Jim Ross: Welcome fans, to Monday Night Anarchy! We have a great show for you tonight as Chris Jericho makes his debut match back against newcomer Tazz. And two new comers will have a re-match in Nick Patton and Kaos.
Jerry Lawler: Yeah, but in the main event Ransom will get his Intercontinental Title shot against Sting that he earned on the very first showing of Monday Anarchy.
Jim Ross: How about the very first showing of Thursday Night Overdrive?
Jerry Lawler: It was great! Especially when The Rock made his great return by laying the smackdown on the number one contender to the IC Title Ransom!
Jim Ross: Then he came out and challenged Austin to anykind of match anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
Jerry Lawler: Austin better watch out because Rock will lay the smackdown on him too!
Jim Ross: We’ll see. But let’s get into the great action that the NWO brings every time!
Howard Finkle: The first match is set for one fall and is a NWO Rookie Match! Introducing first "The Machine 2 Strong" Carter Davids!
Carter’s music hits and he comes running out from the back. He slides in the ring and waits on Steiner.
Howard Finkle: And his opponent. Big Poppa Pump....Scott Steiner!
[The loud siren for Big Poppa Pump’s music starts up. Then his music hits as he walks out from the back with his hoochie. They make it down to the ring and Steiner steps in. He gets on the turnbuckle and starts to kiss his muscles. As he does Carter Davids goes over and gives a low blow and the bell sounds. Steiner is on the ground from the low blow and Carter Davids is giving him the boots. He picks up Steiner and throws him in the ropes. He bends over for a back body drop but when Steiner comes back he kicks him. Davids raises up and Steiner knocks him down with a short arm clothesline. Steiner gets up and flexes his muscles again. He gets down on a knee and starts to nail Carter with right hands in the head. Steiner picks up Carter and drops him back down with a suplex. Carter starts to get up to a knee but Steiner kicks him in the gut again and Carter falls back in the corner. Steiner starts to stomp a mud hole in Carter. He gets Carter up and sets him up on the top rope. He climbs up there as well.]
Jim Ross: It looks like Big Poppa Pump is going for a Frankensteiner.
Jerry Lawler: Yeah but he’s too busy kissing and flexing his muscles.
[Carter takes advantage off Steiner’s mistake and pushes him off and down to the mat. Carter gets up and jumps off the top rope hitting Scott with a flying elbow drop. He gets Steiner up and sends him to the ropes. Steiner comes back and Carter lifts him up in a Gorilla Press Slam. Carter drops Steiner to the mat. Carter gets down and hooks on a camel clutch.]
Jim Ross: Carter using a version of Scott Steiner’s “Steiner Recliner”.
Jerry Lawler: But it’s not hurting him.
[Carter releases the hold. He picks up Steiner and attempts a suplex. Steiner hooks his leg on Carter’s. Carter tries again, but Steiner blocks it again. Steiner then lifts him up and does a Brain Buster to Carter Davids. Steiner gets Carter up and sets Carter’s head between his legs. Steiner pulls Carter up for a piledriver, he connects. Steiner picks up Carter and throws him into the turnbuckle. Carter hits it and stumbles out. Steiner hooks him and does the turning belly-to-belly suplex. He gets up and calls for the Steiner Recliner.]
Jim Ross: He’s calling for it.
Jerry Lawler: It looks like it’s over right now!
Steiner is standing over Carter. He grabs Carter’s arms and hooks them. He grabs Carter’s chin and pulls back. The ref checks and Carter doesn’t give. Carter begins to kick his feet violently and manages to get to the ropes. The ref calls Steiner off of Davids. Davids rolls out of the ring to gain some time. Steiner tries to escape to the outside, but the ref gets into his face! Davids rolls back into the ring and attacks Steiner from behind. Davids nails a spinebuster on BPP and heads for the corner. Davids climbs to the top tunrbuckle.... Ground Zero! He hit his finisher! Davids quickly covers Steiner as the ref makes the count. 1............2...........3!
Howard Finkle: The winner of this match... Carter Davids!
Jim Ross: WOW! Carter Davids wins his first match here in the Net World Order. We’ll be back after this.
Jim Ross: We’re back! Next up we have a re-match between Kaos and Nick Patton for the Net World Order European Championship!
Howard Finkle: The next match is set for one fall and is for number one contendership to the European Championship! Coming to the ring at this time, Nick Patton!
[Nick Patton’s music comes on. Patton walks out wearing his usual attire and goes down to the ring. Cara follows close behind.]
Howard Finkle: Now introducing his opponent, Kaos!
[Kaos’ music hits the PA system. Kaos comes out of the crowd from the announcer’s table. He slides in the ring and attacks Patton from behind. Patton falls to the ground and Kaos puts the boots to him. Kaos picks up Patton’s leg and drops a couple knees to the inside of Patton’s knee. He picks Nick’s leg straight up and Kaos jumps in the air and does a leg drop to Patton’s knee. Kaos hooks on a figure four.]
Jim Ross: Kaos working on Nick Patton’s knee.
Jerry Lawler: Really, JR? I think they knew that.
[Patton makes his way to the ropes. Kaos quickly gets up and starts to kick Nick’s knee. Kaos picks up Patton and does a Belly-to-Back suplex dropping Patton to the mat. Kaos hooks on a grapevine, Nick Patton eventually makes it to the ropes. Kaos lets go of the hold. Patton sends Kaos into the ropes. Kaos comes back and delivers a powerslam to Nick Patton. Kaos makes the cover 1…2…........ Kickout by Patton. Kaos stands Patton onto his feet and backs him into the corner. Kaos climbs the tunbuckle and starts to deliver punches to the head of Nick Patton. The crowd counts as Kaos smashes away... 1.....2.......3........4........5........ Patton shoves Kaos off! Kaos lands hard on the back of his head! Patton capitalizes and stands Kaos back to his feet, giving him a hard snap suplex. Kaos holds his back in pain as Patton begins to put the boots to him! Kaos rolls to the ropes, but Patton drags him back into the middle of the ring. Patton stands Kaos up once again and tosses him to the ropes. Patton throws Kaos up into the air and delivers a monster back breaker to Kaos! Patton goes for the pin. 1........2.........3! ]
Howard Finkle: The winner of this match, And the NEW Net World Order European Champion.... Nick Patton!!!
Jim Ross: Damn!! Another great match by Kaos and Nick Patton with Patton getting the win and the gold! Next up, we have Chris Jericho’s returning match here in the NWO.
Jerry Lawler: The Ayatollah of rock-n-rolla is back and is ready to get whooped by NWO Rookie Tazz!
Howard Finkle: The next match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from the Red Hook District, Tazz!!
[Tazz’s music hits the PA loudly. Tazz walks out from the back with the black ripped towel over his face. Tazz comes down and slides in the ring.]
Howard Finkle: And his opponent. Making his returning debut here in the Net World Order. From Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Chris Jericho!!!
[The countdown comes on the screen. It gets to one and there’s an explosion. Chris Jericho is shown through the pyro. He turns around and comes down to the ring. Jericho slides in the ring and the two men start nailing each other with right hands. Jericho gets whiped into the ropes. He comes back and Tazz hooks Jericho in a sleeper. Tazz has the hold on tight. Jericho is going down and Jericho falls down to his knees while Tazz still has the sleeper on. Tazz still has the sleeper on and is working Jericho down. Jericho falls to the ground. The ref checks Jericho. Jericho doesn’t give. The ref raises Jericho’s hand twice and it falls. On the third, like in all matches, Jericho shows some energy and starts to get up. He makes his way back to his feet. He eblows Tazz in the gut, he does it again. Tazz releases the hold and Jericho runs and bounces off the ropes. Jericho leaps into the air and delivers a flying elbow to Tazz! Both men fall to the mat. ]
Jim Ross: What an excellent comeback by the seven time Television Champion!
Jerry Lawler: Hell JR, Tazz WILL win this match.. I feel it!
[Jericho gets back to his feet first as he stands Tazz onto his knees. Jericho runs to thr ropes again and dropkicks Tazz right in the face! Tazz flys backwards, a bloodied mess! The crowd gets behind Jericho, as he Picks up Tazz once again. Jericho places Tazz between his legs... a JERICHOBOMB! Chris reaches down and delivers another! On the third attempt, Tazz counters and pummels Jericho's head so he falls to the mat. As Jericho lyes on the mat, Tazz climbs to the top tunrbuckle. Jericho stands as Tazz tries to exucute a dropkick, Jericho catches Tazz and throws him to the mat.... WALLS OF JERICHO! The ref looks for the tap out... Tazz Taps out!]
Howard Finkle: And the winner of this match... Chris Jericho!
[The Wolfpac howl is heard as Nash and Hall make thier way to the ring.]
Howard Finkle: And their opponets... The Acolytes!
[The APA's music plays but they never appear. After a minute, Finkle introduces them again but still does not get them to appear. After 5 minutes, Scott Hall calls for the mic.]
Scott Hall: HEY YO!..... Looks like those beer drinking yokels were a little afraid to step into the ring with a couple bigshots such as Myself and Big Kev... Let that be a lesson to all of you.. DONT MESS WITH THE PAC!
[Chris Jericho runs down to the ring with a chair! Nash begins to climb over the ropes, but Jericho gives him a chair shot into next week! Scott Hall sees what happend and gives chase to Jericho, who has droppped the chair and taken off! As Nash lays in teh ring, Ralphus comes out! Ralphus has on his "JPA- Jericho Protection Ageny" Ralphus stands above Nash and holds his hand into the air, getting a huge pop from the arena. Ralphus stands one foot on Nash and begins to pose. Scott Hall comes running back to the ring as Ralphus quickly exits... The scene cuts back to Ross and Lawler.]
Jerry Lawler: The Outsiders picked up an easy win!
Jim Ross: Hell, I bet Kevin Nash couldnt beat RALPHUS!
Jerry Lawler: Well Y2J better worry about this Thursday cause Nash is gonne get him back for what Ralphus Did!
[A minute later, "American Badass" by Kid Rock begins to blare over the PA system. The fans get on their feet awaiting the arrival of.... TRISH?!?! Trish Stratus walks out from the back by herself. Trish is wearing a pair of short blue shorts and a white tanktop. Fans look confused as she has the NWO United States title on her shoulder. Trish points to a few of the rowdy kids who have "We Support Puppies" signs. Trish enters the ring and grabs the mic.]
Trish Stratus: You people are SOOOOOOOO gullible! "American Badass" begins to play over the NWO PA system and you expect my man, CEO Chuck Reese to come out? I guess I fooled all of you! We, I am sure you all really do not mind seeing little ol me anyway... [The male fans errupt into hoots and hollars for Trish. She smirks and continues speaking.] You see, Chuck is back in Cleveland attending some other business concerning the PPV, so he sent me with a VERY important message.... As of 11 PM last night, Superstar is no longer a part of the Net World Order. He felt his "acting" schedule was too important to cut it with the big boys here. Nonetheless, he DID have a Championship match to occur tonight, but is unable to do so. Therefore, NWO management has decided to award the NWO United States Title via default to Maxx Payne! Maxx, come on out!
[Maxx Payne's music kicks on as he makes his way out to the ring. Payne steps into the ring and steps back, eyeing up Trish.]
Trish Stratus: On behalf of the NWO, we present you with The NWO United States Championship!
[Trish hands the title over to Payne who immediatly places it around his waist. Payne moves his arm back, about ready to slap Trish on the ass. Trish backs off and glares at Maxx Payne]
Trish Stratus: Unless you also want a match with JEFF JARRETT, I highly suggest that you keep your hands to YOURSELF!
Jim Ross: HA HA, ol Chuck would throw a fit.
Jerry Lawler: You know some people are calling him the "Loose Cannon" now, knowing Chuck, he would have Maxx Payne get Nuderd! AHHHH!
Jerry "The King" Lawler: JR what the hell are you smoking? What Interview are you talking about, I see nothing like that on my format!!
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Well, Okerlund is in the ring, but he looks a little bit confused. It's like he has no clue on who is going to show up here tonight! What is going on?!?
Jim Ross: Shut up King, I just got word over the headset that the backstage parking lot just went into a frenzy! The fans back there are going nuts, and we are going to take the fans to the back, where a Net World Order camera man should be getting the footage.
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Oh no, I can't believe HE decided to show up. Is Hogan coming to the ring!?!?
Jim Ross: It seems that way King, and you know that he has some answers regarding the comments from certain NWO superstars, TBA in particular, and I can bet that we will get those answers, right here tonight!! And now it looks like Okerlund has recieved the information, and has the mic in hand.
"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight, involving a man at the top of the NWO and the wrestling universe. Unexpected, he arrives here tonight unscheduled to speak his mind, and let the wrestling fans know what he is all about. My good friend, and the Net World Order WORLD CHAMPION, give it up for Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan!!
Jim Ross: The Champ has arrived in Atlanta. What a site this is wouldn't you agree King?
Jerry "The King" Lawler: What a site this is JR, a think I am going to be sick!
Jim Ross: Quiet down King, and show some respect for the Champ.
"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Hollywood, this is an unexpected appearance from you here tonight, and I think I speak for all these fans when I say it's damn good to see you here tonight!(The fans go crazy with cheers, agreeing completely with Gene Okerlund)Now Champ, what brings you to the Georgia Dome?
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Well ya know what "Mean" Gene brother? Besides the fact that I wanted to say what's up to all the Hollywood MANIAC'S out here tonight brother,(Fans pop loudly)I also have to address a few punks that have been trying to give Hollywood a bad name. Ya see Gene, after my match with the Impact Player's, President Reese called me up and asked me to take a little time off, knowing that I had been working real hard in achieving this World Heavyweight Title. Now while I was taking time off, a talentless piece of shit that goes by the name of The Baltimore Assasin thought it would be funny to jump me from behind the back, and trash me in front of the fans saying that I am a horrible Champion, amongst many other things. He said that because I hadn't defended the title, that I was a horrible Champion, and not cut out to be on the top of the NWO. Well TBA brother! , who the HELL do you think you are punk!?!? I mean, do you realize who your talking to, who your mouthing off to, who your pissing off BRAH!?!? The same man that pinned you two times in a row in the past, for the 1...2...3 dude! Now you can make up your petty excuses TBA, by saying you had a court date amongst other things, but I have heard it all Assasin. And I know when someone is bullshitting, and you are the biggest bullshitter I have EVER seen in this sport!(The fans errupt, and Hogan nods his head agreeing with them)
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Assasin, you can think that trashing Hollywood Hogan BEHIND MY BACK makes you a man, but everyone out here knows your nothing but a stooge for the true legends like Sting, Nash, Hall, Flair, Savage, and we all know that you can't even lace my boots Assasin. You couldn't back then, and you sure as hell can't now BOY!(The fans go nuts, and Hogan looks deep into the crowd with determination in his eyes)Ya know Gene, what really pissed me off was when I heard TBA call me a coward, just because I haven't put up the title yet. But TBA is too stupid to realize that I have no say in the matches I am selected, and the reason I wasn't put on the card was because I was taking time off, and should still be now. But no, TBA thought he could grow some grapefruits by trashing me while I was off television, and taking a break. Now let me ask you this Gene? How the ! HELL can someone take a break, when you got a piece of shit like TBA thinking he is somthing worth talking about, while he is TRUELY nothing more then a mark on pro wrestling, and a man that has always ran from his conflicts, and by far the BIGGEST coward this sport has EVER seen! And I mean that when I say it Gene, The Baltimore Assasin ran his mouth, now he will have to watch his back, JACK!!
"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Now Hollywood while we are on the subject of TBA, I would like to ask you about the off air battle between you and TBA, that was brought out to the public by The Baltimore Assasin. It was then that TBA let the fans know that a fight did occur between the two of you in the backstage area, can you give us more information on that?
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Well ya know Gene, it's true brother, a fight did occur between TBA and I. Now it started with an argument, while I was inside the arena I decided to confront TBA about the things he has been saying behind my back. Now let me remind you, this was no angle, no gimmick, totally behind the scene and you could even refer to it as an off-air "shoot", what happened between TBA and I. So one thing led to another, and the next thing you know, TBA and I were pounding the hell out of eachother, and the security couldn't even hold us back. I will admit Gene, TBA has alot of hate towards me, and to see the little bastard sides with Shane Douglas, I know he needs to be dealt with, and deal with him I shall brother! I laugh everytime I see TBA walk out with his slutty women, and call himselrf a porn star. Now before I go further, I want to know is this wrestling?!?! Because last time I checked, porn stars don't ge! t far in wrestling, and if TBA is a pornstar then it proves my point that he is more dedicated to Nympho acts, then the sport of wrestling. And the more I think of it, the more I believe TBA is making it all up, and just using it as a gimmick to make him seem more popular. But ya know brother, I just can't realize how that would make him any more popular, and I can't realize why he would want to do somthing like that with the high risk of STD's running about. Assasin, everyone knows since you have been here even longer than me, that you have more than enough money, so why would you need the money from being a porn star? And could you get more fame from it, other then in wrestling? I doubt it, and if it is all true, that proves my point that you really have NO ounce of dedication to the NWO, to these fans, and to this sport brother!!(The fans go crazy, and Hogan gives an angry look on his face while addressing TBA)TBA, you push! ed me, and pushed me, and pushed me some more brother. And now, it is MY TIME to retaliate, and show you who is boss, and who RULES your WORLD brother!!(Suddenly the chants of HOLLY-WOOD, HOLLY-WOOD, HOLLY-WOOD go up in the arena)You crossed the line Assasin, now you will have to watch your back and take care, because your WORST NIGHTMARE Hollywood Hogan WILL BE coming after YOU!!(The chants continue on in the arena, and Okerlund looks amused by the comments from Hogan)
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Who does Hogan think he is talking about The Baltimore Assasin in such a manner. He has no right to show such dis-respect towards such a fine tuned athlete like TBA!
Jim Ross: Oh and I suppose TBA had the right to dis-respect Hogan like he did the last few weeks. As far as I'm concerned King, Hogan is sending a message to TBA, and showing him who is boss.
Jerry "The King" Lawler: JR, I can't see why your such a Hogan supporter, he hasn't done anything to brag about, and as far as I am concerned, he is the only MARK in wrestling.
Jim Ross: How can you say that King? Hogan has done more for this sport then ever imaginable, and I support him for many reasons. One because he is a LEGEND to wrestling, and the Icon of this sport, and two, he is the World Heavyweight Champion. Now that, is somthing to brag about Lawler!
"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Moving on now, I would like to address the man that truely has proved alot over the last few weeks, the current #1 contender to your World Title Hollywood, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Let's get your opinion and any comments you have towards Steve Austin.
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: "Stone Cold" Steve Ausitn, where can I begin. Ya know Gene, Steve Austin really did show the Net World Order higher-ups what he is capable of when he took out Rampage, and when he later went on to beat Triple H in what is being headlined over the Internet as one of the BIGGEST upsets in wrestling ever. The way I see it brother, Steve Austin wants a shot at the World Title so much, that he will put it all on the line for the gold. That is somthing I admire in "Stone Cold", and therefore since he was able to knock off two top contenders, he has earned the privaledge to get the first crack at the World Heavyweight Title. That's right brother, the match is booked, and it will go down as the main event on Thursday Night Overdrive. I give Austin alot of credit for making it this far in his run for the World Title, but now it's time for me to step up, and show The Rattlesnake, my 24" Pythons brother!! (The fans go nuts with cheers for the champ, and Hogan shows the fire in his eyes)Austin, you may have taken out two of the NWO's top talent, but in reality, Rampage and Triple H mean shit to me, let alone keep me down! So basically what I am trying to say here, is that the fact that you were able to beat them, has nothing to do with beating Hollywood BRAH! Not a damn thing, and if you think you got a winning streak that just won't end, you got another thing coming brother! Ya see Austin, no matter what you say, do, or become, you WILL NOT be the man that walks over Hollywood, and you WILL NOT be the man that takes the World Title from me dude! Because the reality in the matter is that I eat guys like Austin for breakfast every day in that damn ring, and I won't stop with his ass! In fact, I won't stop defending this title ever brother! Because I am a fighting champion, I am no god damn pushover, I am the man that made this business ! with my bare hands, and I will ALWAYS be the "True" Champ, and the ICON to lead the Net World Order furhter into the New Millenium, and further into the wondrs of professional wrestling brother!(Hogan pauses for a moment while the fans finish reacting to the statements heard from him, before continuing on)
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: What can I say Austin, you want it so bad, to be the man on the top of the Net World Order and to be the man with the World Title around your waist. It would be your dream to hold the title Austin, but unfortunately, the only way that THIS dream will come true, is if you get through me first!(The crowd pops, and Hogan shows an aggresive look on his face)And the only way you can get through me Austin, is with a miracle so powerful that it actually allows you to come up with the 3 count on Hollywood. But when you look closer at the odds brother, you realize that the chances of that happening, is slim to none! And with all do respect Austin, even with a miracle, there is no way in HELL, SON, that you can pin a "God", let alone "The God of Wrestling" brother!!(The fans start the chants again, and they continue to get louder, and ! Hogan continues to become more pumped in the ring)So snap out of your dream redneck, before it turns out to be your WORST NIGHTMARE! And when the lightning strikes Austin, and when Hollywood Hogan has a hold of you, I will show NO MERCEY whatsoever dude! And you will bow on your hands and knees worshiping the ground I walk on, because you know without a shadow of a doubt, that you will ALWAY'S be 2nd to Hollywood brother!!(The fans go crazy, and Hogan flexes his arm right in front of Okerlund showing it off to the fans)
Jim Ross: Pretty harsh words from the Champion King, it looks like Austin will have his hands full with this one!
Jerry "The King" Lawler: What's the deal JR, now your defending Austin!?!? You sure do play both sides of the fences Ross.
Jim Ross: What is that supposed to mean!?!? All I meant was that it should be one HELL of a main event on Thursday, and with all the action that has gone down thus far on this HELLACIOUS Monday Anarchy, I don't want to miss what is next, so pipe down King!
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Geno my man, I am going to send a statement to all the wrestlers in the back, especially TBA who thinks I am a horrible champ, on Overdrive when I completely dismantle Steve Austin, and show him just WHO the man is brother. The fans will watch and the World will witness a marvel at Overdrive, because I will PROVE once again that I am know pushover, but the rightful and GREATEST World Heavyweight Champion, of all time brother!! Austin has the first shot at the title, but rest assure this will not be my one and only title defense. Oh no Geno, there will be PLENTY more to come, because Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan made Steve Austin, and I will break him apart with my BARE hands!!(Hogan motions to "break" him with his hands, and the fans respond with another loud pop)Austin, I hope your ready, because I am in the best shape of my life, and carrying 100% health! in my physical condition BRAH! So if you want to take me out, you better have one damn good plan, because you WILL need it! And don't think for one second that by boosing up before the match you will have it easier, because you won't. You will feel just as much pain as you would sober Austin, if not more! But I am not here to talk about you being drunk or not, because drunk or sober I am looking to kick your ugly southern ass from each corner of the Earth, and back around again! I am more then just a talented athlete Austin, I am the one and only LEGEND to this sport, and just like I will do to TBA, I will also show you who is the BOSS!!(Hogan grins devislishly, and the fans continue to show their appreciation) I have done more for this sport then you could EVER do Austin, and I won't stop climbing the ladder of greatness now! So get ready for the fight of your life Austin, because you WILL "Hail The King of Hollywood"!!(Hogan starts moving his hand around his ear, and smiles while listening to the crowd back him 100%. Hogan gives them the "Thumbs Up" once again, and Okerlund begins to address Hogan once more)
"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Now lastly Hollywood, I as well as the whoile World is wondering what the deal is with Bret "The Hitman" Hart. It is obvious that Hart screwed the Millionaire's Club, and he had a few choice words for you not to mention Sting a while back. Now, he had formed The Hitmen, and is looking to get back at the Millionaire's, Sting in particular.
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Let me tell you this brother! Sting allowed me to see the light, and showed me why Bret Hart is nothing but a jealous, self-centered Canadian piece of shit, that can stick with his shitty country because EVERYONE knows that Canada Sucks, and America RULES!!(The fans go crazy, and Hogan smiles nodding his head)And if Bret Hart shows his face around here tonight, I will make DAMN sure that he gets what's coming to him, a clash with Hollywood Hogan. Now Bret Hart...
Jim Ross: What the hell is he doing here!?!? TBA has know business being out here at this time!!
Jerry "The King" Lawler: He has just as much right to be out here as Hogan does JR, so quiet down and watch what goes down, Hollywood has the mic!!
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: Hey TBA, what the hell do you want brother!!
The Baltimore Assasin: Hogan, Hogan, Hogan! Give me a second here! Ya know, I have been in the back listening to you go on, and on, and on and I got to say, I am BORED to death. So I figured I would come out here, and give your ass a taste of what "The Bad Boy" of the NWO is capable of doing to old timers!
Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan: You know it as well as I do punk, you want it, come and get it brother!! Because I would gladly, kick your ASS!!
Jim Ross: Can you believe this King? What action, what EXCITEMENT!! Fans, I just got word that we have to go to commercial break, there's more action to come, so don't go away.
Jim Ross: We’re back fans and it’s time for out Main Event and it out to be a slobberknaucker!
Jerry Lawler: Yes it should be! Ransom is going all the way!
Jim Ross: I don’t think he will. Sting is a 10 time WCW Champion and has A LOT more talent and experience than Ransom. Ransom, however, is a rookie to the NWO. He’s only like 2 and 2.
Jerry Lawler: Who cares if he’s 2 and 2. He’s still going to win dammit!
Lillian Garcia: The next match is set for one fall and is for the Net World Order Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, Ransom!!!
Ransom’s music hits and Ransom and Trinity walk out from the back. They make their way down to the ring. Ransom slides in the ring and waits on Sting.
Lillian Garcia: And the champion. Standing 6 foot 2 weighing in at 252 pounds! From Venice Beach, California, Sting!!!!!!
The lights go out in the arena. The fans go wild. A cracking sound of lightening is heard, then another. Another sound of cracking lightening hits and “Seek and Destroy” by Metallica starts to play. The fans start to go crazy. They’re waiting for Sting to come out. The camera hits Ransom in the ring waiting for Sting. In the audience the fans begin to look up at the ceiling. The camera zooms up there he is. The man, “The Stinger”, “The Franchise” Sting! He’s coming down on the harness. He comes down in the ring with the black baseball bat. He hits the mat and takes of the harness. He goes over to Ransom and grabs his shoulder. He swings him around and nails him in the gut with the baseball bat. Ransom bends over and Sting drives the bat into Ransom’s spine. Ransom falls to the mat and Sting hits Ransom’s knees with the bat. The bell sounds and Sting tosses the bat and the IC Title that was around his waist out of the ring. Ransom is on the ground and Sting starts to give the boots to him. Sting drops to a knee and applies a sleeper hold to Ransom. Sting has the hold on for about 20 seconds and then Ransom starts to get up. He elbows Sting in the gut two times. He runs away and bounces off the ropes. He comes back towards Sting and Sting does a back body drop. Sting goes to Ransom’s side. He bounces off the ropes. When Sting gets to Ransom, he jumps up in the air as high as he can and does a standing splash, he covers, 1… kick out. Sting picks up Ransom and does a hip toss, Ransom doesn’t go down. Instead he reverses it into his own hip toss. Sting hits the mat and Ransom jumps in the air and hits a leg drop across Sting’s throat. Ransom picks up Sting and hooks his head under his arm. Ransom lifts Sting up for a falling suplex. Sting hits the mat.
Jim Ross: What great action we’re having here in the main event on Anarchy!
Jerry Lawler: You better believe it!
Ransom picks up Sting and sends him into the ropes with a whip. Sting comes back and Ransom does a tilt-a-whirl slam. Ransom picks up Sting again and sends him into the ropes again. Ransom goes for a clothesline but Sting ducks it. Sting hits the other ropes and goes back to Ransom. Ransom turns around and Sting jumps in the air with a cross body block. Sting covers him after he hits him with it, 1…2.. kick out by Ransom. Sting picks up Ransom and body slams him to the mat. Ransom hits hard. Sting faces the fans and gives a loud “WHOO!” the fans respond with a “WHOO!” Sting starts a walk over to the tope rope. He climbs up on top.
Jim Ross: I wonder what Sting’s going for here…..
Jerry Lawler: I don’t know but hopefully he misses!
Sting jumps off with a flying elbow. Right before he hits, Ransom rolls out of the way. Sting’s elbow hits hard on the mat. Ransom hooks on an arm breaker hold. Sting is in much pain but makes his way over to the ropes. Ransom picks up Sting to a knee. Sting reverses that and rolls up Ransom in to in inside cradle. 1…2… kick out by Ransom.
Jim Ross: Damn, he was so close right there!
Sting gets up and picks up Ransom. Sting sends Ransom into the turnbuckle. He falls back into the opposite turnbuckle and gives another “WHOO!” He runs at Ransom. He jumps in the air and hits a Stinger Splash. He runs back into the turnbuckle again. He runs at Ransom and jumps in the air hitting another Stinger Splash. He does it once more when Ransom stumbles out. Sting gets behind Ransom and does a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting walks over to Ransom’s feet. He hooks Ransom’s legs and turns him into the Scorpion Death Lock!
Jerry Lawler: Oh no! Come on! Get out of it!
Jim Ross: Ransom can’t hold it any longer….he taps it’s over!
Howarde Finkle: The winner of this match and STILL Net World Order Intercontinental Champion, Sting!
[Suddenly, Bret Hart runs from the back, attacking Sting from behind with a hockey Sting. Hart beats on Sting for what seems to last for minutes, crushing blows onto his head and back. The fans errupt as the NWO World Champion, Hollywood Hogan dashes out to Save Sting! Hart quickly escapes as Hogan tends to Sting.]
Jim Ross: Holy Sloberknocker! What about Bret Hart! He got what he deserved! Fans, it’s been great action here on Anarchy. We’ll see you, on Overdrive!