Thanks to Chris Lamore for the following report:

I just got back from the Smackdown taping at the Tucson (AZ) Convention Center Arena. Here's what went down.

I missed the opener. From what the guy sitting next to me said, it was a bunch of local/unheralded guys.

Nidia beat Gail Kim in a solid match. Gail is very pretty and looks to have some talent.

Nunzio pinned Crash in a good match.

Someone who I think was named Dynamite pinned Funaki in a good match. I have no idea why the new guy was.

Bill DeMott destroyed someone named Mike.

Chuck Palumbo beat a local guy whose name I didn't get. Palumbo creamed the guy with a superkick that he either sold well or actually KO'd him.

Then, it was time for Smackdown. Tazz and Michael Cole came out to s strong pop from the fans.

The Big Show, with Paul Heyman, pinned Rikishi with a chokeslam. Afterwards, Heyman said that Brock Lesnar better pay attention because they were coming for him.

Billy Kidman pinned Matt Hardy, who was seconded by Shannon "I will never learn" Moore, in a good match. In the angle part of the bit, Matt was nice to Shannon this week, appreciating his recent, albeit unsuccessful, efforts.

Next was a John Cena and B2 promo. I have no idea what they were saying. They did take some shots at Hispanics, much as they did last week. Cena then pinned Chavo Guerrero by putting his feet on the ropes. Good match. During the match, B2 interfered so he and Eddie Guerrero fought. They are obviously setting up a tag match.

Charlie Haas (with Shelton Benjamin and Kurt Angle) pinned Edge. Chris Benoit came down to ringside before the match started to counteract Team Angle's presence. When Team Angle interfered at the end, Benoit went after Angle but got laid out with a superkick and Hass made the pin on Edge. Another good match.

After that ended, Team Angle tried to work over Edge but Angle made the save. This went right into Benoit beating Benjamin via disqualification. After the melee that ended the Haas-Edge match, the other guys were sent to the back by the ref. During Benoit's match, Angle came down when Benoit had Benjamin in the crossface. Angle hit Benoit with his crutch and the ref called for the DQ. Team Angle then laid out Benoit. Edge tried to make the save but couldn't.

Bill DeMott pinned Shannon Moore, while Matt Hardy was on commentary. After Moore got creamed, Matt went in the ring and helped him up, then laid him out with the Twist of Fate.

Eddie Guerrero pinned B2. They furthered the heat between the two's respective teams.

A-Train did a promo saying he would take out Brock Lesnar tonight. Yeah right! Lesnar beat Albert with the F5. After the match, Lesnar called out Heyman and Big Show. The heels tease coming down, but then leave. So, Brock took it out on A Train.

It was a really good show.

(Also, Lets credit Mr. Steve Fox, who is probably tired of me stealing his news!
