Sponsoring Information

Sponsoring an event with Carolina Championship Wrestling is an affordable way to advertise your business or organization. Let people know what you have to offer without breaking the bank.

$30.00 Level-Sponsor receives formal recognition from the ring announcer at the event, three (3) tickets to the event, and a quarter page ad in the event program.

$50.00 Level-Sponsor receives formal recognition from the ring announcer at the event, five (5) tickets to the event, a half page ad in the event program, an ad on the event flyers, small ads on the Carolina Championship Wrestling website (http://ccwprowrestling.com), and a banner can be displayed on the stage/walls or outer areas(Sponsor must provide banner)

$100.00 Level-Sponsor receives formal recognition from the ring announcer at the event, ten (10) tickets to the event, a full page ad in the event program, an ad on the event flyers, large ads on the Carolina Championship Wrestling website (http://ccwprowrestling.com),and a banner may be displayed on the ring (sponsor must provide banner)

If interested in sponsoring a CCW event contact Jason Hutto at (803)955-4219 or email at huttodolawhite@rock.com