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Hello and welcome to the August 29th edition of Look At What's News. Below you will find this weeks Featured Story, and News Scoops. Any comments are welcome as always,
Happy reading.


"Tiffani Promotes At The American Legion"

Johnny Graham, Referee Zack Carlucci, And Tiffani Monroe Sing, "Proud To Be An American"."

Tiffani Monroe and Pro Wrestling Entertainment returned to Dillsburg, Pa. This time to the beautiful American Legion Hall Post 26. The night was filled with action from the beginning of the show until the end of the event. The night started with an excellent match between Jey Graham and Hallowicked and only proceeded to build to the main event between Champion Larry Sweeney and challenger Sabian. The action in between included ladies action, a tag team championship, and of course an appearance from The Patriot, The Miller Lite Girls, and even Tiffani Monroe, Johnny Graham, and Referee Zack Carlucci singing their renditions of "Proud To Be An American". It was a fun evening for everyone in attendence.
Tiffani and PWE return to Dillsburg at The Old Northern Middle School later this month on September 23rd with an action packed card that will see The Patriot return along with Doink The Clown. Also appearing will be Salvatore Sincere and Lexie Fyfe returns to defend her Ladies Title against Cindy Rogers. Many of the PWE regulars will be in Dillsburg. Check out the PWE link below for more information

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That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.


"Tiffani & Lexie Fyfe Face Off In PWE"

At the last PWE event Cindy Rogers was about to hit ladies champ Lexie Fyfe with the championship belt. PWE promoter Tiffani Monroe was able to stop Cindy before she got to Lexie and the referee disqualified Cindy and awarded the match to Lexie. Lexie wanted a pin over Cindy and not a DQ. Lexie told Tiffani to mind her own busiess and challenged her to a non title match. That set the stage for their confrontation in Newport. Lexie started the match by taking the microphone and telling Tiffani that everything was a misunderstanding and they should forget about the whole thing and have a nice clean match.

Lexie offers her hand in friendship and tells Tiffani the previous month was just a misunderstanding.

As the two ladies shook hands, Lexie attacked Tiffani. Tiff was quick to make a comeback and sent Lexie flying from the ring. The two ladies battled back and forth as the fans were on their feet and cheering for Tiffani the entire match. The fans were shocked as Lexie Fyfe was the first wrestler to successfully break Tiffani's finishing hold, the Tiffmission.

Tiffani Locks In Her Favorite Hold, The Tiffmission.

Both ladies made their way to the top rope and executed perfect top rope maneuvers. At one point Lexie climbed the top rope and was about to drop a knee on a prone Tiffani Monroe, but as Lexie lost her balance and had to readjust herself, Tiffani made her way to her feet and slammed Lexie across the ring from the top rope.

Lexie Fyfe Uses Her Power To Get The Upperhand On Tiffani Monroe.

After a double clothesline, Lexie made her way to the area where her championship belt was being held. She entered the ring with the belt and was about to hit Tiffani, as Referee Zack Carlucci also grabbed the belt. As the two fought for possession of the tile strap, Tiffani grabbed Lexie from behind with a Schoolgirl hold and got the three count in 9:51. The crowd erupted with chants of Tiffani....Tiffani...,but in the end, Lexie is still PWE ladies Champion.
That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.

Pro Wrestling Entertainment

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"Tiffani Challenges Lexie Fyfe"

Dillsburg, Pennsylvania was the site of a hard fought PWE Ladies title defense for the fan favorite Lexie Fyfe. Lexie had been champion for Pro Wrestling Entertainment several months. Lexie was well liked by the fans and defended her championship against anyone that promoter Tiffani Monroe signed for her to face. Recently at the Old Dillsburg Middle School, Lexie was scheduled to battle one of the toughest female wrestlers on the independent circuit, Cindy Rogers. Cindy was a tough competitor and would do just about anything to win. Lexie and Cindy had never faced each other in the ring before. This match was anticipated to be one of the hardest fought ladies matches of the year. Cindy was well rested and had spent time in the gym with the days leading up to the match. Lexie on the other hand had spent nearly two weeks on a world tour, wrestling in several counties in the past ten days. Lexie even arrived at the gym just 15 minutes before her scheduled match.
Getting ready just in time to hear her ring entrance announced, an obviously tired Lexie Fyfe made her way down the isle. The fans roared as they saw their favorite walk toward the ring to face the villainous Cindy Rogers.
The match was everything the fans expected it to be. The action when back and forth then at around the ten-minute mark, Lexie and the referee collided and both were down on the mat. As Lexie made her way back to her feet and with the referee still down, Cindy jumped out of the ring and grabbed the ladies championship belt. She made her way back into the ring and was about to use the belt as some reinforcement to knock Lexie out cold by hitting her on the back of the head with the belt. But, just before the blow was delivered, Tiffani Monroe jumped in the ring and grabbed the belt away from Cindy. As the referee was getting himself back together, Tiffani told him to disqualify Cindy and award the match and the championship back to Lexie Fyfe. The crowd cheered with approval, Cindy was not happy and told Tiffani that somewhere down the road that she would get even with her for interfering in her match. As Cindy left the ring, Lexie took her turn at Tiffani, telling her that she wanted to beat Cindy by pin, not a DQ. Tiffani tried to explain to Lexie that she brought her into PWE because of her attention to the rules, and that she wanted to have less cheating in the ladies divison. Lexie told Tiffani to keep her nose out of her business and just promote the matches and let the referee’s do their own jobs. Before Lexie left the ring she gave Tiffani a push that about knocked the promoter off of her feet.

Tiffani Warns Cindy Rogers About Her Rulebreaking Ways.

Lexie Tells Tiffani To Mind Her Own Business.

Some people said that Lexie was very tired from the world tour and that the jetlag was too much for her. Then to have a hard fought match like the one she just had with Cindy Rogers was just to stressful. Whatever the reason, Lexie’s actions did not set well with the PWE fans, nor did they set well with Tiffani Monroe. Before the main event Tiffani made an announcement that in two weeks, she would face Lexie Fyfe in a non-titled match in Newport, Pennsylvania. The crowd erupted withy cheers of approval and started to chant Tiffani’s name. Pictures from that match and the story of the event will be coming soon on Tiffani’s Look At What’s News. Keep checking back for the story.
You can check out the PWE website below to find out more about the happenings in Pro Wrestling Entertainment.
That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.

Pro Wrestling Entertainment

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"Tiffani Dances To Promote PWE Event."

Referee Dice, Jey Graham, Young Fans, Tiffani, Johnny Graham, & Inferno

Tiffani Monroe and several of the PWE wrestlers set up shop at Haars Drive Inn in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania to promoter an upcoming PWE event. The main attraction of the day was a large car show with vintage automobiles and late model hot rods. Tiffani rounded up PWE stars Johnny and Jey Graham, Inferno, Joe Zerbe, and Referee Dice to sign autographs and meet with area wrestling fans.
Throughout the day Tiffani did several live radio spots on a popular local radio station. On her last live remote she requested Johnny Graham say a few words to the radio audiance. Johnny was having so much fun with the crowd at the drive in, someone requested that Johnny do the Hookie Pookie while it played on the air. Johnny always looking to please the crowd, was happy to accept the request, but only if he was joined by a few fans, the radio DJ, and of course Tiffani Monroe.
Sure enough, the song played, the group danced and the crowd had a great time. PWE and Tiffani was a big hit on the radio and at the car show.

The Group Does The Hookie Pookie As They Put Their Right Arm In.

Now they Put Their Whole Body Out.

Fun Was Had By All At The Car Show.

A special Thanks goes out to the Franklintown Fire Company for inviting Tiffani and her group to the event.
You can check out the PWE website below to find out more about the happenings in Pro Wrestling Entertainment.
That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.

Pro Wrestling Entertainment

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"GLORY Picture Of The Day July 5th"

Mrs. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania 2005

We all know that that we have over 200 ladies on this Web site who are as beautiful as they are athletic and skilled in the ring. But now it's been made "official" with the crowning of one of our G.L.O.R.Y. ladies as Mrs. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. That's the gorgeous Tiffani Monroe who you see above posing with her tiara and sash. Congratulations Tiffani! But this is only the first step for our popular, blonde G.L.O.R.Y. Girl. Up next: the Mrs. Pennsylvania contest...and winning that leads to the nationally televised Mrs. America pageant. Good luck to Mrs. Tiffani Monroe as she goes for Mrs. America gold!
That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.


"A Busy Time Of Year For Tiffani"

PWE Promoter , Tiffani Monroe

Tiffani Monroe is about to embark on her next round of Pro Wrestling Entertainment events. This fall is shaping up to be a full calendar for Tiffani and her PWE. The Pennsylvania based promotion has just completed a very successful show at the Little Buffalo Family Campground in Newport, Pennsylvania. The event was entitled "Campground Lottery" and as the name sagest, wrestlers names were drawn from a container and tag teamed with partners that were also pulled from the container. The names were pulled live and the wrestlers came to the ring not knowing who they would tag team with or who they would wrestle against. Between each match lucky fans were given Pennsylvania scratch off lottery tickets. The event was a Hugh success and enjoyed by everyone in attendance. PWE has several more events scheduled for the remainder of the year with events also into 2006. PWE will also keep with their theme of helping the community as they will be doing community service in the tradition that PWE is quickly becoming known for.
All of the PWE events along with owning and operating two beauty shops, Tiffani has just taken on a craft instructors position a few days a month. Tiff's latest adventure will surely surprise most wrestling fans. That bit of information will be disclosed in weeks to come. Keep checking Tiffani's weekly updates right here for more on this very impressive information that has made her family, friends, and fans proud.
PWE's next event will be on July 16th at the Silver Spring Fire Hall in Mechanicsburg, Pa. The main event will feature PWE Heavyweight Champion, Glen Osbourne against the very recognize indie star Larry Sweeney. Also the PWE Tag Team Championship will be on the line as challengers and former champions, Icarus and Gran Akuma face the current champions, Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked. All in all, in and out of the wrestling business,MS Monroe has a full plate for the summer and fall. Tiffani received letters and e-mails on a regular basis and she would like to thank everyone for their support.

Pro Wrestling Entertainment

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"Cowboy Dunk And Tiffani Monroe Tag Team In The SWO"

Johnny Graham arrived at the Liberty Fire Hall in York, Pennsylvania complaining that he has not received a title shot since losing the Susquehanna Wrestling Organization Heavyweight Championship last fall to Glen Osbourne. Johnny said he would not wrestle unless he wrestled a champion.
The SWO booking committee was quick to put a match together and they told Johnny Graham that he would indeed be wrestling a champion tonight. The champion would be SWO Ladies Champion, Tiffani Monroe. Not only would he be wrestling Tiffani, it would be an intergender tag team match. Wolfette would be Johnny's partner and newcomer Cowboy Dunk would tag with Tiffani. The match was set despite protest from Mr. Graham
The action was fast paced and with a lot of fast tags and perfect tag team maneuvers. Both teams were in the match up to the very end. Graham hit a picture book Missile Dropkick from the top rope. The move landed squarely on the chest of Cowboy Dunk and enabled Graham to get the three count.
Tiffani and Dunk looked like a well oiled machine. This will be an intergender tag team to be wrecked with in the near future.

That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.

Susquehanna Wrestling Organization


"Tiffani Sets Hers Sights On Ladies UCW Title"

Tiffani Monroe recently traveled to the beautiful commonwealth of Virginia in a quest of capturing the Ultimate Championship Wrestling's ladies championship. The only thing between her and the title belt was current champion, Eva Destruction. Tiffani had battled Eva in the past and was very familiar with her wrestling style. Just as Eva was as familiar with Tiffani's ring technique. Tiffani entered the high school gymnasium to a loud rourfrom the crowd as she made her way around ringside to greet the great Virginia fans.

After Tiffani's entrance, Eva made her way to the ring. It was quite ovious to any newcomer to the promotion that Eva was not very well liked. Her constant rulebreaking has given her a reputation that has followed her everywhere that she appears.
The two ladies battled hard from the opening bell. Neither lady wasted any time in trying to get a quick victory or making the other submit.

Tiffani slapped a quick sleeper hold on Eva. It was still early in their match and Tiffani did not have her worn down enough for the hold to be effective. The crafty ring villainous made her way to the ropes, forcing Tiffani to break the hold.
Late in the match, the ladies continued to battle back and forth. As Tiffani seem to be getting the upperhand. Eva left the ring and started to argue with the fans at ringside. As Eva was outside the ring she passed the ring table that was the holding area for the ladies ring apparel that they wore as the entered the area for their match. Part of Tiffani's entrance included her signature handcuffs. Eva grabbed the handcuff and concealed them from the referee as she reentered the ring. Guess ring announcer for the match, UCW top lady contender Pherephone, got the referee's attention to tell him of the happenings that just occurred at the ringside table. As the ref and Pherephone we discussing the events that happened outside the ring, the actions inside the ring totally turned the match around. With the referee's back turned, Eva threw the handcuff's to Tiffani, then proceeded to lay down as if Tiffani had hit her with the Handcuffs. As Tiffani stood holding the cuff, the referee turned around. He saw Eva on the mat and Tiff with the object.

He immediately signaled for the bell. He disqualified Tiffani Monroe and awarded the match to the champ Eva Destruction.
Tiffani, not pleased with the outcome, has already contacted the UCW promoter about a rematch.

That's it for this week, until next Monday night, be safe.

Ultimate Championship Wrestling
Visit the UCW website by clicking the link above.


"Jason Baer"
"Wrestling Wally"
"Timothy Walker"
"JAK Photography"
"Brian Kromer"
"Ultimate Championship Wrestling"


Tiffani Merchandise!!!

The Tiffani Monroe Merchandise Page is now up. Just click on this link to shop at Tiffani's.
Shop At Tiffani's

Tiffani's Weekly Poll Gear Results

The winner of last weeks Poll Question was: "No"

Tiff's Weekly Poll Question

"The Resurrection Of ECW Will Give The Wrestling Fans More Of A Variety Of Wrestling To Enjoy. Will You Most Likely Watch Both WWE And ECW?"

1. No.......12
2. Yes.......9

21 Total votes were cast all together. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote on my Poll this week.