Continental Wrestling Federation

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Continental Wrestling Federation April - May 1988 (2:30 hours, Excellent/Very Good Quality)
Gordon Solie and Charlie Platt intro show.  Kimberly (Dirty White Girl) comes out with a "black eye" and is looking for Tom Prichard.  Claims DWB hit her.
Paid Advertisement by Robert Fuller, who is upset with Dutch Mantell and vows revenge.
Dutch Mantell vs. The Red Devil - Interview follows. Detroit Demolition (Randy Culley) attacks Mantell and he is joined by Robert Fuller, who is dressed as Lord Humongous.
Danny Davis, Southern Boys promos
Bill Kazmaier & Tom Owens interview - Kimberly interrupts and ask that Tom Prichard come out again. Prichard comes out and is attacked by Tony Anthony who hangs him with a hangman's noose. Wild Angle! Classic!
Wendell Cooley/Danny Davis vs. Mark Young/The Grappler (Not Len Denton)
Gordon Solie interviews Eddie Gilbert - Gordon wants to air footage of Gilbert vs. Lawler, but the tape can't be found.
Tony Anthony/Kimberly interview - Gordon refuses to talk to them.
Southern Boys vs. D.I. Bob Carter/Detroit Demolition - Continental Tag Titles
Davis & Southern Boys interview about Prichard-Anthony altercation.
Downtown Bruno (Harvey Whippleman) and Lord Humongous (Sid Vicious) interview - Bruno tries to recruit Detroit Demolition and have him team with Lord Humongous.
4/30/1988 - Special Edition show Recap of everything going on in Continental from the Stud Stable break-up and Dutch Mantell's face turn, Tony Anthony - Tom Prichard problems, and Eddie Gilbert's arrival.
Jack Curtis announces the promotion's name change to "Continental Wrestling Federation", recognizes the AWA Champion Curt Hennig as the "World" champion and all titles are ruled vacant (exceptions being the tag titles and the U.S. Jr. title). New champ to be determined in a tournament.
Danny Davis & Southern Boys Promo
Tom Prichard interview
Missy Hyatt video segment - They don't show her face, to keep all fans in suspense.
Jerry Lawler music video - "The Warrior" by Scandal - WOO HOO!!!
Downtown Bruno, Lord Humongous & Detroit Demolition promo - Tony Anthony tries to get some air time.
Eddie Gilbert interview - They find the Eddie Gilbert - Jerry Lawler confrontation from Memphis. 5/7/1988
Jack Curtis announces the title tournament being named "The Road to Birmingham". Dutch Mantell comes out and relinquishes the old Continental title.  He also announces a loser leaves Continental for 1 year match between Robert Fuller and Dutch Mantell.
Robert Fuller comments during his pre-paid announcement
The D.I. Bob Carter vs. Mark Young
Austin Idol music video
The D.I. brings out Mark Young and demands that Young join a new group he's forming the "Honor Guard". Dutch Mantell & ref Ed Faulk promos
Alan Martin & Downtown promo
Footage of Alan Martin as a referee for a match between Wendell Cooley and Lord Humongous (Sid Vicious)
Interview w/ Ed Faulk - He's attacked by Alan Martin & Downtown Bruno
Tom Prichard interview
Paul E. Dangerously bursts onto the set and announces that he and Eddie have formed an alliance.
Eddie Gilbert vs. The Grappler (Not Len Denton!)
Tom Prichard & Tony Anthony promos

Continental Wrestling Federation May 1988
(2:30 hours, Excellent/Very Good Quality)  
Great, Great, Great tape! Has a reallly good tag match between the Nightmares and the Southern Boys, Eddie Gilbert wrecking havoc throughout including the angle involving John Gilliam (who gets mentioned on one of the UWF tapes!) and the debut of Shane Douglas on Continental TV.  Tons more!
The Nightmares (Dan Davis/Ken Wayne) interviewed by Gordon Solie.
Mark Young tells D.I. Carter that if he can't beat Tony Anthony, he'll join the Honor Guard.
Alan Martin vs. Dutch Mantell - Lord Humongous, Detroit Demolition, Bill Kazmaier and Danny Davis involved.
Downtown Bruno, Alan Martin, Lord Humongous & Detroit Demolition promo
Missy Hyatt video - same one
The Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong/Tracey Smothers) vs. The Nightmares (Dan Davis/Ken Wayne) - Continental Tag Team Title match - Wayne & Davis argue - Real good tag match
Tony Anthony vs. Mark Young - D.I. Bob Carter watches on.
Tom Prichard, Danny Davis promos
Paul E. Dangerously & Eddie Gilbert interview
"Hot Stuff" video - Same as the one from the UWF
Missy Hyatt is introduced as the new co-host for Continental TV.
Missy interviews Jerry Lawler & Curt Hennig in Memphis. The night Lawler wins the AWA title
Austin Idol interview
Danny Davis vs. Rikki Nelson - Originally scheduled to be a match between Ken Wayne and Nelson for the U.S. Jr. Title, but Wayne no-shows…
Downtown Bruno & Paul E. Dangerously promos
Downtown Bruno, Lord Humongous, Alan Martin & Detroit Demolition interview
Tom Prichard vs. The Destroyer
Southern Boys interview and the debut of Shane Douglas.  Danny Davis runs in and tells everyone that Prichard-Anthony are going at it again.  Wild brawl between Prichard and Anthony. Anthony knocks Prichard out with a beer bottle.
Missy interviews Eddie Gilbert & Paul E.
Charlie Platt resumes his interview with Shane Douglas, but he's interrupted by Gilbert & Paul E.  Lord Humongous comes out and sides with Douglas. Downtown Bruno's surprised.
D.I. Bob Carter orders Alan Martin to shave Mark Young's hair. He re-names Young, "Private Pyle". 
Danny Davis, Tracey Smothers promos
The Southern Boys vs. D.I. Bob Carter/??? (I have no idea who the guy is…It sounds like he's saying the "Mississippi Hoo Doo Man," but I'm not sure!)  - Continental Tag Team Titles - No finish.
Paul E. offers Austin Idol $50,000 to be Eddie Gilbert's bodyguard. Idol refuses.
Jack Curtis announces that the CWF Title tournament is open and also states that he'll just let Anthony-Prichard go at it.
Southern Boys vs. D.I. Bob Carter/???  - finish of the match.
Danny Davis interview
Recap of Prichard - Anthony brawl
Prichard & Davis promos
Willie B. Hert promo - Hert is known worldwide as Pistol Pez Whatley…
Lord Humongous/Detroit Demolition vs. Shane Douglas/Rikki Nelson
Eddie Gilbert & Paul E. Dangerously come out and offer $10,000 to anyone in the audience who can pin Eddie Gilbert.  They pick a skinny guy (John Gilliam) and beat him up. Austin Idol makes save. CLASSIC!!!!
Austin Idol interview
Danny Davis vs. Private Pyle
D.I. Bob Carter and Paul E. Dangerously promos.
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