***The NWO is witnessing its first action since the record setting September PPV, Politically Incorrect. Joey Styles and Joel Gertner are sitting int their announcing positions at ringside, ready to call the action.***

Joey Styles: Hell fans and welcome to NWO Thursday Night Overdrive!! Folks, this past Saturday proved to be one to remember, with title changing hands and even more surprising, people keeping them! Stone Cold Steve Austin was heavily favored to LOOSE this past Saturday, but he proved the critics wrong with a gutsy preformance against the Baltimore Assassin!

Joel Gertner: NWO "Politically Incorrect" set so many records this past Saturday, I aint even gonna waste my breath describing them all!!

[ Backstage Syzurz and Jack Jacobs, The International Incidents are standing by with Michael Cole. ]

[ Michael Cole ] - Syzurz and Jack Jacobs, The International Incidents, you both have definatly gone out of your way to make an impact on the Net World Order.

[ Jack Jacobs ] - I guess that means you're not so stupid after all Michael. Listen, both Syzurz and I have had enough of the crap that goes on in the Net World Order. This is our way of standing out from the rest. People might not like it, but they can go shove palm trees up their asses for all I care.

[ Syzurz ] - We're wrestlers. We go in there and bust our asses just to get noticed, but you know why so many talents are stuck at the bottom? Because the only thing these American morons can notice are slutty women and round asses. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but it has no place on a wrestling program.

[ Jack Jacobs ] - Syzurz and I go clubbing almost every night. We like women too, but we're here to be recognized for our talent, not how hot our valet is. Luckily Lola Rodriguez is still pregnant and home, she's probably be disgusted with what's going on. We're going to be tag team champions, and that's our cause. To be recognized for in ring talent, not this new age crap they call sports entertainment.

[ Michael Cole ] - What about the Holly Cousins? You have to face them tonight.

[ Syzurz ] - The Holly Cousins have nothing on us. You call yourselves super-heavyweights? Well, when you're through wrestling with The International Incidents, you're going to be super-dead weights.

[ Jack Jacobs ] - In the NWO it's time for change.

[ Syzurz ] - Holly's you never have and never will make The Cut. And after the match, things will never be the same...

[ Jack Jacobs ] - And that's just, the way, it is.

[ Syzurz and Jack Jacobs storm off to prepare for their match ]

Joey Styles: Some words from Syzurz and Jack Jacobs there.... Fans, I have been hearing many rumors in the back over the mental status of CEO Chuck Reese. After being humiliated on the "Other Guy's" PPV, he has been a loose cannon. The moral of this great federation is at what some believe to be an all time LOW!

Joel Gertner: Hell, we even lost our sponsership with "Big EN's" Magazine! Fuck That Shit!

Joey Styles: Enough already!! Lets go to the ring for our opening contest, The Holly Cousins VS Syzurz and Jack Jacobs, with the winner facing the Impact Players for the #1 Contendership for the Tag Gold!

Winner Faces The Impact Players For #1 Tag Title Contendership
Syzurz & Jack Jacobs VS The Holly Cousins.

Gertner: Coming up in this next match will be The Holly Cousins vs. Syzurz and Jack Jacobs, the winners will take on The Impact Players Lance Storm and Justin Credible.

Styles: This should be a great match, Jacobs and Syzurz are looking pretty impressive.

The following match is scheduled for one fall, coming out first Crash and Hardcore, The Holly cousins.

~ Their music hits as the Hollys walk out, Crash carrying a scale behind him as they jump in the ring.

Lillian: Their opponents comeing to the ring, Jack Jacobs and Syzurz.

~ Their music hits as they run out towards the ring with Mr. Yamaguchi trailing. They get in the ring as Syzurz sends Crash out of the ring so Hardcore Holly and Jack Jacobs are the legal men. Jack hammers away on Hardcore with right hands. He whips him in the ropes and then hits the elbow. Hardcore quickly gets up and Jacobs connects with a clothesline that sends Hardcore down to the ground again. Hardcore delivers a low-blow to Jacobs and then starts landing lefts and rights on Jacobs. Holly slams down Jack and tags in Crash.

Joey: Hardcore makes the tag to Crash as they start the double team.

~ In the ring Crash and Hardcore do the double body drop that sends Jack landing on his back. Jack appears to be in a lot of pain as Crash delivers vicious kicks to the lower back of Jack. Jack gets up as they both go in the ropes and hit a DOUBLE clothesline. Both men are down.

Gertner: Both men are crawling to their corner, Crash and Jack make the tag.

~ Hardcore and Syzurz run in as Hardcore cleans house, he delivers "The Holly Caust" to Jack as Jack roles out of the ring leaving Syzurz alone. He powerslams Syzurz, 1..2.., kickout! Crash goes outside and grabs the scale as the ref is attending to Jack, he knocks out Syzurz clean and then dropkicks Jack on the outside, Hardcore Holly makes the pin as the ref turns around 1...2..3..!

Lillian: The winner of this match, The Holly Cousins!

[The scene is backstage at the Fleet Center. Standing in front of the camera is Net World Order reporter/interviewer Pamela Paulshock. Wearing a very reviling dress, Paulshock begins to speak]

PAULSHOCK - Ladies and gentlemen. With me at this time is former Tag Team Champion, Justin Credible!

[The camera zooms out. Standing beside Pamela is Justin Credible. Credible has his black "Got Blood" shirt on with his blue jeans shorts. Credible has the Singapore Cane in his left hand.]

PAULSHOCK - Justin, tonight, you face the current NWO World Heavyweight Champion, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Both of you have exchanged words and tonight, at the Fleet Center, you two will wrestle, one on one.

CREDIBLE - Pamela, many would think that tonight is the most important match of my career. Well, let them think that because it IS NOT! Pam., Steve Austin is the champion, I'll say that much about him. Whether or not he deserves it, is another question. Paulshock, I am a former Tag Team champion. On may say, that is where I belong, in the Tag Division. Well, again, the HELL WITH THEM! I can do what I want, when I feel like it. Tonight, I face Austin, in a non-title match. Why it is non-title match, I do not know. On thing that is for certain, is that you will see blood tonight and no, it wont be the "Hardcore Icon's," it will be blood from the snake, that's right, that little snake, Steve Austin!

PAULSHOCK - Well, I have listened to both you and Steve Austin go on about who is the better man. Quite frankly, I don't know who to believe!

CREDIBLE - Paulshock, I can answer that for you! I am the one you believe. I am the true champion of the Net World Order. I don't need some title to prove it. Hell, I will defeat the champion and I wont be getting the title... but that just shows you how screwed up the NWO really is!

PAULSHOCK - Well, Steve Austin has proved he can "tangle" with the best of the NWO. Justin, it is now your turn to prove that!

CREDIBLE - Pamela, I don't have to prove shit! Tonight, I will showing you and the whole F-N world that I am the real deal, that I am the best in the NWO, that I can defeat any fool! Austin claims I can't wrestle singles, that he will do "more than defeat me. What a crock of shit! Pam., tonight, Austin versus Credible! Don't miss it because it wont be long! I will be taking his ass out and prove that he is nothing more than an Impact Player wanna be! PAULSHOCK, TONIGHT, AN IMPACT WILL BE MADE! I'm F-N out of here!

[Justin Credible, pissed off and angry walks away]

PAULSHOCK - Well, there you have it Joey! Back to you guys!

Hardcore Title Match
Triple H (Champion) VS Gideon Trait

Lilian Garcia - The following match is a hardcore match and is for the Net World Order Hardcore Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, standing at 6'7" and weighing in at 360 pounds, he is from Aukland, New Zealand, Gideon Trait!!!!

Joel Gerter - Who?

Joey Styles - Gideon Trait.

[Beethovens 9th Sympony, Ode To Joy(Techno Remix) plays over the Fleet Center's speakers. Gideon Trait walks out through the entrance curtians. With him is Claire Wilson. The fans boo as he walks down towards the ring.]

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent...

["My Time" begins to play.]

Lilian Garcia - He is from Greenwhich, Conneticut and weighs 260 pounds. He is the current NWO Hardcore Champion, he is "The Game" Triple H.

[The starting of "My Time" continues to play. Finially, the song starts up and Triple H walks out from the back, witht he Hardcore Title around his waist.]

Joel Getner - Triple H has this match won! Joey, look at the shape "the Game" is in!

Joey Styles - Yes, but I don't think Triple H is a "hardcore" type wrestler. My choice is Trait. Gertner, tonight, there could be very well be a new Hardcore Champion!

[Triple H takes a sip of his water, then walks down towards the ring. He stops halfway downt he ramp.]

Joey Styles - What? What is Triple H doing?

Joel Gertner - It is "The Game!" He has a plan Joey, you wait and see!

[Joel Gertner was right. Out from the back, pushing a cart full of hardcore goodies!]

Joel Gertner - Joey, like I said, Triple H has a plan!

[Chyna pushes the cart up the ring. Triple H slides into the ring. The bell sounds and The Game charges towards Trait, hitting him with a clotheline. The shot only causes Trait to stumble backwards, keeping his balance Trait grabs Triple H and whips him into the ropes. HHH bounces off and Trait hits a power slam. Trait follows up with a headlock. Trait holds the submission move but HHH battles it, causing Trait to get frustrated and release the hold. Trait stands back to his feet. he then starts to haul HHH to his feet. As he does, Triple H hits a low blow on Trait, causing him to go down to his knees. Triple H roll sout of the ring and gets a chair from Chyna. HHH rolls back in and wacks the "wounded" Trait in the head. Trait goes down hard to the mat.]

Joel Gertner - Nice on Hunter! Joey, Trait needed a seat!

[Triple H lifts the chair high in the air and slams it down, hitting Gideon Trait in the mid-section. Trait screams in pain and clings onto his chest. Triple H tosses the chair down hauls Trait to his feet. HHH follows up with a DDT onto the chair. HHH then goes for the pin. One, two, th.... KICK OUT! Triple H, dis-pleased with the count, stands up and gets int he referee's face!]

Joel Gertner - It is over!

Joey Styles - He kicked out!

Joel Gertner - Well, SLOW COUNT!

[Not getting anything accomplished, Triple H slides back out of the ring. Both Chyna and Triple H slide a table out from underneith the ring and put it in the ring. Chyna over looks what is in the cart and hauls out a stick ball bat. She hands it to Triple H and he re-enters the ring. Claire Wilson looks on and look sas if she could cry.]

Joey Gertner - Triple H has this match UNDER control!

Joey Styles - With help from Chyna!

Joel Gertner - What? She is simply watching and maybe, helping him with a move here and there.. nothing big!

[Triple H waits for Trait to stand, he does. HHH swings the stick ball bat, in attempt of hitting Trait. Gideon Trait ducks it and kicks Triple H in the gut. Trait follows up with a double arm DDT. Both men lie wounded on the mat.]

Joey Styles - Trait is battling back!

Joel Gertner - Like I said, The Game has this match under control Styles!

[Trait shows the first sign of life. He gets to his feet and picks up the stick ball bat. As Triple H starts to get up, Trait hits him with the stick ball bat. Trait yells at him, telling his to get up. Triple H tries to get up again but his hit once again. Trait tosses down the Stick Ball Bat and picks HHH up, he rolls behind him and applies the Bachelor Of Arts.]

Joey Styles - Trait is going to win!

[The referee checks for a submission, HHH, half out of breath, tries to hang on. Chyna, not liking what she see's, slides into the ring and gives Trait a low blow! Claire Wilson gets up on the ring apron and Chyna decks her!]

Joel Gertner - WHAT A SHOT!

[Trait, seeing what just happened, grabs Chyan and hits the IQ 140!

Joel Gertner - HOLY SHIT! That fools just took out Chyna!

[Trait turns around only to get smacked in the head with a chair from HHH. Triple H rolls back out of the ring and grabs a chair from the cart. Out from the crowd runs Crash Holly. He also has a chair! He jumps the guard rail and wacks Triple H in the head. Holly jumps the rail again and runs off.]

Joel Gertner - WHAT THE HELL! Tht little brat!

Joey Styles - Nothing wrong!

[Trait gets to his feet and see's HHH on the outside. Trait climbs the turnbuckle and jumps, hitting a BELLY FLOP SPLASH on HHH!

Joel Gertner - OH MY GOD! That must have killed HHH!

[The referee slides out of the ring, gets in position and begins to count. ONE..... TWO.... THR... HHH LIFTS HIS SHOULDER!

Joel Gertner - He kicked out!

Joey Styles - I can't believe this!

Joel Gertner - I can!

[Trait slowly stands up. He picks HHH up and sets him up for the IQ 140. Gideon trait hits it onto the steel chair!]

Joel Gertner - SHIT! HHH's head just dented the chair! And the Chair dented HHH! OH MY!

[Trait goes for the pin, one, two, Chyna suicide dives the referee!]

Joel Gertner - WOO-WHO! Way to go CHYNA!

Joey Styles - Trait was ripped off!

[Trait grabs Chyna and hits the IQ 140 again! Trait then grabs HHH and applies the Bachelor Of Arts! HHH, knocked out, if getting his neck and arm pulled to hell!]

Joey Styles - The referee is out, dammit!

[Trait continues to hold. Finially, the referee comes to and check HHH. The referee calls for the bell! HHH is out cold!]

J oel Gertner - What happened! HHH never gave!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match and NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION, GIDEON TRAIT!

( The NWO camera opens up just moments before the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Justin Credible matchup where Paula is standing by Austins locker room where the door just opens and Austin walks out wearing his ring attire ready to do some battle with Justin Credible. )

Pamela: Austin, you are just moments away from going out to the ring and facing one half of the former NWO tag team champions, Justin Credible.

Austin: Or in other words, Austin you are ready to go out there and take a want to be champion and make his life a living hell by getting ready to go out there and put such a nice young body through miserable hell that him or nobody will ever forget. Pamela, yesterday at the Red Sox game, I stood out there on the pitchers mound and once again I promised and told the world that Austin would become 7-0 in singles competition and that no little bastards like Justin Credible will even come close from pinning me to the mat 1..2..3! Austin has never let the fans down and that sure is hell isnt going to change tonight. I can gurantee that.

Pamela: What about the fact that the last two days, Justin Credible has been constantly running his mouth about you being to afraid to put the title on the line in this match.

Austin: Hell, I dont really give a damn what he says anymore. The fact of the matter is that I am not afraid of anyone and like I said before I won the belt, I wont turn down a challenge. Of course an inbred jackass that is from Ozone New York wouldnt understand that. That is what pisses me off the most about him, the son of a bitch just doesnt listen to a damn thing anyone tells him. His mom told him not to have oral sex with Lance Storm anymore but AH AH that doesnt happen because they get it on all the time. Michael Graves and Sting told them that they wouldnt become the new tag champs, he didnt listen and hell he was wrong again. Now, I told him time and time again I am not afraid of him and that his ass belongs to Austin 3:16, once again he doesnt believe me so here in about 3 minutes I am going to teach him the hard way and you can bet your ass that you will puke just watching him laying on the mat bleeding half to death.

Hell, if I really think about, I actually do respect most of my opponents but for some reason when I think about Justin Credible, there is no respect at all because he hasnt done a damn thing here in the NWO to prove that he should face the champ even though its a non-title match. Hell, he is one of the luckiest bastards to have the oppurtunity to get his ass beat to hell by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Even though a lot of people have already expirenced that, but oh hell you are the next one in line.

Pamela: Well you made an appearence at the Red Soxs baseball game and sent the PA system man running for his life on the green monster. You are lucky you werent arrested and having to forfeit this match.

Austin: Well Ole "Stone Cold" isnt going to forfeit this match so there goes all the chances of Justin Credible winning. The match is getting ready to start and I know Justin Credible is in the back with his heart pumpin extremely fast because he is so nervous about facing "The Rattlesnake" he is about ready to puke all over himself, and I know that when the glass shatters his knees will lock up from fear and he wont be able to move until I knock his ass down with my fist and when it is all said and done and Justin literally crys for his mommy then BAM STUNNER, then his lights will be out and I will have showed that son of a bitch that he pissed off Austin 3:16 and we all know that pissing off Austin isnt the best thing for your own health.

Out of all my opponents, I think Credible is far and away the biggest jackass that I've ever stepped foot in the ring with before. He is small, scronn, and wimpy, hell he isnt showing much intelligence by facing me either. He knows deep down inside that he should have challenged Tazz or somebody, because he knows that he isnt ready for the champ yet, he knows what awaits him, and hell he even knows that his ass will belong to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin here in about 15 minutes AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!!

[Suddenly "American Badass" by Kid Rock begins to blare over the PA. Out walks CEO Chuck Reese! He carries a duffle bag and storms into the ring and demands the mic. Reese stands in the center of the ring, no Trish, no trademark smirk... emotionless..]

CEO Chuck Reese: Before this match takes place, let me make a few things clear.. First of all, Tonight we were supposed to be having a Television Title match between The Champion Nick Patton and Tazz. Neither of these gentlemen bothered to show up. Maybe I would expect this from a rookie like Tazz.. but you Patton??? I hope you are enjoying that extra day off cause I am STRIPPING your ass of the NWO Television Title!

[Reese reaches into the duffle bag and pulls out the NWO Television title!]

CEO Chuck Reese: You fuckers dont want to work in this business, just want to wear this gold I have here in my hand. It was put up, or shut up time Patton and I am SHUTTING YOUR ASS UP! I am going to GIVE this title to a worthy contender, a mam who is not afraid to WORK and actually SHOW UP for his match.... guys... HIT HIS MUSIC!

[The fans are going nuts trying to figure out who Chuck is going to give the title too. Suddenly, "American Badass" kicks on again as Chuck holds the title above his head in the ring! The fans cannot believe it! Chuck places the NWO Television title around his waist as he grows red with anger.] CEO Chuck Reese: Hell, NONE of you assholes in the back are even worth my time around here. I might as well take ALL of the titles!

Joey Styles: We need some help out here for Chuck... he is going mad!


CEO Chuck Reese: Now, not only serving as your Television Champion, but now back to being YOUR BOSS! Jimmy Gill, Booker T.. another fine example of slackers here in the wrestling business... well make examples out of this... [Reese flips the bird to the cammera] Your asses are FIRED!

Joey Styles: Folks, I am being serious... Chuck has lost it tonight.

Joel Gertner: I better go find Trish, who knows what hell she is going through....

Joey Styles: WILL YOU SIT DOWN?!?!?

CEO Chuck Reese: Now, let me address this next match, pitting Justin Credible VS Steve Austin in this non-title contest. Austin.. I am just plain sick and tired of everybody walking around here like they own the place, thinking they do what they want, when they want. Credible, you dont deserve what I am about to do... but folks, this match WILL be for the NWO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! Now CHOKE ON THAT!

Joey Styles: Oh My... GOD!

Joel Gertner: Austin VS Credible for the title... its gonna happen!

NWO World Title Match
Steve Austin (Champion) VS Justin Credible

Lilian Garcia: This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Net World Order World Championship! Introducing first, from Ozone New York, accompanied by Dawn Marie... JUSTIN CREDIBLE!

["Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck plays over the building speaks. The fans boo as Jusin Credible walk out, holding the Singapore Cane high in the air.]

STYLES - The fans don't care for Credible!

GERTNER - This isn't right! Justin Credible is a great wrestler!

STYLES - But a total asshole!

[Credible slides into the ring and holds the Singapore Cane, high in the air. He then takes the microphone from Lilian Garcia.]

STYLES - Oh no, he has the microphone!

CREDIBLE - Shut the hell up!

[This just causes them to boo louder.]

GERTNER - These fans are idiots!

CREDIBLE - the hell with all you! You see, all of you are, so called, "fans" of Steve Austin...

[The fans begin to chant, "Austin, Austin, Austin."]

CREDIBLE - Figures! Everyone of you are idiots! Tonight, your going to get it back in your face. Steve Austin, your screwed. CEO Chuck reese has decided taht tonight is the night you hand the championship over to the better man! Austin, the title is coming to a real champion, an Impact Player, Justin Credible!

So, Austin, with the few minutes you have left, go shine the title up as nice as can be and get ready to hand it over!

GERTNER - You tell 'em Justin!

STYLES - Oh please. Gertner, you are believing this crap!?

GERTNER - Justin will be the next champion! Austin's title rein is over!

CREDIBLE - You know Austin, after the match is all over, while you are one your ass and I am holding the title HIGH in the air, you will be askign yourself, "How did this happen?" Well fool, you got yourself into this! You are the idiot that wanted to put the title on the line. So, you see, "Stone Cold," I am just making you pay for your F-N mistakes. However, taking the title away from you wont be the punishment. Your F-N punishment will be me KICKIN' YOUR ASS all ove the Fleet Center!

[The fans boo again. For they do not like what Justin Credible is saying.]

CREDIBLE - You see, "Stone Cold," your rein is over. Your time has run out. It is time for you to step aside, no, be beat aside and time for the TRUE champion to step forward. Austin, like me or not, I am taking your ass out and taking the one thing you have that makes you some-what important, the NWO World Heavyweight Championship!

STYLES - Take that microphone away from him!

CREDIBLE - As the slogan goes, SNAP YOUR FINGERS, SNAP YOUR NECK! Austin, you will be feeling on hell of an impact tonight. So, idiot, get your ass out here, so I can SNNNNNNAPPP IT!

And, oh yeah... That's Not Just The Coolest, That's Not Just The Best. That, you washed up red-neck, is JUST....IN CREDIBLE! Lilian Garcia: And his opponet, from Victoria Texas, The NWO World Champion... Steve Austin!

Joey Styles: These two have been at each other’s throats all week. I bet Chuck Reese had no idea how this match would explode into such a hateful rivalry when he first made this match.

Joel Gertner: Steve Austin is the most undeserving champion I have seen in my life. I hope Justin Credible beats the trailor trash out of him tonight!

[The match begins as Steve Austin starts off with a running clothesline. Justin flips to the ground, but pops right back up. He charges at the World Champion, and finds himself running face-first into Austin’s fists. Steve Austin swing with a left, and another, and another. Justin Credible is dazed in the ring, as Austin gives him the double middle finger. Austin swings, but Justin Credible ducks it. Austin swirls around from the momentum, and gets hit by a swift kick to the nuts. Justin Credible wastes no time with the hurting Steve Austin, and sets the rattlesnake between his legs. Justin Credible grabs the tights of Austin, and pulls him into a stinging piledriver. Justin Credible quickly lifts Austin to his feet, and Irish whips him into the corner. Justin runs up to Steve Austin, and begins with the ten punches. The crowd boos as Justin Credible lays the right fists between the eyes of Austin repeatedly.]

Joel Gertner: Justin Credible is really wailing away at Steve Austin!

[Justin Credible gets off of Austin, and whips the staggering rattlesnake into the ropes. Austin reverses the whip, all of a sudden, and jumps on the running Justin Credible, striking his opponent relentlessly after a Lou Thesz Press. Austin then picks Justin Credible up, and whips him into the corner. With repeated kicks into the midsection, Austin unleashes a mudhole stomping that Credible may never forget. Credible lays on the ground, motionless, as Steve Austin picks him up. Suddenly, Lance Storm arrives with a Singapore Cane in hand. While Steve Austin kicks the midsection of Justin Credible, Lance Storm jumps onto the apron, swinging the cane. Austin lets go of Justin Credible, and kicks the midsection of Lance Storm. He grabs Lance’s head, and delivers a Stone Cold Stunner into a Guillotine on the ropes! The fans explode as Lance Storm falls off of the apron, and at a loss of breath. In the confusion, Lance dropped the cane, during the attack.! Justin Credible picks it up, and whacks Steve Austin over the head with it as he turns around. Steve Austin’s head busts wide open, as Justin Credible stands over his fallen opponent, raising the cane in the air.]

Joey Styles: Oh my God! That’s going to be it! The referee appears to be letting this one go!

[Justin Credible lifts Steve Austin up, and hits him with a “That’s Incredible”, driving Austin head first into the mat. Justin Credible immediately covers, and the referee counts. 1… 2… 3? NO! Steve Austin barely kicks out before three! Justin Credible stands there in shock, as well in anger, demanding the referee to call for the bell. Steve Austin gets to his feet, and sets up for a Stunner to Credible after turning him around. Justin Credible acts quickly, though, and low blows Steve Austin for the second time in the match.]

Joel Gertner: This referee must have come from the NFL. He just never sees a thing!

Joey Styles: Justin Credible should have been disqualified five times in this one match!

[Justin Credible grabs the Singapore cane, and sets it up by the turnbuckle. He climbs the ropes, with Steve Austin staggering in front of him. He picks up Austin, and spins him into the Tombstone Position. Justin Credible dives off of the ropes, and lands Stone Cold Steve Austin onto the Singapore Cane with a “That’s Incredible” off of the top rope!]

Joey Styles: Oh my GOD! There is no way that anyone could kick out of that one!

[Justin Credible covers the champion, and the referee slowly counts. With the count being made, the fans boo with each consecutive slap to the mat. 1… 2… 3!! The bell rings, and Lance Storm rushes into the ring to congratulate his victorious tag team partner. They begin stomping on the fallen champion, and roll him down to the ring. Credible grabs the World title and holds it high above his head.]

Joey Styles: Joel, did you see that? Justin Credible just pinned the Net World Order champion! Justin Credible WON THE GOLD!

Joel Gertner: Good! I’m sick and tired of seeing this foul-mouthed Texan representing this company!

Joey Styles: Fans, coming up next is the Tag Team match between Hollywood Hogan and Styles against Shane Douglas and Maxx Payne. Be sure not to touch that dial, because it’s coming up next!

Shane Douglas & Maxx Payne VS Hollywood Hogan & Neil Stylez

Lilian Garcia: Now for our main event.. a tag team contest scheduled for one fall. Comming down to the ring, Shane Douglas and Maxx Payne!

[Douglas and Payne come out to a shower of booing]

Lilian Garcia: Introducing their opponets.. Hollywood Hogan and Neil Stylez!

[Hogan comes out by himself! Stylez is nowhere to be found! Hogan looks very confused as he makes his way out to the ring. Steve Austin is then introduced as the special guest referee. Austin calls for the bell, much to Hogan's dismay. Austin is still quite upset over his title loss to Justin Credible... Austin kicks Hogan in the gut.. STUNNER.. STUNNER! Hogan is out on the outside! Austin flips off Hogan then spits on his chest, walking back to the locker room. Douglas and Payne look on with smiles as they leave the ring to get chairs. TBA and Jericho make their way out.. Its open pickings on Hollywood Hogan! No Ref! Four men on one! As it looks to be Hogan's last stand as the four men surround him.. Neil Stylez makes his way out from the back to a HUGE pop! Stylez dashes down the ramp and shields Hogan from the four men. Hogan gets back to his feet and pats Stylez on the back. Stylez points to the NWOtron as Hogan turns to watch. It shows Neil Stylez riding a forklift in the back area prior to his appearance. Stylez blocked the New World Order locker room with the forklift! Hogan stands in disbelief as Stylez tackles Hogan, beating him upside the head. The four other men then begin their attack on Hogan, using chairs, tables and the whole nine yards. NWO security rushes out and breaks the five men off of Hogan, who is carried off in a streture.]

Joey Styles: What the hell is going on here... It cant be... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[Stylez removes his shirt to reveal an AKI shirt! The fans are going crazy! The AKI begins to clap in the middle of the ring as Stylez gets the mic.] Neil Stylez:"I have finally done it and none of you ever suspected even one hint of what just went down! You are all probably wondering why Neil Stylez would stoop so low as to join with Shane Douglas and the greatest stable ever created in wrestling as we know it, The Ass Kickers Incorporated! Of course your first grade education levels can't grasp any sort of an idea of what is going on in this very moment of time but I, being the nice kind hearted man that I am, will slowly and carefully explain the current situation so that even piggish losers like yourselves can understand it all!

I will give you a few reasons for my recent actions so you better be listening closely or you will be likely to miss something. So shut the hell up and get ready to feel tremors of great shock run up your spines for what the greatest wrestler in the Net World Order has to say!

The first reason could be an overwhelming one indeed. None of you would of ever thought of it or even considered it as a possibility but now it will all become too real for you to handle. I...RESPECT Shane Douglas more than any other wrestler in this sport today could. The man took me to and past the limits of my wrestling abilities and carried me to levels I never dreamed of even approaching. Our matches raised the standards of extreme to new heights! We shocked the world with our brutal, fierce, and spectacular matches. You couldn't help but watch the thrilling action as we were simply eye candy to any spectator. Our matches were amazing...sometimes so amazing that they would go above anyone's wildest imaginations. At the PPV I gained a new found respect for the man known as Shane Douglas, and that respect will follow me for where ever I go until death overtakes me.

The second reason is for the plain fact that I'd be way more successful with the Ass Kickers Incorporated by my side. Before I wasn't being paid attention to and not too many wrestlers in the Net World Order were concerned with me but that will all soon change since I have aligned myself with the finest group of physical specimens ever to grace a wrestling ring! I will stick out like the north star when it shines brighter than any other star in the night sky with these group of wrestlers! With the AKI by your side you have no other direction to go than up and that is a great thing for anyone. Any wrestler in my current situation could of and would of done the same thing as I just did so I see nothing wrong in it at all. Every member in the AKI has also been a champion here in the NWO at one point in time. Shane Douglas was the former World and Tag champ, Chris Jericho was the former T.V. champ, Maxx Payne is the current U.S. champ, The Baltimore Assassin was a former U.S. and Tag champ, and what could be a better addition to the AKI than yours truely, Neil Stylez? The AKI is full of champions and I am naturally a former Net World Order champion on multiple occassions so the way I see it as that I fit the description for an AKI member by a full one hundred percent. Not to mention that the AKI has style and that is what I am all about.

The third and final reason for me joining with the AKI is some unfinished business with that so called "legend" Hulk Hogan. Hogan, as you can see I have not changed one damn bit! I swore to god that I would lay your ass out in front of live national T.V. and that is exactly what I did. Since you are suffering from that disease that eats away at old people's minds, I am not surprised that you forgot the threat I left to you before my last absence from the Net World Order. Now you have paid the price for not remembering that valuable piece of information and for other things which I am just about to get to. When I was a part of The Hitmen I despised you and everything you stood for ,Hogan. You only cared for your money, your fame, and your future. You never gave a thought for those who were with you at the time in The Hitmen. You used and abused all of us for your own personal gainings! Hogan, I am going to teach your greedy wrinkled ass a lesson in life. I can guarantee you at least that much. And this Monday I will start by taking away what is dear to you and your group of retirement home buddies, the Intercontinental championship! Hart, you are too old to be competing in the NWO so give up before I do something to you that I'll soon regret.

I am done now so all of you overweight crap crusted punks better turn your full attention over to the leader of the AKI and a man I have a whole hell of a lot of respect for, Shane Douglas!

(Stylez hands the mic to Douglas, as Styles and Gertner are in complete and total shock at the two men shaking hands. Meanwhile, Lady Kelly, Francine, and Terri are walking to the ring with AKI T-shirts in hand for the new member.)

STYLES: Oh my God! I cannot believe after these two men swore they hated each other, that they would ever think of joining forces! This has to go down as one of THE MOST SHOCKING EVENTS in NWO history! GERTNER: Two things are certain here in the NWO! One, nothing is ever certain. Two, Chuck still hasn't gotten me my intern yet!

STYLES: It's always something with you, isn't it?

DOUGLAS: Ladies and losers in the audience tonight, Neil Stylez is one tough son-of-a-bitch! Any man who has the cojones to stay in the ring and want a piece of "The Franchise" again and again is a man to respect. For all of you inbreds at home, scratching your...heads and trying to figure out what the hell is going on, do not adjust your set! You had all the answers, it's just "The Franchise" changed the questions! You never have it figured out here, except that Shane Douglas is the TRUE LEADER OF AKI! (Fans boo as Douglas laughs, but the Baltimore Assassin seems to be giving "The Franchise" a rather dirty look.)

Let the record show that while the Dinosaur World Order sits around the old folks home, drinking prune juice, playing bingo and wondering what day the mashed potatoes are coming, Ass-Kickers Incorporated is signing up new clients everyday! You idiots run your mouths about how much you're going to turn this place upside down, look around you! Because I've just succeeded! Hogan, where are your troops! I'll give you the answer, they want no part of Ass-Kickers, Incorporated! They left you high and dry, just like that receding hairline of yours! Hey, Scottie Hall! Survey says, NIGHTY-NIGHT, CHICO! Hey, Big Ugly! Well...you're ugly! Hey, Bischoff... (Douglas points down at his...you know.) BITE THIS! Hey, Hart! YOUR BROTHER'S STILL DEAD! As for the Clown College...Ringling Brothers is calling about you two! Hogan...I RUN THE NWO! This is my playground, get off my God Damn swingset! This place, ladies, in case you haven't figured it out, revolves around ME! Me, me, me, me!!

("Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000 starts up, and AKI leaves the ring.)

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! Fans, tune in on monday to see what the hell happens!