[Friday Inferno kicks off with a clips of Sunday's May Maylay pay per view. After the clips are shown, the scene switches to inside the Target Center where thousands of Net World Order fans have packed the arena. The camera angle swings over to the entrance area where a massive pyro begins to kick off the show. After the pyro, the camera swings around to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler at the announcers table.]

Jim Ross - Welcome fans, to Friday Inferno! And what a show we have for you tonight! We will crown a brand new Intercontinental Champion. The European Championship is on the line. And in our first match of the night, Crash Holly defends the NWO Hardcore Championship against the returning Cactus Jack!!

***Crash Holly vs Cactus Jack***
(NWO Hardcore title)

Lilian Garcia - Tonight's first match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the NWO Hardcore Championship! Introducing first, the champion, he weighs in at allegedly well over 400 pounds, Crash Holly!

[The fans burst into chants of "Elroy" when Crash Holly's theme music begins to play. Crash comes walking out with the Hardcore title over one shoulder, and a scale over the other. After Crash gets in the ring, it's time for the return of Cactus Jack!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This isn't fair JR! Mick Foley is crazy! He shouldn't even be walking the streets, let alone wrestling in the Net World Order!!

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent. Making his return to the Net World Order, weighing in at 297 pounds, Cactus Jack!!

[Cactus Jack's music hits the loud speakers, and the fans go wild. Cactus Jack comes walking down the entrance way, with a 2x4 wrapped in barb wire!! Jack slides into the ring and goes right after Crash.]

Jim Ross - And there they go King! Look at Mick Foley! He is really taking it to Crash Holly.

[Cactus Jack runs right at Crash and clotheslines him right over the top rope and to the outside. Jack follows him out and whips him right into the ring post. Crash begins to get back to his feet as Cactus goes digging under the ring for a weapon. By the time Cactus comes out from under the ring with a whole buch of Harccore crap, Crash has a steel chair, and smashes it over the head of Cactus.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Yes! Crash just took out Cactus Jack with a steel chair shot right to the head!

Jim Ross - I wouldn't be so sure about that King! Cactus is just standing there looking at Crash!

[The chair shot from Crash does nothing to Cactus, except piss him off. Crash turns around and start's to run out through the fans. Cactus begins to run after him!]

Jim Ross - Look at this King! This match isn't even a minute old, and already these two are taking it into the fans! This is going to be one hell of a match King!

[Crash Holly runs away from Cactus Jack while tossing chairs, and some fans behind him to slow him down. But, nothing works. Cactus finally catches up with Crash just as they enter the consession area. Cactus grabs an empty try and clocks Crash right across the head with it, sending him crashing into the kitchen area. Cactus grabs a pitcher of something and breaks it right on Crash's face! Crash falls to the ground and Cactus makes the cover. 1...2.. Crash kicks out after a two count. Cactus lifts Crash back to his feet, and pushes him out ot the kitchen area, and towards the locker rooms. Cactus tosses Crash right into a locker room. Tommy Dreamers locker room!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ah! Tommy Dreamer just got hit from behind by Crash Holly! Dreamer is pissed JR!

Jim Ross - Look at this King! Dreamer is following Cactus Jack and Crash Holly. He's got Holly!!

[Tommy Dreamer grabs Crash Holly from behind, turns him around, kicks him in the cut, and hits the Dreamer Driver on the concrete! Dreamer says something to Crash Holly, and then turns around and walks back towards his dressing room.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Now that's not right JR! Tommy Dreamer may have just cost Crash Holly the Hardcore title!

[The fans go wild when they see that Cactus Jack is dragging Crash Holly by the feet through the entry way and back to the ring! Cactus tosses Crash into the ring, and goes searching under the ring for more weapons to use.]

Jim Ross - Cactus is making one hell of a return here tonight King!

[Cactus finds a bag full of thumbtacks under the ring, and tosses them into the ring! Cactus slides in, and sends crash into the corner. Cactus punches at Crash until he is down on the mat in the corner. Cactus walks to the other side of the ring, and runs at Crash Holly. Cactus levels Crash with a knee right to the jaw!]

Jim Ross - My god! Crash has to be knocked out cold after that move!

[With Crash out of it in the corner, Cactus walks back to the other side of the ring, and grabs the bag of thumbtacks! Cactus opens the bag, and pours them all in a small pile in the center of the ring. The fans go wild as they see the thumbtacks falling from the bag. Cactus tosses the now empty bag out into the fans, and grabs Crash Holly out of the corner. Cactus drags Crash out to the middle of the ring, kicks him in the gut, and hits the Double Arm DDT on the thumbtacks!!]

Jim Ross - Oh my god!! What a move by Cactus Jack! That has to be it! Here's the count! 1...2...3!! It's over!! Cactus Jack has won the NWO Hardcore Championship! What a return for Mrs. Foley's baby boy!

Lilian Garcia - Your winner, and new NWO Hardcore Champion, Cactus Jack!

Jim Ross - King! I have just gotten word that something is happening in the back. We're trying to get a NWO camera crew back there right now!

[The scene flashing to backstage, where "The Macho Man" Randy Savage is standing ove a fallen Christian Cage with a baseball bat in his hand. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ha! Randy Savage just took out Christian Cage with a baseball bat! I hope Hulk Hogan was watching that!

Jim Ross - Now come on King! You know that just isn't right! Someone needs to stop that mad man!

Lilian Garcia - The next match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the NWO European Championship. Introducing first, he is the challenger, "The Shooting Star" Jake Ridge!!

[There isn't much fan reaction either way as Jake Ridge makes his way out from the back, and waits for his opponent.]

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent. He is the NWO European Champion, Buh Buh Ray Dudley!

[The fans begin to boo as "Thou Shall Not..." begins to play and Buh Buh Ray Dudley begins to make his way out from the back with the European title in his lef hand, but without D-Von Dudley. Buh Buh gets into the ring, and takes the mic from Lilian Garcia.]

Buh Buh Ray Dudley - The NWO European Championship. This belt means nothing to me. I'm to good for this belt to tell you the truth. But you Ridge, your just right. I was going to come out here, and hand this belt over to you, but I think you have to earn it first.]

Jim Ross - What the hell?!? D-Von Dudley just slid in the ring behind Jake Ridge after coming out from the crowd! D-Von grabs Ridge, whips him into the ropes, 3D! 3D! 3D!

[After The Dudleys lay out Jake Ridge with the 3D, Buh Buh Ray drops the NWO European Championship on top of Ridge. The Dudley Boys then slowly walk to the back.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Can you believe that JR? Buh Buh Ray Dudley just handed the NWO European Championship over to Jake Ridge!

Jim Ross - Yeah, but those Damn Dudley Boys sure made him pay for it! What?!? Again?!? Fans, something else is going on in the back now!

[The scene goes to the backstage area once again, where Maxx Payne is slowly walking behind The Baltimore Assassin.]

Jim Ross - That's Maxx Payne and The Baltimore Assassin! Maxx Payne is walking behind him with a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire, and Assassin doesn't even know he's there!!

[Payne walks behind Assassin for a few steps, until Payne tapes him on the shoulder. Assassin turns around, and Payne hits him in the side of the head with the baseball bat!]

Jim Ross - Oh my god! Get somebody back there right now before he kills him!

[Payne sees that Assassin has been knocked out from the shot to the head, and walks away.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I think Maxx Payne just sent a message loud and clear to The Baltimore Assassin.

Jim Ross - We will have to get some medical attention for The Baltimore Assassin.

***"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Christian Cage***
(First Round)

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Jim, who CAN handle Savage?!? This guy is nuts, just keep his crazy ass away from me!!

Jim Ross - Well King, he is crazy, but with Jordan by Christian Cage's side, who knows what could happen. Let's go to Lilian Garcia with the ring introduction.

Lilian Garcia - This next match is scheduled for 1 fall and is the first match in the four man I.C title tourney. Now coming to the ring accompanied by Jordan O'Neil, Christian Cage!!

[Christian Cage's music blasts over the speakers and the fans go nuts with cheers for Cage. Cage walks down the ramp with Jordan by his side, he slaps hands with the fans and then climbs into the ring. Cage poses for the fans, then looks towards the rampway awaiting Randy Savage]

Jim Ross - Cage looks ready as hell for this fight!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He better be more than ready when the Mad Man Savage comes out!!

Lilian Garcia - And his opponent, making his return to singles competition as well, he is the founding father of the MADNESS, he is "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!!

Jim Ross - Well here he comes King, get ready for a SHOWDOWN!!

[War Machine by KISS hits the P.A and Savage makes his way out to a arena of boo's. Savage flips off the fans and tells them to kiss his ass. He walks towards the ring and gives a cold stare to Christian Cage who is starring right back at Savage. Savage signals him to come on, and Cage welcomes it. Cage runs up the ramp towards Savage and the two men collide exchanging right hands. They brawl off the entrance ramp and Cage picks up a chair.]

Jim Ross - WOW! What a shot to the head from Cage. Savage just got nailed with that chair and Cage is wheeling him to the ring.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Cage gonna whip Savage into the guardrail but NO! Savage reverses sending Cage to the rail! OUCH!

[Savage begins to slam Cage's head into the steel guardrail repeatedly, then he slides him uner the rope into the ring! Macho picks up Cage and wips him into the ropes following it up with a big clothesline. Savage calls to the fans and recieves nothing but boo's.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Savage thinks he has this one in the bag! Cage should have been more prepared.

Jim Ross - I think he is prepared King, Cage is on his feet and standing behind Savage! He grabs Savage and nails a release German Suplex, now Cage has the upper hand!

[Cage starts to stomp away on Savage, before slapping on a choke hold. The ref starts the count, 1...2...3...4 Cage releases. Cage picks up Savage and whips him into the ropes! SMACK!! Cage hits him with a HUGE Spinebuster! Cage covers, 1...2...NO! Savage kicks out! Cage pulls Savage to his feet and starts to hit him with some rights and lefts. Cage attempts a Body Slam but Savage blocks with a kick to the balls!]

Jim Ross - That was cheap, and blantant. Maybe if the ref would pull his head out of his ass...

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Watch what you say on Television Ross, there are little children watching. Besides, Savage is moving into strike. He is setting him up for a Vertical Suplex and he nails it! He's going for the cover! 1...2..NO! Another near fall!!

[Savage grabs the ref by the throat and screams at him claiming he gave a slow count! This gives Cage a chance to recooperate, and he nails Macho with a dropkick sending him over the top and out! Cage follows with a springboard clothesline over the rope and into Savage! Back on the outside, Cage has a chair. He swings but Savage ducks and rakes his eyes! Macho grabs the chair and nails the stunned Christian Cage right between the eyes! Savage stomps away at him for a while, and then pulls a table out from under the ring!]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Here it is baby, TABLE TIME! HA!! I love it!!

Jim Ross - This does NOT look good for Cage! Savge is setting up the table, and is placing the body of Cage on the table! Macho is in the ring now, and MY GOD! He is ascending the top! He is going for the Elbow Drop off the top rope, NO!! O'Neil pulled Cage off the table! And Savage went right through! Savage is down, and there is life in Cage!! What A match!!

[Cage climbs in the ring while the ref starts the count! 1...2...3...4...5]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I think Savage is out. He may get counted out here! And look at this, Jordan O'Neil is standing over Savage laughing! Oh my god!! Savage just raised his arm and has Jordan by the throat! Savage is up and is throttling O'Neil! He has a chair and SMACK!! MY GOD!! O'Neil is out, and Savage is sliding under the bottom rope at 9. He is still in this thing, Cage better get the hell out of there!!

[Savage is furious, and Cage thinks he's won this thing! Savage turns Cage around and nails him with the chair! He backs up and swings back with the chair, this time nailing the ref in the face!!]

Jim Ross - What The Hell?!? Savage just knocked out the ref! Damn Him!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That was inadvertant Jim, Savage didn't mean to do that!

Jim Ross - Like hell he did King!!

[Savage takes advantage of the ref being knocked out and places Cage against the turnbuckle! he starts nailing him with chair shots! Savage hits him about 10-15 times right in the head with the chair before letting the unconsious body drop to the ground!]

Jim Ross - This is disgusting!! We need help out here, Savage needs to be controlled!

[Savage signals for the Elbow Drop and the fans respond with boo's! Macho climbs to the top and nails the elbow drop! Savage wakes up the ref and covers, 1........2........3!!! The fans boo and trash begins to fill the ring!!]

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match and moving on in the I.C Title Tourney, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I think Savage got his point across that his age is not a factor here! He just served up an ass-whooping to remember!

Jim Ross - I am disgusted King! Jordan O'Neil is still unconsious, Cage is knocked out, and Savage isn't done yet! We need some help out here!!

[Savage climbs to the top and nails the elbow drop once more, sending a message to anyone that wants a piece of the MADNESS! Savage rips the shirt off of Cage and pours what seems to be gasoline on the back of Cage!]

Jim Ross - What The Hell!?!?! he is gonna light him on fire!! My God can anyone here me, we need help out here! I can't believe this!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I have to say, this is scary! And crazy, we need help and we need help fast!

[The fans boo louder than ever, and chants of HOGAN, HOGAN, HOGAN start up, the fans chanting in hopes to save the life of Christian Cage! Savage gets ready to light him up when the AMERICAN MADE theme blasts over the speakers in the arena! The fans go nuts as Hogan comes running down the ramp wearing the red and yellow! Hogan slides under the ropes and gets in the face of Savage! Savage goes to nail Hogan but Hogan blocks, and starts nailing Macho with right hands! Hogan calls to the fans, then sends Savage over the top rope! Savage slowly walks to the back starring down Hogan the whole way!!]

Jim Ross - YES!! Hogan just sent Savage packing!! And he is here dawning the red and yellow once more! I can't believe it!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Ross I hate to say it, but I am glad Hogfan showed up when he did! And look, he has the mic in hand!

"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan - Hold on a second there Mach! You want a piece of the red and yellow brother, well I say Hawaii Beach Havoc, FIRST BLOOD RULES, you and I BRAH! What do you say?!?

"Macho Man" Randy Savage - I say we got a match dude, and at Hawaii Beach Havoc, I will make you my BITCH!!

"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan - We will see brother, I will be ready! But will you?!? Ya see the red and yellow is back brother, So What Ya Gonna Do, When The 24" Pythons, and HULKAMANIA Runs Wild On YOU!!

[The American Made theme kicks up and Savage leaves in a rage!! The fans cheer and Hogan neels down to help out Christian Cage.]

Jim Ross - Fans, we just saw Hulk Hogan bring back the red and yellow! This place has errupted. We have to go to a commercial break fans, stay tuned for more excitement here tonight!!

{The camera quickly cuts to the back as an emotionless Maxx Payne heads back to his dressing room, with the lethal barbed wire covered baseball bat in hand. As Maxx is about to open his dressing room door, Michael Cole comes running with a microphone in hand, in hopes of possibly getting a few answers out of the man that just took out The Baltimore Assassin a few minutes ago. Still clenching onto the baseball bat, Maxx Payne turns around to acknowledge. Out of breath, Michael Cole attempts to conduct an interview.}

MICHAEL COLE: “Maxx… Maxx Payne… may I have a few minutes.”

MAXX PAYNE: “Cole, right now, I’m not in the mood. So what I want you to do is give me that microphone of yours, stand there and listen.”

{As Maxx says this, he snatches the microphone from Michael Cole, and stares straight into the camera with his cold, dead, black eyes.}

MAXX PAYNE: “Baltimore Assassin, you have just learned first hand not to mess with the power of Maxx Payne. I am no longer here to play games Assassin. Playtime is officially over. From now on, I am prepared to cause real damage in the Net World Order. Baltimore Assassin, all that May Maylay was, was a wake up call. You have awakened a sleeping beast. A bloodthirsty beast bent on anger and revenge, which will let nothing stand in his way.

Baltimore Assassin, this game has only begun. You may have won the battle, but there is no chance in Hell of you winning the war. The fact is, now that I am the number one contender for that belt around your waist, I am ready, and will take pleasure in taking it back to where it belongs.

You brag about how you have more weight than I do. You brag about your height advantage over me. Baltimore Assassin, everybody knows that the bigger they come, the harder they fall. Nothing will be closer to the truth when you and me square off. Then, you go off about how you are younger than I am, and that you have the youth alongside you. That may be a fact, but the truth is that this gives me the advantage. I have seen more than you have, and I am prepared for what is about to occur. Finally, you have bragging rights for beating me on Sunday. But the next time we meet, Assassin, you won’t have anywhere to run for a breather. You won’t have anyone… namely Shane Douglas to save your ass. No, when we meet for the United States belt, it will be you and me... one on one. No running, no hiding, just me taking your ass out for a good ten to twenty minutes.

Assassin, I cannot hide it any longer. I know the when and what when it will come to my rematch against you. Friday, June 9th, one week from today. I Maxx Payne, challenge you, The Baltimore Assassin to the truest definition of Hell in a Cell. Twenty feet in the air, a steel cage will border the ring. Inside the ring will be any weapons you or I feel necessary to bring. I know one item that I plan on packing as soon as this interview is over.”

{Maxx Payne holds up the barbed wired baseball bat as he says this.}

MAXX PAYNE: “So Assassin, you can keep your height, your weight, your age, and your partners. Leave it all in the back, because this is just me sacrificing you in the middle of the ring. For the United States Championship, one week from today, it will be a Hell in the Cell to remember. But be warned, Assassin, this time around I am not here to fuck around. I am serious, and I am seriously going to provide a large dosage of pain. That, Baltimore Assassin… Michael Cole… Net World Order… people around the world… that is a promise.”

{Maxx Payne then suddenly tosses the microphone slightly up, as Michael Cole fumbles around to catch it. As Maxx Payne shuts his locker room door, the microphone falls to the ground. Cole quickly picks it up and speaks.}

MICHAEL COLE: “There you have it. Maxx Payne has just issued a challenge for The Baltimore Assassin for next weeks Friday Inferno. It will be a Hell in the Cell type cage match, littered with assorted weapons for the usage of both opponents. What may happen when these two bitter rivals face off one more time in front of the Pittsburgh Civic Arena? J.R., Jerry “The King”, back to you.”

[--Commercial Break--]

IC Title Tourney Match
Rampage vs Sting

JR: These two have all ready made there way to the ring during the Commercial Break, so here we go !!!

[Sting gets the early advantage in this match, with a jumping clothesline, taking Rampage down to the mat hard. Sting with a whip into the ropes, he locks on a Sleeper, but Rampage is still awake, with only a Jumping Clothesline, and nails a version of a Jawbreaker. But Sting is only shocked, not stunned, and throws Rampage back into the ropes, and nails a Dropkick. Rampage back up now, and throws Sting into the ropes, he goes for a standing clothesline, but Sting just stands there, begging for more. Rampage with a whip into the ropes on himself, and goes for another Clothesline, this time running. But Sting once more just stands there, begging even more for the clothesline to knock him down. Rampage going back into the ropes, but Sting with a Jumping DDT as Rampage is going for a Jumping Clothesline.]

JR: Sting is in total control of this match King !!! Rampage looks like he is drugged up or something in the ring !!!

King: If you paid a bit of attention to what you say, then you would know how stupid you sound.

[Sting taking over once more, he whips Rampage into the corner, STINGER SPLASH !!!! He whips him into the other corner, STINGER SPLASH !!!! He grabs Rampage's head, Scorpion Death Drop !!!! He is gonna end this match in less than two minutes, Scorpion Death Lock !!!! Rampage screaming in pain !!! He wont give up though !!!!!!!!! Sting lets go of the hold, and picks him up for a Backbreaker. He nails it perfect, and Rampage's back just snapped !! Sting going back for the Death Lock !!!! He locks it on !!!! Rampage taps !!! Its over !!!]

The Winner of this Match, STING !!!!!

***"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. "The Franchise" Sting***
(I.C Title Match Final)

Jim Ross - Well folks were back at The target Center and it is time for The MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! "The Macho Man" Randy Savage may become I.C champion, or will it be the "Franchise" Sting!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I have to correct you Ross, the only "Franchise" in the NWO is Shane Douglas. Don't be an idiot Ross!!

Jim Ross - Sting is and ALWAY'S WILL BE the true Franchise King, so put a cork in it! Let's go to Michael Buffer for the ring introductions...

Michael Buffer - Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight here live at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we will witness a NEW NWO I.C Champion. So fans ARE YOU READY?!?! Minneapolis, Minnesota ARE YOU READY?!?!? For the Thousands in attendance, and the Millions watching around the WORLD, LEEEEETTTTSSS GET READYYYY TO RUMBLLLLLLLEEEEEE!!! Now coming to the ring, the man of the MADNESS, "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!!

[War Machine by KISS hits the peakers and the fans begin to boo! The music plays on and from the back walks Savage, carrying a steel chair in hand and cussing at the fans. He climbs in the ring and gets in Michael Buffer's face, then ascend the turnbuckle to a shower of boo's. Savage flips the fans off and awaits Sting.]

Michael Buffer - And his opponent, from Venice Beach, California, "The Franchise" STING!!

[The lights dim and sounds of Thunder and Lightning fill the arena. Then Seek And Destroy by Metallica hits the speakers and the fans erupt into cheers. The lights pop up on the entrance ramp and no Sting is seen. Instead, a CROW is pearched on top of the entrance ceiling. Savage look towards the ramp pointing at the CROW with a serious look on his face. Then from the rafters Sting ascends, landing in the ring behind Savage! Sting unhooks the harness and Savage doesn't see him! Sting reaches for the baseball bat out of his trench coat, and points the bat at Savage. Macho slowly turns around and Sting hits him in the stomach with the bat. Sting then lays Savage out across the back with the black ball bat and Macho rolls out of the ring to recooperate.]

Jim Ross - Look at that King!! Sting has come for a fight! Savage is trying to get a breather but doesn't notice Sting flying over the top rope! SMACK!! He goes flying into Svage, what a move!!

[Sting grabs the helpless Savage by the hair, and goes for a whip on The Macho man. But Savage reverses, and sends Sting into the steel steps! Sting drops and Savage grabs the chair he used earlier in wiping out Christian Cage. Savage gets a running start and nails Sting right across the face with the steel chair! Sting falls and blood starts to squirt out of the forehead of The Stinger.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - See that Ross?!?! That is how dangerous Savage is! He bounced right back from Sting's early advantage, and now has him where he wants, helpless and bloody! ONLY IN THE NET WORLD ORDER! HA!!

Jim Ross - Yes King, only in the Net World Order. Savage now pulling the padded mat off the ground, what is he doing?!?! Oh No, Savage is exposing the cement ground and is setting Sting up for a piledriver!!

[Savage goes to lift Sting into the piledriver but Sting puts his feet down and nails Savage with a back body drop on the cement. Sting follows it up with a few chops and kicks to Savage, before sliding him under the ropes and back in the ring! Sting picks up Savage and sets him in the corner. He goes back and runs attempting a STINGER SPLASH, but Savage avoids by ducking Sting and dropping his chin right on the top turnbuckle. Savage then picks up Sting and hits him with a Body Slam. Macho then signals for the BIG ELBOW, and starts to climb the turnbuckle.]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Here it id JR, the greatest move in wrestling ever!! Savage goes and NO!! Sting moved, Sting moved, I can't believe it!! Sting now mounting a comeback, he has Savage in the corner, and STINGER SPLASH! Sting nailed him with the splash!!

[Sting nails a couple more Splash's and then goes to apply the Scorpion Deathlock on Savage. He turns Savage into it and the fans go nuts! Savage fights the hold hard, and finally makes it to the ropes! Sting breaks the hold and begins to apply a blatant choke hold on Savage! The ref starts yelling at Sting and even pushes him. Sting says enough and shoves the ref back. This gives Savage time to grab the chair, and he goes to nail Sting with it but Sting ducks and the chair comes crashing into the head of the ref. He turns around and nails Sting with the chair as well. Savage goes to cover, but seeing the ref down stops. He picks Sting up and signals for a body slam.]

Jim Ross - King this doesn't look good for Sting at all. Savage is lifting Sting into a Body Slam but Sting goes over the top! He has him hooked for the death drop, Sting drops the Death Drop on Savage on top of the chair! Sting over for the cover, but no one is there to count.

[Sting lies on top of the unconsious Savage, and then from the crowd come Hulk Hogan once more!! The fans go crazy and Hogan enters the ring with a REFEREE SHIRT on! Hogan starts to count, 1...2...3!!!]

Jim Ross - STING WINS THE I.C TITLE!! STING HAS DONE IT!! My god King, Sting has the title and everything is looking up with the Millionaire's.

Michael Buffer - Ladies and Gentlemen your winner, and NEWWWW NWO I.C Champion, STING!!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - And now the Millionaire's have joined Hogan and Sting in the ring with a celebration. Nash and Hart are out there with them. But you gotta say JR, a very controversial ending. Jim Ross: A controversial ending that needs to be explained on another time, because we are OUTTA time!! Fans we will see you Tuesday when the net World order presents Takeover. Don't miss out!

Match Credits

Crash Holly vs Cactus Jack - Shawn Hall
Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs Jake Ridge - Shawn Hall
Randy Savage vs Christian Cage - Joey Sammon with corrctions by Shawn Hall
Rampage vs Sting - Josh Spiva
Randy Savage vs Sting - Joey Sammon with corrections by Shawn Hall