M A X X P A Y N E [The scene begins inside of the sold out Tacoma Dome in Tacoma Washington. After the big pyro show to signal the beginning of the show, the camera angle goes down to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler sitting at ringside getting ready to call all of tonight's action.]

Jim Ross - Welcome fans, to NWO's Friday Inferno! We are here in the jam packed Tacoma Doma in Tacoma Washington! And King, what a crazy few days we have had here in the Net World Order!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Your right about that one JR! President Shawn Hall has tosses Mr Big out of power, and now he is back in charge of the NWO! And I for one, think that was the only move that could be done. But the real test comes tonight. Let's see what kind of showing President Hall can put together tonight.

Jim Ross - Well, from the looks of it, tonight is going to be one hell of a card. We have two War of the Gods first round matches, and matches for the World Tag Team and United States Heavyweight titles!

[Just then, "Crush Em" by Megadeth begins to play over the arena's loud speakers. The thousands of fans in the arena look towards the the entry way, to see the President of the NWO, Shawn Hall making his way down towards the ring. The fans go wild for the man who they think, saved the NWO. More than once. Hall has a mic in hand, slides into the ring under the bottom rope, and this time, he waits for the music to stop before he begins talking.]

President Shawn Hall - You know, just a few days ago, I had, what you could call, a run in with "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. And you could say, that things didn't really go my way. Tonight how ever, is a different story! Douglas, you seem to think that you are the best thing going in the NWO. That you are, The Boss. But the fact is, I'm in charge here Douglas! Not you, me! And because I am in charge, I feel like I should make a little match for next Tuesday. So Douglas, at Takeover, you will take part in a Six Man Tag. On one side, is Hollywood Hogan, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, and the true "Franchise" Sting! On the other side, is you. And seeing as how you have insulted everyone in the NWO, I don't see you finding two partners by Tuesday. But if by some mirical you do, we will have a Three on Three main event for Takeover! Now this, should be fun!

Jim Ross - Yes! I can't believe it! President Hall has just made our main event for Tuesday Takeover!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - No! That's not fair JR! Hall knows that everyone in the NWO is just jealous of Shane Douglas, and that no one will team with him! That's no fair.

Jim Ross - Yeah, isn't it great!

***Hollywood Hogan vs Chris Benoit***
(War of Gods first round)

Lilian Garcia - Tonight's first match is scheduled for one fall, and is a first round match in the War of the Gods tournament! Interducing first, weighing in at 303 pounds, he is a member of The Millionaires Club, Hollywood Hogan!!

[The fans go wild as "Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix begins to play. After a few seconds, Hollywood Hogan comes walking out from the back, strumming the air guitar. Hollywood struts his way down to the ring, and waits for his opponent.]

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent, Chris Benoit!

[The fans are booing like crazy as Chris Benoit slowly walks down to the ring.]

Jim Ross - This should be one hell of a match King! "The Crippler" Chris Benoit taking on not Hulk Hogan, but Hollywood Hogan!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I don't know if Benoit knows what he is getting into here JR. I mean, maybe he could beat Hulk Hogan, but this is Hollywood Hogan! Hollywood is a danerous man!

[The bell rings, and Hollywood Hogan goes right after Chris Benoit! Hogan looks like he is about to lock up with Benoit, but pokes him in the eye!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Look at that JR! Hollywood Hogan didn't even bother locking up with Benoit, he just poked him in the eye! I might be able to like this guy!

[Hogan sends Benoit into the ropes, and takes him down with a clothesline. Hogan trys to drop an elbow, but Benoit rolls out of the way. Hogan jumps right back to his feet, and Benoit rolls back towards Hogan. Hogan goes for another elbow drop, and Benoit rolls out of the way again. This time, Hogan doesn't get right back up.]

Jim Ross - It looks like Hollywood Hogan's attitude to go all out may not work against Chris Benoit.

[Benoit and Hogan get back to their feet at the same time. Hogan sends Benoit into the ropes again. Hogan misses with a clothesline. Benoit bounces off the ropes and trys to run right over Hogan, but Hogan just looks at him. Benoit tells Hogan to run at him and try to run him over. Hogan bounces off the ropes. Benoit takes him down with a drop toe hold.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You may be right JR. It looks like in the early going, Benoit it just out smarting Hollywood Hogan.

[Benoit begins to stop on Hogan's chest, but stops to yell at the fans. This gives Hogan enough time to get back to his feet. When Benoit turns around, he bumps right into the chest of Hollywood Hogan! Hogan lifts Benoit into the air by his neck, and tosses him into the corner. Hogan chops the chest of Benoit, and than whips him to the other corner. Hogan follows him in with a huge clothesline sending Benoit crashing down to the mat!]

Jim Ross - What a clothesline from Hollywood Hogan! And look at this King, Hogan's taking off the weight lifting belt! This can't be good for Chris Benoit!

[Hogan waits as Benoit gets back to his feet, and then sends the weight lifting belt crashing down against the back of Benoit! And again! And again! Benoit finally rolls out of the ring to stop the assault.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wait! Who in the hell is that running down to the ring?!?

Jim Ross - It's Benoit's tag team partner Ace!

[Ace runs down to the ring, and jumps up onto the ring apron. The referee runs up to Ace, and starts to yell at him to get off the ring apron. As Hogan was looking out ot the fans, Benoit got a steel chair, and slid into the ring behind him! Benoit grabs Hogan's should, spins him around, and lays him out with a shot right to the head!]

Jim Ross - Now that's just not right King!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Come on JR, you know that Hollywood Hogan would have done the same thing!

Jim Ross - You could be right King.

[Hogan looks to be out cold after that chair shot by Benoit. Benoit makes the cover, and Ace points it out to the referee. 1...2.. Hogan kicks out!]

Jim Ross - I can't believe it! Hogan kicked out! And here he comes back King! Benoit is clubbing him in the back with his forarm, but it's having no affect on him!

[Hogan blocks a right hand from Benoit, and sends him down to the mat with a right of his own. Benoit rolls back to his feet, only to be dropped again by another right from Hogan. Benoit gets back to his feet, and swings wildly at Hogan. Hogan grabs Benoit's arm, and sends him into the ropes. Hogan takes Benoit down with the big boot to the face.]

Jim Ross - There is the big boot from Hollywood Hogan! And here it comes! Hogan off the ropes, Hollywood Leg Drop! The cover. 1...2...3!!

Lilian Garcia - The winner, and moving on in the War of Gods tournament, Hollywood Hogan!

[Chris Benoit and Ace are making their way to the back when Hollywood Hogan gets a mic and stops them.]

Hollywood Hogan - Chris Benoit, you gave me a run for my money here tonight brother. And because of that, I have an offer for you. For both of you! Chris Benoit, Ace, Kronic, you two brothers are wanted in the Millionaires Club!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Can you believe that JR?!? Hollywood Hogan just asked Kronic to join The Millionaires Club! But what will they say?!?

[Chris Benoit and Ace look at each other, than at Hogan, and than they walk to the back.]

Jim Ross - Well what in the hell does that mean?!? Are they in or not?!? I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

***Shane Douglas vs Syzurz***
(War of Gods first round)

Lilian Garcia - The next match is set for one fall and is a first round qualifying match for the "War of Gods" tournament. Now making his way to the ring at this time being accompanied by Lola. Standing 5'11" and weighing in at 214, from Acapulco, Mexico, Syzurz!

[ Syzurz's music is heard over the PA system as Syzurz and Lola come out from the back. Syzurz taunts the fans and runs down to the ring with his new Television Title he stole from The Rock two weeks ago on Tuesday Takeover. He awaits his opponent. ]

Lilian Garcia - Now coming to the ring at this time, he is being accompanied by Francine. Standing 6'1", weighing in at 241, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!

[ "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple is blared over the PA system as Shane Douglas and Francine come down from the back. Shane comes down the ramp way wearing yellow and black wrestling tights and boots and a yellow and black robe. He slides in the ring and the action begins. Douglas knocks down Syzurz with three right hands and the bell sounds. ]

Jim Ross - We're under way with great Friday Inferno action!

Jerry "The King" Lawler -Yes, and it looks like the true "Franchise" is in control. Not that wanna-be franchise, Sting!

Jim Ross - King, you know damn well that Sting is just as much as a franchise as Shane Douglas is!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Yeah JR, whatever you say. Then why don't they find out in the ring?

Jim Ross - You tell me, Shane is the one who hasn't accepted Sting's challenge.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He doesn't have time to prove to the world that he is "The Franchise". Everyone knows he is, why should he prove it?

Jim Ross - Yeah, whatever King. Let's get back to the action as Shane Douglas is setting up Syzurz for a vertical suplex.

[ Douglas delivers the suplex and quickly hooks Syzurz with a Boston crab. The ref checks and Syzurz doesn't give so Douglas lets him up and sends him into the ropes. He comes back and Shane hits a back body drop. Douglas picks him up and hooks him with a reverse DDT. ]

Jim Ross - Yeah did you see that? Shane just yelled out "Sting" as he delivered a version of Sting's Scorpion Death Drop! See, the guy can't even make up his own moves and he calls himself "The Franchise". Give me a break.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I don't have a "Kit Kat Bar" so shut up, JR!

[ "The Franchise" hooks up Syzurz with another submission move, this time it's an arm bar and holds it for about 20 seconds before releasing it. Shane gets Syzurz up and then gives him a front Russian leg sweep. Douglas is up and leans over the ropes yelling at the crowd. He goes back over to Syzurz who is on his knees. Douglas grabs him by the hair and Syzurz low blows Douglas. Syzurz is back up now and snap mares Douglas over. Douglas gets back up quickly and runs toward Syzurz who does a spinning heel kick. Douglas is down and Syzurz goes to the top. He tries for a 450 splash, but Douglas moves and Syzurz hits the canvas hard. Douglas gets back up and laughs at Syzurz stupid move attempt. Douglas gets Syzurz back up to hit him with a European forearm and then with a body slam. Douglas bounces off the ropes and does a leg drop and goes for the pin, 1..2 kick out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Let me guess JR, who stole that from Hollywood Hogan?

Jim Ross - He probably did, King!

[The fans go wild as Maxx Payne slowly walks down to the ring, with steel chair in hand!]

Jim Ross - What in the hell is he doing here?!?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Isn't it obvious JR! He has a steel chair, he's just here to watch the great wrestling action like all these fans!

Jim Ross - Yeah, right.

[Payne walks down the entry way, and stops a few feet from the ring. Payne folds out the chair, and takes a seat and watches the match.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ha! Ya see JR, I told you he just wanted to watch the match!

[ King laughs and Douglas gets Syzurz back up and sends him into the turnbuckle. He sets Syzurz up on top for a Superplex but Syzurz hits him in the gut and then knocks Douglas off the top. Syzurz gets up and waits for Douglas. Douglas then gets up and Syzurz flies off with a missile toe dropkick that gets Douglas right square in the mouth. Syzurz gets Douglas up and goes for a DDT. Douglas and Syzurz are both up now and both hitting each other with right hands. Douglas whips Syzurz into the ropes and Syzurz reverses. Maxx Payne jumps to his feet, and smacks Douglas in the back with the steel chair!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hey! What in the hell did he do that for?!?

Jim Ross - Man, Syzurz has really taken control of this match since that low blow he hit on Douglas, and now the help of Maxx Payne.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Yeah, you're right for once. The only reason that dirty Mexican is on top right now is because he cheated with a low blow! And I don't know what in the hell Payne is thinking! He will pay for that!

[ Syzurz gets Douglas up and sets him up for the Reverse Death Valley Driver.. He delivers and covers. ]

Jim Ross - 1…2… awww man! Almost, the ref's hand was only an inch away from the mat. Syzurz was so close to advancing in the War of God's tournament.

[ Syzurz has Douglas up now and goes for a belly-to-belly suplex. When Syzurz goes to flip him over, Douglas lands on his feet and then hits Syzurz with a belly-to-belly suplex. He goes for the win. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - 1…2…3! Yes, the true "Franchise" has moved on in the War of God's tournament.

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match and moving on in the War of God's tournament, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!

[ Douglas and Francine leave the ring. Lola slides in with Syzurz's stolen TV Title and checks on him. When he starts to get up, "If Ya Smell, What The Rock is Cookin'!" is blared over as the fans erupt and Rock runs out from the back with wrestling boots on and black tear aways with his injured ribs taped up. Syzurz is up and goes for a clothesline when Rock slides in the ring. Rock ducks and when Syzurz turns around Rock hits him with a spinebuster. Rock goes to his head where he takes off the elbow pad and delivers "The People's Elbow". The Rock grabs his TV Title, stands over top Syzurz and the camera hears him say "Keep the damn thing" as he drops it on Syzurz's chest and leaves the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Look JR, Syzurz is the NWO Television Champion!

Jim Ross - Yeah, but The Rock laid him out!

***The Dudley Boys vs Too Cool***
(Tag Team titles)

Lilian Garcia - Tonight's next match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the NWO World Tag Team titles. Introducing first, the challengers, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher and Scotty "Too Hotty" Taylor, Too Cool!

[The fans go wild as the lights dim, the music hits, and Too Cool dance their way down the isle and down to the ring.]

Lilian Garcia - And their opponents, they are the NWO World Tag Team Champions, Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley, The Dudley Boys!

[The fans begin to boo as "Thou Shall Not..." begins to play and The Dudley Boys make their way out from the back. D-Von has his NWO World Tag Team title belt around his waist, while Buh Buh Ray has his around his neck. The bell rings as The Dudleys enter the ring.]

Jim Ross - Look at these four men go at it King! Too Cool are back in the NWO, and they are on the hunt for Tag Team gold!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Yeah, but can they get by those damn Dudley Boys?

[The four men split into two groups, with Christopher and Buh Buh Ray heading to the outside, and Taylor and D-Von still in the ring. Outside the ring, Buh Buh Ray lifts Christopher into the air, and drops him chest first on the safety rail. Inside the ring, D-Von grabs Taylor around the neck from beind, lifts him into the air, and sends him crashing down to the mat on the back of his head. Buh Buh Ray bodyslams Christopher right onto the announce table!]

Jim Ross - Buh Buh Ray Dudley has just laid out Brian Christopher on our announce table! What in the hell is D-Von Dudley doing?!?

[D-Von steps through the ropes, and stands on the ring apron. D-Von gives the 3D sign, and sets to leap off the ring apron!]

Jim Ross - Oh my god! Watch out King! He's coming our way!

[Both The King and JR jump from the announce table and run as D-Von leaps off the ring apron, and lands an elbow drop right to the chest of Brian Christopher, sending both of them crashing right through the announce table!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - JR! Our announce table is wrecked!

Jim Ross - And we're not even spanish! This is pure carnage out here folks!

[Buh Buh runs over to the announce table and helps up D-Von, who had the wind knocked out of him after the big elbow drop. Buh Buh and D-Von hold up the 3D sign in front of the fans, who are booing like crazy! The boos turn to cheers as Scotty Too Hotty bounces off the ropes, and leaps over the top rope and lays out both of the Dudley Boys with a flying cross body block!]

Jim Ross - Oh my god! This is out of control King! This just isn't right! Something has to be done to get them back in the ring!

[All four wrestlers finally make it back into the ring, with Taylor and D-Von as the legal men. Taylor sends D-Von into the ropes, and takes him down with a spinning heel kick. Taylor lifts D-Von back to his feet, and body slams him to the mat. Taylor tags in Brian Christopher. Too Cool do a little dance, and then nail D-Von with a double elbow drop. Christopher lifts D-Von back to his feets, and whips him into the corner. D-Von reveses it, and sends Christopher into the croner. D-Von follows him in, only to get a boot to the chin.]

Jim Ross - Ever since the opening moments of this match, Too Cool has taken complete control of this match King.

[Buh Buh Ray Dudley runs into the ring, and clotheslines Christopher to the mat. Taylor comes in over the top rope, and drop kicks Buh Buh Ray right over the top rope, sending him crash to the floor! Taylor runs at D-Von and sends him face first to the mat with a bulldog!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Here it comes JR! W...O...R...M It's the worm!!

[The fans cheer wildly as Scotty Too Hotty hits D-Von Dudley with the worm! Buh Buh Ray Dudley pulls D-Von out of the ring, and the two start to walk away!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The Dudley Boys are leaving!

Jim Ross - No their not King. Here comes Rikishi!!

[The fans go wild as Rikishi comes walking down the entry way, forcing The Dudley Boys back to the ring, and into the waiting arms of Too Cool! Too Cool takes out The Dudley Boys with a doulbe baseball slide drop kick! Too Cool jump back in the ring as Rikishi sends both of the Dudleys back into the ring. Brian Christopher grabs Buh Buh Ray Dudley and hits a front russian leg sweep just as Scotty Too Hotty rolls up D-Von with a victory roll! 1...2...3!!]

Jim Ross - They did it King! Too Cool are the new NWO World Tag Team Champions!

Lilian Garcia - Your winners, and New NWO World Tag Team Champions, Too Cool!!

Jim Ross - What a match King!

[The scene opens up in the dressing room of The Millionaire's at Friday Inferno where Bret hart is in the back talking with Hollywood Hogan about his match coming up against Payne.]

Bret "The Hitman" Hart - Hollywood, Maxx Payne better know one thing, that I am coming for that U.S. title and he is not stopping me! It's been one hell of a return, the waiting and waiting and waiting for my shot, and finally, I will recieve that shot at the gold, and my pride! Payne is in for a fight Hollywood, and I am going to make sure he falls to the Hitman!

Hollywood Hogan - You got what it takes brother, and everyone here knows it! Just make sure Payne don't catch you off-guard, because he may end the thing with one of those Payne Killers.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart - No offense to Payne, but he bases his career on taking pain killers to avoid the pain of injuries! Come on Hollywood, he isn't an extremist! I have worked twice as harder than maxx payne and done better than him on my worst days! I try to stress the fact to Payne that I am no push-over like TBA, or "Stone Cold" Steve Austin for that matter! I am a true athlete, and I am walking out of the ring tonight with the United States title! Payne has shown everyone what he can do, and I showed everyone what I can do when pitted against Payne! I get beat him in the ring, 1, 2, 3, or even make him tap! I am well-prepared, and I am not going down tonight!

I am finally back Hollywood, healed 100% and ready to take the Net World Order by storm. You and I Hollywood, us and The Millionaire's will earn back all of our pride, just like it was when we returned months back to the net World Order. And Payne will live by his name, or die by it! Because I will inflict sever pain towards maxx payne, and show him that I aqm the Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The best There EVER Will Be!!

Hollywood Hogan - Look at the monitor Bret. It's time!! Go out there and show them what you got Hitman!!

***Maxx Payne vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart***
(United States Championship)

Jim Ross - Fans were back here for Friday Night Inferno! And it is time for the United States title match, between Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Maxx Payne! Who knows what could go down when these two collide.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ross I will admit to you that I do think Bret Hart is a technical sound wrestler, and by far the greatest at that. But Maxx Payne has come a long way in his short career with the Net World Order. Payne is insane when he gets in that ring, I think he has what it takes to send Bret Hart home packing. Do you actually think he can take Payne twice? I sure don't.

Jim Ross - King that may indeed be what happens tonight, but then again, you never know when Bret Hart is involved. Fans, I see this as a toss-up. I really have no clue who will go home the victor tonight, but I do know that both competitors want it SOOOO bad! Let's go to Lilian Garcia for the ring introductions.

Lilian Garcia - Ladies and Gentlemen, coming to the ring first. He stands 6'4 and weighs in at 295 pounds. From Los Angeles, California, He is the MASTER OF PAIN, Maxx Payne everyone!!

[BADD BLOOD by The Matrix hits the speakers and the fans cheer. Maxx Payne comes out from the back dressed in a black BAD BLOOD shirt with torn sleeves, and a pair of black jean shorts. Payne's intro video plays on the NWOTron and he walks to the ring. Maxx Payne gets in the ring and glares towards the entrance ramp awaiting Bret Hart]

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent, he stands 6 feet tall and weighs in at 236 lbs. coming of a valant return, he looks to hold the United States Title once more. He comes here tonight HAILING from Calgary Alberta, Canada, he is the BEST THERE IS, WAS, AND EVER WILL BE, Bret "THE HITMAN" Hart!!

Jim Ross - Here comes Hart King, he is ready as hell and these fans are going crazy!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This will be a match to remeber JR! I am ready as hell!

[The Hart Foundation Theme music hits the PA, and the fans stand applauding for The Hitman. The music plays on and finally Bret Hart walks out from the back, wearing the pink and black wrestling tights and white boots ready for action. Pyro goes off behind Hart and Bret walks slowly towards the ring. He calls to a ringside assistant and gets a microphone from him.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What's the deal do we have to listen to Hart speak!?!? Were hear for the action damnit!!

Jim Ross - Quiet down King! It's obvious that Bret has some choice words for Payne, because both men are starring a hole through eachother! And Hart is about to speak.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart - Ya know Maxx Payne, before I get in that ring and kick your ass, I got to put a few words in, because I am DAMN sure these fans want to hear what I have to say! (The fans roar for the Hitman and cheer him on) Maxx Payne, I already told you what I intend to do to you. I beat you before jackass, and I am a few moments away from doing it again! This time for the gold!! Now I want you to remeber, remeber this day! Remeber it as the day that Bret Hart became known as the greatest technical athlete in wrestling history! Payne I am taking that U.S title, and if it means ending your career I will do just that! (The fans chant for the Hitman and Hart looks deep towards Payne while speaking on)

I have worked my ass of Payne, throughout every single match in my career! And I will fight you like never before, because right now your dealing with the relentless Hitman! Just like Hollywood said, inside the ring the opponent is my worst enemy! That's how it works in this case Payne, so get ready for THE ASS-KICKING LESSON OF YOUR LIFE!!!

[Right then Bret Hart rushes to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Payne begins to lay the boots to Hart and Hart drops down but trys to pop back up immediatly. Payne helps him to his feet and drills him in the chin, right hand after another. Payne whips Hart into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, Hart ducks, turns around sharply, and puts a right hand right into the face of Payne rocking him back. Hart lands another, than another, and then pushes Payne into the corner turnbuckle. Hart climbs the middle rops and begins to pummel Payne with more right hands. He gets in about 5 or 6 before Payne hooks his legs and lifts Hart up with incredible strength. Payne hold Hart up for a bit, then drives him down with a massive Spinebuster.]

Jim Ross - Nice move by Payne, geting the advantage once again. Hart is down.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - And look JR, Payne is going right for the follow-up and applying a leg-bar around that right knee. Hart is really trying to fight this. Payne breaks it, and drops an elbow on Hart! Maxx Payne over for the cover, 1...2...NO! So close!

[Payne gets in the referee's face asking for the three, and that gives time for Bret Hart to come to his feet. Payne turns around not expecting Hart to be up so quickly, and The Hitman nails him with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Payne stays on his feet and Hart keeps going at him with rights to the face and gut. Payne cuts him off with a rake to the eyes, then whips him into the rope! Hart coming back and Payne nails him with a MASSIVE Tilt-a-whirl Back Breaker. Payne looks out at the fans but they give him a mixed-reaction.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - JR, Payne WILL NOT allow Hart to get the upper-hand here! Maxx Payne is relentless tonight!

Jim Ross - I have to agree with you on that one King! Payne is on a RAMPAGE! Look at this, he has Hart tied up in the center ring ropes. Hart can't get out of the ropes. Payne is back and he is going for a huge charging clothesline! NO! Back Body Drop from Hart! Somehow Hart got unhooked and sent Payne over the top and out of the ring very hard! What a desperation move!!

[Bret Hart follows Payne to the outside and lifts him to his feet. Hart whips him into the steep steps and Payne hits hard! Hart grabs a chair from ringside and waits for Payne to stand up. Payne turns around right when Hart nails him across the forehead in the chair! The fans are going crazy now, and Hart slides Payne back into the ring. Hart follows again and this time brings in the chair. He clobbers Payne again with the chair, then sets the chair on his fallen body. Hart goes up the turnbuckle and this time from the top. Payne pops up suddenly and hits the ropes causing Hart to spread-eagle on the top rope! Payne grabs the chair and SLAUGHTERS Hart with it right on the forehead sending him out and over to the outer ring area]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Dear God JR, did you see that!! Hart just got the hell knocked out of him, in it is all because of a little possum playing from Payne! Now it's Payne going for Hart on the outside!

Jim Ross - Wait King this is serious, Hart is busted wide open. But Payne is still relentless! He is beating on the bloody Hart, and pounding his head into the steel guard! This is a dangerous point in the bout! And getting MORE dangerous! Because Payne just grabbed a table from under the ring!

[Payne set's up the table right as Hart is coming to his feet. Payne nails Hart in the gut with a stiff kick, then goes for the snap powerbomb but cannot lift Hart! Hart rakes his eyes and then goes for a suplex, but he cannot lift Payne! Payne kicks Hart in the balls, then grabs him by the neck! Maxx Payne picks Hart up into a chokeslam and drives him through the table!!]

Jim Ross - MY GOD KING! Hart is hurting from that move! It could be time for a NEW U.S. Champ here!

[Payne picks the bloody Bret Hart up and slides him back into the corner of the ring. Payne circles still on the outside, and grabs the legs of Hart! He goes to give Bret another eagle spread, but the Hitman somehow manages to kick Payne away from him. Payne furios slided back into the ring and goes for a right hand, but Hart blocks. Hart starts getting some energy coming back with blows to the face and gut. Hart latches on to the back of Payne and goes for a back suplex but Payne nails Hart with an elbow to the face. Payne picks him up for a shoulderbreaker but Hart avoids going over the top of him, and nailing him with a HUGE DDT! Hart grabs the chair from ringside and lays it on the ground! He picks up Payne and set's him between his legs, and nails a PILEDRIVER!!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - HUGE MOVE! HUGE MOVE!! Hart nailed that Piledriver and now Payne is busted wide open! I got to say JR, this is one hell of a match!!

Jim Ross - It definetly is King, and it has been going for a long time now! Look, Hart over for a cover! He may have this thing! 1...2..NO! ANOTHER near fall!!

[Hart pissed off as hell picks up Payne and nails him with a side-russian leg sweep. He picks up Maxx and gives him a few kidnney punches, then drops him to the ground. Hart hits the ropes and goes for a big elbow but Payne moves out of the way! Both men get up at the same time but Payne gets up with the advantage, and lifts Hart nailing him with a shoulderbreaker. Payne follows by applying the figure four to Bret Hart in the center of the ring. Hart fights the hold but cannot get to the rope because it is in the center of the ring.]

Jim Ross - What a big move! Payne has slowed this match down and is applying enormous pressure to Bret Hart! But look now, he is trying to turn the hold!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's not gonna work JR, Payne is just too big in zize for Hart to turn. But that may work! Hart battling back with right hands! He just won't quit! Payne has to break the hold!Both men up now, but Payne drives Hart down with a clothesline. Now what's Payne doing, oh no! He is getting another table! This doesn't look good for Hart!

[Payne tosses the tablw into the ring, and set's it up near the far right turnbuckle. He picks up Hart and lays his bloody carcass on the table. Payne climbs to the top turnbuckle and looks out at the fans bloody as well. He jumps off for the Sky High Splash but Hart rolls off the table, and Payne lands hard through it! The fans go nuts and Hart gets to his feet a bit wobbley, and then grabs his legs! Hart looks to the fans and then applies the Sharpshooter to Maxx Payne!]

Jim Ross - Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter! Hart has it locked in tightly! But Payne is fighting his hardest, referee asking if he quits but Payne is shaking his head no!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Payne wants it just as bad as Hart, and he still won't quit even after going through the table! Payne reaching for the ropes...He got it! Hart is forced to break the hold, what a match!!

Jim Ross - WHAT A RUSH!! Hart looks a little surprised now, but goes back to the offensive knocking Payne down with a clothesline.

[Hart picks Payne up to his feet again, and punches him in the gut. He whips Payne into the corner, then picks him up to the top turnbuckle! Hart grabs on to Paynes shorts and lifts him up into a Superplex! Hart snaps over into a cover, 1...2...NO! Another huge kick-out by Payne. Hart picks up Payne going for the offensive again, and attempts another vertical suplex. But this time Payne goes over the top and lands on his feet! He lifts Hart from behind and nails him with the PAYNE-KILLER out of no where!!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Payne got it! He got Hart with the Payne Killer!! What a move!! Payne now over for the cover, 1...2...NO!! What the hell!?!?

Jim Ross - Don't look at me King?!? I don't know how the hell Hart kicked out of that one! But Payne is furious! Payne lifts Hart to his feet and sets him up for the Payne-Alty. He gets him high in the air, but it's Hart this time countering over the top, and he held on to Pain! he gets him in a nice rollup for the 1...2...No! Payne reverses it! 1...2...3!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - WHAT A MATCH! What a move!! Hart wasn't ready for that one!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this bout, and still United States Champion, Maxx Payne!!!

Jim Ross - I got to say King, that is a match for the record books! And look now, Maxx Payne is helping Hart up! The two are standing face to face, and Hart just extended the hand to Payne!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - And Payne accepts and extends his hand too! There shaking hands in the center of the ring! That is what it's all about. These fans are loving it!!

Jim Ross - What a showing of respect between Bret Hart and Maxx Payne!

[After a hard fought battle, Maxx goes outside, ready to leave. On the rampway, Maxx turns around, and seems to have an idea in mind. He comes back around the ring, to the approval of the fans who begin to cheer wildly. Maxx heads over to the ring announcer, and snatches his microphone away. Immediately, Maxx Payne talks into it.]

MAXX PAYNE: "You know, Bret, I know that the entire world is wondering the same thing. Has Maxx Payne become a part of the Millionaire's Club? Is he part of the strongest stable currently running? After weeks of soul-searching, I have come up with an answer. The answer is..."

{Maxx pauses an efficient amount, just enough to keep the crowd in suspense. The crowd cheers insanely for an answer. Soon, Maxx gives it.}

MAXX PAYNE: "The answer is, not yet."

[The crowd and Bret Hart seem confused by this answer, and are trying to see what Maxx Payne means.]

MAXX PAYNE: "I know that you don't get it. Trust me, I'm not trying to leave you people in the dark like this. Just give me some time, because I have got a great idea for this. You see, if I am to join the Millionaire's Club, I have to be sure that this Club is the one for me. I have to know for sure that nothing is going to go wrong. I have to know for sure that the Millionaire's Club is strong enough for me to be in it.

With that said, I think it is very clear what is going to have to happen. So here it is. I challenge any member of the Millionaire's Club, be it Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Sting, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, or even you, Bret Hart. Choose the one that you think represents your Club the best, and we will see if the Millionaires are good enough to hold Maxx Payne on Hawaii Beach Havoc.

That's right. Millionaire vs. Maxx Payne for a pending spot in the Club. If you win, I'm in. If I win, I'm not. Simple enough, right? All on the beaches of Hawaii. So choose wisely, and whomever it may be fighting me live on Pay Per View, good luck."

[Maxx drops the mike, leaving Bret Hart in the ring by himself. Bret goes up to the ropes, and leans forward on them for a closer look. Bret gives a little smile, and leaves between the ropes. He heads up the entranceway, as the crowd is going insane for Bret Hart.]

Jim Ross - What a way to go out King! Who is Maxx Payne going to take on at Hawaii Beach Havoc?!? We will find out on Tuesday? Tune in and see fans! Good night!

Match Credits

Hogan vs Benoit - Shawn Hall
Shane Douglas vs Syzurz - Andy Brown with corrections by Shawn Hall
Dudleys vs Too Cool - Shawn Hall
Payne vs Hart - Joey Sammon with corrections by Shawn Hall