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Interview with Paul Bearer

JM: Who made the first call for you to work for the WWE.

PP: My dear friend and former partner, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude put me in contact with Vince McMahon.
I talked to Vince and was immediately hired as The Undertaker's manager.

JM: I know you have had a lot of them, but tell us some of your Greatest Highlights in the sport of wrestling.

PP: Yes, I have so many memories. I really have been blessed.
I will never forget the night The Undertaker beat Hogan for The WWF Title.
And the night at The Sportatorium when Eric Embry and myself tore The WCCW banner off the walls.

JM: Is there any goals you have left you want to go after

PP: I have literally lived every dream I have ever had.
The only thing left is opening my own independent federation in my home town.
When the time is right, that will happen.

JM: If Vince McMahon or Jim Ross called you in the next 5 Minutes to come back to the WWE, Would you?

PP: If the deal was right, sure. I would be crazy not too. It's the only game around.

JM: At one point in the WWE, Did WCW or ECW Ever crossed your mind to work for when the two companies were still in the Biz?

PP: No. I had a solid job in The WWF for 12-straight years. I never need to think about working for anyone else.

JM: If you can, can you share, experience, opinion, or anything that comes to mind when I Named the Following

the Von Erices - A fine Family, that always gets a bad rap they really don't deserve.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin - I help train him in the very beginning and was his manager and tag team partner in Dallas.

The Undertaker - I managed him in his first pro match at The Sportatorium. He wore a mask as 'Texas Red'.

Brother Love - A dear friend. My best friend in The WWF.

Mick Foley - A class act

Vador - A big Teddy bear cry baby

Kane - the nicest guy in The WWE. Too nice for his own good.

Vince McMahon - A businessman. Do your job, he'll take care of you.

Million Dollar Man - Another dear friend, who is doing The Lord's work these days.

JM: OK this is a little off the subject but a Fan wants to know is Kane Married

PP: I do not talk about the personal lives of my friends.

JM: How is your career going now?

PP: Good. I have more time off than I have had in 20 years. I really needed it.

JM: Do you have a sign contract with the NWA/TNA Roster

PP: No.

JM: Do you still follow the WWE and how do you feel about the rate it is going since you left

PP: If I know something is going to be on that interests me, I watch.
if not, I don't watch anymore.

JM: What in your opinion was the greatest Match of all time you have been a part of

PP: Every WRESTLEMANIA that I ever appeared in was great to me.

JM: What are some of your favorite story lines you acted in

PP: The Kane/Undertaker story was a lot of fun.

JM: What is the hardest thing you ever had to do in the WWE.

PP: When The Undertaker and I split up for the first time.

JM: And Finally what advice do you have for young Males including myself who dream of making it to the Sport of wrestling

PP: If your heart tells you that it's for you. Reach for the stars!

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 1974

---Worked for Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW), United States Championship Wrestling (USWA)

---World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) 1991-2002, 2004, 2010

---Total Non-Stop Action (TNA) 2003

---1998 Pro Wrestling Illustrated Manager of the Year

---Managed Rick Rude, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Mankind, The Executioner, Vador, Kane

---Owed and operated: Gulf South Wrestling from 2005-2007

---Father of "The Future Legend" D. J. Pringle

---#8 insane plan top 10 interviews

Pay Per View History

Wrestlemania 7 1991
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Jimmy Snuka

WWF SummerSlam 1991
Undertaker & Paul Bear Crashed Macho Man & Miss Elizabeth's Wedding

WWF Survivor Series 1991
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Hulk Hogan

WWF Tuesday In Texas
Hulk Hogan defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Wrestlemania 8
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Jake Roberts

WWF SummerSlam 1992
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Kamala (with Harvey Wippleman and Kim Chee) by disqualification

WWF Survivor Series 1992
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Kamala (w/Kim Chee and Harvey Wippleman)

WWF Wrestlemania 9
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Giant Gonzalez (with Harvey Wippleman) by disqualification

WWF SummerSlam 1993
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Giant Gonzalez (with Harvey Wippleman)

WWF Survivor Series 1993
The All-Americans (Lex Luger, The Undertaker, Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner) (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Foreign Fanatics (Yokozuna, Crush, Ludvig Borga and Quebecer Jacques) (with Jim Cornette, Johnny Polo, and Mr. Fuji).

WWF Royal Rumble 1994
Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF SummerSlam 1994
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Undertaker (with Ted DiBiase)

WWF Survivor Series 1994
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette)

WWF Royal Rumble 1995
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Irwin R. Schyster (with Ted DiBiase)

WWF Wrestlemania 11
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated King Kong Bundy (with Ted DiBiase)

WWF King of the Ring 1995
Mabel (with Mo) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF SummerSlam 1995
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Kama (with Ted DiBiase)

WWF Survivor Series 1995
The Darkside (The Undertaker, Savio Vega, Fatu and Henry Godwinn) (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Royals (King Mabel, Jerry Lawler, Isaac Yankem and Hunter Hearst Helmsley) (with Sir Mo)

WWF Royal Rumble 1996
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Bret Hart by disqualification

WWF Wrestlemania 12
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Diesel

WWF In Your House 8: Beware of Dog
Goldust (with Marlena) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

Goldust (with Marlena) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF King of The Ring 1996
Mankind defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF In Your House 9: International Incident
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Goldust (with Marlena) by disqualification

WWF Summer Slam 1996
Mankind defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWF In Your House 10: Mind Games
Shawn Michaels (with Jose Lothario) defeated Mankind (with Paul Bearer) by disqualification

WWF In Your House:Burried Alive
The Undertaker defeated Mankind (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Survivor Series 1996
The Undertaker defeated Mankind (with Paul Bearer)

WWF In Your House: It's time
The Undertaker defeated The Executioner (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Royal Rumble 1997
Paul Bearer Interfeared in the undertaker vs Vader match

WWF In Your House: Finial Four
Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin, Vader (with Paul Bearer), and The Undertaker

Wrestlemania 13
Owen Hart and The British Bulldog fought Mankind and Vader (with Paul Bearer) to a double countout.

Honky Tonk Man guest Commentator for Rocky Myvia vs The Sultan

WWF In Your House 14: Revenage of the Taker
The Undertaker defeated Mankind (with Paul Bearer)

King Of The Ring 1997
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Faarooq (with Crush, Savio Vega, D'Lo Brown, and Clarence Mason)

In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede
The Undertaker defeated Vader (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Badd Blood: In Your House
Paul Bearer introduced Kane as the Undertaker's Brother and interfeared in his match with Shawn Michaels

WWF Survivor Series 1997
Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated Mankind.

WWF Royal Rumble 1998
Kane & Paul Bearer

Honky Tonk Man #19 won by Steve Austin

WWF No Way Out
Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated Vader

WWF Wrestlemania 14
The Undertaker defeated Kane (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Unforgivin
The Undertaker defeated Kane (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Over the edge
Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated Vader

WWF King of The Ring 1998
Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin

WWF Fully Loaded 1998
The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Kane and Mankind (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Survivor Series 1998
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Kane

The Rock defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) by disqualification

WWF Wrestlemaniaa 15 1998
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Big Boss Man

WWF Backlash 1999
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Ken Shamrock

WWF No Mercy 1999
Steve Austin (c) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) and Triple H (with Chyna)

WWF Over the Edge 1999
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin

WWF King of the Ring 1999
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Rock

WWF Summer Slam 1999
The Unholy Alliance (The Undertaker and The Big Show) (with Paul Bearer) defeated X-Pac and Kane

WWF No Way Out 2000
X-Pac (with Tori) defeated Kane (with Paul Bearer)

WWF Wrestlemania 2000
Rikishi and Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated D-Generation X (X-Pac and Road Dogg) (with Tori).

WWF Insurrextion 2000
Kane (with Paul Bearer) defeated Bull Buchanan

WWE Wrestlemania 20
Undertaker w/Paul Bearer beat Kane

WWE Judgement Day 2000
The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Booker T

WWE American Bash 2004
The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer defeated The Dudleys (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (with Paul Heyman)

WWE Hell in the Cell 2010
Kane (c) defeated The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

WWE Bragging Rights 2010
Kane (c) (with Paul Bearer) defeated The Undertaker

Interviewer: John Mikels
Date of Interview: June, 2003

Official Websites:

Offcial Website

Wrestling Association Tags

Honky Tonk Man
DJ Pringle
Jeanie Clark

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