As an update to reports yesterday that confirmed Goldberg and WWE were very close to a deal, apparently both sides have made some concessions to make a possible deal. The original set offer from WWE required Goldberg to work ten shows a month - Goldberg declined as he didn't want to work near that much. However, now both sides are making some compromises to try and get a deal going. In a note of interest, Goldberg has become a "last-minute" negotiator as his recent signings with Japanese promotions all came at the last minute. WWE is strongly hoping to sign Goldberg in the next few days, so he can at least make one of the shows this coming week to hype WrestleMania, even if a No Way Out appearance is impossible. If Goldberg does not sign, the plan is for Austin vs. Rock at Mania. It is not known yet whether Austin will be headed to SmackDown! or Rock will be headed to RAW for the feud, or if that will even be a factor.

There is no word yet on whether Edge will be in the match tomorrow at No Way Out. Since it's a 6 man tag match, they can rely on have Benoit and Lesnar carry the match and do most of the work. Another storyline they can do is having Team Angle injure Edge before the match, making it a 3 on 2. The last option is having Rhyno take his place.(Smackdown next week is in London, Ontario, Canada which is near where Edge grew up. Therefore WWE probably wants him on the show, and could work an injury angle with him then)

Don't expect Steve Austin to be at RAW this Monday night following No Way Out. The expectation is that he’s going to straight to SmackDown after the PPV to begin building up Austin/Rock at WrestleMania 19. No word on how the Goldberg situation might affect this since it was planned to be Rock vs. Goldberg at WrestleMania.

Nathan Jones Incident:

In an update to the Nathan Jones/bomb incident, apparently the situation was somewhat similar a scene in the comedy "Meet The Parents", where Ben Stiller's statement was blown out of proportion. Nathan Jones was stopped at the airport for a random check, but instead of putting up with the check, Nathan Jones yelled out "It's NOT like I have a bomb in my shoes", which prompted authorities to take action. After a background check, which obviously wouldn't help Nathan Jones, airport officials decided to refuse to let him get on the plane.