WWE Smackdown tapings
February 4, 2003
Philadelphia, Pa.
Report by Chris Forbes

The whole second level was curtained off.

Dark Matches

(1) Kanyon won a squash.

(2) Nathan Jones beat Julio DeNiro

Velocity matches

(1) Nunzio beat Funaki

(2) John Cena beat Brian Danielson (ROH's American Dragon)

(3) Bill DeMott beat Bill Wall

(4) Edge beat A-Train

Smackdwon Tapings

(1) Rey Mysterio beat Jamie Noble. Rey got a huge pop when he hit Nidia with the 619.

The Rock did an interview on the big screen. He talked about the Tampa Bay Bucaneers to taunt the Philadelphia fans. He was heavily booed.

(2) Rikishi beat Nunzio in a squash.

Paul Heyman rolled a box to the ring as a gift from Big Show to Undertaker. Brother Love popped out of the box. Taker chokeslammed Love and tombstoned him.

Hulk Hogan was shown backstage. He bumped into Brock Lesnar, who smiled and said welcome back.

(3) Kidman beat Matt Hardy in a non-title match.

(4) Team Angle beat The Guerreros to capture the WWE Tag Team Titles. Good match.

Hulk Hogan came out to a big pop. He got into a verbal spat with The Rock via the big screen. Rock took a shot at Hogan's long distance commercials. Hogan said Vince is full of it when he says he created Hulkamania.

(5) A-Train beat Shannon Moore.

Sean O'Haire talked to Brian Kendrick. Kendrick then ran around the arena streaking just like in that Nike commercial. When security chased him, he snuck into Stephanie McMahon's office. She, of course, was on her cell phone. He said he was happy to see her. She looked down and said, "I can see that." Comedy doesn't get any more original than that!

John Cena challenged Brock Lesnar to a match next week.

(6) Kurt Angle beat Chris Benoit clean with an Angle Slam. Benoit bled. Team Angle attacked Benoit afterward. Lesnar made the save.