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If you have any news relating to Amanda, please e-mail us =)
Most recent news is at the top.

March, 2003

Sorry we haven't updated in a while. Things are a tad bit busy! Everybody continue to request Amanda's tunes at your radio stations, especially the new one, "Voice Inside." Yes, it HAS been released, it just hasn't gotten any airplay unfortunately. So request it :)

Amanda has received a Juno nomination for Best Pop Album. They will be hosted by Shania Twain this year (anybody know why she's nominated for best songwriter? *shrug*) and the show will air April 6. To see all the nominee's, click *here*

Amanda's releasing a DVD!
Uhhhh, most of you probably know already, sorry i took so long to put the info up hehehe...

For those of you wondering what will be included in the DVD, here's a bit of info:



Everybody's Got A Story

Fall From Grace

Marry Me

Double Agent

Believe in You


Sunday Morning After


The centerpiece of this DVD is a live performance, filmed at the Corona Theatre in May of 2001. The event was filmed with the DVD in mind and was recorded on multi-track for later mix down into 5.1 surround sound, to give the viewer an experience as close as possible to being at the show.

· Three Unreleased Tracks from Live at the Corona Theatre: Dark Horse, Brand New Beau, The Voice Inside
· Multi-angle un-edited performance of Birmingham from Live at the Corona Theatre
· Everybody's Got A Story Video 5.1 Surround Sound

Monday, September 30, 2002 Marry Me is out on radio so be sure to request it.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Concert review from London

Special thanks to Heather for sending us her take on the outdoor show on the 14th of September. Read her review here.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

AM on AM in the AM

Tune in Friday, September 13th at 8:10am for a live interview with Amanda on Canada AM. Saturday is the London everybody who's going...have fune and send me a review!! :D

One more thing, a little surprise is in store for us fans in the next few weeks. Don't worry, it's not that big, but it's still pretty cool :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002

Amanda Special on CTV, new single

September 15th is the air date for the Everybody's Got A Story showcase taped in Toronto a few months back...check your T.V. guides and set your VCR's :)

Also, Marry Me is the latest track from EGAS slated for release to the radio airwaves of Canada September 9th. Call your local Lite music stations and request it! hehe

Friday, August 2, 2002

All y'all who live in the United States of America, listen up!

A few months back, Amanda taped a T.V. special, kind of a concert thing, to showcase the new jams on EGAS. This concert is airing on music choice this month in the US. It looks like the date and time it airs depends on what state you live in. Here's the website link...scroll down a bit and on the left will be a drop-down menu where u can select your state and view the air times. :)

(Thanx Aurelia)

Friday, August 2, 2002

All y'all who live in the United States of America, listen up!

A few months back, Amanda taped a T.V. special, kind of a concert thing, to showcase the new jams on EGAS. This concert is airing on music choice this month in the US. It looks like the date and time it airs depends on what state you live in. Here's the website link...scroll down a bit and on the left will be a drop-down menu where u can select your state and view the air times. :)

(Thanx Aurelia)

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Amanda will be performing at another outdoor London, Ontario at the Western Fair September 14. Here's the website, u can snoop for details and what not if you're in the area and interested in going...

Thursday, July 18, 2002

Finally finished my review from the Stampede concert July 7th. Read it here! :)

Saturday, June 15, 2002

New open letter from Amanda

Amanda has stopped by to leave a quick note to the fans on, just to let us know she's still alive, and that she hasn't forgotten about us. Altogether now: "awwwwww"
The best part is the P.S. at the bottom, where she gives a nod to me and Andrea for all our work to try and make a better experience. Thanks again to everybody who signed the petition. Let's hope everything turns out well! I'd put a link back up for the petition (if you wanted to take a look or sign) but my computer has a virus and i'm on a different one where the link isn't bookmarked. But i think Andrea still has it linked somewhere on her site!

Well that's all for now. DO NOT forget to watch the MMVA's on Much Music tomorrow, Amanda's gonna be there! :)

Saturday, June 1, 2002

I think she likes Calgary. :)

Amanda is scheduled to perform July 7th on the Coke stage at the Calgary Stampede, joining a roster of mostly bands like the Watchmen, Big Sugar, David Usher, The Tea Party, Default, Edwin and the Pressure, and Adam Gregory. I was actually surprised to see only one country act but who can complain? Amanda's comin to town. Needless to say Andrea and I are very excited, and we're gonna try and meet up with her again.

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. Andrea and I have been working tirelessly on the petition, but the hardest part is over! So here are some updates from

Amanda's busy in Canada
Online fans voted "Double Agent" as Amanda's next Canadian single. Too bad nobodys votes sent thru the magic e-mail address that supposedly got "clogged"...and then quietly switched on the News section to a different address, after the single was "picked." Oh well, can't blame them for trying. LOL
And if you didn't already know, the release dates for Everybody's Got A Story have yet again officially been postponed to June 11 US, and summer 2002 worldwide.

Much Music Video Award Nomination
Sunday Morning After, directed by Stephen Scott, has earned a nod for "best pop video". Here's the nom's in her category:

Amanda Marshall - Sunday Morning After (Columbia/Sony)
Director: Stephen Scott

David Usher - Black Black Heart (original version) (Capitol/EMI)
Director: Craig Bernard

Jordy Birch - Moola, Moola (Virgin)
Director: Don Allan

Remy Shand - Take A Message (Motown/Universal)
Directors: Kedar Massenburg/Bille Woodruff

Wave - Think It Over (Warner)
Director: Andrew MacNaughtan

Click here to go to the MMVA site to see all the nominees

Amanda and Remy Shand, filling in the gap for a big name that couldn't make it after all(i completely forgot who cancelled, does anybody know?) have been added to the list (Ja Rule, Tweet, Glenn Lewis)to perform on Canada day for Kiss 92's "Wham Bam" at the Skydome. If you're in Toronto, i envy you. Go get tickets and tell us how it was! :)

And finally, Amanda will be performing at half-time during the first home season game for the Argos July 3rd. The game itself is going to be televised on TSN...i'm not sure about half-time though. The announcers usually talk football and play beer commercials during that time, so who knows!! :)

Friday, April 26, 2002

House Of Blues Chicago
Approximately 250 showed up to see the free show Amanda did on Wednesday the 24th at the House Of Blues. It was mostly a showcase of her new album, and she signed autographs and took pictures with 30-40 fans afterwards :)

Monday, April 22, 2002

US release date postponed again? is the only website that has anything close to information on a release date (June 11)...most sites have Everybody's Got A Story available as an import item.
The release date on is May 21, so hopefully that will be cleared up soon.

Heres some random links to a couple reviews from the Junos and concerts on the east coast...
Another Halifax review from last Monday night
More Junos
Another Cohn review, with a cool pic
cool article about Amandas days living on the East coast

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Junos 2002, and a good Halifax review

First, a nice review from the first show in Halifax from last night. *CLICK HERE*

My goodness, she straightened her hair?!
Amanda appeared on the red carpet before the Junos in a Japanese-esque kimono outfit, with straightened hair, sporting a bandana, and never letting go of Rob's hand; Rob stood patiently out of the way looking happy to let his now 12-year girlfriend bask in the camera light for a short awkward greeting with an inexperienced Kim Stockwood behind a microphone, who kept forgetting to talk into it while she held the mic in front of a typically endearing shy Amanda. She quipped about the amount of time it took to straighten her curls, "Four hours! No, it actually didn't take very long"...a little small talk about being happy to come to the Juno's, and she was off, stopping to talk to a couple fans and sign some cd's before she headed inside.
Amanda was one of the last performers at the show. (duh, save the best for last :) The live thunderous intro to Everybody's Got A Story started and quickly quietened as Amanda came out quietly singing a creative medley of the first single in a white hat, a very short black "Canada kicks ass" shirt, some kickin' blue jeans, a white sash around her waist, and her typical pointy black trademark shoes. (You know you're successful when people start to pay more attention to the clothes than the performance ;) The medley with the back-up singers slowed, and a phone ring could be heard as Amanda played out the beginning skit of her second single "Sunday Morning After". "Were you at that party in St. John's? Oohhhhh myyy Gooooddddd!!!" The guitar player jumped right into the intro for SMA, maybe a little too quickly, and threw off the veteran Amanda drummer, Al Webster, but he quickly recovered and they played on, ignoring the accidental phone ring that sounded after the song had started, Amanda giving a smile to her back-up singers and taking off down the stage. Most of the audience stood up to watch her do her thing, while she point wide-eyed back at the crowd while she sung the goofy lyrics, the audience singing along, even if they didn't know the words. The backdrop consisted of a graffiti'd "AMANDA M WAS HERE" and stick figures with crazy hair, like the ones on her popular-selling tour t-shirts.
She vanished from the stage, and shortly after was the award for best artist. In spite of everybody crossing their fingers, Amanda got jipped yet again this year, but to a well-deserving Diana Krall, finally getting home recognition. She lost to Nickelback for best single as well, but everybody could see that coming. There isn't a single radio-listening Canadian who doesn't have the repetative yea yea, no no, chorus permanently burned into their brains. An ok song, but it's time we looked at more than airplay, eh?

Monday, April 8, 2002

More East Coast news
A band from the East Coast (naturally) called Crush will be opening for Amanda in Halifax. (Thanks to an AM messageboard member)
If you live close to St. John's Newfoundland, Amanda will be at The Avalon Mall on April 13th at 1PM for three hours to sign autographs and stuff :) So make sure if you live around there to go down and meet her...(Thanks Andrea)

Wednesday, April 3, 2002

I'm starting to update a few things, specifically the discography section. Typing out lyrics is so tedious! This website business is harder than it looks, TRUST ME lol

Tuesday, April 2, 2002

Good sign for EGAS in the US?
"Some pop tunes plant themselves in your head after many listens. Others grab you by the throat. This first single from the Canadian's new CD is the latter. With its radio-made, acoustic-guitar-based groove, super-catchy chorus and memorable lyrics about Cherry Cokes and see-through shirts and 'the human condition,' it sounds like a smash. Let's hope so: the airwaves need more songs this sunny and fun."

Rob Brunner, Entertainment Weekly.

Sunday, March 31, 2002

East Coast dates added
Amanda, as promised, will be doing some shows in Eastern Canada starting Mid-April, to finish off the Canadian leg of the *Voice Inside* tour. Here are the dates:

April 15, 2002; Rebecca Cohn Aud. Halifax, NS, Canada
April 16, 2002; Rebecca Cohn Aud. Halifax, NS, Canada
April 18, 2002; Coliseum Moncton, NB, Canada
April 19, 2002; Civic Arena Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Friday, March 15, 2002

Concert of the year, baby!
My voice is gone, my throat hurts, my neck is sore, and i'm tired as frack. woo hheeee!! I'm tired beyond recognition right now, just quickly wrote as much as i could remember from last night. Enjoy!

So Jordy Birch plays his few songs. The DJ screwed up on one of the songs, but it was alright. I've been through much worse opening acts. Somehow i don't think Amanda fans are the right crowd for him. It was funny, our signs were sitting on the stage cuz we had nowhere to put them so the "Party On Wayne" one was on top...he was probalby like "who's Wayne?!" anyways. So we're all waiting for Amanda and some retard pulls the fire alarm. The security guys are on stage telling everybody to leave the building. Not only this, but the coat check was closed. Lemme tell you right now, no way in hell was i going outside in below freezing temperatures without a jacket and leaving front row. My sister was trying to get us to leave but we were all staying up at the front and there were a lot of people hanging around trying to be the last to leave so they could get in first again and get in front. All of a sudden people started rushing back towards the stage so we all grabbed the front... everyone made it. Only to hear that one of the doors closed by accident and that we all should leave still. And the alarm will only stop once everyone is out. So this whole time theres this obnoxious siren going, nobody's leaving...then it stops. Another mad rush to the stage. We all made it again, and this time we were closer to the center cuz we got pushed over. There were people behind us who had been in front row too, trying to push to the front. We tried to make room for them, but it was reeeeally squishy. So Amanda comes out, wearing these checkerboard blue jean-ish pants, black pointy boots, hair in a ponytail, grey hat, and a shirt that says "Keep your bananas off my melons" This was extremely funny to me, cuz of a long running inside joke between me and like 30 seconds into the song, somebody handed her a fork, with some white crap on it. I dunno what it was, and i dont wanna know. But she threw it to the back of the stage and looked at her guitar player with this WTF?! look on her face. Weird people. Later on in the show somebody threw some red roses with a letter attached, much better than a fork. She picked them up and threw them by the door she was gonna be going out of. We held up our signs during...i think Voice Inside. She read the first one okay. ("WE RUN FAN WEBSITES") then the second one had our URL's and at the bottom "we're having a phun philled time" She had to stop and lean over and squint to read it, and try to sing at the same time. She pointed at it after she finished and went on her way. She didn't look at our signs after that, probably cuz it almost messed her up. Which would have been kinda funny if she had to start over hehe The back-up singers thought the signs were cool tho. I was walking past one of them in the foyer, she was talking to a group of girls there and she said she liked our posters...i was reeeeally tired by then cuz it was after we were backstage and everything and i'm like "posters? huh? OH the signs. cool, thanks" And i just kept walking, i should have stopped to talk but it was beyond ridiculous how drained we all were. The rhythm guitar player was reading our signs and smiling as well, and yea, Rob was just giving funny looks as usual. I got a smile out of him during "Marry Me" though. They were all sitting on stools at the front and i was watching him play and he looked over at me so i smiled at him. I couldn't believe it when he smiled back lol... Before she started Marry Me, she's like "just gotta check if my fly's open. It was open last time i played this song, u guys are free to check your fly's as well, check your neighbors..." lol the rhythm guy even got up and turned around to check. He was cool, he looks like Harry Conick Jr...he looks like such a cowboy when he's rockin out on his guitar heheh The new version of Shades of Grey was pretty cool. And i liked the way they did Voice Inside. Thats a pretty cool song on the album too. My favorite was by far the acoustic Sittin on Top of the World. She totally got into it and sang it so beautifully, which sounded absolutely amaaaazing in the new Mac Hall. I don't think there was a single person singing along either, it was just one of those really cool moments. I don't remember what song it was, but she hit this high A note, it was so huge. If y'all have a piano, it's the third last A on the piano, mind you she's singing this note full force, not falsetto. lol anyways, how she can do that after 5 nights in a row is beeeyyonnd me. ummm what else? She spat on me twice, that was pretty cool. So we went backstage. There were about 20 people when we got to the room, it wasn't exactly backstage. Amanda wasn't there yet. I went up to a table with Aquafina bottles on it and asked if i could take a bottle. He said no, i thought he was joking for a second but then he's like "jus that table over there." ok fiiiine buddy. There were Evian bottles in the tub we were allowed to take out of. Like, are we not good enough for Aquafina? I thought that was pretty funny. So she came in finally and said hi to everybody. Instead of "hi" i said "holy shit!" I remember the Sony guy in charge pulling her aside and giving her instructions, she was saying "okay" So she stayed near the far end of the room against a wall and he told us that we would go up in groups. There was a gy with a camera there taking pictures of the peeps with Amanda too. So we got a pic, but we dunno if we can get a copy yet. Yeah. The quote unquote "important" people went up first. We were almost teh last people to go up, he came up to us, and pointed at both of us and said "you're up next" or something. After this my brain went into autopilot and my legs just started walking. I could hear her say hi but i was so adement on introducing myself i barely heard her say it. "I'm Krissy" Andrea was behind me, Amanda said "Krissy, nice to meet you, and?" "Andrea" Then she repeated her name and the Sony guy (i forget his name so it's gonna be Sony guy lol) Told Andrea what she does. Shes like "i run a website." "oh cool" Then "so does she" Andrea points at me, Amanda looks over, says something, what i have no clue but i'm like yea, Krissy and Garry... She's like Krissy and Garry... "we wrote you before." So she tilts her head back and squints "uhhh no i cant remember but if you wrote me, i read it for sure" cool beans!!! So then the guy with the camera got our attention, i was tryin to smile but it was really fake. I probably look like a tardmuffin. heheh So then she sees Andrea's got a rolled up poster in her hand and Amanda's like "oh, did you want me to sign your poster?" Andrea's like, "oh, yeah!" So she starts sliding the elastics off, and they're being difficult. U know when time slows down a looottt? That happened when she was taking the elastics off and me and Amanda were just standing there watching hahaha i was like coaching, "c'mon now!" I think Amanda laughed too. I had some stuff for her to sign but I didn't wanna take up too much time, she was probably tired. I gave her an envelope with some letters in it and a copy of a drawing i did and what not. She seemed happy when i gave it to her, that was pretty cool. I was very, very exhausted by this time and don't remember if i just turned and walked away or said bye or thanks or what. lol so she finishes meeting people and had to sign about 20 tour posters for radio stations and music stores and stuff. That looked like a pain in the butt. After that she was pretty much finished, said goodbye, I actually said bye this time instead of holy shit, and that was it. If i'd been more awake i would have stuck around and talked to more peeps in the band wandering around and stuff. oh well. That's about all i can remember for now. i'll add more if i think of any!!

Click here for Andrea's review

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Hello peeps, just checkin in quickly to give u all an update. Amanda's been rockin Ontario, heading west, and she's hitting Calgary tomorrow. Me and Andrea are gonna hook up there and hopefully be in front row. I'll have a full review in a couple days. If And Garry and I are in the premature stages of another Tonto's story, so keep your eyes open for that. Thanks for comin, i'll check back in soon. Bare with us while we try and get this site back up like it was before ;) E-mail if you have any news! :)

Monday, January 28, 2002

It's only a short time before the cross-Canada tour starts!! Hope everyone has their tickets. Amanda has checked in again with another letter on the official site, check it out.

Annndd what else? Oh, i've caught wind that Five For Fighting is scheduled to open for Amanda in Quebec and Ontario, Jordy Birch for the rest of Canada still though.
I think that's it for now. Of course please e-mail if you hear any juicy gossip, dirt, or news of any kind :)

Monday, January 14, 2002

Happy New Year everyone :)
We did it, the new album was certified platinum in Canada in December, not even a month after it was released. Props Amanda, you made a kick-ass album. In other news...

Amanda gives a nod to all who voted on her website for the next Canadian single. The fans decided on "Sunday Morning After". Which is apparantly to the satisfaction of the record company as well, because the song has been added to radio playlists, and is already #6 on Kiss 92 in Toronto. So call and request the new single so we can get it going. Keep voting for EGAS on Much Music and radio as well :)

Thursday, December 6, 2001

Amanda has been running around, her site's being updated left right and center.
She made an appearance last friday on Canada AM, a week before that a short interview on Much Music. She performed EGAS, Double Agent, and Colleen during Canada AM, and at the end of the show, a nice tribute to George Harrison, an acoustic "here comes the sun" with 2 acoustic guitars and her back-up singers. (Everybody found out that morning that he had died)Joan Rivers helped out taking questions from the audience. You can imagine how that went...LOL

December 4th she sang EGAS on Mike Bullard. I was somewhat relieved to not see her in a hat for once cuz her hair freakin rocks!!
She's also checked in and written another open letter, it's on the website.
Also, if you haven't already, stop by the message-board and say hi. Theres a topic you can go into called "the suggestion box", if you have any ideas for something on her website, or just anything, go share your thoughts there. PartyOnWayne also posts articles and links to different things on the board in different topics. If i had the time, i'd put some stuff up right here but i don't =\

Thanks for coming back to the site, we appreciate the fact that people come here for their dose of Amanda...i'll update again as soon as i can.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Well, we've been linked to FINALLY, after over a year of this site being up. woo hoo!
And Amih wanted to know if someone could write up a tab of "marry me"...i didn't get to finish it yet, but this is what i have so far. Tabbing a song is hard on the neck man, i'll finish it tomorrow ;) click here mon.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

"Everybody's Got A Story" is available as of today in Canada. So go pick it up!!

Someone was also kind enough to e-mail us the links to some 30-second clips of the songs off the new album. So if you can't get the album yet(i don't envy you), hopefully you'll survive on these for now :)

I just accidentally found out that you can hear samples from all songs from Amanda's new album. Just open your Real Player and type in*name of song*.ram Just make sure that you start each word with a capital letter and leave no spaces. :O)

Ok, I did the work for you...

I just can't figure out how Colleen (I Saw Him First) works...


Thanks Kessi :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Tracklisting and CD cover
The new album is available for pre-order on Here's a scan of the cover and the tracklisting. Garry, close your mouth.

1. Everybody's Got A Story 2. The Voice Inside 3. The Gypsy 4. Colleen (I Saw Her First) 5. Double Agent 6. Red Magic Marker 7. Sunday Morning After 8. Love Is My Witness 9. Dizzy 10. Brand New Beau 11. Marry Me 12. Inside The Tornado

Saturday, October 20, 2001

"Everybody's Got A Story" is starting to climb the charts.

Here in Calgary on the Power 107 hot 30, Amanda's new single has jumped from 18 to 14. Last week i think it jumped 8 spots from 26 or something...pretty cool huh? Heres some other top 30 chart positions around Canada: Z95 in Vancouver - Debuted last week at 27, this week 23. Toronto top 20 (mix99.9) from 18 to 16 this week.

Frankly, the other radio stations don't update their websites and have countdowns posted from last week or older =P

Let's get this song to #1. Partyon from All Amanda All The Time has an excellent list of e-mail addresses from radio stations across Canada where you can request her song. How well the single does here will affect where she releases it elsewhere, and how well it will do. So go request if you have the time, whenever you think of it ;)

Friday, October 19, 2001

Much More Music in Canada caught up with Amanda during the shooting of the video for "Everybody's Got A Story". PartyOn (gotta love ya dawg!) got it on tape and was awesome enough to write out a transcript of the whole thing. It's right here on her site.

She also recently talked to someone at the radio station and got some info on who produced the single...Amanda, Billy Mann, and some mystery dude we *think* is named Molecule. A source at her official message board let us know that the album was produced by Billy Mann and Peter Asher. I imagine it was also co-produced by Amanda.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Well, if you don't know yet, is looking different these days. There's a teaser site up with a new message from the Queen of Curly herself, and a place where you can send in a photo of yourself for the redesigning of the site. The brand new will launch early November.

I did the guitar tab for the acoustic intro to "Everybody's Got A Story", then forgot to put it up on the site, so here it is lol the rest will be up shortly. Me and PartyOnWayne from "All Amanda All The Time" are kind of collectively working on it. It's a collabo, know what i mean. eh.

Ima just shut up now and give you the link.

Click right hea mon.

Thursday, September 27th, 2001
Official name and release date!

So we have the name of Amanda's third album!!
"Everybody's Got A Story", the same name as her new single.

And the release date of Everybody's Got A Story was announced "official" yesterday. Looks like we'll be waiting a wee bit longer than we wanted, November 13th is the scheduled day for release. But hey, i have no complaints!! The video for her new single is also expected this fall.

Hear the new song
Amanda's official site has put up some good quality streams of the new single. You can find them under the news section of, or click right here to listen to them:
Windows Media high speed
or Windows Media low speed.

And click here to read the lyrics!!

Fannie Awards
Amanda has been nominated for a "Fannie", a first ever awards show for KISS 92, a radio station in Toronto. She's up for favorite Canadian female artist. Here's the full list of nomineees in the category:

Amanda Marshall
Nelly Furtado
Sarah Harmer
Sarina Paris
Sarah McLachlan
Chantal Kreviazuk
Shania Twain

It's cool Amanda's been nominated. She's gone the longest without new material in this category (that's a guess)and has the staying power to still be nominated for things, its awesome. And in other cercumstances she'd be a serious contendor. Unfortunately, the place where u vote is a pre-teen girly jewellery store. i think there'll be more votes for Nelly Furtado then the rest combined considering where the voting is, (not dissing Nelly, she's one o' my fav's) and that Amanda hasn't really been around lately, until very very recently. Her new album won't even be out until after the awards show (November 9th) But hey, all you fans in Ontario, if you're by an Ardene, show some support and go vote!

The show includes a "live concert and awards ceremony" at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. As long as they didn't have to cancel a Leafs game.

If you have any news relating to Amanda, please e-mail us =)

Newest news is on the top.

HEY HEY HEY, *special thanks to Krissy's mom for hitting record on the tape player* We have for you, Amanda's new single in RealAudio format. The file isn't too good for sound quality, because i had to record it onto my puter, then i found out mp3's dont work on angelfire, so i had to put it in RealAudio....but it still sounds AWESOME, cuz hey, its Amanda Marshall.
Click to hear >>> Everybody's Got A Story<<<<
Note - since we've been added to Amanda's official site, we had to take down any full-length songs ;)

Sunday September 9, 2001

We have a name for Amanda's new single, "Everybody's got a story", should be hitting the airwaves approximately the 18th of September, and the album around October 30th. We're working on finding out the name of the album, thru our secret sources. aheheheh NOT. We should know the name in a few weeks tho. Aint this great?? Can't wait to hear the new sounds.

Saturday May 19, 2001

Well it seems Amanda has gotten a little restless in the downtime between albums and tours. Now we must point out that this is unconfirmed, but we do believe the photo speaks for itself. It appears that Amanda Marshall, has now joined with the ranks of the rock n' roll force known as KISS. We believe she has probably taken the spot of backup vocals. Though she may have actually replaced Gene Simmons, who is rumoured to have been having difficulties with his fellow bandmates. This photo was taken in Michighan last Friday, after the band's first show, on their 2001 world tour.

Wednesday February 7, 2001

FINALLY some actual news about Amanda. I caught the end of a Jeff Healey interview yesterday on Vicki Gabereau. Naturally she asked about Amanda and this is what he had to say, from what i remember: "She's doing well, I believe she's about to embark on another album, so we eagerly wait for that..." And then he did a song and ugh he's so good, but anyways, I dunno what she's been doing all this time, maybe taking time off, or writing or sumtin. My guess is he meant she's about to go record it. So cross ya fingers y'all!!

Tuesday December 5, 2000

Found something kinda cool just now. Amanda is on the top 200 albums of 1999 twice! Her first album was #192. BUT Tuesday's Child was #32!!! Way to go Amanda!!! Soundscan is like, well they keep track of the quantity of albums sold across...North America i believe. She beat out Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Eminem, Limp, and OLP to name a few.
Here's the list:

Thursday November 23

Our new site is finally up!! *YAY*
So anyways, um, not much for news yet.

But we just found out that Sony has released a compilation called "Sisters." And our sister is on it. The last track is a live version of Birmingham, definately worth checking out. Other artists include Celine, Chantal, Destiny's Child and Roberta Michele (who opened for Amanda this year on the Canadian tour).

Thursday October 12/2000

CTV is airing a one hour special on Amanda on Saturday, October 14th at 9pm. Here's what it said on

"Taped in front of a live audience at the Opera House in Toronto, will feature Amanda in concert singing her hit songs; interview footage; on location footage of her worldwide tour; interviews with family in her home-town of Scarborough, Ontario. "

Saturday September 2/2000

- First tidbit of news, it appears Amanda's song Ride, will be featured on "The Replacements" movie soundtrack. No word on a track listing yet, but you can expect to see it in stores around September 19th. Remember, you heard it here first, unlike some official sites (no names mentioned) *Cough*SONY*Cough*, which probably won't mention this at all.

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