Payne in the head and he goes crashing to the mat.]

Joel Gertner - Maxx is feeling... PAIN!

[Joel Gertner begins to laugh]

Joey Styles - Very funny....

[The shot to the head split Maxx Payne’s head open. Blood is gushing from his head. The Rock, not caring tells him to get back up. Maxx Payne... in pain, stays down. The Rock, with the chair in his left hand, picks Payne up with his right. The Rock lets go of him and he falls onto the ropes. Payne’s whole face is now covered in blood. The Rock swings the chair and hits Payne, knocking him right over the ropes! Maxx Payne hits the floor with a crash!]

Joey Styles - Maxx Payne is being beaten to a bloody pulp!

Joel Gertner - BLOOD! I love blood!

[The Rock slides out of the ring, leaving the chair in the ring. He kicks Payne a couple of times then picks him back up. Holding him by the head, the Rock throws him into the Cage. Payne falls down to the floor.]

Joel Gertner - Just think, this is only the second match!

[The Rock kicks Payne twice then says something to him. The Rock then looks under the ring and hauls out a table. The Rock slides it into the ring. Rocky picks Maxx Payne back up and rolls him back into the ring]

Joey Styles - What is the Rock going to do with that Table?

[The Rock picks Maxx Payne back up and whips him into the ropes. Somehow, Payne has enough energy to stand up. He bounces of the ropes. The Rock attempts a clotheline but Payne ducks it. Payne follows up with a DDT. Both men lie, knocked out on the canvas.]

Joel Gertner - Why isn't the referee counting?

Joey Styles - Because there must be only one winner!

[After about eight seconds, the Rock rolls towards the ropes. He then uses the ropes to haul himself up. The Rock stands up and gets his balance. He then hauls Payne up. Oayne fights back by puncheing the Rpck in the mid-section. The Rock still holds on to Payne and Payne hits him again. This causes the Rock to break the hold. payne stands up and the Rock hits a hard right in the head of Payne. Maxx falls back on his ass. The Rock stands by his head and signals for the Peoples Elbow. The Rock hauls off his right elbow brace and tosses it onto Maxx Payne's stomach. The Rock bounces off the ropes, runs across Payne, bounces off the other ropes and hits the Peoples Elbow]

Joel Gertner - The Peoples Elbow! IT IS OVER!

[The referee, who is out of position, finially gets in spot and counts. One, two... kick out. The Rock, confused by what happened, stands up and gets int he referee's face.]

Joel Gertner - SLOW COUNT!

Joey Styles - No, he just kicked out of it!

[Payne, grabs the Rock and rolls him up... One, two, the Rock kicks out. Standing together, the two lock up. The Rock whips Payne into the ropes and hits a Samolan Drop! The Rock then slides out of the ring and gets another chair. Sliding back int he Rock, the Rock picks the bloody Payne back up. The Rock whips Payne back intot he ropes and swings the chair. Payne, in the nick of time, ducks down, out of the way. The chair smashes the referee in the face, sending him smashing to the mat. The Rock turns around and is met with a kick the the mid-section. Max Payne follows up with a snap-suplex. Standing up. Maxx Payne sets the Table up. Payne picks the Rock up and sets him on the table.]

Joel Gertner - Holy shit! The referee is out! And what the hell is Payne doing with the Rock! What a screwed up match!

[Payne slowly climbs to the top rope. Payne, holding his balance, jumps off, attempting a splash. The Rock, aware of what is going on, Rolls of the table. Payne goes crashing through the table.]

Joel Gertner - Holy shit! Maxx Payne must be dead!

[Maxx Payne lies there, motionless. The Rock lies on the mat... hardly moving]

Joey Styles - Folks, both men are down! This match is really taking a tole on their bodies!

Joel Gertner - And they both have titles to defend later in the night!

Joey Styles - That is if they match it that far!

[The Rock stands up. He looks around and see's that both the referee and Maxx Payne are out cold! The Rock then walks towards Payne. Out from the back runs another referee and two other staff members. They unlock the door. The referee slides into the ring and the two other men try to get the ingured referee out of the cell. Out from the crowd runs the Impact Players! The enter the Cell and slide into the ring!]

Joey Styles - What are them two guys doing in there!

[The two staff emmeber try to get the Impact players to exit. Justin Credible, not listening, hits them both with the Singapore Cane! Lance Storm grabs the bent up chair and pounds on the second referee!]

Joel Gertner - I LOVE THIS! This is GREAT!

[Lance Storm says something to the Rock. Lance Storm slides out of the ring and gets a chair. Storm slides it into the ring. The Rock grabs it and sits down. Lance Storm goes back over to the door and locks it!]

Joey Styles - WHAT! The Impact Players have locked themselves in the cage and there is no referee!

Joel Gertner - Sure there is a referee. Actually, there are two... just that they are both out COLD!

[The Rock watches as the Impact Players pound on Maxx Payne. Justin Credible sets Payne up and hits 'That's Incredible.' Lance then follows up with the Canadian Mapleleaf. Out from the backstage area runs four more staff men. They go to the door but since it is lock, cannot get in. One of them runs back to the back.]

Joey Styles - This isn't right!

[Lance Storm releases the hold and picks up a chair. He then begins to pound on the knocked out Maxx Payne. Justin Credible is outside of the ring, looking under the ring for some more "toys." Credible hauls out a table and slides it in the ring. Lance Storm sets it up as Justin Credible re-enters the ring. Credible grabs Maxx Payne and climbs the top rope with him. He sets him up for 'That's Incredible' again. Credible jumps, hitting the manouver, driving Payne right throught he table!]

Joey Styles - The Impact Players should be barred from the Net World Order!

Joel Gertner - Why? They are great! This is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!

[The Impact Players continue to beat the crap out of Maxx Payne as an offical runs down to the ring with a pair of wire cutters. The guy cuts the lock and opens the door. The slides into the ring. Seeing them, the Impact Players begins to pound on them. Credible grabs his Singapore Can and wacks the people with it]

Joey Styles - These guys are dispicable!

[Out from thw crowd runs Bret Hart. Hart enters the cage and slides into the ring]

Joel Gertner - What is Bret Hart doing?

[Credible gets ready to swing the Singapore Cane but Storm stops him.]

Joel Gertner - What is he doing?

Joey Styles - Bret and Lance are both from Canada! Must be respect.

[Bret says something then Lance and Justin begins to exit the ring. As they do, Bret Hart picks up a chair and welts both of them with it!]

Joel Gertner - What respect! What a back-stabber!

[The Rock rushes Bret but Bret hits him with the chair! Bret continues to work on all three. Bret then sets the chair down and sets teh Rock up for a SPIKE piledriver. Hart connects and the Rock's head dents the chair right up!]

Joel Gertner - Oh my, the Rock is now out!

[Bret Hart hauls on Maxx Payne and slides him onto The Rock. Out from the back runs another offical, he enters the cage and slides into the ring. 1, 2 , 3!]

Joel Gertner - WHAT! Bret screwed a "fellow" Canadian!

Joey Styles - Payne won! Payne won!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, MAXX PAYNE!!!!!

#1 Contender To Hardcore Title
Jase Blade VS Syzurz VS Gideon Trait

Joey: This next match will be a brutal hardcore battle, I think that Gideon Trait will come out on top.

Gertner: Nah, I think that Syzurz will come back fresh with a win. Lets wait and see though.

Lillian Garcia: The following matchup is a triple threat, hardcore rules match. First from Auckland New Zealend, coming in at 6'7 360 pounds Gideon Trait.

~"Ode To Joy" blasts over the P.A. system as the fans boo him heavily. He walks steadily to the ring while saying remarks to the crowd. They still boo him as he steps in the ring.~

Lillian Garica: His opponent being accompinied Jessica Hart, Jase Blade.

~ He walks out with Jessica struting behind him as they make their way to the ring, Gideon Trait leaves the ring and both men are on the outside waiting the arrival of Syzurz.~

Lillian Garcia: Their opponent, weighing in at 214 pounds, he is 5'11 from Mexico, Syzurz.

~ He runs down the ramp as the fans boo, he jumps in the ring and hammers away of Jase Blade. Gideon Trait cheap shots Syzurz from behind with an elbow to the back of the head. Gideon and Jase double whip him in the ropes and does a double body drop. Syzurz gets up and gets double punched by Gideon and Jase.

Joey: What a match this has been so far, great action on a great PPV CEO Reese is putting together here.

Joel: I think Gideon Trait and Jase are afraid, they have been double teaming Syzurz the whole time.

~ Gideon Trait runs outside of the ring and grabs a chair. Meanwhile Jase Blade has his back turned as Gideon lays him out with a chair to the back of the skull. Syzurz covers Jase 1..2.., Gideon breaks up the count with another chair shot to the head of Syzurz. He covers 1..2...... kickout. Gideon looks at the ref in a bad look. Then he goes and lifts up the ring cover and gets some garbage tops and cans. He steps in the ring and attemps to hit Jase, but Jase kicks him in the stomach and takes the lid and smashes it over Gideons head. From behing Syzurz has a mexican flag and smashes it over the back of Jases head. Syzurz runs around the ring holding up the flag wasting some valuable time.~

Joey: I think maybe Syzurz should stop fooling around and make a damn cover if he wants to pick up the win.

~ Meanwhile Gideon and Jase are climbing up to back up to their feet. Syzurz picks up a garbage can and places it over Jase's head. He gets a chair and beging to bang away on the can. Jase is heard yelling throughout the arena. Then Gideon picks up the chair as him and Syzurz take turn arranging blows to the head of Jase. Finally Jase falls down and Gideon makes the cover, 1.....2........... Syzurz breaks up the count with a stomp to the head.

Joel: Wow, what a match we are having right here in front of us. All three of these guys are busting their bodies wide open.

In the ring all three men are up on their feet, Syzurz and Jase both have chairs as Gideon scrambles outside and Jase and Syzurz circle each other. They go after one another and deliver a double chair shot to one another, they are both down and hurt. Gideon Trait runs in the ring and gets Syzurz in "Bachelor of Arts" he has the hold locks in and Syzurz yells out in great pain, "I quit!"

Lillian Garcia: The result of this match in a tap out, Gideon Trait.

Joey: I told you from the start that I think Gideon Trait will win this match.

Joel: Ya whatever, it was all just a fluke.

*~*NWO Politically Incorrect is underway, and the matches so far have been filled with exitement and intensity. More matches are still to come, as the I.C. title Match and World Title Match will go down soon. The cameras pan the HUGE crowd at the MCI Center, who are going absolute nuts, chanting N-W-O, N-W-O throughout EVERY commercial break. The cameras cut to the broadcast position, where Joel Gertner and Joey Styles are calling the action.*~*

Joey Styles: Fans what a night the NWO has had here at Politically Incorrect! So much action, so much entertainment, and we still have SO much more to come!!

Joel Gertner: You got that right Joey, and so far The Net World Order is PROVING that they are the greatest organization in professional wrestling! No doubt about it, just look at the matches they have put up tonight! And what about the I.C. title match, it will be CANADA vs. The United States, I LOVE IT!

Joey Styles: That reminds me Gertner, sources reported that the challenger Bret Hart has not made it back from L.A. after that awful beating on Jay Leno, and some say he missed his flight! And I hope he did!

Joel Gertner: I am sure the crowd would be pleased IF that happened, but I doubt that "The Hitman" will NO SHOW this fight, not after all he's worked for! Face it Joey, Hart is determined to pull off this fight, and become I.C. Champion!(Gertner pauses, as he and Styles hear the music of Hart)

Joey Styles: Speaking of the devil, here he comes!!

*~*Hart's music plays on, and sure enough "The Hitman" appears at the top of the ramp, in front of a chorus of boos. Hart flips off the American People, and walks to the ring wearing his wrestling gear, a black leather jacket, and holding the Canadian Flag! Hart climbs into the ring, and waves the flag disgracing the U.S., while the fans chant Canada Sucks! Hart grabs the mic from ringside, and begins to address the crowd.*~*

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Hey D.C.! Ya ever notice that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is shaped like a big, giant TOILET BOWL?!?(The crowd boo's with hatred for Hart, and "The Hitman" rubs it in by waving the flag more)You Washington JACK-OFFS, I am doing you idiots a favor tonight, when I beat the HELL out of The Rock in the ladder match!! Actually, no. That't not the truth, I can't stand here and lie to you INBREEDS!! I am going to do CANADA a favor, when I disgrace the Rock, and The United States right in the Nations Capital, Washington "LIE TO SUCCEED" D.C.!!(Immediatly chants of Bret Hart Sucks ring out in the MCI Center)Don't you people get it? I could care less if you boo me or not, because I already know that I am twice as better as you! Rock, you get to stand up, and battle me out in front of your little "fans" here! And I mea! nt what I said, about this fight being CANADA vs. The U.S., and that it will be all out WAR! However Rock, you probably thought I would not show up, so you probably decided not to take me seriously when I was in L.A., beating your boyfriend Jay to a bloody pulp!! You actually think I would bail on my chance to end your fucking career? I don't think so Rock, and now, you have to face the music!!(The crowd boo's, and chants of Rocky, Rocky, Rocky)

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: You people can chant his name all you want, but he is too much of a coward to come out here and face me! He is probably to busy counting his money, and besides, do you actually think that The Rock would want to come out here and get a beating, before I beat him in the I.C. title match? Not a chance! You see, The Rock is so scared right now, that he doesn't know what to do! He knows that not long from now, his career will be down the drain, and I will be taking over as the "CANADIAN Technical Icon", and NEW I.C. Champion Bret Hart!!(The fans boo, and Hart stretches his arms out believing that he is the future champ)Rock, I am destined to walk out tonight with that Intercontinental Title. I am destined to humiliate and take away your pride, and I am destined to destroy all Americans, starting with you Rock! And there's no better way to do it, then in front o! f these American INBREEDS!! So listen closely Rock, you have one chance, to get out of the severe beating I plan on giving you! And that is by running! Right now, run your cowardly ass right out of here, and that way, you won't have to endure the severity of my "technical" moves! If you decide to make the stupid choice and stand up for your fans by coming to the ring, I will have no choice but to end your life! Simple as that Rock, I am going to end your life, and take what is mine! The only damn JABRONI I see in this business is YOU Rock, and "The Hitman", will make a name for you! A name in the NWO, as the Net World Order's JACK-OFF!!(The crowd boos in hatred for Hart, and "The Hitman" says "up yours" to the people)

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Rock, the clock is ticking, and each second that I am closer to being able to step in that ring and give you the BEATING of YOUR LIFE, the more I am ready to compete and take your sorry ass out! I took care of your boyfriend Leno, and just like I beat his worthless American ass, I will do the same to you Rock! And I will keep on punishing the American athletes/people that get in my way here in the Net World Order, because “The Hitman”, is about to show the U.S. why Canadians are the BETTER athletes! And Bret Hart, is the Canadian GOD, and I salute the red and white flag, the one with the Canadian Maple Leaf on it. As for the Stars and Stripes, well D.C., after I personally leave The Rock lying motionless after our match, I will piss and SHIT on your stars and stripes you lousy stinking pack of HYENAS!!(The crowd boos Hart, and the boos seem almost endless, with trash and cups st! arting to fill the ring)That’s another thing about you people, you have NO aim whatesoever!(Right then a beer cup nails Hart right in the head, and the crowd laughs as beer foam drips off his face)Hey fat boy, you better watch yourself with the drink cup, or I will beat your donut eating ass!! Now back to the BITCH at hand! Rocky, your about to be known around the world as the American SELL-OUT, because no matter what way you look at it, I am taking that Intercontinental Title here tonight!(Hart stands up on the middle rope, but the crowd just boos “The Hitman” more.)

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Yeah know, tonight is the night where I go into the ladder match, andf we play by MY Rules! That means that “The Hitman” is not going to lay down for The Rock, in fact, I am going to cripple your sorry ass Rocky! I am in control, I am taking the match over, and you have .0000000001 of a chance, at beating me Rock! And let’s be honest Rock, when called fair and square and down the middle with no jobs, you couldn’t beat me on my WORST day punk! So get ready to watch as your dreams slip away, and also watch as your “Nation” is disgraced in the center of this god damn ring! Like you care Rock, you will turn on the people, and America just to earn a buck! But I will still desimate the U.S. in front of these INBREEDS tonight, and I will take that I.C. title right off your American waist! It’s a disgrace to see the title their, and it’s up to me, to bring the glory back to the I.C. title division, and the Cana! dians that respect there HERO, ME, Bret “The Hitman” Hart!!(The fans boo their heads off, but Hart continues on)All out WAR is what’s to come, but tonight is only the first battle! I will settle my disput with The Rock, but as for Canada kicking America’s ass? Well that will happen tonight, but go on until I am satisfied! And I will tell you idiots right now, that I will NOT be satisfied until EVERY American MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD is wiped off the face of this earth!(The crowd boos more in hate, and chants of U.S.A start up at the MCI Center)You can’t chant that all you people want, the fact is that by the time I climb that ladder and reach for my I.C. title, you will ALL be singing Oh CANADA, whether you like it or not! And I WILL win that title, because I am The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The Best There EVER Will Be!! And when the smoke clears the ring after the match, ! the “Technical Icon”, will be seen grabbing the I.C. title, and I will be the undisputed, Intercontinental Champion! Oh and Rocky, well his ass will most definetly be…EXCELLENTLY, EXECUTED!(The fans boo, and chant Hart Sucks, Hart Sucks, Hart Sucks)After tonight, you idiots will think differently, when I take control of The Rock, and the U.S. right here in The Nations Capital! Because Bret Hart, “The Hitman”, is Canadian, and PROUD of it!! Now Hit…My…Music!!

*~*The crowd boos at the top of their lungs, as Hart’s theme music hits the speakers. Hart grabs his flag and waves it around in front of the enraged crowd, just to get a ris out of them. Hart finally exits t the back, and the cameras stay focused on Styles and Gertner.*~*

Joey Styles: Bret Hart is sick, twisted, and down right out of control! How dare he discrace America right here in Washington D.C.!!

Joel Gertner: I will tell you one thing Joey, Bret Hart has drawed A LOT of heat here tonight, and that match with the Rock is expected to be a great one! Right now, we got a commercial break!!

NWO Tag Team Titles Match
The Turnpike Connection (Champions) VS Sting & Graves VS The Impact Players

Joey Styles: Welcome back nWo fans, to Politically Incorrect! It’s time for the Tag Team Title Match, in which should be one HELL of a fight wouldn’t you agree Joel. Joel? GERTNER GOD DAMNIT, stop starring at Lilian and pay attention!!

Joel Gertner: Huh? Oh yeah, the tag Title Match is coming right up! I got to go with the Impact Player’s to win the titles Joey, just look who they have with them, Dawn Marie!!

Joey Styles: What does SHE have to do with IP winning the tag Titles?

Joel Gertner: She doesn’t, I just like starring at her! I always LOVE to watch!!

Joey Styles: Your disgusting Gertner!! Anyway, the match must go on, so let’s go to Lilian Garcia for the ring introductions!!

Lilian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the Net World Order WORLD Tag Team Titles!! Introducing the first team, at a combined weight of 457 pounds, they are former Tag Team Champions, The Impact Players!!

[Snap your fingers, Snap your neck begins to blast over the speakers in Washington DC. The crowd begins to boo, as Justin Credible and Lance Storm along with Dawn Marie come walking out to the ring. Credible slides under the ropes and holds up his Singapore Cane, as Storm holds the ropes for Dawn Marie. Dawn flaunts in the ring, then steps down on the outside as The Impact Player’s await the Champs.]

Lilian Garcia: Now coming to the ring, at a combined weight of 561 pounds, they are part of the A.K.I, and the Tag Team Champions of the World, The Baltimore Assasin, and “The Franchise”, Shane Douglas!!

[Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple blasts over the speakers, and the crowd immediately errupts into a chorus of boos. Shane Douglas and TBA come walking to the ring with both Francine and Lady Kelly by there sides. Douglas and TBA taunt the fans, half booing, have cheering Francine and Lady Kelly. TBA and Douglas climb into the ring, and stare down the Impact Player’s awaitng the arrival of Sting and Graves.]

Lilian Garcia: Now coming to the ring, weighing in at 252 lbs, and standing 6’2. He HAILS from Venice Beach, California, he is the man…called…STING!!

[The lights dim, and the sounds of Thunder and Lightning is heard throughout the arena, as Seek and Destroy by Metallica blasts over the P.A. The crowd errupts into cheers, as Sting as Stign comes walking down to the ring with a Black baseball bat! Sting howls to the fans, then charges the ring! Sting slides under the bottom rope and both teams get to the outside! Sting points his bat at the men, darring them to come on.]

Lilian Garcia: And now the partner of Sting, standing 6’2 and weighing in at 256 pounds, from New York, New York, Michael “Gene Simmons” Graves!!

[Psycho Circus begins to play over the speakers, and the crowd give another HUGE pop!! The music plays on, but Graves does not appear. The music stops, then plays again, but still no Graves. Right then, the NWOTron shows the backstage area where Michael graves is knocked unconsious with broken 2x4 over his skull, and two hooded men standing behind him. Sting turns and looks at the horror on the NWOTron, and Gertner and Styles look concerned]

Joey Styles: What the fuck!?! Graves is out cold, and the EMT's are working their ass off to get him to the hospital!! What does this mean for the match?!?

Joel Gertner: It looks like Sting will have to go at it all alone, because graves is seriously injured!! Oh no look Joey, Sting has his back turned, and Credible is in the ring behind him with the Singapore Cane!!

Joey Styles: No!! He can't! Credible...WHACK!! he nailed him from behind with that Singapore Cane! And the ref didn't see a damn thing! Sting is down, and it looks like it's Credible and Sting starting things off.

[Credible begins to stop away at Sting after the Cane Shot, then helps him to his feet, only to lay him back out with a big Vertical Suplex! Credible whips him into the ropes, and drops him with a clothesline. Credible goes right back to the attack, sending Sting into the turnbuckle, and tagging in Lance Storm.]

Joel Gertner: Lance Storm now in for the Tag, chopping away at the already hurt Sting. Stomr whips him to the opposite turnbuckle, NO reversal by the Stinger!! Storm is caught up in the Turnbuckle, and Sting seems to have himself a second wind!

Joey Styles: Here it comes, Sting from the corner...STINGER SPLASH!! He nailed it, Storm wobbles to the center of the ring and Sting nails him with a HUGE dropkick! Sting is alive!!

[Sting picks up Storm, and Body Slams him hard to the mat! Sting continues the assault and whips Storm into the ropes. Sting attempts a clothesline, Storm ducks, Storm goes for a dropkick but Sting holds the ropes, and Storm falls on his back.]

Joey Styles: Sting just outsmarted Stomr on that one, and now Sting coming towards Storm, and look at the coward skirt away!

Joel Gertner: Storm just slapped Douglas on the chest, remeber this is an "OPEN TAG" match, anyone can be tagged by anyone, and Storm just tagged "The Franchise" out of desperation!

[The two square up, and then lock-up! Douglas puts Sting in an armbar, and then kicks him in the stomach! Douglas whips him into the ropes, and goes for a back body drop! Sting see's it, kicks Douglas in the gut, and clotheslines him over and out of the ring! Douglas hits hard, and Sting stares at him, until TBA comes in from behind with a Low Blow on Sting!]

Joey Styles: Did you see that Gertner? That was cheap, and nowe Douglas is taking advantage of Sting being down! He's setting him up for a Piledriver, and he hits it! Douglas now with the cover, 1...2...NO!! Broken up by Lance Storm!

Joel Gertner: And now look Joey, Douglas and Storm in a shoving match, and Douglas doesn't realize Sting is coming to his feet!! Sting is behind Douglas, the ref shoves Storm to his corner and Douglas turns to see an angry Sting! Douglas begging him off, but Sting will have NONE of it!!

[Sting kicks and chops away at Douglas with such intensity, that Douglas falls on his ass in the corner. Sting picks him up by the throat, and hits a DDT in the center of the ring. Sting howls for the fans, then makes the cover! Sting gets two, before TBA breaks up the count! Storm and Credible get in the ring and begin argueing with TBA, distracting the ref. Douglas comes too and reaches for a Steel Chair, and when Sting turns around he nails him over the head.]

Joel Gertner: What a shot!! Sting is down, and the ref missed that chair shot! Douglas over for the cover, 1...2...NO! Sting got the shoulder up, how did he do it?

Joey Styles: I have no idea Gertner, but Sting is STILL in a whole lot of trouble! Wait a minute, do you hear that music? It's...it's Hollywood Hogan's music!!

[Voodoo Chile fills the arena, and the crowd errupts as Hollywood Hogan comes running to the ring to help The Stinger! Hogan runs over to the outside and grabs both Storm and Credible, taking them both down with a double clothesline. Hogan goes to his corner, and stands on the apron playing to the fans. Douglas yells at Hogan, then whips Sting into the ropes! Douglas goes for a clothesline, Sting ducks, and both men come back laying eachother out with a clothesline.]

Joel Gertner: Both men down in the ring, and now Hogan has come to save the day! Doesn't that guy have anything better to do?

Joey Styles: Nothing matters more than helping out a true friend gertner, and that is what Hogan is here to do! Look, he wants the Tag, and so does TBA!! Both men trying to make it, Douglas tag TBA, and Sting tags Hogan! This crowd is coming alive!!

[Hogan and TBA hit the ring! TBA swings a right hand at Hogan, blocked by Hollywood! Hogan begins dishing out right hands to TBA, and then whips him into the ropes! TBA comes back and Hogan nails the Big Boot early in the match, sending TBA out of the ring! Hogan calls him on, and then from behind come Credible with a steel chair right across the back, but Hogan didn't feel it!!]

Joey Styles: Credible made himself the legal man with that Chair Shot, but Hogan is feeling the adrenaline Gertner! No pain on that one, and now Hogan has the chair! CRACK!! Right between the yes! Credible is down!!

Joel Gertner: Now Hogan has Credible up for a Gorilla Press Slam, and he nailed it in the center of the ring! Hogan has him by the hair now, uh oh LOW BLOW from "The Hardcore Icon!" Credible taking control now, stomping away at Hollywood.

[Credible continues to stomp Hollywood, and then picks him up and hits a neckbreaker! Credible stanbds on the turnbuckle, and launches off with a elbow drop! Credible covers but only gets 2 before Hogan gets the shoulder up! Credible makes the Tag to Storm, and Lance Storm opens up on Hogan with a big dropkick, sending him down to the mat!]

Joey Styles: Storm in control here! And he has Hogan locked in with a Sleeper hold. This is one dangerous move, Hogan is trying to fight it, but Storm has him locked in tightly! Oh no this doesn't look good, Hogan is almost out, the ref is going to check in here!

Joel Gertner: Referee holding Hogan's arm up, and it drops! Once again, it drops! One more time Joey, and The Impact Player's are the New Tag Team Champs...NO!! Hogan is shaking his finger, saying no! How the HELL did he do it?

Joey Styles: I have no idea, but he is coming alive right here in Washington DC!! Hogan grabs Storm by the throat, and Body Slams him hard to the mat! Hogan backing up now, and he just slapped TBA right across the chest! Hogan just tagged TBA, and The Assasin doesn't like it one bit!!

[TBA hits the ring, and goes after Storm with a series of short-arm clotheslines. TBA hits a big DDT, and then tells Douglas to get the table! Douglas sets the table on the outside, and TBA calls for a Powerbomb! Credible hits the ring again, and stops TBA from putting Storm through the table. Credible and Storm then go to put TBA through the Table, but Douglas see's this and comes to the aid of The Baltimore Assasin.]

Joel Gertner: Douglas just nailed Credible with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. He's not even the legal man! Now Douglas has Storm, whips him towards TBA and TBA catches him into a Gorilla Press!!

Joey Styles: TBA showing his strength, holding Storm in that Gorilla Press!! TBA tosses him over the top and sends him right through the table! What a manuever!!

[TBA follows Storm to the outside, and begins to battle with him!! Douglas is in the ring laughing, but doesn't see Sting sneak up from behind! While Douglas is laughing, Sting grabs him by the back of the head and hits the Sorpion Deathdrop!!]

Joel Gertner: Sting just surprised Douglas with that Deathdrop!! And now Storm and TBA are back in the ring!! TBA nails Storm with the Mafia Kick, and then climbs the turnbuckle!

Joey Styles: TBA up on top looks like he's going for the Shooting Star, NO! Dawn Marie just tripped up TBA and saved her man!! Stomr now up, big Superplex on TBA!!

Joel Gertner: HOLY SHIT Joey, Lady Kelly didn't like that one bit! We got ourselves a GOOD OL' CAT FIGHT between Lady Kelly and Dawn Marie! This is GREAT!!

[The two continue to rip at eachothers hair on the outside, as Storm tags in Credible! Credible beats on TBA, until The Balttimore Assasin squirms to Tag Sting on the chest! Sting hits the ring, and begins to battle it out with Storm. The two men start to nail eachother with rights and lefts, until Sting takes control with a rake to the eyes! Sting whips him into the corner, but Storm hands Credible a set of brass knuckles! Sting runs for the Stinger Splash, but Credible moves, then nails him with the brass knuckles!!]

Joey Styles: Did you see that Gertner? Credible just nailed Sting with a set of brass knuckles!! Credible has Sting up, THAT'S INCREDIBLE!! Sting is down, and Storm just caught Turpike Connection with a Steel Chair! Hogan has seen enough!!

Joel Gertner: Wait a sec, Bret Hart is out! "The Hitman" just pulled Hogan off the turnbuckle, and the two men are battling it out! Hogan just tossed him over the guardrail, and now Hogan and Hart are battling into the stands! But what about Sting? Sting is still down, and Credible has the cover, 1...2...WHAT THE!?!?

[The lights go out, and then Psycho Circus hits the speakers! The crowd errrupts as Michael Graves comes down to the ring driving an ambulance! Graves steps out of the ambulance and into the ring! Credible runs at Grave, but Michael Graves ducks and nails a spinning heel kick! Graves calls on Storm, and Storm hits the ring only to feel the DDT from Graves!]

Joey Styles: Graves is here! Michael graves is here and he just took care of the Impact Players!! Order is restored!!

Joel Gertner: Douglas in the ring now, he's not even the legal man!! Douglas goes for a clothesline, Graves ducks and turns it into a Full Nelson Slam!! Michael Graves is on fire!! Graves now in the face of TBA, he has that flask and lighter, what the HELL is Graves up to!!

[Graves points the flask towards TBA looking to blow the fire directly into his face, but the legal man Justin Credible attacks Graves from behind with the Singapore Cane right to the back of the head! The blow knocks Graves right on his back, and Credible tags in Storm.]

Joey Styles: I can't believe this fight, this is one of the MOST intense battles EVER!! Storm now taking it to Graves, Storm whips him into the ropes and pulls him over, OH NO!! The Canadian Maple Leaf, Storm has it locked in!!

Joel Gertner: Graves is fighting the hold, and here comes Douglas to break it up with a chair across the back of Storm! Douglas picks Storm up and hits the Belly-Belly Suplex!! TBA comes in, and Credible pulls Douglas to the outside! This is chaos!! Credible and Douglas battling on the outside, and now TBA has taken over the fight! The Baltimore Assassin grabs Graves, and nails him with the Peacemaker!!

Joey Styles: TBA just hit the finisher, but he is not making the cover! He's going up top, and it looks like he is setting up for the Top Rope Leg Drop! But look, Sting is back up, and he has the lighter and flask!!

[Sting gets on the apron, and blows the flame into the face of TBA! TBA gets hung out on the rope, screaming in pain from the attack! Graves comes to his feet, and signals for the BODYSAULT! Francine hits the ring trying to stop Graves, but Sting gets in her face! Francine tries to slap the Stinger, but Sting grabs her by her arms and hair, and throws her on the ground! Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock to Francine, and Graves hits the BODYSAULT and covers into a moonsault for the 1...2...3!!!]

Joey Styles: Graves with the Bodysault!! Graves with the BodySault!! And Sting has Francine locked in the Deathlock!! Sting and Michael Graves have done it, they are the NEW World Tag Team Champions what a fight!!

Lilian Garcia: Your winners, and NEWWWW Net World Order, WORLD Tag Team Champions, Sting and Michael Graves!!

Joel Gertener: Sting and Graves have the belts, and what a fight we had here tonight! Michael Graves just proved that he truely is a player in the NWO, and you can only see somthing like this go down, here in the NWO!!

Joey Styles: You got that one right Gertner, what a match, what a show, and WE AIN'T DONE YET, because there's MORE TO COME!!

Click Here For Page Two!