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1. Applying- To apply, click on "Join" and fill out the required information. Do not roleplay until you have received a confirmation e-mail from Prez Cannibal. If accepted, you will be added to the roster and a small announcement will be made. Also, we promote originality and creativity in MFTWF, so we do not accept real characters. Only original characters are accepted. Being original goes way beyond just your name. If you have an original name, but you're music is Limp Bizkit and your moves are a chokeslam and the Last Ride, you will not be accepted. Music should relate to your character; don't choose music just because it's 'cool'. Choose your moves wisely; be original, and do not rip off a real wrestler in any aspect of your character. Keep your wrestler's size within reason, as well. A 7'5 wrestler is a bit extreme. Be practical. At the moment as the MFTWF is new no sample roleplay will be required.

2. Contracts- MFTWF does not feel that you should be bound by a formal contract. We understand that your personal life takes priority, and therefore you cannot be excepted to be around reliably for long periods of time. However, we rely heavily on verbal agreements, and expect you to honour them. If you agree to roleplay for a big match, and then don't show up, you should not have agreed in the first place, and you will more than likely be fired.

3. Content- You'll have to be one sick bastard to offend Prez Cannibal or Commissioner Double J. They don't give a damn about swearing, racism, violence, drug abuse, sexism, sizism or basically anything, apart from child porn. We're talking about you now Ryan. Do not use catchphrases that are used by real wrestlers, especially if they're from a shithole like the WWE. However if you're intelligent enough to steal a catchphrase from a guy from your local indy fed and I don't catch on then a big pat on the back for you outmsarting me. This will be accepted. Also, don't use other wrestlers in your roleplays without their permission. If you do, you may be punished.

4. Roleplays- Roleplays have no length minimum or maximum. However, a 10 line roleplay usually won't get the job done. Make roleplays long enough to get the point across. However, if a roleplay becomes too lengthy, it becomes boring and tedious, and will not be enjoyed. Find a happy medium. Roleplay as often or as little as you want, you will only hurt yourself; but do not fall off the face of the earth. If you need time off, e-mail Prez Cannibal to inform him, and you will be written out of the storylines. Failure to notify the staff upon leaving could leave you subject to firing. Also, do not roleplay too often. . . After three roleplays a day, you lose originality, and become more of a nuisance than anything and I may have to kill you.

5. Storylines (Creative Input)- Prez Cannibal likes to think the MFTWF is an angle-based fed, and he enjoys creating exciting, intricate, funny and completely unrealistic storylines to keep MFTWF interesting. He is always open to suggestions. While your ideas might not be used, you never need to hesitate to pitch ideas. Storylines are considered when choosing winners, but roleplays dictate winners more than anything. Storylines help keep things fun, but if you are not satisfied with your opponent or the angle, let the staff know so it can be changed.

6. Winners and Losers- Winners and losers of matches are based on involvement and quality of roleplays. On occasion, a winner might be decided with consideration of a storyline, but if this contradicts the quality of the role-playing. Nobody wins 'em all, apart from maybe Prez Cannibal on one of his bias streaks before he's taken down by Commish Double J. Don't apply if you will quit after one loss. Title belts change hands on a stricter scale. In the MFTWF, the champions have an advantage as they do in real life. If roleplays come out dead even, the champion will retain. A World Title win is also usually earned only at Pay-Per-Views, as long-term commitment is considered in choosing a world champion.

7. Quitting- If you lose interest in MFTWF or cannot continue, please let Prez Cannibal know at least one week in advance. This gives him the opportunity to write you out of the storylines. If you leave without prior notice, your character will be considered free to use as the staff sees fit. Please leave us some notice.