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July 11, 2004

Book Bobby Starr for your show

Pictures Personally Sent in by Bobby Starr

Name or ring name:
"Playboy" Bobby Starr

E-mail Address:


228 Lbs (Ring Weight 240)

Malibu Beach Calif and is currently taking bookings out of Essex, MD

How long in the Biz:
Started with my first match in Sept of 1988 (22 Years).

Trained where or by who:
Trained in Baltimore, MD, first by pro wrestler "Bad Boy" Rikki Lawless (Jim Leon) then on to the Baltimore Monster Factory...

Past or current Promotions worked for:
Their are way to many to list on here but heres a quick list:
World Championship Wrestling (6 Years in ring including Nitro, World Wide, WCW Pro and A main stay on WCW Saturday Night)
World Wrestling Federation (WWF) Featured on Challenge, Superstars and matches for Prime Time Wrestling.
AWA (Dale Gagner's Version) & Mike Schwabbs Version of which I am the last TV champion..
MEWF - Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation (Owner Tim Burke / Dennis Wipprecht)
NWL - Owner Dick Caracofe
NWL/HOPWF - Owner John Rambo
EWF - Eastern Wrestling Federation - Owners Bad Crew
VWA - Virginia Wrestling Alliance - Owner David Leehey (Currently Out of Business)
As well as over 75 other regional promotions all the way from Wisconsin to Indiana to California and back again....

Wrestling style:
I am a classic Pro wrestler, not Lucha, not whacko, I am a professional wrestler that earns pop or heat the old fashion way...

Others include Russian Assasin , The Shaddow, The Scorpion....

Booking Cost:
TBA depending on amount of shows and distance to travel

Web sites (If any):
Homebase of WCW's Playboy Bobby Starr
Playboy Bobby Starr Photo Page 2
Official Web Site

Title Wins (if Any):
AWA World Television Champion (Still current and have title belt to defend)
3 Time MEWF Heavyweight Champion (Defeated Morgus , Honkytonk Man , Lucifer)
5 Time MEWF Tag Team Champion
6 Time Mid-Atlantic Champion
Global TV Champion
NWL Heavyweight Champion

Worked with the Biggest Names in the sport:
For a list contact me, after 7 years in WCW and a total of 5 on and off for the WWF their has been many of them as well as headlining many indy shows with people like Road Warrior Hawk, Honkytonk Man, Barry Horowitz, Doink , as well as many many others....

Favorite type of match:
Normal singles match that is about 15 to 18

Finisher (explain how it is performed):
I use several different ones depending on what people are using on shows I don't like to use a move that has been done already 5 times on the same show...

Tag Team Partner (if any):
I have several partners that are available that I have tagged with in the past, but at the current time I am not in a tag...

Managers (if Any):
I have several female managers from many of the different promotions with the Playboy Gimmick... I was known as "Hollywood" Bob Starr before The powers that be in WCW gave me the "Playboy" Gimmick" and both fit the female thing in the ring....

Requires at least one month of notice before show date due to current job situation

Personal notes (if any):
I am winding down, I am not like most and trying to outstay my welcome.... I am not cheap but then again I proform to 1000% every night... In 16 years I can count on one hand how many shows I have missed... I love to come to towns and help promoters not only draw bigger crowds but to help younger guys learn how to work... Everyone and anyone in Tim with training can wrestle but vary few can work currently... I am not a head case I simply took the last 16 years to hoan my product to the point where no matter where I go I am brought back time after time... The Internet booking is all new to me but as Maryland has dried up in the past 6 months I want to show my new family what it is like to go on the road and see different towns and places... Feel free to e mail me with proposed dates and towns then we can talk money and make the deal happen....

Thanks for taking the time....
Bob Starr

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