~*:..XwwA's Top 10 Richest Diva's...:*~

1. Stephanie McMahon
- So just who is the richest diva in the Xtreme Women's Wrestling Alliance? Worth an estimated 5.6 Billion dollars, The Billion Dollar Princess, REALLY is indeed the BILLION..DOLLAR Princess. Co heir to the McMahon fortune of 3 billion dollars, Stephanie consumes an estimated 2.6 billions dollars yearly income for the XwwA. The highest market money making fed on the net, which has said to bring out 2.4 million it's 1st year, quadrupuled it's 2nd. Now that Stephanie owns the XwwA, she has decided to go on a brief hiatus, and a shopping spree at that! Between getting her own personal makeup artist and hair dresser at $3,000 an hour, Stephanie surely knows how to treat a woman to a good ol' time! "Stephanie, has more money then God.. She can buy anything she wants." And that's indeed true. Stephanie has a garage fully equipped with 10-15 cars. From Mercedes, to BMW's to her own 26 mansion in Greenich Connecticut. Her lifestyle is so outrageous, that her parties have been known to draw attention to superstars outside of the wrestling industry. They say diamonds are a girls best friend, Stephanie McMahon has enough to make everyone in AMERICA to have a best friend! Her closet consist of only the highest in fashion, with fabrics that are specially imported from Italy, India, The Peninsula, and even Jamaica! What doesn't this young woman have to show off her money? Her own country you ask? What about land?! Just recently, Stephanie McMahon had purchased a small island in The Philippines, where she has been spending her free time, while she has been on break. There are currently some plans that Stephanie will be opening her own little island to the public, possibly a resort? Who knows?! Not only is she filthy rich, but she is strictly business. Her estate ranges from both bonds and profits of income. Her sense of style has often been compared to like likes of Jennifer Lopez, the women with an outfit for every attitude. Just recently, Playboy fans have voted Stephanie McMahon the diva they would like to see appear in Playboy, but don't hold your breath folks, with the money she has, Playboy doesn't have ENOUGH to offer her. So how did she earn her keep? Well, if you don't know, then you don't know wrestling!!!

2. Linda McMahon
- Her name will forever live in infamy. She married into money, uniting as a whole with the wrestling worlds mega king pin, Vincent K. McMahon, jr. Always taking a step behind her husband, Linda had always been there for her family in time of need, despair, and desire. When the WWF hit it big during the Attitude Era, Linda McMahon began to participate on camera, becoming a well known persona. As time went by, she stuck to her guns when the WWF was sued, forcing itself into the WWE. Most divas had turned their back on wrestling number one money shot, going for the XwwA, but Linda knew that her billion dollar estate with her family would eventually turn around. With her daughter partaking in XwwA, Linda became the last and only female in WWE, taking change as the true dominate female. Her fortune would continue to decrease as wrestling viewers changed channels from WWE to XwwA, leaving her no other option. As storyline glitches began to open up in XwwA, she was immediately written in to shock the nation. Taking a bold step into the face of controversy, Linda would accept the storyline of a life time, coming forth as the women whom poisoned Dakota McMahon, a storyling which had circulated every diva's desire, XwwA's equivalent to "Who Ran Over Austin?!" With her daughter by her side, Linda McMahon futures the McMahon era, having her husband support her, standing in her shadow. A powerful woman, who brings home the money by the millions. Linda McMahon brings home $1 million a week! You calculate how much she brings home during Income tax season! Whoever said it's hard to settle in at number two, for she is living the great lifestyle!

3. Mizz Debra
- Who knew that 1 airplane flight to Chicago in 1985 would send this high paid wrestling glamour diva on a long road of rich success? Debra Marshell-Williams, a former Miss Texas USA and Miss Illinois America champion has been in the business only 6 years and has already managed to rank in at number 3 on our richest XwwA diva's list. The Self Proclaimed Princess of Puppies, started out managing former football legend/husband Steve McMichael in the WcW where Ted Turner turned her into just another pretty face. Or in Debra's words.. A body with breast. Being treated unfairly, Debra made the sacrifice of leaving the WcW and her husband with than bestfriend Jeff Jarett and positioning herself as an in-depth manager who used her charm, and size 34'ds to help influence the outcome of a match for the person she managed. Not being treated right by Vince McMahon would send Debra into a high moodswing 3 years later. After getting married to then husband Stone Cold Steve Austin and being left in the limelight, Debra would go on to create the Xtreme Women's Wrestling Alliance. A federation devoted to just women, who were treated as poorly as she was in the all male dominated feds. With only the money raked in from her WWF checks and no help from Steve at all, Debra did it. Making house shows from Philadelphia bingo halls, to Orlando arena's all along the East-coast. A few low class names, turned into big names, 15 divas, turned into 50 diva's, 2 years and 3 billion dollars later Debra is indeed 1 of the richest divas in all of television. Remaining to be a big influence and idol to the upcoming young ladies of today after retiring from wrestling with the industry and leaving it to bestfriend Stephanie McMahon, Debra now finds herself as a manager to Lana Starr in the XwwA. Her evil, innocent ways have given Mizz Debra the title of being the most manipulative bitch on television, and with being worth over 2.5 billion, who's to argue?

4. Lana Starr
- Lana Kinnear probably has one of the most interesting stories of all time. As a shy little girl, who was often called your typical nerd, she had always wanted to be a super mega-star, with her name in lights. At the age of 8, she had already created her very own celebrity name, Lana Starr, the name that would be brighter than any star in the universe. Within years to come, as some would say, this ugly duckling grew into one hell of a swan! Using her looks, charm, and ditzy personality, Lana Kinnear was able to find herself in one of the most memorable scandals of entertainment. As a former Playboy Playmate, Lana had turned the tables around on Playboy king pin, Hugh Hefner. She shockingly sued him and his enterprise for a whopping $20 million! With her true case yet unconfirmed, it is believed Hugh had paid Lana to keep quite and granted her $11 million to settle out of court. Controversy stirred up, and the media loved it. Lana Kinnear was slowly making her name heard and read. At her golden opportunity, A brand new women's federation, called the WOW had opened up. There she was able to use her childhood dream name, Lana Star, and become the business wrestling equivalent of The Rock or Triple H. When the XwwA came knocking on Lana's door, she quickly dropped the WOW as fast as ever, signing. Unfortunately, WOW was upset with their major loss, and refused to give Lana their copywrite of the name, "Lana Star." Thus, the infamous double R was created, Lana would later be known around the globe as "Lana Starr" winning major events in XwwA, victorious championships, and most memorable storylines and feuds. Lana has even captured a role in the box office smash, SPIDERMAN! Very little women have done as much as Lana, for the simple fact she has done the most. Already a well renowned millionaire, at the end of every year, the XwwA is very proud to had Lana an income that is well over $7 million. Coming in at number four never looked so good.

5. Terri Michaels
- Were half way folks, and how could you not have this talented lady on any top ten list?! Her name is Terri Michaels, known around the wrestling ring as XwwA's Sultry She-Devil. Her vile sense of humor and striking personality has separated her from the rest of the roster. She is very multitalented, and an eager learner. Terri had always been ranking in the biggest bucks, even in Diva history! WWE's most prized diva in the business had showed the loyalty and commitment goes a long way. Year after year, even though it seemed as though she did the least, she earned the biggest of bucks, outshining even WWE's male superstars. She earned her first fast million through one of wrestling's most nastiest divorce, Dustin and Terri Runnels called it splits. With Terri winning the majority of their estate, which includes money, housing, furniture, property and even custody of their daughter, one would have to wonder if it was all worth it for Dustin, giving all that up to be away from Terri. If that doesn't make your jaw drop, what about the strictly confidential controversy which included Terri SUING the WWE for negligence?! When WWE had sold all their divas contracts to XwwA, Terri stated that she did not want to leave the company, but in the long run, her bags were packed only to be unpacked in XwwA. WWE resulted in paying this little devil an estimated $5 million just to settle out of court! During her run in XwwA, Terri has shined brighter than most divas. Becoming one of the most celebrated personalties of all time, with a big fat pay check at the end of every pay day! Terri's estate would literally DILATE, when she merged with Shawn Michaels. The real life marriage had pitted both wrestling icons on the official Forbes List. Together, they are well worth over 50 million, but Shawn is still the man of the house, bringing home the bacon that is well worth $8 million at the end of every year, while Terri pulls in at a close $6 million. RANKING in at number five, is the real two faced woman of sports-entertainment.

6. Jenna Jameson
- One of the very few divas to even enter the XwwA an already self-made millionaire, Jennifer Massoli, known around the ENTIRE world as the most decorated porn star of all time, Jenna Jameson. Her lusty attitude and sultry sex appeal cut her into a full fledge millionaire at the age of 19! She once worked as a stripper in Las Vegas, Nevada at the age of 17 and the following year later, she became the hottest piece of ass in the porn industry! On countless occasions, Porn Entertainment Industries had been at war, trying to sign the new face, so that right there had Jennifer cashing in her big bucks! As time went by, the most well known contract in porn had signed Jennifer, the astonishing Vivid Entertainment. Year after year, the money she brought home, was more than the average XwwA diva could dream of. Eventually, Jennifer became in charge of her own career, calling all the shots. She's now in charge of her own Porn label, she runs the most visited porn site on the net, Club-Jenna.com, she invest in stocks, shockingly and even has her own line of materials. Everything from Jenna Jeans to a pubic trimmer! Talk about being creative. Jennifer decided to take a step out of her ordinary territory, and try a splash at something else. On numerous occasions, you will be able to find Jennifer in CO-staring roles on both movie and television, but it wasn't until Jennifer signed a contract with the XwwA, she knew she was "Too hot for TV!" She is signed to a one million dollar contract for only a 6 MONTH CONTRACT! She has yet to be able to even throw on the wrestling boots, but already XwwA is pushing the name "Jenna Jamesom" backstage. Already causing controversy, Jennifer's "face" has cost the XwwA $2,000 for the original version of XwwA's Ruthless Aggression, promotional billboard in NYC. Divas had protested that her face does not deserve to be on the billboard for she has done nothing! Talk about Ruthless Aggression! The billboard was changed, needless to say, Jennifer's face did not appear. She's worth a lot of money, and she stirs op lot's of controversy, 2 things the tabloids eat up. Ranking in at number 6, couldn't be better for this bombshell who originates from the state of money!

7. Bobbi Billard
- She earned her first million with the 4th anniversary of her self-ran website, Bobbi-Billard.com. Very few woman merge from being an Internet model, to a successful rising star. With her risky photos on the Internet, and her vulnerable sense of style, she decided to peruse a career in the world of wrestling. Things couldn't have been better for this young lady. Working for the WOW, she was just another face in the crowed, but when the XwwA came calling, she took off like an erection! Bobbi Billard has been one of XwwA's most recognizable cover girls. Not only does she grace many of XwwA's official graphics, but numerous magazine covers as well. Even more money came rolling in when Bobbi Billard got her taste of Hollywood. She made her cameo in XXX, where it was rumored that she had been dating, yes folk, VIN DIESEL, talking about making it big time. At the end of each year, Bobbi Billard has more achievements to be proud of, raking in over a million dollars! Just recently, Playboy asked Bobbi if she would participate in one of their centerfolds, her reaction and reply? She turned it down. Proving that blondes do have brains, because in the long run, her risky photos on her website will rake in another million at the end of each year. Damn girl, be proud ranking in at number seven.

8. Major Gunns
- At one point in time, Tylene Buck was XwwA's highest paid diva. With her real life cocky attitude, and bigger than you ego, XwwA paid this diva in cash, PER APPEARANCE! Not only did her contract specifically demand she does not participate in any house shows, but she has been known to STEAL other diva's storylines. Within one year of her major success, when XwwA hit it's first finical crises, the XwwA said good bye to Tylene, and sent her packing. Month later, Tylene returned with a new attitude, and a newly refined woman. As a past WCW diva, she had never really made it into the sports version of "The Forbes List" but as of late, it's a whole new story. She's back with a a rightful purpose and a new bag of tricks, making her a strong competitor for both money and gold. Tylene may not bank in as much as she used to, but with the profit she earn one year ago, she is still sitting pretty on her pedestal, with two crowns, ranking her full ownership, of the number 8.

9. Miss Jones
-The stunning dancer turn wrestling sensation may have not grown up in the best of places, but with her new lavish life style, you would have never known Carmel Maklin is XwwA's true Cinderella. From rags to riches, Carmel proves that a good woman at heart, is a good woman all around. Her big break came to her while she was one of the few Nitro Girls to transition into a full fledge WCW diva. At the close of the federation, XwwA took interest, and not until one year ago, Carmel seems to have the most rapid history of promotions. She's known to be a diva who gives back to her rooting community, even donating at the expense of one full paycheck, talk about generosity. With her high profile, and hard work, Carmel ranks in at number 9.

10. Ivory
- Starting off our countdown, is the latest diva to be inducted into XwwA's grand XwwA Hall Of Fame; Lisa Moretti, better known as, Ivory. As a former Hollywood Stunt-Double. She worked hard and earned her keep as an aspiring female action star, but it wasn't until she stepped foot into the wrestling ring that the money came flowing. Lisa hit the big time when she was signed to the WWE, where she earned her first million, after many years of loyalty and commitment, the WWE granted her with a comparable $2 million check for parting ways, heading into The XwwA. There, Lisa once again worked hard to earn her keep, and after various years of commitment and dollar bills, Lisa proudly ranks in at number 10 just barely beating out Pamela Paulshock.