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<title>Past O.C.W. News of 2001</title>
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<h1 align="center">Past O.C.W. News of 2001</h1>

<!--Freetext--><B>O.C.W. Hardcore Tournament News!</B><p>
10/1/01 -- <blockquote>
OCW'S first ever Hardcore Tournament is almost here. We have looked at a few venues for it even though we thought we had the place. It will be held at one or more of the following. Euclid Square Mall, Painseville Armory, Saint Pauls Gym (in Euclid), Orr Arena (ice skating place in Euclid), Shore Cultural Center (in Euclid) or lastly may be at the new OCW Arena in Eastlake (if ready by then). Due to the interest of it, from both wrestlers and venues alike, we may turn it into a two day tourney with two separate locations. With the plans we have for this tourney we would need two places if we did a two day event. We have already set some of the matches as each match will have different stipulations and weapons. However if anyone knows where we can get a cage please leave a message on the message board. Thanks and stay posted as details are revealed.
09/12/01 -- <blockquote>We here at OCW send are prayers to the lives of the families and people who died in this horrific act on September 11, 2001.  This is truly a sad time for American people as I'm sure many of us watch the tragic events on the news.  Although the nation is shock and in mourning for those lost lives.  I'm am proud to see every one pulled together to do what they can to help and OCW will do what it can in its power to do the same. <p>
Tyrone Morris,<br>
OCW Commissioner<p></blockquote><p>

<b>O.C.W.'s HEADLINE NEWS FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 2001!</b><p>
09/02/01 -- <blockquote>This weekend O.C.W. was doing an autograph session at the Geauga County Fair when O.C.W. Commissioner Mr. Tyrone Morris showed up and started taunting "Atomic Dogg" Kidd Quick while he greeted his fans. When from behind "Wicked" Billy Meyers attacked the O.C.W Heavyweight Champion Kidd Quick. Which ended as Meyers put the Champ through the windshield of a Sheriffs Patrol Car. Meyers was detained and the Heavyweight Champion pressed charges. Meyers is currently being held in the Geauga County Jail. We here at O.C.W. feel that this is getting way to out of control and very very personal. We will decide what needs to be done but it will be done very soon.<p>
O.C.W. is set to return in October to many fine cities, one being Eastlake (at the Kennedy Center for the PAL group.) Also in October we will be having a show in Mentor and Willowick. Names of places and times will be posted when it comes closer but lets just say O.C.W. has been there before and we are returning to where we have been.<p>
O.C.W. Commissioner Mr. Tyrone Morris has added a new member to his stable. He already manages "Wicked" Billy Meyers and Blackhammer, the Hardcore Wrestling Asylum 2000, the O.C.W. Tag Teams Champions.  "Well as you can see I already have the tag champs as well as all control over O.C.W. so I am happy to say that I have acquired the services the O.C.W. Cruiserweight Champion Don "Da Bomb" Smith. I control O.C.W. and now I am controlling the Champions as well. I am also working on a guy that will come in and take the Heavyweight Belt away from that mutt Kidd Quick, its just a matter of time." says Tyrone Morris.<p></blockquote><p>


08/22/01 -- <blockquote><b>Blizz Fired</b><p>
OCW Commish "The Blizz" was fired from OCW on August 15, 2001.
We here at OCW had always said that we do not put up with Liars or thieves. OCW owner Paul Micheals had done some research into The Blizz and found out the he was taking OCW news and plans for upcoming shows and taking that info to another promotion. Plus he also found out that Blizz's supposed "retirement" from backyard wrestling was false. "If someone wants to backyard wrestle that's fine but I or most wrestlers have no respect for backyarders. Yes, we have had guys that are former backyarders but they have all been trained or seeking the correct training as of now. A prime example is we have booked M-Dogg 20 and Josh Prohibition, two former backyarders who seeked out the proper training by the means of J.T. Lightning." says Paul Micheals. We wish Blizz luck to the future but like we have said in the past OCW is not a stepping stone to wanna-bes.

<b>Mr. Morris renamed as Commish</b><p>
With Blizz being fired OCW owner Paul Micheals has named Tyrone Morris to take over the seat of commissioner. Mr. Morris was in that spot before Blizz replaced him and was then hired by The Renegades (Billy Meyers and Mojo) as their new manager. After Mojo was forced to take time off due to an injury Meyers and Morris hand picked Blackhammer to replace Mojo thus forming HCWA 2000. The day after Morris was notified he was named Commish he called Billy Meyers and reinstated him and gave the tag belts back to HCWA 2000. We contacted Mr. Morris and he had this to say, "Now that I am back in control I will do everything in my power to make sure my guys, Blackhammer and Wicked Billy Meyers stay on top and I have a few plans to keep them there. Plus I am looking to recruit other guys to manage and take to the top with us."</blockquote>


08/22/01 -- <blockquote>His first action was to reinstate "Wicked" Billy Meyers and gave the O.C.W. Tag Team Championships back to the team he manages The Hardcore Wrestling Asylum 2000 ("Big Bad Biker" Blackhammer and Wicked Billy Meyers).</blockquote>


08/16/01 -- <blockquote>"Wicked" Billy Meyers has been released by OCW as of July 23. His recent actions and comment were not suitable for OCW likings go to the message board for more details.<p>

Due to these recent actions O.C.W. Head Offices striped the O.C.W. Tag Team Titles from The Hardcore Wrestling Aslyum 2000 ("Wicked" Billy Meyers & Blackhammer). A tounament will be planned in the future to announce new OCW Tag Team Champs</blockquote>

<b>"Atomic Dogg" Kidd Quick injury update.</b><p>

8/16/01 -- <blockquote>
Kidd Quick is healing nicely from his surgury and is waiting to return to action but has yet to get doctors clearance to wrestle.<br>
Kidd has said...."I cant wait to get back to ring actionand get my revenge on Blackhammer, Ty Morris and Blizz for what they did. And as for you Meyers I havn't forgot about you either but since OCW helped you and fired you I will have to wait to get you but I will somewhere, sometime you can count on that. The Dogg has spoken."</blockquote>

<b>OCW Autograph Session</B><p>

06/13/01 -- <blockquote>The stars of OCW will be at the
Eastlake PAL's teen dance signing autographs, the stars include OCW Heavyweight
Champion Atomic Dogg Kidd Quick, the OCW Tag Team Champions, Wicked
Billy Meyers and Blackhammer and OCW Cruiserweight Champion Don "Da Bomb" Smith. The
dance is for kids ages 12 to 16. The time for the dance is from 7 till 10, and
is for kids around the local area, so come out and see the stars of OCW and get
an autograph or two. The dance will be from 7-10 PM with autographs from 8-9 PM,
      also the dance will cost $4.00. Tickets are on sale now at the Eastlake
Pal Center and at the door!

<b>Two of OCW tops start to head south?</B><p>
05/25/01 -- <blockquote>
Yes it may be true OCW heavyweight
  Champion Atomic Dogg Kidd Quick and OCW Tag Team Champion "Wicked"
  Billy Meyers are
  currently negotiating with several promotions in the Mid South and
  Carolinas. The are expected to head that way as early as the month of June.

<b>Commish Jason Blizzard makes The Wicked One pick!</b><p>
05/01/01 -- <blockquote> Commish Jason Blizzard today has notified OCW Tag Team Champion "Wicked" Billy Meyers that due to the CWC match stipulation that he must now pick a person to become tag team partners with him.  The Wicked One has picked Blackhammer to reform The Hardcore Wrestling Asylum and to be his tag team partner and champion!</blockquote><p>

<b>OCW Stars invade Cleveland Wrestling Council on April 28th.</b><p>
04/28/01 -- <blockquote> O.C.W. Stars went to Bay Village, Ohio for the CWC show and here are the results:<p>
Crazy Cruz with his feet on the ropes pinned Don "Da Bomb" Smith.<p>
Ambrosia def. The Little Princess<p>
Canadian Bad Boy pinned Matt Wroth<p>
Demoltion 2000 went to a Double DQ with The Hellraisers<p>
Scorpion def. Heath Cummings<p>
Team CAPW (J.T. Lightning, Widowmaker, & Basketcase) def. Team OCW (Billy Meyers, Blackhammer, Kidd Quick) when Lightning pinned Kidd Quick.<br>
Pre-Match Stipulation was that whatever team got the winning fall would receive title shos at the other next show, with CAPW defeating OCW, J.T. Lightning will take on OCW Heavyweight Champion Kidd Quick and Widowmaker & Basketcase will face OCW Tag Team Champions Billy Meyers and a partner on May 25th in Eastlake, Ohio.</blockquote><p>

01/19/01 -- <blockquote> O.C.W. has been asked to hold a benefit card in Wheeling, West Virginia.  The card is set for February 17, 2001.  The card is for a five year old girl that was hit by a car that went out of control and hit her while she was playing in her front yard.  OCW was contacted by a relative here in Cleveland.  The show is to help the family pay medical bill as well as other financial needs.  The girl was hit on December 26, 2000, and still remains in the hospital.  If you want more information please contact <a href="mailto:OCWBooker@aol.com">O.C.W. Booker.</a>

<B>WOW XTRA!!</B><P>
01/19/01 -- <blockquote> Take a look at this weeks issue of WOW Xtra (Vol. 1 No 6) to see the O.C.W. Rankings!  Plus O.C.W. is working on a full page article for WOW Xtra Magazine.

01/19/01 -- <blockquote> O.C.W. is currently working on booking such stars as; Scott Hall, Road Dogg, Spike Dudley, Axl Rotten, Sandman and as well as others.

<B>O.C.W. STORE!</B><P>
01/19/01 -- <blockquote> An O.C.W. Store??  It is a good possibility that O.C.W. will be opening a small store at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Ohio.  The store will provide fans with O.C.W. videos and other merchandise, as well as O.C.W. Superstar's shirts, pictures, and videos.  Plus many of the guys will be there occasionally to sign autographs.</blockquote>

01/19/01 -- <blockquote> O.C.W. has released one half of the Renegades, Mojo.  It isn't quite sure what happened but there was a heated confrontation with him and an O.C.W. Official.  There is no word on what will happen to the O.C.W. Tag Team Titles yet. </blockquote>

