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bNg PAIN - 3/12

**Clips are shown from last week's PAIN including the Wedding, The Blood N Bonez Brawl, crowning Alternativ the new Blood N Bonez Champion, Megahurtz coming back taking out the Death Valley Bros setting up tonight's return Buried Alive Match, The crowning of a new Extreme Champion, Scott Rock, and the main event, Big Rob and Mike McFly**

Before the PAIN video can hit the cameras go into the arena where "I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio hits as Aaron comes out on stage in his wheelchair!

Hardcore Harry - Well we have no clue what this is about, but I'm sure it's going to be very interesting!

Aaron wheels himself down to the ring, followed by his security, as they help him into the ring and then he begins to talk...

Aaron Tuenge - Hello everybody and welcome to PAIN, I have an announcement to make about later on tonight, we have a match scheduled for later. That announcement is about a certain match between Megahurtz and The Death Valley Brothers! Now it is billed as a Buried Alive Matchup, but in fact, this match will be more than just a Buried Alive Match!

Suicidal Sam - Please Aaron, make it be something good!

Aaron Tuenge - You see, I have thought about it, and why have just a Buried Alive Match, when the Cemetary down the road could host it!

**Fans Pop**

Aaron Tuenge - So Megahurtz and Death Valley Bros, I suggest you get down there, because there is an open grave just waiting for you guys, and it will be No DQ! So make sure that at least one man doesn't make it back to the arena! And everyone be sure to stick around for the Pink Slip Parade!

Suicidal Sam - Oh god! Harry, one of us might be fired!

Hardcore Harry - Hopefully not, but anything is possible!

**"Bloodline" - Slayer, hits along with the bNg PAIN Entrance Video showing clips from past PAINs and current bNg Superstars executing moves, throwing punches, included in memorable moments etc. The Video Plays out and then the cameras go back into the arena where "Ratamahatta" - Sepultra hits on the PA as Beast comes out to the ring! He walks down to the ring looking very deranged, he gets in the ring and walks around the ring as "Voodoo" - Godsmack, hits as Jay Buzz comes down to the ring! Jay jogs down to the ring and then gets in the ring and taunts around as the bell rings...

Beast Vs Jay Buzz - bNg Flyghtweight Title Tournament

Beast starts off running and clotheslining Jay down to the mat, then Beast drops a knee into Jay's chest and then Beast goes for a cover but Jay kicks out at 1. Beast then picks up Jay and whips him to the ropes, on the way back however, Beast throws up his arm for a clothesline but Jay baseball slides between Beasts legs! Jay then drops kicks Beast in the back sending him over the top rope onto the outside!

Hardcore Harry - Things are starting to heat up!

Jay then climbs to the top turnbuckle and dives off at Beast with a clothesline, but Beast moves and Jay goes face first into the cold hard concrete!

Suicidal Sam - I bet that one hurt!

Beast then picks up Jay and rams him right into the steel ring post! Jay falls down and is throbbing with pain, Beast then picks him up and rolls him back into the ring! Beast then picks up Jay and gives him the Roll of the Dice! Jay falls down to the mat as Beast goes for a quick cover 1...........2.........kickout!

Hardcore Harry - God! So close!

Beast then picks up Jay and tries to kick him in the gut but Jay catches his foot and gives him a Dragon Screw! Beast then quickly gets up and goes for a spear, but Jay knees him in the face! Jay then DDTs him down to the mat! Jay then goes off with the FADING LIGHT! But Beast moves quickly and Jay goes right into the mat!

Hardcore Harry - That was a beautiful move, too bad he didn't connect!

Beast then picks up Jay and then whips him to the ropes and hits the BEAST INFECTION! The Beast then slowly gets up and then walks over to Jay and pins him 1..............2..................3!

Winner - Beast

Aftermath - Jay Buzz gets up looking really pissed off! He goes to the outside as Beast is walking up the ramp and he nails Beast in the back of the head with a chair! Beast then falls down face forward as Jay continues his assault on him with the chair!

Suicidal Sam - Jay Buzz is a sore loser! But that doesn't help, because Beast will be going on to the second round of this tournament to face the winner of our next match!

Backstage - Bam Sieren is with Chairshot Charlie....

Chairshot Charlie - Bam, later on tonight, you face JasonBlade in your return match to bNg! What are your thoughts about this!? Are you nervous!?

Bam Sieren - My thoughts are this is going to be a good match, i've seen his work, he's a good young talent, but he's never ever faced anyone like the SHOOTER! As far as being nervous, do you know who the hell you're talking to!? Bam Sieren, The SHOOTER, the Stinging Shot, The...yeah you get the point has never been nervous in his life when facing someone! And the only advice I have for JasonBlade is say your fuckin prayers! And that's a shoot!

Hardcore Harry - Chrsiten The Killer and Slaughter! That is next, but at the top of the hour, Aaron will be conducting the Pink Slip Parade, so be sure to come back and check that out!

Backstage - Slaughter and Christen The Killer are shown walking to the ring for the next match...

**Commercial Break** Backstage - LAURA is in Aaron Tuenge's office...

Laura - Well I'm Back! That's why I'm here!

Aaron Tuenge - And I would care because....

Laura - Because I'm Laura the most dominant female athlete here in bNg!

Aaron Tuenge - Well last time I checked, that spot belongs to the Women's Champion, Ashley

Laura - That bitch!?

Aaron Tuenge - Yeah....

Laura - Give me her for next week on PAIN and I'll prove to you that I'm back and that I AM the Most Dominant Female here in bNg!

Aaron Tuenge - Ok Whatever, Just please, I'm a little busy...

Laura then leaves as the camera rolls back to the arena...

Hardcore Harry - Well I guess it's Laura and Ashley next week on PAIN!

"Seek & Destroy" - Metallica is playing as Christen The Killer is already in the ring warming up as the show comes back from the Commercial Break as the lights go out and The Friday The 13th theme hits as Slaughter walks down to the ring with a chainsaw! Slaughter gets in the ring as Christen bails to the outside as Slaughter aims the chainsaw at him as the ref begs with Slaughter to get rid of the chainsaw, finnaly Slaughter drops it as the bell rings....

Christen The Killer Vs Slaughter - bNg Flyghtweight Title Tournament

Christen slides back in the ring and school boys Slaughter 1..............2............. kickout! Slaughter kicks out and then gets to his feet as Christen looks scared and backs up! Slaughter then grabs him by his singlet and then whips him to the ropes! Slaughter then on the way back gives Christen a double handed chokeslam! He slams him down to the mat as Christen lays there looking like he's dead as Slaughter covers him, put putting his foot on his chest as the ref counts 1........................2..........................3!

Winner - Slaughter

Hardcore Harry - That was fast! And here comes Steel!

Aftermath - Steel comes out on to the stage and starts walking down to the ring as "I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio hits as Aaron comes wheeling himself out onto the stage with a mic in hand as he begins to talk....

Aaron Tuenge - Well well well, look what we have here! Well it seems a challenge has been laid out from Steel to Slaughter! Well I have an announcement to make! Next week on PAIN it will be Steel Vs Slaughter in a return Noose Match! But on the next week on PAIN it will be also Steel Vs Slaughter in a Tables Ladders and Chairs Match! But at Platinumb in the end of the 3 Match Mayhem, it will be Steel Vs Slaughter in yet another Hell's Title Match in a JAPENESE DEATH MATCH!

Serial Steve - YESSSSS!

**Fans Pop**

Aaron Tuenge - Also next week on PAIN Serial Steve, Stevie Slam will RETURN and face off against Apocalypse one on one!

Hardcore Harry - Serial Steve!?

"I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio, hits again as Aaron then wheels himself backstage as Steel walks up the ramp showing off his title as Slaughter just gives him a dead stare as the lights go off and the Friday The 13th Theme hits as the show goes to a commercial break...

**Commercial Break**

As the show comes back from the break Apocalypse and Dysfunction, the Unholy Union are walking down to the ring to "Scum of the Earth" by Rob Zombie carying their Tag Team Title belts. They get in the ring as Apocalypse grabs the mic from the ring announcer very rudely and starts to talk...

Apocalypse - What a fuckin joke! Aaron come on man, we left you because you were fuckin stupid, but it was never like this! Serial Steve!? What a fuckin joke man! That kid got his ass whooped when he crossed paths with me the first time and he's gonna get it again!

Hardcore Harry - Well fans it seems that Apocalypse is gettin a little cocky!

Suicidal Sam - If I can quote Kid Rock, it's not cocky if you back it up!

Apocalypse - So Aaron, is this some kind of punishment? Because all you're doing is pretty much giving me the damn night off! Hell even....

"I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio, hits on the PA as Aaron comes yet again wheeling himself out on stage with a mic in hand...

Aaron Tuenge - Punishment!? Apoc come on! That isn't a punishment for you my friend oh no! I know you have beat Serial Steve before, but he is stronger, faster and a better wrestler now! But a punishment!? Oh no! First off, Apoc, you are going to need a fuckin warm up match, because I am almost 100% ready for Platinumb! And, if you want a punishment my friend, you will defend that Gold against the hottest bNg Tag Team right now! No, that team isn't the Unholy Union, the A-Team or whatever you call your sorry asses now, next week you are going to defend those pretty little titles against DEATH AND GRIM REAPER, THE DEATH VALLEY BROS!

**Fans Pop**

Apocalypse and Dysfunction pace around the ring nervously...

Aaron Tuenge - And this match will come right after Apocalypse faces off against Stevie Slam!

Apocalypse throws his title and the mic down as "I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio hits as Aaron wheels himself to the back as the fans are still excited about this news...

Suicidal Sam - Wow! Next week's PAIN is already shaping up! Could the Death Valley Brothers be the ones who finnaly dethrown The Unholy Union!?

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" - CKY hits on the PA as the fans erupt with boos as Knoxville and Alexia walk out onto the stage, Knoxville looks very pissed off as he walks down to the ring as a replay plays of when Knoxville lost the Extreme Title last week on PAIN to Scott Rock. Knoxville is then shown in the ring when the camera rolls back into the arena then...."Glass Shatters" - Disturbed hits as The bNg Extreme Champion comes down to the ring to a small pop, he then gets in the ring as the bell rings....

Knoxville Vs Scott Rock (c) - bNg Extreme Title

Knoxville and Scott tie up as Big Rob comes from out of the crowd and decks the referee! Big Rob then double clotheslines both men and then he picks up Scott Rock and gives him a Bad Bomb! Big Rob then wakes up the referee and throws Knoxville on top of Scott Rock as the ref starts to get up as he sees Knoxville covering Scott...........1...................2......................3!

Winner and NEW bNg Extreme Champion - Knoxville

Suicidal Sam - What the hell is this!? Rob you screwed me over!

Hardcore Harry - No Sam, see it's deeper than that...

Big Rob then grabs a mic....

Big Rob - Knoxville, you are one lucky motherfucker! See, the only reason I helped you win tonight, was because at Platinumb 2, Big Rob will be the next bNg Extreme Champion!

Hardcore Harry - See I told you!

Big Rob - But first, tonight, you will be one lucky motherfucker if you get out of here walkin!

Rob then drops the mic and then gives Knoxville a Bad Bomb!

Hardcore Harry - God!

Rob then looks around at the fans and then "Without Me" - Eminem, hits but Big Rob throws down the Extreme Title and then he kicks Knoxville in the gut and gives him a Bad Bomb on top of it!

Suicidal Sam - He's going to kill Knoxville!

Rob then goes to the outside and grabs a table and throws it in the ring as the fans start chanting "Tables" as he sets it up and gives him ANOTHER Bad Bomb through the table! Big Rob then poses with the Extreme Title as he then leaves the ring as the fans are going crazy and Alexia gets in the ring and helps out Knoxville!

Suicidal Sam - That's the best thing i've seen all night ladies and gentlemen!

Hardcore Harry - Hah, well up next we have Bam Sieren's return to the bNg ring against JasonBlade! Be sure to come right back!


Hardcore Harry - Ladies and Gentlemen.... I'm sorry about that long break, but we have just received word that Mike McFly was involved in a serious car crash while driving to the arena, we don't know what kind of shape he's in or when he'll be better, or even if he will be better, but he has been taken to St. Valentines Hospital here, and we will get an update on his condition later on in the show...

Suicidal Sam - If I can go out of character here, I hope Mike McFly gets better soon, because he is one of the most talented superstars here in bNg right now.

Hardcore Harry - But one has to ask if this will effect Platinumb 2, seeing as he would of maybe finnaly realized his dream in becoming the bNg Universal Champion...

Suicidal Sam - I have no clue, but I hope to god he will be better soon...

Backstage - Ashley is backstage getting some coffee when suddenly the bNg Blood N' Bonez Champion, Alternativ comes up...

Alternativ - NEWSFLASH! Ashley and Jason Ceno marry last week on PAIN, It's a proven fact that Jason Ceno has no testicles and that Ashley has been sleeping around! This and more, tonight at 10!

Ashley - What the hell are you talking about!?

Alternativ - What's up baby, I heard you've been checkin the Alt Man out! And I must say...

Just then Ashley slaps him hard and walks off leaving Alt grinning and his face red...

Hardcore Harry - What was that all about!?

Suicidal Sam - I'm not sure, but Alternativ is going to get himself in a world of hurt if he acts like that!

"The Snakes Rattle" - JasonBlade, hits on the PA as JasonBlade comes down to the ring to a huge pop! He gets in the ring and taunts around for awhile as "Boiler" - Limp Bizkit, hits as Bam Sieren comes out to a HUGE ovation! He struts down to the ring and then gets in the ring and laughs at JasonBlade and then the bell rings...

JasonBlade Vs Bam Sieren

They lock up as Jason drop toe holds Bam to the mat first off. Jason then rolls over and applies the STF! Bam struggles and then gets his foot free and then starts to stand up but Jason plows him back down keeping the hold locked on!

Hardcore Harry - God!

Jason then keeps it locked on as Bam stands up again and then he elbows Jason in the gut 3 or 4 times and then gives him a spinning heel kick knocking Jason down! Bam then goes down with him and starts nailing him with mounted punches and then he picks him up by his hair and throws him into the turnbuckle and runs at him and nails him with a back elbow! Bam then backs up and charges at him again but Jason moves and Bam goes sailing right into the turnbuckle! Jason then goes behind him and gives him and electric chair drop! Jason then rolls up Bam for a pin 1.............2............kickout! Bam then rolls out of it and tries to get up but Jason beats him to the chase and starts stomping the hell out of him! Jason then kicks him some more, but Bam reverses and tackles him down to the ground! Bam then locks in the sharpshooter as Jason fleas to get to the ropes, Jason finnaly reaches the ropes and then Bam lets go of the hold! Bam then waits for Jason to get up and then he punches him in the face 4 or 5 times and then he clotheslines him down to the mat!

Hardcore Harry - There is some good back and forth action!

Suicidal Sam - Yeah, someone get some fuckin weapons! I'm about fallin asleep here!

Bam then picks up Jason and then tries to whip him, but Jason reverses and Bam goes flying to the ropes! Jason then gives Bam a hurricanrona down to the mat and then Bam rolls under the bottom rope and goes to the outside to catch his breath and then he paces around the outside, the then grabs a chair and tries to get in the ring, but Badass Ben B comes running down the ring with a bat! As the ref is warning Bam not to get in the ring, Badass Ben B slugs Jason across the face with the bat!

Hardcore Harry - What the hell is going on here!?

Badass Ben B then slides out of the ring, but it's too late! The ref sees it and then he calls for the bell!

Winner by DQ - JasonBlade (OOC : Good Job Guys, Great RPing!)

Badass Ben B then argues with the ref as Bam gets back in the ring with his chair and Badass Ben B smiles at him like he was helping him out and it was planned. Bam gives him a awkward stare and then he nails Badass Ben B with the chair!

Suicidal Sam - Bam just nailed Badass Ben B!!!

Bam then helps up JasonBlade and shakes his hand as Bam starts going after Badass Ben B again with the chair as "The Snakes Rattle" - JasonBlade hits again as Jason walks up the ramp very exhaustingly!

Hardcore Harry - Badass Ben B must be still a sore loser from last week's Table Match!

Backstage - Jason and Ashley are in their lockeroom

Ashley - And then he said what's up baby! Oh my god!

Jason - Alright, i've heard enough from this guy, let's go to Aaron's office....

Suicidal Sam - My god! What's going to happen to Alternativ!?

**Commercial Break**

Backstage - In Aaron's office...

Aaron (on the phone) - Yeah, I just can't believe that! I hope he's ok, I'll go check on McFly after the show is over. Yeah. Yeah don't worry I got someone to fill his spot already! Oh yeah it's going to be a good match! TD and him! Yeah that's right! I've already talked to him and everything about it, but the beautiful thing is, TD doesn't know who it is yet! Uh huh! Yeah he'll come out in the main event! Aha!

Someone Knocks on the Door

Aaron (on the phone) - God damnet! Hold on

Aaron - Come in!

Jason and Ashley walk in the door...

Aaron - What do you want!?

Jason - Sir, I'll make it quick, I take it you saw what Alternativ did to my girl Ash earlier tonight!?

Aaron - Yeah I saw it, what about it!?

Jason - Well, I was wondering, do you think I can face that son of a bitch at Platinumb!?

Aaron (On The Phone) - Yes yes yes, just hold on one second...

Aaron - Well, the way I see it, it's not really your problem now is it!? Now I applaud you for sticking up for you wife and all, but you know what, I have something a little more interesting, how about she fights her own battle! Oh yeah! Ashley Vs Alternativ, with the bNg Blood N Bonez Title on the line at Platinumb 2!

**Fans Pop**

Hardcore Harry - My God!

Ashley and Jason look shocked...

Aaron - Now please get the hell out of my office!

Jason - Well whatever....damn lets get out of here....

Jason and Ashley leave...

Aaron (On The Phone) - Oh yeah, it's going to be big! But hey, I got to go, I have some pink slips to hand out, yeah, I'll call you later about this, bye...

Aaron then hangs up the phone and wheels himself out his door with a clip board...

**Commercial Break**

When the show comes back from the commercial break ALL of the roster is on the outside of the ring as Aaron is in the ring with a clipboard, "I'm In Love With Mary Jane" - Coolio, cuts as Aaron clears his throat and begins to speak...

Aaron Tuenge - Hello and everybody welcome to the first annual PINK SLIP PARADE! Tonight many names will be cleared from the bNg roster... first off tonight we are going to fire a virtually unknown here in bNg, ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you ANCIENT!

Ancient looks pissed off as he gets in the ring as Aaron hands him a pink slip....Then security takes him and hauls him out of the arena!

Hardcore Harry - Well I guess that isn't a crushing blow to bNg...

Aaron Tuenge - For our second contestant, well, actually there are two people here, a couple, and it's so sad to see them go, but BOO HOO HOO! The next two people are the darkest couple in bNg nowadays, DARK ANGEL AND ELVIRA!!!!

Suicidal Sam - There we go! Here's someone we know!

Dark Angel and Elvira get in the ring as Elvira is crying as Aaron grins happily as he hands them both pink slips... then security escorts them out of the arena!

Aaron Tuenge - For our next two people, yet another couple, but yet another unknown, only having one match each here in bNg, Havoc and Ashley McMahon!

Ashley and Havoc both get in the ring and grab their pink slips...

Aaron Tuenge - And Ashley, tell your dad he can KISS MY ASS!

**The Crowd Pops**

Hardcore Harry - Haha

Aaron Tuenge - Now, next person on the list, this girl has repeately showed up for shows late and everything! She has really got on my nerves and for this, she is now FIRED! Alicia get in here and get out!

Hardcore Harry - There's alot of women talent getting fired tonight!

Security grabs Alicia and takes her from the ring and up the stage!

Aaron Tuenge - Now for our second to last firing, I know this is going by so quick! But I'm enjoying every minute of it! Now everyone give a big round of boos for Martin Styles!

Suicidal Sam - Aha!

Martin Styles gets in the ring and gives Aaron a weird look and then he leaves the ring as the fellow bNg superstars make fun of him...

Aaron Tuenge - And now for our last man....................................................................SCOTT ROCK!

Suicidal Sam - This has to be the worst night of Scott Rock's life!

Hardcore Harry - That's for sure!

**Crowd Pops**

Scott Rock gets in the ring as Security escorts him out after he grabs his pink slip....

Aaron Tuenge - Well that's all my friends, but up next we have something great, A BURIED ALIVE MATCH IN A GRAVEYARD!

**Crowd Pops**

Hardcore Harry - Be sure to come right back!

**Commercial Break**

Hardcore Harry - Welcome back to PAIN! I hear our camera men are set up around the graveyard and we are ready for the Buried Alive Match!

Suicidal Sam - Well it's about damn time! I've waited since I2D!

Megahurtz Vs Death & Grim Reaper - Handicap GRAVEYARD Buried Alive Match

The camera then rolls to the graveyard where Death and Grim Reaper are carying shovels looking for Megahurtz, then suddenly Megahurtz runs from behind them with a big rose vase that he obviously found on the ground and he cracks it over Death's head! Death falls down and then Grim turns around and swings his shovel at Megahurtz but he ducks and then jacks him in the face!

Hardcore Harry - Megahurtz is fighting back!

Megahurtz then tries to take the shovel away from Grim, but Death gets up and nails him in the back of the head with the shovel! Megahurts falls down face first into the soil as Grim and Death both stomp the hell out of him and then they pick him up and both grab at his throat! They then double chokeslam him down to the hard ground!

Hardcore Harry - Damn! I already have a bad feeling about this match!

Megahurtz then slowly gets up as Grim throws a boot at him but Megahurtz moves and grabs his leg and takes him down! Megahurtz then dives and spears Death! Megahurtz then takes the shovel from Grim Reaper and gets up and brings it down at Death's head, but Death rolls out of the way! Megahurtz then throws the shovel and picks up Death and Grim Reaper at the same time and grabs them by their hair and tries to smack their heads together but they resist it and they try to fight back but Megahurtz knees them both in the gut and then he smacks their faces into eachother! Death and Grim Reaper then fall to the ground! Megahurtz then gets on top of a tombstone and then goes off and nails Grim with an elbow drop! In this time Death gets up and walks away from the camera....

Suicidal Sam - Follow him! I have to see every bit of this match!

Megahurtz then slowly starts to get back up and then he looks for the shovel as Death comes back on the screen, Megahurtz bends over to get the shovel as Death has a TOMBSTONE in his hands! Luckily for Megahurtz, he turns around just in time and nails Death in the gut making him drop it! Megahurtz then gives Death a Stunner!

Hardcore Harry - Megahurtz is surely putting up a fight here!

Grim Reaper however gets up as Megahurtz is draggin Death over to the empty grave and then he almost throws him into it, but Grim Reaper comes from behind him and NAILS him in the back of the head with the Tombstone and Megahurtz falls in! Grim Reaper then helps up Death and they get shovels and starts piling dirt on top of him!

Winners - Death and Grim Reaper

Suicidal Sam - My God! Megahurtz HAS to have a concussion!

Hardcore Harry - That's cold hard stone!

Then out of nowhere the Unholy Union come with 2x4s and nail the DVB! They knock them down and then throw the Death Valley Bros into the grave with Megahurtz!

Hardcore Harry - My God!

Suicidal Sam - The Death Valleys are gonna whoop their ass next week! I know it!

Backstage - Chairshot Charlie is with TD Tidal Wave

Chairshot Charlie - TD, up next you are going to face The Krippler one on one, nothing new to you, you have faced off many times and haven't been friends for a long time. What are you thinking right now!?

TD Tidal Wave - Well, I heard Aaron saying my NEW Platinumb 2 opponent will be showing up in the main event, so dont' worry Aaron, i'm lookin over my shoulder at all times. As far as The Krippler, hell if I could, I would put my bNg Title on the line because I'm so sure about winning this match, It's not even funny! But Krippler, we all know about your little WASTE, but I'm going to reintroduce you to somethin I like to call the............................................WASTE! Muahahaha!

TD Tidal Wave then walks off carying his bNg Universal Title

Hardcore Harry - That match is up next!

Backstage - Vanessa is shown in James Ceno's lockeroom...

Vanessa - Well, you know how i said last week that we need to see other people, well umm. I already found someone, and I don't want any hard feelings about this guy, because he's my new man, and I think you need to respect that. You are also free to see other women...

James Ceno - Ugh..... Ok I can deal with it, just who is it....

Suddenly the door then opens as BADASS BEN B walks in the door smiling...

James Ceno - Oh god....

Suicidal Sam - Badass Ben B!

Badass Ben B - Hey Bitch, I thought of somethin, how about me and your pathetic ass next week on PAIN!?

James Ceno - What!?

Badass Ben B - You heard me, The former bNg World Heavyweight Champion, the former 2 time Extreme Champion, the Former....


Hardcore Harry - Not very wise...

Vanessa then starts to hold back Badass Ben B as he's trying to charge at James Ceno!

Suicidal Sam - James Ceno is gonna get his ass whooped if he doesn't watch his mouth!

**Commercial Break**

**A promo is shown for Platinumb 2 with "Fight Song" - By Marylin Manson in the background, the Platinumb 2 theme song**

"Can't Get The Best of Me" - Cypress Hill hits as the WCWF gM World Heavyweight Champion comes down to the ring to a moderate pop, his name is The Krippler by the way. He poses on the stage and then he comes down to the ring and taunts around as "Liberate" - Disturbed hits as the bNg Universal Champion, TD Tidal Wave comes down to the ring to a HUGE pop! He taunts around in the ring while The Krippler looks at him glaring, his music then cuts as the bell rings....

The Krippler Vs TD Tidal Wave - WCWF gM World Champion Vs bNg Universal Champion - Non Title

They tie up and TD pushes The Krippler and then he dropkicks him! The Krippler goes down and gets up fast, but TD does it again! The Krippler then gets up and backs up and then TD Tidal Wave charges at him and locks up again! The Krippler then throws him to the turnbuckle and then charges at him with a clothesline , but TD Tidal Wave ducks and then The Krippler pulls a 180 and nails TD as he goes down! The Krippler then taunts up a bit as TD Tidal Wave sneakely crawls to the apron and gets on the top turnbuckle, he then goes off with a cross body when The Krippler turns around! TD, who is still on top of the Krippler then hooks a leg and covers 1.......................2......................kickout!

Suicidal Sam - That was damn close! Is The Krippler already tired!

Hardcore Harry - He shouldn't have been taunting around!

TD then beats The Krippler to the chase and gets up first, he then bounces off the ropes and goes for a body splash, but The Krippler catches him and gives him a spinebuster! The Krippler then kicks TD Tidal Wave over to the ropes and then uses the rope as leverage and chokes out TD with his boot as the ref starts to count becuase TD grabs the rope! The Krippler lets go at four and then TD rolls under the bottom rope! TD then looks under the apron for a weapon as The Krippler bounces off the ropes and goes for a baseball slide but TD moves! TD then grabs his legs and brings him over to the turnbuckle and then racks him from the outside!

Suicidal Sam - Everytime I see that move I feel like dying! Seriously!

TD then grabs The Krippler's knee and then whips it into the turnbuckle! The Krippler then grabs at his knee after it makes a big DING! Sound after hitting the turnbuckle! The Krippler then slides back towards the center of the ring as TD crawls back in, The Krippler is tending to his knee while sitting on his ass as TD Tidal Wave dropkicks him in the face! TD then goes upstairs and taunts signaling the SPLASHDOWN!

Hardcore Harry - It's over!

TD then gets ready to go off of it, but JASONBLADE hops over the guard rail and pushes him off!

Suicidal Sam - Dont' tell me...


JasonBlade then slides in the ring and starts beating the crap out of The Krippler and TD Tidal Wave with a chair that he got from ringside!

Hardcore Harry - It's JasonBlade! JasonBlade was the man that Aaron was talking about on the phone!

Aaron then comes wheeling himself out onto the stage just looking at the action going on in the ring as Apocalypse comes from behind him and WHEELS HIM OFF THE STAGE!

Suicidal Sam - Oh My God!

Fade To Black...